
wimp or sensible?

I mentioned on another thread that I woke up this morning with a really bad headache, across my temples. I've put it down to not drinking enough yesterday, usually I'm very good at keeping up the fluids, but just got distracted with "stuff" and only had a couple of cups of tea and 2 halfs of beer in the evening.

I was supposed to be doing around 9 miles this morning, but after my first cup of tea, decided I wasn't really up to it.

Was this the best idea or am I just a wimp who should only venture out clad in cotton wool?

I'm following a half training schedule, and am 2 weeks up on where I should be. (I counted back from date of race, and began with a 2 week leeway built in, in case of lethargy or injury) so I'm not overly worried about not having done this distance today, I'll repeat this week's distances next week, but should I have gone anyway and made sure to drink enough during and after?


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    before, during, after.....I tend to 'sip' throughout, certainly too much before can make you feel like your stomach has jelly in it! LOL, likewise, during. I carry one of those bottles that you put your hand through and if I'm on a long run I take a bladder bag.

    Do you regularly get headaches?
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    Not often Cazie. Normally, I drink lots of tea during the day, but yesterday was so hectic, I didn't drink nearly enough. If I do have a low fluid intake, I tend to get headaches then. Rather like a hangover without the alcohol!

    Today, after a quick count up I've had 3 full pint cups, 2 from a thermos flask and 3 normal size mugs. Reckon I'll have another 2-3 cups tonight.

    I was working at the allotment (hence the thermos) but it took till midday till the headache had cleared. I don't take painkillers, so it probably lingered longer than it might have done otherwise.
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    Hey Kwilter39
    It could be a hydration thing. The fact that you are ahead of your training schedule, so probably pushing yourself, might mean that you haven't been drinking enough fluid for some time. Or you could be overdoing it. How much fluid did you say you drink and exactly what do you drink? Check your urine - if its isn't pale you're not hydrated.

    The average person is supposed to drink 2 litres of water per day, so add the fact that you're a runner too, you should be drinking more fluid than that.

    You could gradually increase your intake and aim for 3+ litres a day (or whatever suits your body). Its not hard, like Cazie says sip from the moment you get up to the moment you go to sleep and through the night, since you'll definately get up for the loo.

    It doesn't have to be plain water, try squash, juice, sports drink (especially if you're training hard) etc. I've convinced myself not to count teas and coffee in my daily tally becos their diuretics.

    You'll have to time your drinking around your runs. Personally I don't eat/drink anything for at least 2 hours before I run, but may have a mouthful of water before I start and during the run.

    The important thing is to find a balance and stop these headaches.
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    Wow. To be honest Kwilter39, it sounds more like cold turkey than a hydration problem. You're drinking 2 litres of tea each day! Excuse my astonishment I don't know anyone who drinks those sorts of quanitities.

    Humour me, tomorrow and for the rest of the week, reduce the tea to 4 cups per day (if you must) and every day get yourself a 2 litre bottle of water (add squash if you start getting bored) and sip it from the moment you get up until you go to sleep. When you get the urge to make a cuppa look yourself in teh mirror and tell yourself you will break this addiction if it kills you.
    Failing that call teaholics anonymous x
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    I know Owh..Ouch, I do drink lots of tea. To be fair, I never drink coffee or fizzy stuff, and once it gets warm I will have less tea and more water.

    No headache today after yesterday's normal drinking sessions, and went out to do yesterday's run. Fecking typical that I did the run, and got a huge blister!

    Might try the idea of drinking water while I'm at work, I only work 12-4, so could top up my sports bottle.
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    Kwilter39 you'll easily do a litre of water in 4 hours at work and you'll be used to frequent trips to the loo anyway because of all the tea drinking.

    You could try Long Island iced tea in the summer months if you get desparate, but your best bet is to omit the alcohol....and ...possibly the tea.

    Incidentally, how long have you been running on copious amounts of tea? I'm sure it breaks all the running laws.
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    I drink tons of tea - whats wrong with it?

    its decaffinated (which incidently tastes the same as normal tea.)
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    I've been running on lots of tea since I started running, 8 months ago. Drinking lots of tea for ever!

    TBH, I don't think it's what I drink which is the issue here, rather that I didn't drink enough on the Saturday. I do tend to get headaches if I have a poor fluid intake. Yesterday for example, I had a pint of tea, did my missed out Sunday LSR, during which I had a pint of electrolyte fluid. Got back had glass of water and milk on my cereal. Off to work, drank another pint during the afternoon and a small mug of tea. By home time, head was pounding, and I was getting visual disturbances too. More water (2 pts over the evening) and tea, and eventually the headache cleared.

    Jason, where do you get decaf tea from? I've tried herbal, but find it smells better than it tastes!
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    most large supermarkets - own brand or tetley do decaff as well I think.

    like yourself I find herbal tea pretty hideous.
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    Cheers jason, I'll have a look next time I'm in town
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    Nothing wrong with tea. I definitely include it in my fluid quota. (I probably drink equal amounts of tea and squash during the day.)

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    I drink loads of tea.For some reason when ever i have a day of work and lie in i wake up with the hangover from hell.Even if i haven't drank any alcohol.I don't run often on a saturday as i get up for work at 4.30am and tend to save my self for sunday.None running days seem to compound the headache problem.I asume that on running day i am sweating out all rubbish and on saturday i am supping tea more than usual because of my early start.
    The headaches i suffer are far worse than a hangover.I can run off a hangover,i can't one of these headaches.
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    People - What colour is your wee?

    I'm not saying tea is bad for you, I just don't think large quantities of it is very good, unless of course you have shares in Tetley, PG or Twinings. I always thought that Tea (like alcohol) is a duiretic (can't find the spell check) which means it makes you pee more, so naturally you'll be less hydrated than you think - thats why I never count it in my daily total. I'm probably wrong tho, but Juliefrazz seems to have a good balance.

    Kwilter39- visual disturbances, like what? Are you seeing stars? If I were you I'd go to the Doctors just incase.
    My guess is it is hydration. By your own admission yesterday you only drank 3-4 pints during the whole day before heading home. You're saying that provided that you have 2.5 litres of fluid you don't get headaches. My view is if you are getting headaches after low fluid intake for one day then your body has low reserves, so I don't see how you can have been hydrated in the first place.
    If you have been drinking below you body's needs over a period of time and then miss a day then it makes sense that you are getting headaches. So you might want to aim to drink a little bit more....but not tea or alcohol.

    Jason X - ooooohh is that really you? I read somewhere that decaff is just a marketing myth and no better than ordinary. However,if you really look like that I'm sure not going to argue with you. The issue is are you getting headaches or not when you don't drink 2 gallons of tea every day?

    Mangel your tea hangover sounds like Kwilter39's, hence the headaches. How much are you drinking?
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