
25th Team Strides Lochaber Marathon



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    Snaps, I know this sounds rich coming from me after the way I berated myself after the race but I think you're being a bit hard on yourself. Obviously the sun didn't affect some as much as others but I believe it played a major factor in a lot of peoples race plans falling apart.

    I think when it goes wrong and you have to struggle to finish then its often these races that mean the most. Thats my excuse and I'm sticking to it!! image

    One of these days I'm going to run up the Ben................... 

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    MrsMac -  thanks - it is only Item 4 that really annoys me image I don't think 1, 2 and 3 would have made a crucial difference. Next year Loch Ness or Edinburgh image Oh, yes, and Cape Wrath ...
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    I must get round to these races too Snaps, they are right on my doorstep after all. I grudge the entry fee for Edinburgh though.

    Have you any more mara's planned soon cos the training effect will still be there? 

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    Well done to all organisers and runners for making this a great day out , only my second full marathon and was aprehensive as was party to the scorching weather in 2005 at lochaber in which i crashed and burned(litterally) shortly after the turn a round only to drag my right leg over the finish line in 4.29 extremely gutted,  this time out a diff story thankfully , daft thing is i had the factor 30 in the bag and managed to convince myself foolishly that it was way too cloudy to get burnt Yeh right ! so now sporting the vest shape scorch marks as a momentum! manged a 3 45 and feel that factors like mile marker jelly babies, carb gels at 2,10,15 & 22 miles, a 16 mile planned frsh sock change and vaseline reapply (does this work for anyone else ??) and loads of friendly banter on the way round def contributed to the feel good factor this time out , now looking forward to loch ness late in the year.I,ll be back !!
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    MrsMac - Copenhagen on 18 May, though I have never done a decent time there. As you suggest, I am hoping that Lochaber will serve as a last LSR for that ...
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    It was lovely to chat to you Snaps after the race.  It takes alot of strength to finish a marathon when things aren't going well, so well done to you.
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    Some nice stories here and great times. See you Edinburgh remoh, i must be madimage.

    My pictures bloomin awfulimage. I really must dress up in fancy dress from now on. Ultracat what should i dress up as for Cateran? Sheep?

    Snaps, c'mon you did great and thanks for the last section, nice to have someone to suffer alongside. My sunburn just gone. 

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    My photos are also crap.

    I've just had my first look at the Edinburgh course, it looks rubbish.  I felt a bit flat athe prospect of running it I have to say.  image

    Nevermind at least I know I am on for FLM next year as I deferred this year 

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    Edinburgh was my first marathon Katypie and i loved it, purely for the experience of doing a marathon but yeah the quieter Loch ness and lochaber more personal and quiet and friendlier and scenic and win hands down but just fancy Edinburgh again for the big race. I don't check out routes before a race really, just take it as it comes and follow the crowd. FLM has never appealed to me and don't know why. Probably the huge crowds put me off.
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    My photos from the socializing are at

    Lochaber before and after

    A great group one in the Grockle

    Karen D - I so much appreciated having your company at the end there! Puddington has published a nice photo of us finishing together in the fetch gallery 

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    Your photos good Snaps. Do you have link to Puddingtons one, can't find it in so many!!
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    Karen - I've done edi 4 times but it always went round where i lived at the time, maybe thats why I am disappointed?
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    Hi all! First post-mara run tonight, 3 easy miles and only a tight right quad so pretty happy!

    I was going to do Edinburgh marathon too but seriously thinking of giving it a miss now. I did say before Sunday that if I was happy with how Lochaber went I wouldn't do Edinburgh - and I am pretty happy with Lochaber! I would hate to go to Edinburgh and end up with a rubbish time again! We'll see...

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    Aw thanks debstir, just found it. I will figure out fetch fully one day, just a novice. Hope you've fully recovered and don't totally rule out Edinburgh yet. At least you know you've got the mileage under your belt and don't always have to aim for PB every race. You did brilliant.
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    Debs - thanks, I was just getting round to it, honest!!!
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