
Paris Marathon 2009



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    Hi all!!

    My 6 miles this llunch time was bloody horrible!!

    a few reasons i reckon, one about 20 bottles of miller yesterday evening! no food in the house to have breakfast before i ran and not enough water in me!!I had a pain like i was going to puke in the top of my stomach for the first 3 miles!

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    Cheers for the map ATM.It's strange how even after a short visit there 2 years ago i still know that part of town.Finding it will be no bother.

    I was a good lad last night and didn't drink knowing i was running in the morning.I'm going to just keep ticking over until i feel 100%.We've still got a fair way to go.

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    Mmm...VEGETARIAN BLACK PUDDING Rob!  Hubby had it for his starter, it came on top of a risotto, and it was really nice.   It was very much like normal black pudding though, especially in texture, so I am not sure how vegetarians feel about that????.....Is it not funny eating something like that, that is a bit like the real thing...over to you DV.. Yes, it is a date!  We will have to book in plenty of time though...its one of the most popular and well known restaurants in the area...can't waitimage

    I have just had the most amazing very late lunch...toasted ciabatta, topped with roasted cherry tomatoes (so they were slightly black), balsamic vingear, mozzarella and loads of fresh basil....oh and some falafel on the sideimage!  I LOVE stuff like that.

    Howeyz, sorry you are still not feeling right, it is obviously taking you a while to get 100% better, so you are doing the right thing not running too much and just ticking over.

    John..tut tut, you should have had a big bacon buttie before you left the house, with loads of ketchup for the sugar..and some full fat coke.  Works for me!  I have a small amount of Baileys to finish tonight, then I have vowed not to drink until after the marathon...only 8 weeks aways...I will be gagging by then mind!

    Thanks for the proper map ATM (!)...what time will we be meeting do you think?   Do most people just meet for a drink then go off for a meal on their own, or does this place also do food??  Can you tell I am a greedy wench?!!



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    OO54OO54 ✭✭✭

    Thanks ATM. Rusults up 133rd and 36th VET- got some fit old buggers over here.

    Your right Howezy, just take it steady till your over it- still plenty time.

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    ATMATM ✭✭✭
    Great result, OlneyOne.You were right behind the fastest Vets!

    John,the Scottish expression is ' Hell mend you! 'imageThe good news is that, tomorrow, you'll feel great.

    RP, about 7.30? I think most of us will need food long before then..Bath/lunch/lots of smug smirking... then meet up? The pub doesn't do food but there are loads of places nearby for a late dinner.
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    Anyone here from Bath...?

    I've got to go to Bath on Thursday..   not sure what time yet, afternoon-ish probably..  but, if you're available fancy coming to this amazing place with me..?    fab veggie restaurant,,

    I have their cook book, and the food is seriously good..  non-veggies will like it too...

    Anyone fancy a date with me...?    RP..??  image

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    Was anyone else out there doing a half-marathon today?  I booked the Wokingham half ages ago and found out it was cancelled in the week, so I wasn't looking forward to a lonely sunday half  round the local lanes again.  I checked the Garmin as it's got the RW sub-3:45 schedule downloaded into it and set off for my half this morning.  Within half a mile I got ITB issues but soldiered on.

    About 3 miles in, a car missed me literally by an inch or two on an otherwise empty road and was so close I managed to punch the passenger window without raising my arm - I was running on the solid white line along the kerb, facing the oncoming traffic on a 2 mile long straight section of wide country road.  Honestly, Surrey drivers are appalling!

    By 10 miles, I was looking for a PB and ignoring the leg and, because I was ignoring it, it decided to stop playing up - yay!  I got in on schedule and with a new half marathon PB of 1:58, 5 minutes under the previous.

    Then I checked the schedule on the site

    And found out I could've raced anything from 5M to a half-marathon today, so I could've done Esher 10k instead!

    This week's looking horrible - snow and sleet again with 14 x 200m fast on Tuesday, 8M on Wednesday and 9M on Thursday as a precursor to Sunday's 18M.

    If anyone's on the same schedule, say Hi and we can empathise with one another! image



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    OlneyOne - very impressive time.  I haven't yet worked out how to go really fast and keep it going (yet). Must try harder....

    RP - I can make many car recommendations (but I'm biased as I work for one of the manufacturers).  But I know how the cars are made (and by whom), how good the quality is, how customers feel about their different vehicles. But that has to be an off-line conversation if you want me to say anything interesting image

    JM18 - that's dedication to the cause - running with blood in the alcohol-stream.  I'd be completely impressed if it wasn't totally your fault image

    Just did an easy 5 miler this afternoon- supposed to be one of those feel good recovery runs.  But hadn't had any proper lunch and blood sugar was down. Even though I kept my pace slow, I was trembling when I got to the car.  Felt like I had been much further and faster with a lot of the crappy feelings I have doing LSRs.  Wondering if my nutrition strategy is all wrong.  My weight keeps going down and I've noticed my muscle %ge is not increasing, which makes me think my body is fuelling from muscle rather than carbs or fat - like the thread we started the other day with FizzioFinn.  If anyone can point me to some interesting reading on this topic, I'd appreciate it.  Cheers everyone.

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    Sorry - duplicated the message above! D'Oh!
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    If you aren't on the list..  please put your hand up and make yourself known to a member of securty...  you will then be taken outside and given a damn good seeing to... image  then..  will you please give us your number...   thank you kindly.    Then.. send an email to ATM and she can add your picture to the stud farm gallery.

    PREF.BIB (Running God)
    757 Molly the dog
    905 mmmm...marmite
    3086 Andy Sly
    ???  Running Bhoy

    3129 OlneyOne
    4051 Champagne
    3951 Mark Davis (aka MAD Superman)
    5483 JP Paris

    7260 DV

    11073 Tricky Dicky
    11121 graham_f
    11667 Howeyz
    12059 Smiffie
    12157 DCB
    12478 Karl
    12708 Martin Rodger
    14440 Lorry Dodger
    14772 Rob Mertens
    14922 Chi Monk
    15067 Susan SLIM (still less is more)

    22212 gmike
    22217 Mr Puffy
    22394 Spektor
    22449 Hunky Chunky
    22499 Mike Barnett
    23053 accidental runner
    23060 J3FF
    23879 sch
    25144 slaphead75
    26028 Jonhinio
    26608 Ian Exton
    27698 Sluggard Sean

    31007 natalie h
    31035 Running Rodent
    31046 ATM
    31097 Mrs Tricky Dicky
    31147 Leeds Rob
    31407 Splodge
    31699 Splodges sister (with any luck)
    32289 Driftwood
    32789 Tinks 09
    32921 Deputy Dawg
    33375 longshot
    33996 Clutters
    34009 Kmonkey
    34043 wobbling cockney
    34415 RunStuboy Run
    34709 john murphy 18
    34883 Kaly
    35092 Bridget
    35330 Scott S
    38477 Never give up girl
    38571 Jamie Oliver
    38671 Johnny Blaze
    38774 Jon Bloor
    39701 Am I Last?

    43084 Redpanda
    43536 Macky 1
    43752 fiddy kent
    43862 Dollyg
    44227 Danowat
    44345 Finn O Mara
    45003 BrandyB
    45062 nessywood
    45225 Louise Togneri
    45381 ScotKat
    45509 ohsoslow..
    47615 Jaimie Rees

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    SW16SW16 ✭✭✭


    15720 ( blue )

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    Sounds like people have put in some good runs / races... well done!

    I am on a bit of a mini-taper / stepback this week in preparation for the Wrexham half next Sunday. Just got back from an 8 miler, which felt very nice after my 15 miles last week! Missed the blizzards and ran it a bit faster than usual (9:15m/m or so) as it wasn't really that much of a long LSR.

    We were at a wedding last night and I have been feeling the effects all day of the combination of wine, champagne, guiness and whisky (urgh!), but actually felt quite good on the run. Off to cook up a big bowl of meatball chilli and rice now!

    Looking forward to Wrexham - I haven't done a race since the Great South Run in October and they are so much more exciting than a normal LSR.

    Then it is basically build up the distance until the real thing. I think my favourite run of the lot (based on last year) will be the last shortened LSR during the taper for the marathon. Last year I think I did 8 miles and it was so enjoyable after all the long, long, training runs. Bring it on!

    Hope everyone has a great week!
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    SW16 added...

    PREF.BIB (Running God)
    757 Molly the dog
    905 mmmm...marmite
    3086 Andy Sly
    ???  Running Bhoy

    3129 OlneyOne
    4051 Champagne
    3951 Mark Davis (aka MAD Superman)
    5483 JP Paris

    7260 DV

    11073 Tricky Dicky
    11121 graham_f
    11667 Howeyz
    12059 Smiffie
    12157 DCB
    12478 Karl
    12708 Martin Rodger
    14440 Lorry Dodger
    14772 Rob Mertens
    14922 Chi Monk
    15067 Susan SLIM (still less is more)
    15720 SW16

    22212 gmike
    22217 Mr Puffy
    22394 Spektor
    22449 Hunky Chunky
    22499 Mike Barnett
    23053 accidental runner
    23060 J3FF
    23879 sch
    25144 slaphead75
    26028 Jonhinio
    26608 Ian Exton
    27698 Sluggard Sean

    31007 natalie h
    31035 Running Rodent
    31046 ATM
    31097 Mrs Tricky Dicky
    31147 Leeds Rob
    31407 Splodge
    31699 Splodges sister (with any luck)
    32289 Driftwood
    32789 Tinks 09
    32921 Deputy Dawg
    33375 longshot
    33996 Clutters
    34009 Kmonkey
    34043 wobbling cockney
    34415 RunStuboy Run
    34709 john murphy 18
    34883 Kaly
    35092 Bridget
    35330 Scott S
    38477 Never give up girl
    38571 Jamie Oliver
    38671 Johnny Blaze
    38774 Jon Bloor
    39701 Am I Last?

    43084 Redpanda
    43536 Macky 1
    43752 fiddy kent
    43862 Dollyg
    44227 Danowat
    44345 Finn O Mara
    45003 BrandyB
    45062 nessywood
    45225 Louise Togneri
    45381 ScotKat
    45509 ohsoslow..
    47615 Jaimie Rees

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    SW16SW16 ✭✭✭

    Well done OlneyOne - What Vet category are you ?

    I have run in Olney many times ( Used to be in Sherington ) & used to use Emberton Park for tempo runs.

    Had a terrible terrible 5m X Country race yesterday.  Chest too wheezy to race it properly. Pity as it was a great course. Managed a good stride going in the last mile, to finish only 5 metres behind SW16 Junior. I hate being beaten !

    Excellent 20.5m today with the club ( Clapham Chasers ). Averaged under Marathon race pace ( 7:55 ) for my first 20 since last years Edinburgh preparations. Was worried all the way I was going to die. But apart from achy hamstrings & a bit of ITB pain all was well. Chest not complaining at all. Strange.

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    Oh yes O.O..I meant ot say fantastic time on your 10k...I could only dream of getting to that kind of speed..I doubt I would ever be as speedy as that...I can dream!  Are you having a treat tonight to celebrate?

    Ian, don't get yourself injured if your ITB is playing up.  That is a great time though, no doubt you would have got even better if you had been in a race.  Sorry to hear you had a near miss.  Some drivers are blood annoying...it's like THEY always have right of wayimage.

    DV...I would have loved that, but Bath is a little out of my way!  Seriously, if you plan to go to the NW again, give me a shout.

    TD..Cool re the car.  I will PM you at some point then if that's ok?  I am not in work for almost 3 weeks now (hurrah!!)...but in a few weeks I will be in touch.  Hopefully there will be some good deals to be had, with all this credit crunch nonesense and all!  Sorry, I know nothing about nutrition and running, but hopefully someone will be able to help.


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    had a step back LSR on my schedule this week (and my longest so far is a half last weekend - see name...) will be up to 2 and half hours next weekend then doing a 17 mile race in Hemel hempstead on 22nd FEb.  Had a relaxed run this morning - I think fuelling is a definite issue to think about but I also think relaxed mental attitude helps a lot - partly as I was running with a mate a bit slower than me and partly because I was thinking "only" 90 minutes the run just passed by with a relaxed feel despite the big long hill at mile 3 ish... so smile and relax - it really does help.... image
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    SW16 - sounds like a storming run!
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    SW16SW16 ✭✭✭

    Can someone direct me to any part of the thread where the  Red, Yellow, Blue start thing is discussed ?

     Is it one start line or several ? Cheers

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    ATMATM ✭✭✭
    JP Paris, ou es tu ? Tu nous manques ! *Flogging the O-level to death....*Half the list is MIA..
    OlneyOne, you're pretty fast and therefore might be in the running to buy us all a drink.How we gonna spot you without a photo?Don't pull a PhilPub on us. * Are you out there, PhilP? We can hold a grudge 'til 2010, you know...*
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    Greetings all and happy Sunday! I trust we’ve all survived our LSR’s for the week. Mine was absolutely tragic. The usual path was all muddy so I decided to try a route north of town – NOT one I’ll do again – 300meter climb over the first 4 miles then rolling hills for the last 8! AaaarghI felt like I had been sucker punched, kicked in the shins, a bat taken to my knees, and my teeth kicked in by the time I reached home.

    Fizz Fizz I feel your pain – I was really looking forward to todays ‘relaxing’ 12 miles. I would love to know what the secret is to make sure it doesn’t happen in Paris (aside from climbing a small mountain at the start).

    Guy’s skip this part
    Girlies (I know there are a few on this board) does ‘aunt flo’ mess with your running – ie more tired, distance is harder, more achey? And if so – which days are the worst of them? I have a sneaking suspicion this may be a contributing factor to today’s misery
    Ok fella’s – girlie stuff over

    RP Chicago is great – there were about 5 rough miles where you can tell they are trying to make up the distance by taking you out to the stadium and back from somewhere around mile 14 – 20 but there’s good crowd coverage for the last 4-6 miles. Services were great – the free post race massage was fab – the course is flat as can be and lots of the restaurants and shops were doing good free-bees and discounts for finishers in the days the followed. I can’t run it this year – doing Berlin and hopefully New York in the fall. Sent you an email on Friday – but got your autoresponder.

    ATM My holiday schedule is currently governed by the marathon calendar. It’s fab – though Mr. BB does think I’m a bit nuts. Really looking forward to Corcorans. I have plans of putting the address of where I’m staying in an envelope with a wad of cash to hand to the cabby when they finally throw us out. If I can remember the address I didn’t drink enough.
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    S Slim I saw your top tip in Runners World this aft! You ended up with a 2 page spread for your tip! image

    RP/DV can't imagine being a veggie runner! First thing I did when I got in today was devour a tin of tuna, followed by half a joint of beef for dinner! image

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    Yay!! glad you saw it Sluggard Sean! I must go and buy a copy - saw a mates last weekend and then have not got round to buying my own copy for my little marathon scrap book... sad as I am... have to compete with hubbys press scrap book which sometimes is hard... image
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    BrandyB - absolutely agree - not that I have ever heard of Aunty Flo before !! image always referred on other threads as TTOTM  - Aunty Flo much nicer - in fact I changed the timing of my longest run in the training schedule to three weeks before mara not 4 weeks after having to do my first 2 maras with Aunty Flo - it really is something else on the day you absolutely dont want to have to think about!! So now I do the longest run 3 weeks out and keep Aunty Flo at bay - otherwise the taper brings her along.... (sorry blokes!!) definitely for me the two days before she arrives I feel soooooooooooo tired and legs of lead... ok girl talk over .. back to bonsai penises.....
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    DV - nice sounding menu.  Particularly taken by the moorish platter.  A Persian starter sounded good too.  There's a really excellent Persian restaurant in Leeds I like to pop too on a dinner time.

    Ian - Congrats on the PB.  Your schedule is waaaay beyond mine.  I've settled into Susan's school of thought this year.

    TD - Can't point at an article but I suspect you'd enjoy Lore of Running if you've not got it already?

    SW16 - Is that Alf Tupper as your avtar?  Possibly the finest middle distance runner this country has ever produced.

    Cognac - You do realise that marking part of your post Guys skip this part means every bloke will read that bit with the utmost care and attention.  Is it written in code though?  'Aunt Flo'???

    Savoury rodents consumed I am now officially stuffed.  I suspect I shall find a small portion of free space for a Sherbert Fountain AND a licqorice catherine wheel though.  Oh and maybe a piece of 85% cocoa chocolate for good measure.

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    licqorice catherine wheel - now you are talking .. do you just have them lying around your house ?? or are you in a sweet shop? I want one.
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    Ah.  Thanks Susan.  I've worked Aunty out now.   Thankfully one thing we Bonsai Boys don't have to worry about.
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    SW16SW16 ✭✭✭

    Leeds Rob

    Yes Its our Alf. The character who influenced Ron Hill, Charlie Spedding & latterly Mo Farah

    ( one white shoe, one black shoe ).

    But I have to correct you. Not the finest this country has ever produced...but the worlds GREATEST runner image

    Seen the website ?


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    ASDA is the place to go Susan. 

    Though for the connoisseur may one humbly recommend this site.

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    oh my god!! I can never ever let my youngest son see that site... amazing ... and black jacks .. have not given them a thought in 30 years!!! I will have to save that to favourites!
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