
top of foot

Developed a pain on the top of my left foot, right under where you'd ties a bow in your laces and very slightly inside of centre. Came on suddenly towards the end of a 10 mile off road run.

Any ideas what might be going on in that area?


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    I get this.

    I have a bone which sticks up more on the left foot than the right and have to miss out some of the cross overs on my laces to avoid it. Recently got over enthusiastic doing a calf stretch involving lifting up the main body of the foot while keeping the heel on the ground and pulled all the bits ( not sure.....

    ligaments ? ) on the top of my foot over this bone which has made it really really painful. Pointing foot down is very sore and lifting toes up exacerbates it I think.  I hope yours gets better soon.It's a pain as most of my shoes ,( being sensible shoes ! ) touch that bit of my foot.

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