
Moraghan Training - Stevie G



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    DeanR7DeanR7 ✭✭✭

    Illness with me too Dachs.  Man flu...again.  Wiped me out and I only managed 22m last week.  ,first run tonight since and a cheeky 8 in 6.50 pace which felt comfortable so hopefully it's passed.

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    Good solid running all - hopefully the invalids will be well again soon!

    So did a decent 1,2,3,4,5,4,3,2,1 minute pyramid before the footie Saturday, got pissed, ran the Bedford 5k xmas handicap with a bit of a hangover, managed 15.43 for 2.97 miles, so we said add on a minute for a 5k - so not horrific.

    More beer yesterday, Herne Hill/Thames/Doss AC 36th xmas pub crawl round Kennington & Vauxhall - now starting to feel weary (4 hrs sleep last night).

    No training tonight, LBAC curry & beer tomorrow night. Then i'm DONE image Got to 'love' the festive season. Sort of..

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    Iron - cheeky!

    Dachs - what a pain in the arse!

    Well done for getting to the 20 as planned Philip!

    Dean - lot of viruses about. I thought I'd got over the one two weeks ago, but still can't shift it entirely and am damn sick of being a snot factory!

    Easy 6 at lunch today. Didn't feel easy mind - bloody windy and this sodding adductor/quad thing seems to be trying to make a re-appearance.


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    Simon - I find the biggest problem this time of year is not the running, but the constant chocolate/mince pie/alcohol that goes on means I pile on the pounds!

    We had a bit of a do at my neighbours on Sunday night. Despite my best intentions I managed to eat a tonne of unhealthy (but delicious!) food, several beers and then he opened a cupboard and invited us to plough into his extensive collection of malt whiskies. On a school night to!

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    PeteMPeteM ✭✭✭

    Club session tonight is a fun one (so not fun or a session!) and binned it for another lunchtime solo one on the racecourse perimeter track. Did 4*1 mile off 90s recovery which varied from 5'44 to 6'34 highlighting the gale force wind (again!) and inclines.

    Agree with Bus & Simon that its trying to control booze and food that's the hard bit this time of year; not keeping going with exercise. Quiet night today but then 6 consecutive days that will be boozy from 23rd  onwards with all the various family  & friends catch ups. No doubt need to work off a kilo or two extra by the 30thimage

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    Nice work, SC, Bus and Pete.

    Dachs - Thanks to Facebook I didn't turn up on Sunday, also I have had a Peron what's it niggle.

    First P&D session tonight 9 w 4 @LT all directly into the teeth of 40mph gusts, that's the trouble with commute running, you don't get the balance of a loop or out and back. Oh and it will be along the A4!

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    Character building AG!
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    Agree re: the booze. I did manage to make the work's meal yesterday afternoon and I think I'm still pissed now. I blame the MTBing in the morning for dehydrating me. I think this is one of 2 proper meals I have had this week, the rest is mainly chocolate and sausage rolls.

    I have a run to do later. image


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    I haven't really drunk much this year, probably the least for 10+ years.

    MLR done to work this morning, nice to have 12 miles in the bank before breakfast.

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    Yep just the LBAC curry plus 5/6 pints tonight and then the 'socials' are over - although Arsenal away on 28/12 will be another boozy do.

    Was going to do some reps this lunchtime, but got too much work. I suppose being off work means you should be able to do a few more miles..(he says..)

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    I have just done the longest time and hardest effort run in the world ever. 6.5km with acid reflux and a body that refused to do anything. I'm putting it down to the MTBing yesterday. Or the last pint.

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    Nice image

    Everyone Christmas shopping???

    Lunchtime run squeezed in today, to make 23 for the week.  Target is fairly easy 35M and 1300 ft for this week as that will give me a nice round 46M and 4000ft per week average for the year. With only 12 to go, I can take tomorrow off image

    Happy Christmas All imageimageimage

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    Happy Christmas everyone!
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    Merry Christmas, recovery jog today just 4 miles. 9 miles on Christmas Day, don't you just love following a plan image

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    Happy Christmas to all!
    Pain is weakness leaving the body
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    Happy Christmas all. image

    Almost time for the end of year summaries!

    Don't post anything up before the 30th at earliest, as you'll need the full year stats, but maybe start thinking about things with the below prompts

    well..if you like


    • Year highlights
    • Year lowlights
    • 2015 Stats - miles, races, different distances raced at, any humblebragging with the pots and places you'd like to bring up
    • Thought to take from 2015
    • Hopes for 2016

    That'll do, and you can obviously keep it as brief, or milk any bit you see fit.

    Until the end of the year folks.....image

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    DeanR7DeanR7 ✭✭✭

    Happy Christmas all

    sg - what about the other normal categories for the end of yr review.  

    Eg poster of the yr,

    performance of the yr,

    one to look out for in 2016,

    Most missed poster

    I personally like to look back at my goals I set this time last yr and see how I faired against them too

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    Evening, and hope everyone is having a good Christmas, and you all got out for a few miles or more. 

    Anyone hear about the United fan who went to the travel agent to ask about a holiday? 
    "You can't beat Bournemouth at this time of year. Then again you can't beat The Canaries either."
    I didn't realise travel agents were so cruel. Hope it wasn't SG who was trying to book.


    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    Things change to keep it fresh and this year's headings are pretty loose for what people want to include under them

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    Aley- you cheeky bum

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    Hope it brought a smile to your face, SG
    "Oh no it didn't!" did I hear? 

    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    PeteMPeteM ✭✭✭

    Decided to risk domestic wrath by doing 2 more parkruns today and yesterday to get the tally to 49 for the year. Shame I couldn't get to the 50 but felt so rough no way I could have run 2 weeks ago,

    Yesterday was a quick escape for 19'32 and 2nd at local tough course in Bracknell. Today a mate wanted to try Fulham Palace which is the quickest course I'v ever run so went with him. Managed 18'17 to equal my pr PB (also at Fulham Palace the only other time I have run it) despite blowing up a bit after being shouted at halfway in 8'49. Came 2nd again which makes 4 2nd's on the spin so can't complain but would be nice to get another 1st soonimage.

    That's racing done for the year!


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    RicFRicF ✭✭✭

    Happy Christmas to all from me.

    It's quite warm where I am right now but totally devoid of other runners, races or anything really. A bit unsettling. Training must have some purpose beyond the avoidance of an elasticated belt.

    I'll be glad to get home.


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    Haha Alehouse! Stoke is lovely too, but I'm biased as was there at uni. Good racing Pete!!

    Hope everyone is having a nice time, managed to drag my blobby body around the Poole round the lakes 10k yesterday in a time of 33.49 which got me some beer tokens for 3rd overall and 1st vet 40. Felt pretty OK and of course it was blowing a gale too. Had a nice chat with a couple of the Soton lads that Scott will know and Julian Richardson who I have raced a couple of times.

    Nice 14 miler today, although the last 40 mins were into a howling gale, whilst dodging grockles and dogs.

    More beer tomorrow, Arsenal away!!
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    United were well and truly stoked. Good racing SC!

    On the footie note, has anyone seen the Premiership table? There is a possibility that The Foxes may avoid relegation. The Foxes were called the Filberts when I first had a season ticket, 1962...but we won't go there!
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    Good running SC, still a very respectable time and place of course, know the lads yes. Was bloody windy everywhere! Glad I didn't race to be honest wouldn't have meant much..

    Back to work and routine tomorrow, had two down weeks 40 / 36 miles last) still not shifting this PF but better. Chichester 10km the first 2016 aim if I can convince work to let me do half a day..

    Will be nice to look at stats etc from everyone! On reflection my year has been up and down!

    Nice to hear from you SG! Pete great running!
    Pain is weakness leaving the body
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    Yes good running SC. Gut Buster trail 10 mile race for me today, I was 5th on the results but handed a third place plaque upon finishing. Not sure why but I'll take it image.

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    Everyone busy writing their end of year reports then???

    Hi Ric - I wouldn't be too home sick for Blighty - the weather is 'orrible!

    Nice one Simon - defying all of those race weight calculations then image. I've put on about 5 pounds in the last week - mainly cheese and beer!

    Nice Gutbusting too AG - good result.

    A few easy runs for me earlier this week, then had a spa hotel trip away with the Mrs last night with my annual hotel treadmill session today - just 5k, building to 3:40 k pace for the last 2.5k but jeez that was hard after two bottles of red wine, a beer, and 3 large whiskies last night image.  It was a good night though, and thanks to my fantastic complaining skills (they'd closed the restaurant!) I negotiated the room rate down from £174 to £100 and got free dinner in the bar thrown in including all the above mentioned alcohol and the most expensive bottle of wine I've ever had - £101 on the menu but FREE for me!!  I may run slowly, but I am a Gold Medallist when it comes to complaining image

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    RicFRicF ✭✭✭

    Bus, I'm impressed. My own excesses have only reached the consumption of a maximum (in 24 hours) of 4 small bottles of something called Speights Gold. 

    Usually during these southern hemisphere outings I pile the weight on. All avoided so far. 

    Off for a run soon. The hills are great. Unsealed roads and climbs lasting so long I need a lift to get back down.



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    I'm jealous - I'm off for a run in a bit. It will mainly consist of mud!

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