
Moraghan Training - Stevie G



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    I've certainly had my money's worth so far IC, my 3 grand hearing aid something else too!!

    I was joking Ric about going for a run of course, but I meant I actually feel pretty good and the pain at the moment is not any worse than before, however I am a little worried as the pain is the same with the local + painkillers so I expect it to get worse. Slept for about 2 hours earlier but feel ok. Probably to much info but feel a little numb down below so keeping tabs on that

    Have to keep the compression socks on for a week too and remove for 1-2 hours a day

    From tomorrow I'll start my sachet drink and stuff, been advised 3-4 litres of water a day too

    Ric. Great news there and hopefully when they check up that end all is well! Always unpleasant though

    Bus, even though you say the ground was more favourable that is a huge difference so solid running

    Thanks IC - Usual silly British weather, don't think there's another country like it. 5@HMP noice
    Pain is weakness leaving the body
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    The BusThe Bus ✭✭✭

    I'm always glad the biggest /most expensive dental work I've ever had came during a brief period on the dole in 1987 - saved me a fortune image

    Bit bored waiting for teenage daughter to finally get out of the bathroom and saw this -the weirdest thread ever??? I mean, WTF???


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    Reg WandReg Wand ✭✭✭

    Not going onto that thread as I assume it's a euphemism.


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    DachsDachs ✭✭✭

    Pete – another parkrun/10k combo there!  As for the disappointing parkrun, I’m not sure whether the Reading parkrun at Dinton is that quick, but apart from anything else, maybe you are sub-consciously a little bored with parkruns?  If I did one every week, I’d struggle to motivate myself to run it hard.

    Good tempo Matt, despite your bunged-up-ness.

    Simon, decent run-out at the Nationals, even if it isn’t up to your usual standards.  The training for it may not be there, but just remember that it is very decent training in itself.  Hope the knee turns out to not be a concern.

    Iron – we collect money from the runners for TVXC – think it’s £2 a pop

    Scott, glad you got the operation out of the way.  Good luck with the recovery, and hopefully the decent training you’ve put in recently will still be in the bank when you manage to get back.

    Very good news Ric.

    Decent runs there PMJ, Bus and Iron.

    Decent training period from me at the moment.  Last week was 93 miles, despite taking Monday off post Wokingham, albeit mostly slow.  Working at home on Tuesday afforded me an opportunity to get out into the country and on the trails for once for an easy 14 which felt very good.  Unfortunately, round my way, stitching together trails is a bit tricky and often involves running down the side of a busy road for a bit, but you make the best of it.  Then last night managed a 20 broken up into 8 easy, 10 @ MP (on the track), 2 easy.  The 10 came out at 57:48, so 5:47 pace, despite the wind and some congestion.  Can’t complain about that.  Aiming for 100+ this week prior to an easier week ahead of the inter counties next week.

    Oh, and just to put PMJ’s mind at rest, yes I did run the extra 90 metres to make sure it was 10 miles.

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    DachsDachs ✭✭✭

    By the way, tomorrow I will be initiating the inaugural Friday thread game of PPP (Predict Pete's Parkrun).  Get your guesses ready.

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    Reg WandReg Wand ✭✭✭

    His time or which one he'll do?

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    RicFRicF ✭✭✭

    Reminds of a 'T' shirt some wag in my club had made up for another runner who ran a 10k almost every week in almost the same time.

    It was covered in 35:44's.

    If only! 



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    PeteMPeteM ✭✭✭

    lol Dachs, can I enter as I often don't have much idea either till I get in the car on the day! I have got a loose theme that may influence where I go for my next few but I'd be surprised if any of you could work it out (nothing to do with times or fast course etc.) Fantastic training pace for the 20 btw, but how can you get bored with parkrun yet run for 10 miles on a track! You may be right with the boredom reason but that's why I roam around lots of the local ones.

    Went to see a club colleague last night who almost died at Wokingham HM when he collapsed and heart stopped then resuscitated with CPR and in a coma for a week. Long term situation unclear but amazing progress in the last week. Puts a lot into perspective. 

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    Pete - that's touch and go...like the Stevo relays last year when that guy from Bedford Harriers 'died' for nearly 10 mins and they got him back to life. Puts a tight IT into perspective

    Scott - glad to hear you're getting there, nice Facebook pic! (Got a sneaky follow from Dean the other day - he is still alive!!)

    Dachs - Cheers. Knee still annoying me, only started running again last night, can't get the niggle on the outside of the knee to go, tried every leg stretch possible, i'm sure it's quad imbalance. I was like Bambi on ice at Donnington - it's almost like I've forgotten how to run image

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    Iron - Sandhurst pay the fee. Great club for covering stuff - series, trips away at times, relays etc. Just a shame living 40miles away, and the way I've targeted bigger races over the last few years I couldn't really be that big a part of them.

    Scotty - I wish you well, but have no doubt you'll be back, and are very young to smash those pbs to your potential's worth,


    Everyone else, keep on going, doing well.

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    As for me, it's a bit of a downer at the moment.

    4 weeks ago felt much better, 6m at 6dead was doable again, was handling the 60mile weeks comfortably, and the specialist had given a good write up, saying I was really fit, this all baffled them, I could resume to exercise, and it's up to the other specialist if they want another look. Did say there was evidence of an "episode" of myocarditis and a small amount of scarring.

    A cold kicked in, and it seems to have pushed things back a notch or two. Being off work hasn't helped this week, as runs off work always feel harder. So I have to remember that part.

    But the breathing seems a bit too hard whether running, sitting or lying. Hard to judge against old times, where your memory fools you into thinking every run was a cigar out dreamfest! But it's definitely not right.

    New appointment has come today, Oxford, one month, in the Cardiology Arrhythmia clinic. I look forward to that, as I was getting to the point where I was going to book one myself.

    I'll press on as I am for the next month, good mileage but easy pace, and see how things go.

    I'm worried that this is the best it's going to get. We are 7months on from that race collapse now. And the rapid improvement afterwards seemed to have a glass ceiling allowing what I'm doing now, but no extra.

    Time will tell. Have to be grateful I've got back to good mileage, maybe it's too greedy to think you can have that condition, and be smashing races and reps!

    Fingers crossed!

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    SG - I can only sympathise what you are going through! 7 months is a huge time not to have all the answers you want. I know you can take warmth in that you have some underlying fitness from being able to run but frustration not to be able to step up a level but I'm sure it'll come, my brother ended up having to leave his work and it was over a year he was suffering with Costachondritis before anything radically changed. I wish you well and hopefully you'll get to the bottom of it! I'm kinda surprised you've not been given any medication such as what that Ethiopian got busted for recently (mildronate)

    Dachs - superb 10m in the middle of 20. You are really shifting and you need to think 2:29:xx not 2:35. I know perhaps you're being a bit reserved perhaps with failed? Campaigns before but as on sub 3. 71 min half warrants an equivalent marathon

    SC - image of course I had to post the give me sympathy pic image Shame the IT is giving you jip still. Time off is all relevant still! I wouldn't worry about a week or two though. I'd be more concerned if I was injured than what I have now though I think. Fingers crossed I will make a recovery and although lose fitness I'll be back, however with an injury I'll be scared permanent damage could happen!

    Pete - Nice support for that poor guy, really does make you wonder what we take for granted these days

    For me today is bad, very painful, sore etc as expected. But a little pissed as words from the doctor tell me recovery could be longer than said. 2-3 weeks ok I can cope, but they said 4-6 weeks before pain goes and I can think about work, manual labour, light jogging and sex image full recovery can be 6 weeks to 1 year. They almost said running is out of the question. I know I have to focus on my health but ugh

    However given my age (would never normally have piles or the op this young) and fitness / general health maybe I'll be ok. But I'd rather be told the right thing in the first place!

    Slept for 3 hours earlier (2-5) and managed to eat first proper meal, not gone for a toilet yet. That I am dreading image
    Pain is weakness leaving the body
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    I think we'd all heard about your mate Pete - glad to hear he is still with us. I puts my irritation of a poor HMP run in its place. Actually it wasn't too bad overall but at the time it could have been better.

    Eating the miles up Dachs - good to see you a little more cheerful in your running.

    SG - regardless of form could you just enter a C&B 10km and get done with it? Or is it still a little more serious?

    Take it easy Scott.

    I'm pretty shattered after a big week. 7 hours logged already so looking forward to F-off, then easy Saturday bike and the week's second 10miler on Sunday. Zzzzz.


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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    I'd be up for whatever they suggested Scott, even better if it has performance enhancing qualities! I'd be amazed if some of the local obsessives weren't on something untoward. I could be one of those, as I cruise in at 31mins for 10k with a cigar on image

    I guess the clue on the type of conditioned people I'm being lumped in with now is in the letter where it says bring a list of your current medications, and they might give new ones etc! Hopefully anything would be temporary, I'm only mid 30s!

    But re-reading a bit closer, Pete's mate- that is horrible. Mine has been a bit of a nightmare and obviously well down the severity scale compared to that. Hope he recovers well, and maybe can get back to the level of running I'm moaning about!  I wonder if we should adopt other countries approaches, and make runners have a medical note to say they're fit enough to run. Other sports give more of an opportunity to recover in between plays, whilst running is one continuous straining nature. That last 100metres at the Wycombe half felt like an hour. Someone who witnessed it said I looked like I had just plain stopped and wandering around punch drunk, and apparently the commentator said I was "Milking it" image

    That, and a nice 4miler, and things are a bit more balanced."rehab" mode applied, and what will happen will happen. But one things for sure, I won't finish down to my own lack of wanting it.
    (Unless the real hottie at work is up for it image, then I might just grow up finally and get a real life image)

    Iron, a month ago, and I was thinking a parkrun might be worth it in the near distance. But now that's back off the agenda.

    When I'm not doing sessions, doing a race would be silly for certain.

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    The BusThe Bus ✭✭✭

    Scott - don't believe what they say. I'm sure you can THINK about sex before that image

    You have my every sympathy though and fingers crossed it goes as smoothly as it can (that applies to your first post-op poo as well image).

    SG - chin up mate, you will get to the bottom of it. Could this current patch just be on of those off-periods we all get for no apparent reason?

    Dachs - respect!!

    Hard week Iron - I should follow your advice as several people have told me to F-off today!

    7 xc hilly for me today. Felt a bit hard, but not too bad and managed to force the pace in the last mile to pull out a relatively speedy one in muddy conditions. Should have been a tempo, but I couldn't be arsed!

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    The BusThe Bus ✭✭✭

    ps - Pete. Sounds awful about your team mate. It really does put our daily niggles into context. Glad he's recovering and has plenty of support by the sound of things.

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    Bus, probably a whole mix of the actual condition, being off work (hol) this week, meaning the runs are all over the place not in the usual windows, some runs being dam windy, and maybe a bit of that cold hanging around.

    The evening 4 is feeling better than the morning/lunch 6. Might be a bit of mental thing going on too.
    Hoping getting back to work will actually help,

    The positive, reading your post, is not having that dreaded "how long for the long run?!", and "how many miles at WHAT pace?"  dread each week!

    The body is probably dreading a return tothat!

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    DachsDachs ✭✭✭

    AG, I meant predict Pete's time.  Winner gets nothing but a smug sense of satisfaction.

    Pete - ah, I knew someone received CPR on the course, didn't know it was a clubmate.  Awful stuff.

    SG - could just be a cold in addition to the other stuff setting things back a little, you may still be on the mend in the grand scheme of things.

    Scott Edgington wrote (see)
    4-6 weeks before pain goes and I can think about work, manual labour, light jogging and sex image 

    Presumably not all at the same time?  Frustrating stuff, but you seem to have the right attitude to get through it.

    2:29:xx would be awesome, and I'll keep my target under review, but past experience suggests I shouldn't be over-optimistic about marathon times.


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    Dachs, good to see you did the extra 90m. That looks a very positive 20 miler and that middle track bit is mentally tough so will help. I used to do an hour track race and that 90m from 16,000 to 16,090 seems to take ages. Tactic was always to get to 40 laps and then push as hard as possible until the bell and then the final gun for the hour.

    The thing with the marathon that makes it so unlike any other race is the investment you put into it and the limited chances you have. If you race a parkrun every Saturday then a bad one is just a bad one and you put it behind you. With a marathon, you maybe get one a year so you may take a conservative approach.

    You have to sit down and make an agreement with yourself. 2.29.xx won't happen off a 75 minutes first half. 14 people ran 2.29.xx last year and most were 72 or 73 for the first half. If you have a chance at 2:29.xx you have to decide to take that chance before the race starts and agree that if you don't hit it, you don't beat yourself up afterwards.

    As a youngster I was determined to run a marathon at sub-6 pace: in those days sub-6 was the thing. I never did and I dropped out a few when it was obvious I couldn't hit the target. I could have banked a low 2:4x a few times but never did and also I don't regret it: mind you my training never justified it either.

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    Had to do a bit of PO10 to remember your marathon pb Dachs, 2.40. Bit of a tasty target to ask for sub 2.30 aint it?! image

    However, checked a few of the 2.29ers from last year, and some of them were slower than you over 10k/half etc, so who knows. If anyone can, you can.

    Long way to go if you realise starting at 72/3 pace is overcooking it though.

    I just found out that an easy pace 6miler was a bit much today.  Felt a real effort, got home and slept for hours. Binning the double today, and tomorrow was a rest day anyway, but certainly feel like a good  1 1/2day min rest is needed. Cripes. Wasn't quite like that horrible crawl home then collapse at Wycombe, but if I'd had to do much more today I doubt it would have been a gorgeous experience


    (What a contrast on the thread we have...someone aiming sub 2.30, and a guy struggling to maintain runner status!)

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    My quandary for the week has been solved, I spent Saturday's parkrun chasing this


     and the results said I was behind one lady, but I was convinced there was another way ahead so I should have been behind two. The photo reveals all. I assume some people go for the hair-band, tights, slim waist, breasts and stubble look.

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    cripes. like one of those Chick or Ladyboy quizzes!

    Feminine style sweeping arms too.

    (no offence to the erm guy...we don't want this to be like when Dachs was moaning about being beaten by some guy called Tad Cockdick or something similar.

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    DachsDachs ✭✭✭

    My 2:40 is clearly substantially slower than I should be capable of though, and was run when I had a half marathon PB of 1:14:xx, in quite wet and windy conditions.  But yeah, it would take some serious confidence to go out at 73 minute pace in a marathon, and it really isn't on the agenda unless training in the last few weeks indicates I've made a big leap forward.

    SG, as you're not training for anything in particular, there's no reason not to take a bit of time off.

    Incidentally, I wasn't moaning about being beaten by him.  From memory, I beat him, and his name never came up until someone else (you I think! image) checked the results, found his name and took the mick.  He was a nice bloke, and I wouldn't lower myself to mocking people on the internet.  Or at least, I didn't on that occasion.

    Ah yes, PPP:


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    PPP: 19:34

    Plot the last 10 runs and assume linear regression:

    Pete: you're getting slower each week!



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    19:14 for Pete.

    Dachs I am liking your approach but I do think you might be putting a mental block up early which will hinder the potential. I get maybe this time you'll happily run 2:3x and get a solid improvement and marathon done before "risking it all" and perhaps being put off another campaign

    1st time to the toilet since Tuesday PM about half hour ago. Respect to women has increased even more so after watching my Mia be born.

    Felt like a basketball of fire dropping out a nostril
    Pain is weakness leaving the body
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    Reg WandReg Wand ✭✭✭
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    Reg WandReg Wand ✭✭✭

    thanks for the anal update, Scott.

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    PeteMPeteM ✭✭✭

    Thanks guys especially Phil for the depressing stats image 

    Its mostly down to course and  less so conditions; I'd be hopeful of under 18'30 at Fulham Palace but happy with 19'30 at Bracknell.

    Your guy Tad is a V50 now and a very decent one at that; still around 35 for 10k (though obviously that's not in Dachs' league these days!)


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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    Cheeky lot thinking you can guess Pete's times.

    It'll be the 18:40 or so he does 45 times a year, swiftly followed up by a 38.30 10k the next day. (which he combines at least 10 times a year) image

    And Dachs, yep.  Although I'm sure it was you who said you couldn't let him Dick you. I'm sure you triggered it all off image

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