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Moraghan Training - Stevie G



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    Great streak that SG. Quality field if you were only 14th. 
    Watched the London Marathon this morning. Noticed the men going through 10K in 28:xx!!
    Lurgy is almost gone so eventually got out for my LR: 20.8M of hilly FoD trails in 3:01. Abo’s a lot flatter fortunately & I won’t be running 17M in the Brecons the day before either 😆
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    PhilipMJonesPhilipMJones ✭✭✭
    edited October 2022
    SG, don't know why you didn't pick this photo.

    Good 28.xx streak, hard to find fast 5 mile races now so I suppose we are luck to have Marlow and Hanney.

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    Nice one SG. Casual near 40 mile weekend from Jools!

    I watched some of the marathon at the gym on the elliptical x-trainer thing, only planned 30 minutes or so but time seemed to fly to the point I thought, I may as well watch to the end of the race. Ended up doing just over 90 minutes on it. I need to hit the cross training hard now if I am to get fit again for London.
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    haha I was spoilt for choice Phil, from the pics my race effort hair makes me look 90, or the ones a mere 85 :D 

    Just noticed me and matey are shoe twins.

    There's Hatfield and Perivale later in the year as well, but yes I've always loved a 5miler, just more neat, enjoyable and shorter than a 10k when perception is they're similar paces.

    There were a couple me and a pal did back to back in about 2006, Wellingborough and Lambourn.
    I think the former still exists.

    Victory 5 was my all time favourite race, but they moved the venue, which now makes it a totally different race.
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    I'm struggling with my knee at the moment. The same old story as ever, my back is knackered as I am a lazy slouch at my desk and that tightens up everything that starts at my pelvis and that tightness gets passed down and something has to move and the knee is the weakest point. Seems I was managing it and the yoga was helping but it seems that when I upped the mileage (and reduced recovery days) over the summer it helped improve speed but brought back the tightness. I'll have to juggle my training and see if I can find the right balance. 

    Had a nice Saturday parkrun: I pace at Black Park every first Saturday of the month and have been pacing 23 or 24 minutes but a lot of pacers were missing (I guess either running London or doing a long run Saturday to free up Sunday) so there was a big gap behind me and it is silly pacing 24 when slower runners need more help so I switched to 26. I ended up running most of the way with another older runner who was the uncle of Nick Goolab (13:27 5k UK record holder, he broke Mo's 5k record but is now second behind Marc Scott who ran 13:20) so we had a couple of grey-haired old guys chatting and a group of much younger people huffing and puffing, trying to hang onto our coattails.
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    TippTopTippTop ✭✭✭
    SC - yes, Ben is in our group, and usually the one leading it. Good training from you. I'm with you on needing to shed some timber.

    Reg - ouch with the break!! Re: the back issues - I'm on a waiting list for physio for mine - ongoing sciatica potentially caused by a slightly bulging disc, which causes high hamstring pain occasionally as well. I'm aware I need to start doing yoga/pilates, but I'm very good at finding reasons not to! Good luck getting yours sorted.
    How do you find the Asics Metaspeed compared to the Nike offerings?

    SQ - good long/BAC run. Not sure about stopping at 19.9m though ;)

    Jools - I think I'll stick to regular racing as I'd be that person who runs off a cliff edge due to not paying attention. Big mileage!

    SG - nice racing. And lots of. You do more races in a year than I've done parkruns in 14! Lol.

    Never managed the track session last week. Felt ropey which I was putting down to IBS/poor food choices, but it turns out I had the first cold/virus I've had in ages. Cue Thursday and Friday off, but was ok to pootle 8m Saturday, and a slightly less pootly 11m on Sunday, which left me with 60m for the week which was not too bad all things considered.
    It's getting to time now to start getting some thought into my training with London in mind so hopeful I can start to build some strength and regain some speed over the coming months (got GSR in 2 weeks and I see myself likely going around slower than I went through 10m in both Wokingham HM and Manchester Marathon earlier in the year).
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    Did people see the guy who sprinted out at the start of the London marathon? 

    He is a 16.xx 5k runner with a marathon best of 2:37 so fast enough to be at the front.

    He does seem to have messed up his run though, finish time 3:23 off a 1:26 first half. Maybe he just didn't do the miles this year so had a fun start and turned the gas down for the second half. 
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    One of my friends spotted a video taken by a guy who followed the 26-minute pacer (me) around the whole of parkrun on Saturday: odd what people do for entertainment. 
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    He's got a lot of press for it, but was just copying the host of the Badboy running podcast David Hellard who did the same routine in 2013 or so.

    Might have been a thrill for 15 seconds, but pretty dim really, unless like you say Phil, he was only doing it for giggles.

    The guy I know who did a 23miler the week before did run in the end, but a comfortable run out, which is fair enough. If he'd intended to race it, then obviously a 23 before is ever so slightly non optimal.

    And Phil, not sure if it's odder that guy doing that video, or someone reporting it back to you, who reports it back to us, who watch it :D 
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    TippTop said:

    Reg - ouch with the break!! Re: the back issues - I'm on a waiting list for physio for mine - ongoing sciatica potentially caused by a slightly bulging disc, which causes high hamstring pain occasionally as well. I'm aware I need to start doing yoga/pilates, but I'm very good at finding reasons not to! Good luck getting yours sorted.
    How do you find the Asics Metaspeed compared to the Nike offerings?

    I have only run in them a couple of times, I got them for the Ironman and just did some short easy miles as they arrived only a couple of days before flying to the race. I can't really remember what they were like but I was happy enough to put the in the race kit bag. 

    Physio yesterday and she's freed up my SI joint and some worked on my external oblique, the latter sent a weird tingling down my thigh so perhaps some nerve issues playing a part.

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    Stevie G said:
    And Phil, not sure if it's odder that guy doing that video, or someone reporting it back to you, who reports it back to us, who watch it :D 
    For me, the ends of that chain are where the weirdness happens. He recorded it and sent a link to the parkrun facebook account which is run by people who know me so they passed it on and I did so in turn. I don't know why any of you, or anyone else indeed, would watch it for more than a few seconds. 

    The odd thing is that it is edited to be start to finish with no commentary. I have seen a few videos where the intent is to share the route etc and they have been sort of useful but this is pretty much heads-down running and if you were new to Black Park it would give you no indication of the route etc.  
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    Good racing SG, agree a 5m is a great distance. Pics look amazing Jools, just makes you want to run up them!

    TT- Yes Ben P annoyingly turns 50 before the International xc in Dublin, but after the qualifier in Derby on the 15th. So another one I need to try and stay ahead of. Solved the trainer issue - bought some more Takumi Sen8 so will wear the old ones for training until they fall apart.

    Reg - You berk ;) Glad to hear the back might be getting a bit better. PMJ - Hope the knee eases.

    So Saturday did a hard 17 miler, half road then half trail with my Carbon X on, picking up clay etc. Really knackered when I go to the end.

    Great day supporting the marathon - down to the Farriers Arms at 8.5 miles, then back towards the finish, although I had to walk from Surrey Quays to Embankment, no chance of getting the tube. Met my PO10 namesake, SC from Swansea too. 
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    TippTopTippTop ✭✭✭
    Phil - that's a bit weird! 

    Reg - I've heard good things about them (Asics' offering) but not from anybody who had also tried the Nike. I might see what they've got at the outlet in Gunwharf Quays in a couple of weeks. That sounds positive with the physio; fingers crossed for you!

    SC - nice one with the trainers. Good weekend too between the training and supporting. How will that work with the qualifier then - is it age on the day of the international or qualifier?

    Decent start to the week but still not feeling 100% post-cold. Hopefully another day or two will see things back to normal.
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    Stevie G said:
    And Phil, not sure if it's odder that guy doing that video, or someone reporting it back to you, who reports it back to us, who watch it :D 
    For me, the ends of that chain are where the weirdness happens. He recorded it and sent a link to the parkrun facebook account which is run by people who know me so they passed it on and I did so in turn. I don't know why any of you, or anyone else indeed, would watch it for more than a few seconds. 

    The odd thing is that it is edited to be start to finish with no commentary. I have seen a few videos where the intent is to share the route etc and they have been sort of useful but this is pretty much heads-down running and if you were new to Black Park it would give you no indication of the route etc.  
    Race and run vids are very hit and miss.

    Some are absolutely brilliant in giving you a feeling of route, standard, general vibe etc.
    Some, like that one are less useful.

    Anyone can record a race these days, but it's quite an art form making it a good watch.
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    Reggie, I swear you get into these scrapes to make the inevitable return to top form seem even more impressive ;)
    Sounds like you're getting somewhere decently though.
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    TT - Must be the age on day of International I would have thought, not sure if Ben has checked himself yet. Going to be tight anyway without any new 50's LOL.

    16 X 400 last night at Luton around the golf club roads and paths. 60 secs recovery with 2 mins halfway. Averaged 70's with a 68 for the last. Felt ok.
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    Doctor gave me a pot to collect some mucus in and submit it for testing, which i did on Friday. It came back showing bacteria, so he sent a prescription to the chemist for me today and I have a 7 day course of anti biotics, which I've just started. I've stopped coughing up so much rubbish, but hopefully this prescription will clean my lungs up. Will take a few more days off until they kick in. Good job I never tried to race Sunday. Abo is off.
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    TippTopTippTop ✭✭✭
    SC - impressive speed as always. XC always seems to have weird age dates - I remember as a kid that it was your age on the first of Feb, which meant that I was almost a year younger than everybody else in my age group.

    Track last night. Prescribed session was 4 x 1600m + 4 x 400m. I want to start getting my effort volume up so planned to add an extra 1600m at the end. Prescribed effort was 'inside 10km pace' for the 16s, and quicker for the 4s. Ran 5:30, 5:25, 5:26, 5:25 + 77, 75, 74, 70* + 5:28.
    * deliberately went out hard on the last 400 as I wanted to start the last 1600 tired (it tickles me that a hard 400 for me is Simon's average for 16!!).

    A few more sessions like that and I'm sure I'll start to feel stronger. 6m easy this morning with 3 sets of 10 squat jumps afterwards.
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    When GoPros were new and rare I guess it was the preserve of free climbers, base jumpers and all the other daredevils getting their Redbull sponsorship, now you have some guy doing an average Parkrun on Youtube. 

    Did a slow 5 yesterday and then thought about the fact I was running 13 miles, 3 minutes quicker per mile not so long ago.

    With my pain now on the right side hip area, it seems to make sense now as that's where most the crash damage was.

    Nice session TT.

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    Very good job you didn’t do London, TR.  Shame about Abo but the right call. You love Goodwood anyway 😊

    Speedy shorter reps from TT and SC. 

    Bloody hell, Reg. You do seem to love a contact injury! 

    Hope the knee comes good soon, PMJ. It was good to see your progression with parkrun times this year. 

    Pleased now I didn’t do London. The start sounds shambolic. 

    Got a covid booster vaccine on Tuesday afternoon and was also offered the flu jab at the same time. Impressively efficient. Left the centre and immediately headed out for a 20M run. Probably not text book 😆

    Penultimate and biggest BAC session of 30 minutes MP, 4 x 5 mins threshold, 30 mins MP. All effort based and off 3 mins steady each time. 

    Used an out and back on the canal so not ideal underfoot, but peaceful and pretty nonetheless. Paces ranged from 6:50 to about 6:30. Nothing huge but a solid session, with 3M  WU and WD giving 20M at 7:07 average. 

    Knackered yesterday and just about managed 5M at 9m/m. 

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    The vagaries of the year groups TT.
    Same as school years, where the September births have that advantage over us mid/late summer birthdays :)

    Good sesh, and Reg, from intense pain at rest to running - that's a decent progression.
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    Decent Average SQ - Are you doing Abo? Sorry I can't keep up with all the races..

    TT  - Impressive session if you are still building up. Reg - small acorns again, sounds like you on the right track though

    TR - Hope you can get the crap off your chest quickly. That what always annoys me - I can have a cold and only feel shite for sometimes half a day...but my chest has always been rubbish and takes me ages to get the glue like crap up. The coughing stops you running.

    Quiet couple of days - might have to run in the national 6 stage Saturday, and definitely doing the Tring ridgeway 9miler on Sunday - so saving the legs.
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    Reg WandReg Wand ✭✭✭
    edited October 2022
    Stevie G said:

    Good sesh, and Reg, from intense pain at rest to running - that's a decent progression.
    It's progress of a kind. I'm a shadow of the man that ran in the spring though.

    I have  managed to pass the baton to my 9 y/o daughter though. She won her school XC trial a few weeks back, having never done it before. 

    Today was the first race over 1 mile and maybe 10-12 schools, from as far as Marlow & High Wycombe, I guess it was Berks & Bucks. Anyway she came 3rd out of maybe 75 girls and probably a couple of boys hidden there these days too  :D . Looks promising.

    Impressive run SQ.
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    You certainly would not want to be the person who has to police any entry requirements would you Reggie!

    Must be a really mad feeling seeing your kid do well at stuff, like a peak satisfaction.

    And I do still half expect to see you at TVXC this weekend coming top 6
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    edited October 2022
    SQ - it's funny how life moves on. You mentioning the booster evokes a "oh yeah, that covid thing that shut down the world". Thank goodness those days of everything being shut down seem to be gone though - have to remind ourselves how we're fortunate to just casually pick a race any week we want again.

    Nice big sesh as what we'd expect from you.
    SC - can't have you going more than 2 days without a sesh or race -it's the law.

    XC race on Sunday, which is the 2nd of 3 race weekends in a row.
    Had thought about a sesh yesterday, but glad I stuck with the straight 8.5miler with some offroad, that was plenty.
    Some strides tomorrow will do and the XC race will take the place of a tempo.
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    SorequadsSorequads ✭✭✭
    edited October 2022
    Wow XC season seems to have rolled round quickly. Good luck for the weekend, SG. 

    Good going from your daughter, Reg. Ours is still strictly in the wanting to hold our hand zone if we persuade to do a fun run before a race. Does love the swimming and gymnastics though. 

    Sounds a punchy weekend, SC!

    13.5M at 8m/m this afternoon. Nothing faster on offer. Quite enjoyed a MLR st a consistent speed. Good podcast listening opportunity. 
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    Way too early for this sort of low key series.
    It always used to be mid November, starting with the Datchet course which is the easiest, so served as a good tradition - Remembrance day, easiest course, ease the newbies in.

    Then the dreaded marathon lot started chipping in "oooh they go too long in the new year for us to do our marathon", so they crept them into October to pander to them.

    Now we have 8, way too many, covering early October to mid Feb!
    I'm preparing for the usual gentle pressure, and making sure I have my excuses properly booked in early doors - so I'm banking one now for some collateral :D 

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    There's zero chance of me doing XC, not least because I have a sore hamstring but I could reel off a litany of other reasons! Realistically, I am looking at next year for XC, if things go well. Hope it goes well, unless you're battling a TVTer!

    SQ - It's taken a while for her to build up her confidence to enter the XC, the school encouraged her to do it last year, but she took her name off the list as she was scared. I won't be surprised if she's beating my PBs one day!
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    After your spring, you're basically asking her to be an international level woman to beat those pbs.

    A few targets in between first I reckon :)

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    Stevie G said:
    After your spring, you're basically asking her to be an international level woman to beat those pbs.

    A few targets in between first I reckon :)

    Being surprised in the future and expecting it are obviously very different things. My main hope is that my children develop a life long participation in sport. If it's at a good level then even better.
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