
Moraghan Training - Stevie G



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    I think you're due a bit of good luck TT.

    Decent paces there SG, seems to be coming together nicely for you post lurgy.

    All this talk of Bramley and I just realised I am busy that day! I'll probably turn Wokingham into a 20 instead by running to the start.

    11 mi with 5 mi at 'tempo' for me. I kept it pretty controlled so in truth it was below HM effort. It came out at 5:50 and I did a similar run with 10k @ 5:48 in a 10 miler at the same HR this time last year. That's the first sign that I may not be a million miles off last year's fitness. 
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    TippTopTippTop ✭✭✭
    edited January 2023
    I bloody hope so Reg; it has been a pretty rotten 2 months. Positive tempo there. Nice one.

    SG - nice reps.

    6m earlier. That was the end of me considering training by HR for a bit as even with the HRM moistened up with a water based gel it took forever to settle down (told me my HR was 222 at one stage!). 

    Bramley for me will be basically a glorified training run (and I'll be more than happy to just be able to do it after the last two months). I reckon flat out I'd be doing well to break 65mins at the moment which gives an idea of quite how much I've lost over the last couple of months.
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    TT - I thought Bramley was a 20?

    Looking very promising now SG and Reggie.

    5 x 1600 off about 90 ish last night, still feeling good, although legs slightly tired after the XC saturday. Came out with 5.22,5.18, 5.13,5.12, 5.08 

    Dragged myself around 8-9 miles this morning, bit of training with the lad tonight.
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    Reg WandReg Wand ✭✭✭
    edited February 2023
    SC - Tidy almost 1 mile reps, classic SC hero rep at the end too :-). Bramley has a 10 and 20 mile option, 20 is two laps.

    After yesterday 11 mile with tempo the schedule threw a 15 miler at me. I took it off road to try and make it as different as possible to the previous day, under the assumption that anything that was ready to break might not be used in quite the same way as yesterday! I had a weird hamstring sensation, it was like a static shock or sharpish sensation. I guess either a small tear or something just releasing. Hopefully the latter. Can't say I can feel anything now but I also got a weird feeling high up at the insertion later on. Maybe a slight cramp, no idea but I kept it very easy.

    That's 8 days in a row now so tempted to bin tomorrow's recovery or do it very slowly very early and do Fridays MLR later in the day to maximise the recovery. I feel like I am pushing the limit and having to plot my way through a minefield of potential injuries doing this plan! 
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    That's going very well Simon. I remember when in peak form doing 5x1mile (not 1600) on the track at 5.30 average.
    All fairly consistent.

    It's noticeable your reps often have quite a wild range. Is that intentional? Some sort of easing in, finding the right pace then smashing the last one? Or does it just tend to pan out that way?

    Are these always in a group, with a few in or around your pace? And when you say around 90secs, is that because the group you're in start each rep at the same time? 

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    Reggie did you say you were following a P&D plan - 80 or so miles peak one?
    If you can make it through without obliteration it can only work! The classic make or break.

    Had a family funeral today over Wokingham/Finchampstead type way, so just put a couple of easy ones in, 4 pre drive there, and 3 after getting back. 
    That'll do.
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    Stevie G said:
    Reggie did you say you were following a P&D plan - 80 or so miles peak one?
    If you can make it through without obliteration it can only work! The classic make or break.

    Had a family funeral today over Wokingham/Finchampstead type way, so just put a couple of easy ones in, 4 pre drive there, and 3 after getting back. 
    That'll do.
    Condolences SG, yes I'm following P&D. It's 65 to 85 miles I think, biggest week is 87. This week is 84 though so in volume terms it doesn't extend much beyond this point. Quality goes up though. I am doing all sorts to just keep running; foam rolling, stretching, strength exercises, yoga, icing, anti inflammatory gel, compression shorts & sports massage :D  
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    TippTopTippTop ✭✭✭
    edited February 2023
    SG - condolences to you and yours.

    SC - nice progression through those reps. As Reg said it's a 2-lap job for the 20. I marshalled it at the first point after the start, with my kids, a few years ago. As the 20m runners started their second lap they were treated to the kids shouting 'final lap' to them. Some of them did not take it well!!

    Reg - Pfitzinger (the P of P&D) came up in some articles I was reading recently from the Lydiard Foundation. He's a Lydiard advocate, and looking at the plans I can see the similarities. If you can hold things together on that it'll have you running very well. Good luck!

    I'm not completely out of the woods on the AT front yet. I'm finding that I still need the rehab after a run as it's a little creaky, but definitely improving. It's a calculated risk as if I have a prolonged period off with it, after the way the last two months have gone, I can write off a spring marathon. 

    I've not run further than 6m this week, but would like to manage at least an hour, if not double figures, on Saturday morning. After that I won't run again until Monday, which will be almost 48 hours off. If it's still creaky then I may have a decision to make.
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    Ta both - at least could I get to this one. Covid and snow ruled a similar one out last month!

    TT Final lap!!  :D  

    Right up there with over hearing "they've done the hard bit now" about 1.2miles into the Wycombe half years back!

    Hope the recovery goes to plan. For someone of your record you'll know exactly the timeframes and where you need to be to do a strong marathon.
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    Cheers SG - Sorry to hear about the loss. Reps wise - Often struggle on the first one, or go a little bit steady not to knacker myself too early

    Reg - Yes don't like running the extra 9m! 

    TT - Ah I see, the Oakley 20 near Bedford was 12 and 20, so I was nice on the 2nd lap not going up the hill to do the loop when you are going round for the 2nd 8m loop

    Bloody parents evening tonight for the wife, so can't go to the track. The are WITHOUT FAIL on every time I can go to the track, without a race on the saturday. Might do the 8min tempo/10 x 400/8min tempo instead.
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    Condolences SG.

    I was thinking about you today, ran over the back end of Bourne End so did the hill you do from the old railway line up to Ronald Wood but I went down whereas I think you go up. 

    Drive back home was past the Rebellion Brewery so I'm set up for Saturday's rugby. Is anyone on here declaring allegiance to Scotland? 

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    I've done the route both directions Phil, and think I much prefer the "usual" direction, of up that grassy bank, then you reach the top and know it's half way and soon to reach the smooth road, with a lovely downhill late on.

    The other version had Treadaway uncomfortably early, and it just feels more of a slog knowing you still have a dull 3.5miles or so flat after going down the bank.
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    Reg - not sure if the Gade Valley runners marathon runners suit you if Bramley doesn't.
    They do a 12/17 miler the week inbetween Bramley and Wokingham.

    I might well do it, as the other one they do is March 19th which clashes with Eastleigh 10k, which would be nice to do again pending top end pace coming back this next 6 weeks.

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    Stevie G said:
    I've done the route both directions Phil, and think I much prefer the "usual" direction, of up that grassy bank, then you reach the top and know it's half way and soon to reach the smooth road, with a lovely downhill late on.

    The other version had Treadaway uncomfortably early, and it just feels more of a slog knowing you still have a dull 3.5miles or so flat after going down the bank.
    The route I picked was half on the hills and half on the river and the last time I did the river it was wet so I picked the hills to do first so if I got wet it wasn't at the start. That grassy bank is definitely better up as it is too steep to run down easily and so you get no benefit from being at the top. 

    Seems to pass by the multi-million pound home of some wealthy Arab banker. 
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    It's a funny climb, as it's sort of gentle, then steepens dramatically, but is over in 0.2miles.
    But it doesn't half get the HR up even at dredge up pace, and then of course you have the stile, and then a very slight incline into that ploughed field.

    Certainly isn't a section where you can feel anything but massively unfit however well you're going :D 

    I'm enjoying the numbers telling me I'm getting right back on track.

    3 weeks ago I did 12x200m off 60secs, and think I scraped one 35xx but the other were split between 36xx and 37xx.

    Today, all 12 came out 35xx.

    Hard to compare wind and all that, but that's a good lift.
    And hopefully that can step up again when we're moving more towards short race times.
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    Stevie G said:
    Reg - not sure if the Gade Valley runners marathon runners suit you if Bramley doesn't.
    They do a 12/17 miler the week inbetween Bramley and Wokingham.

    I might well do it, as the other one they do is March 19th which clashes with Eastleigh 10k, which would be nice to do again pending top end pace coming back this next 6 weeks.

    I have entered Wokingham so the week before I'll be doing an easier long run when they do that 17 miler, at an hour plus drive to get there it's probably not worth it for an easy 17 miler. The 20 miler on 19th March does fit with my scheduled long run plan of 20 w/14 @ MP so I'll consider that but like you I am also considering Eastleigh so I'll worry about that nearer the time. I'd only do Eastleigh if I had a feeling I could threaten my PB which seems doubtful at this point.
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    edited February 2023
    A clubmate said Bramley is a bit of a trek for me (obviously not remembering I do stuff like Wales for a 1miler, and numerous South coast jaunts), but realised I'd not actually checked where it was.

    Slight surprise to find google's first choice for "a" Bramley is south of Guildford :D
    Just the 40miles away from the actual Berkshire one :)

    Just a little mental note to not be too casual typing it onto the sat nav :*

    Hopefully Eastleigh is worthwhile for both. But like always, next run/week first! Don't look too far ahead.
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    SG - My mate used to live in Bramley nr Guildford. Nice village, cracking pub!

    Did 20 mins with the lad last night, then jogged a 1k to the 400m triangle and did 16 reps off 60 secs. It was dark so didn't check times, as usual the down-up-flat triangle was lots harder than the flat-down-up, especially as on the up on the first rep the wind is in your face.

    Not sure about tomorrow but will need to be off road really.
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    Eastleigh will depend on Wokingham for me, if the former goes well then I am more likely to do it.

    I mentioned I was getting weird sensations in my hamstring, well I was messing about with my daughter later and had a massive cramp! I've subsequently ordered a load of hydration tablets.

    Easy 13 at lunch.
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    Thought i'd get my weekend in early!

    4 mile to parkrun, then 10 x long hills before the start - hit the PR reasonably hard. 17.43 for 2nd - not an easy course, my best is 17.04. Good semi race with my mate from LBAC who is decent and only 25 ish - I burst past with 400m to go, but at the final turn with about 80m to go I knew he was too close and he burst past me - smiling whilst sprinting sort of thing... Good fun and a good morning's work.

    Just shy of 15 this morning - loving getting the NB Propel V2 back on. So much lighter than the Hoka Carbon X. Even though the Fuel Cell is a firm ride, it's the lightness that helps the most.
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    Good mix there Simon

    SG - I did the Bramley 20 in something like 2007. It's a good race, but a ball ache to get to for me.

    After another weeks plodding, I was actually able to  put a steady block of mp+10% into 20m yday. So I'm hopeful ive turned a corner.
    8 wks til the b of the bang, so time to put some hard work in one way or another, so 10x3mins on the turbo today (the engine will be none the wiser).

    Nice weather for today's Chichester 10k, no doubt helped by my DNS.
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    edited February 2023
    Good work there SC.

    Any tips on the route TR?  Will have to decide on footwear too.

    Could simply be a case for the day to day Wave Riders rather than putting miles into Nexts or even my untouched Alphas. Those are best saved for the "all in" races.

    Or could be worth wheeling the 350mile clattered 4%s out. Wouldn't have thought those would just disintegrate due to the distance as I'm putting my weekly tempos in, in those.

    And classic sod's law on the weather at Chichester! We covered it at the time to death, but there's less than optimal, then there's that day :D 

    It's great to have those top performances at the fast races, but this year I'm just as keen to get some different "experiences" (know the proper runners hate that word :D ) in.

    15 for me at 7.23
    One second slower than last week's 15.5, but totally different route. Out and back to the outskirts of Marlow this week pretty flat.

    61.5mile week,  decent 5 week block over 60 now.
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    SG - can't remember too much about it. They park you away from the school, then its 2laps of a nice countryside route from the school.....the 4% are a good idea, I have a pair I use for B races.......what you do need to consider is to take a couple of gels, although i bet you never practice them in long runs.......it was my first race over a 1/2, and I just ran it on fresh air as i was such a numpty back then. 20m is a long way and you'd go better with some fuel (And recover better). I don't go in for the old school approach of running long without fuel, I'm in the more fuel the better camp (If you can stomach it), it will catch on eventually.
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    I gave it a thought TR and ran it past a couple of people, but as a glorified training run it's probably ok to get by on what they dish out. 

    Which looks to include energy drinks from this link?

    TT - if you pick up on this post, is that the case do you know?
    If so - that's the easy solution!

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    My first ever run on strava was our club's marshalled 20miler.
    Went along for some giggles and ran alongside a club pal.

    Looking back we did 7.30 average for the first 5, including a monster 250feet hill on one mile, then 9miles 7.20ish. Couple of looseners 7.08, 6.56, then 4 around 620-630 before what felt like an unnecessary 6.05 finish and let him sprint the last 200 in :D 
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    Reg WandReg Wand ✭✭✭
    edited February 2023
    8 easy Saturday and 20 this morning. Took advantage of the dry spell we've had to run the Thames path from Sonning to Hurley. It's a run with a fair bit of paved as well as trail so I prefer to do it in normal running shoes and I'd guessed that it was, until now at least, pretty muddy and wet. Pretty decent at the moment.

    What wasn't ideal was finishing a 20 before 10am and then having to take the children to Harry Potter studio tour which was about four hours long and involved lots of standing about! So that's 33,000 steps for the day!

    85 miles for the week is an all time high, beats the 78 I did three weeks back. 
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    edited February 2023
    SG - that would be from cups though? Maybe carry a bottle of Lucozade, so you know how much you've had, and throw it at around 15m?

    Reg - nice, I have some step count days like that at the weekend when its 20m and a couple of dog walks on a saturday. 39k yday, 42k last Saturday. All good time on feet.
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    TR said:
    20m is a long way and you'd go better with some fuel (And recover better). I don't go in for the old school approach of running long without fuel, I'm in the more fuel the better camp (If you can stomach it), it will catch on eventually.
    I think there is a big difference between doing a 20 as part of marathon training and doing a 20 in its own right. I always did a lot of training runs with zero intake: no gels, no water. They were all morning runs and some of those were without anything at all in the morning and others were with a cup of tea and a slice of toast with peanut butter and jam. 

    I also did a few runs with water and gels to get used to them. I don't know if they really help but it gives you a few distractions en route which can be helpful but also a hindrance: I know people who dropped gels and were then worried about crashing. 
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    I had my standard cup of tea and small bowl of porridge before my 20 and nothing during. I do it purely because I don't need anything during. In these temperatures you don't need water, I sweat more in a short run on a hot day than I do on a 20 miler on a cold day. Food wise there's plenty of energy inside. In terms of recovery I do think it's important to eat and drink as soon as possible if you take nothing during.

    I am not convinced you can train your body to handle taking gels, sure you can find out in advance if you can't handle them but all this 'training the gut' stuff just strikes me as a bit of a marketing ploy to sell the stuff. I have read no science on this it's just a gut feel, if you'll pardon the pun. I've only ever taken a couple of gels during a marathon so I am not yet sure what I am going to take in the race, four gels spread evenly is what I have in mind. I'll take a couple in my MP long runs but that'll be it.

    After the cramping issue from last week I ordered a load of hydration tablets to take after longer runs. I had one the night before and one straight after my 20.

    Did an easy recovery 6 this morning, sports massage at lunch and easy in the PM.
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    There's probably a significant difference between doing a 20 hard or as some sort of marathon race practice, and doing it as a glorified training run too.

    I do my 15s with weetabix/banana 75mins or so before hand then no fluid during.

    A few miles more, perhaps only slightly faster average pace, with 3 water stops a lap should hopefully negate any need for gels. 
    It's still a long way of course, but for my purposes shouldn't need too much overthinking.

    It's gone freezing again, so the big call will probably be a skin under the vest, as unlike flat out races, it may not generate enough heat like HM and down!
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