
Sub 3h15



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    OO54OO54 ✭✭✭
    Yes DT the 3000m was a seasons best of 10:02. Target was sub 10 but in the cold wet conditions I was fairly pleased with that. Also another tactical race with club rivals. Too slow in the middle laps and left  too much to do at the end. The main thing after last weeks disaster in the 1500m, I felt comfortable throughout and sense that my speed on the short stuff is going in the right direction. Apart from the mile on Friday which is of low importance, I have another 5k road race next week. Its a big local race with lots of club rivals so a good showing would be nice.

    You always seem to be going on holiday DT 😆
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    DT - building well now. You are putting some good work in and building the long run. Don't forget your running shoes this time.

    OO - you are kicking the arse out of it as an m60, you cannot expect to ace every race with the amount you do, so surely more goid races than bad has to be the aim and you smoke most of them.

    Still putting the yards in on the hills, although found a flatter section for the usual pre marathon 14x3min yday.
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    DT19DT19 ✭✭✭
    Oo, yes as TR says when you race as frequently as you do the bad races will seemingly come round a little more often. Plus I think it is much easier yo have a bad day when racing shorter distances as the body has to be really up for it. 

    There's no seem about it.....my wife is obsessed with holidays. I'll be working until I'm 85! 

    TR was the session yesterday or did you just find an appropriate spot? 

    Pretty decent week so far. Tuesday was 1m at hmp- 16 x 400m at 5kp off 30s- 1m 10kp.

    The 400s off 30s was tough, had to really control the pace. Pleasant 12m mlr yesterday and today is my first non run day in about 2 weeks. Spin later. Tomorrow is a trusty 10m tempo/mp run. A very good gauge of current fitness. Saturday I'm popping to parkrun to jog to understand at mp then Sunday has 19m, however I suspect I'll do 20. 

    The weather forecast for lanzarote from next week is pretty hot by their standards. I certainly won't forget my running shoes as I have quite a bit more running planned. Its much easier to run out there in that we aren't going with friends, go every year so nothing planned to explore and I have my set routes. My wife is also more understanding of me training on hol mid August,  than May, given where I am I the cycle. 

    One thing I think we'll all perhaps suffer with this year is that it's not been a notably warm summer to train through, unlike last summer which was very difficult, but come Autumn and cool temps,  it brought big gains. Can't rely on that this year, however I'm hoping lanzarote does serve that purpose a little. 
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    DT - that session sounds tough. You are defo building now, sessions, tempo, mlr and long run............I found a section thats about 0.5m long with more of a rolling slope, so did 3min reps up and down there on Tues. I used the same section today to do 5 x 6mins up and down the same section......yday i ran 4m winding downhill for a 400ft drop, and then pushed it back up......less miles this week but a bit more effort. Change of stimulus is a goid thing. Got a 10m trail race on South Downs sunday, so another missed long run, really need to jam a few in after that.
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    G-DawgG-Dawg ✭✭✭
    Hi Team!!
    Just had a quick scan through and some great work going on, well played, all!!!
    Spotted some Chicago chat. I stayed exactly two miles away at the top end of Magnificent Mile. It was a very easy walk to the start and plenty of lunch/beer places on the way back after.
    Checkout the Sunnyside Up café, superb coffee and great food in a lovely old building.

    Not posted for a while due to being on the bench, of sorts. Have been seeing a physio about my hamstring tendinopathy (both legs). Had it for two years now, four marathons and fed up with it.

    We're working well together with lots of weight based exercises, no speed work, no stretching, low volume. I'm up to 28 miles per week now and have done a 13 miler last week, got a 14 tomorrow. He's allowed me to gradually move up to 1k intervals with pushes to just over desired MP but certainly nothing at 400m track pace. It all makes sense. Started this week with 8 x 0.5k at 6.4x pace off 1 min recs. Felt good.

    I've made loads of changes, including buying a standing desk for work, taking anti-inflammatory supplements such as turmeric and ginger, cod liver oil tablets, Pilates and Yoga moves, a new weights bench to help with the exercises and other small things to do with mobility.

    I've noticed that the pain and discomfort is now delayed until miles 2 and 3 in runs rather than the first few steps as before. Some weeks I seem to get worse and then something happens and things look more positive.

    The Valencia campaign start is just over 1 week away. In my head I'm not going for a PB but will approach the campaign differently. Less volume early on but lots of intervals in the 6.4x pace range. Weekend long runs will have lots of parkruns to drill in on the pace/endurance mix, plus I really like doing those.

    I also have a super expensive Soar club vest, so I have to race again to justify the cost of it!! :D
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    Dawg - I wondered how you were getting on. Sounds like you're on the path back now. I agree that stretching can aggravate, and weights can help. I've tried to up the weights a bit. I found help from the mobility work and strides too, but you must follow the advice of the physio. Hopefully you've learn to run slowly sometimes  now, as that's the path to higher mileage. If you can get there and improve your mechanics then I see no reason why you can't sub3 at Valencia. You could be moving better and stronger.
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    DT19DT19 ✭✭✭
    Gdawg, your perseverance and determination is admirable. Many a 50 something would have thrown the running shoes out by now and bought a bike. Good luck for the pending campaign. 

    Did a my tempo yesterday. Averaged 6.11mm for the 10 at 159bpm. Picked it up nicy 2nd half averaging 6.07mm. Same run this weekend last year in similar conditions was 6.17mm and 161bpm. I keep looking at what was doing in February as my gauge where in fact last August is adequate as I then pb'd in September. 

    A soaking at parkrun this morning, trotted round progressively with a 6.22, 6.10 and 6.06 to run 19.11.

    That's 50m in and first 20 tomorrow. 

    We have to select transport to start options soon for NY. Thinking of taking ferry option as it's a tourist box ticked off. Any thoughts from those here who have run it? 
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    DT - that 10m bodes well then, you've had a good week again. Hope the 20m goes well. I have a 10m trail race up on the south downs tomorrow, which is usually hot, dry and dusty. Can see it being slippery on the chalky paths tomorrow after today's soaking, if id have known in advance id have done a long run instead.
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    G-DawgG-Dawg ✭✭✭
    DT. In New York I got the free bus service from the central library, it was just a few blocks from the hotel we were in , so an easy walk. It was an experience in itself, dozens of busses being filled efficiently with runners from all over the world in the dark NYC morning, amazing scene.

    Getting the buses direct to the start line took the stress out of public transport to the ferry port and whatever was required at the other end.

    15 slow miles on the trails and tow paths today. Really nice route with pals.
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    Well done on the 15 Dawg

    DT - i often wonder how long until i have to get my bike out more regularly again, cycling is miserable in the winter though. Hopefully I can follow OO and keep running.
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    DT19DT19 ✭✭✭
    How did race go, Tr?

    I quite enjoy spin classes and turbo sessions. Not sure I could be doing with proper cycling. 

    Gdawg, thanks for input. I note the ferry does involve a train ride, a ferry then a bus ride, whereas the bus is a walk and 1 ride. 

    20m done. Legs a bit heavy from last 2 days. Easier werk next week as half mara Sunday. Guess I'll find out then where fitness is at. Wokinghams 5.46mm average seems light years away. 
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    edited August 2023
    DT - you've defo had a good week now.

    Race was a local trail run on South Downs, proper old school finishing on village field. Brutally hilly, usually roasting, dusty and dry. Ended up approx 2.5min slower than last year but they'd added 0.25m to make it up to 10m (seems daft to me as its not a comparable race, but i bet they had loads of nerds telling them their 10m race was short) and it was wet, muddy and slippery in places.
    Chased down the AG folks i needed to be ahead of by 3m, knowing i could break the elastic in some long climbs in the next few miles, and my position never changed from there, caught an occasional glimpse of someone ahead every now and then. And had to be careful on a few slippery sections where the focus is on staying upright. Finished a minute behind the person ahead and 2 ahead of the person behind, but kept a decent effort up. Trophy and £20 for AG win. But wasnt enjoyable in the slippery sections and had the feeling of rather be out getting a 20m in instead. Although its a brutal hilly 10m so theres gains to be had today. IoW 1/2 in 2 wks, b of the bang in 6 wks, need to get some longer work done now.
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    DT19DT19 ✭✭✭
    Solid work, tr. Nice to get a trophy and some cash. 

    Reduced session yesterday as I cut back for Sundays half. 8 x 1k alternating between hmp and 10kp. I imagine the point of it was to dial into half pace and make it feel easy. Legs were still heavy after a big few days.

    Easy 8m today then very little to Sunday. 
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    OO54OO54 ✭✭✭
    edited August 2023
    Nice work TR and always good to get any kind of prize. Always tough in no man's land with few others around to push you in a race.
    Good to hear from you GDawg, hope all the changes prove effective 👍
    Congrats on the 20 miler DT, will be good to see how you go over the half- speedy I'm sure.
    Busy few days with visitors and nothing spectacular to report here. Tonight is a fast 5k race so sub 18 is the target plus age cat win. I really need to squeeze a 20 in, maybe Sunday 🤞
    You are right about the cool weather DT, really odd to have a whole summer with virtually no sweatfests. I was even wearing gloves the other day 😆
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    DT19DT19 ✭✭✭
    Good luck tonight, oo. I thought after parkrun Saturday morning in a windy, very wet 11c that gloves eouldnt have been out of place. I finally got to wear my long sleeved Boston finishers top though which was a plus. 

    Easy 8m and some s and c today. 
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    It’s been very humid down here in the south west, regularly at over 95% humidity.  A very, very easy 5 miler this morning ended up with me in a wringing wet shirt, for example. When the humidity drops I hope to see a jump in performance, but that remains to be seen :) 

    I wore my Boston long sleeved today…but it was just to walk the dog. I really like it though. 
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    OO54OO54 ✭✭✭
    Hot and humid for tonight's 5k but in a good way with lots of folks getting PBs. I got 17:29 and first V60, my fastest for a good while. 
    Nice to hear from you Big G 👍
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    DT19DT19 ✭✭✭
    Big g, yes I almost feel its too nice to be kept just as a running top! 

    Oo, immense performance. You really should put your name forwards for these England masters 5k teams. For that distance teams are selected following expressions of interest and its a race v a Welsh team. I think there's one next week at mid Cheshire 5k for eg. You need to make proper use if that kit you purchased. Failing that join me at the Manchester half next May. 

    Easy few days here tapering towards tomorrow's half. Last year it was 29c at start, tomorrow is about 18 so acceptable for an August race. 
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    Big G - good to train in tough conditions at times. Better than training through the winter for a warm spring marathon.

    OO - thats s sharp 5k, nice one.

    DT - 18 sounds good, hope you go well.

    Easy commutes all week as the trail race battered my legs. i kept it to 4 and 4 yday as the mileage was getting a bit high and my legs had stopped aching but were tired. Havnt run a long run for a few weeks so 21m today, became a heavy legged affair late on but to be fair my legs were tired before the start, due to the Welsh hills, trail race and today bringing up 95m for the week (decided on Thursday to ease back a few miles to avoid a possible ton).
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    OO54OO54 ✭✭✭
    I did apply for that 5k team DT but they rejected me- damm cheek 😉 Might take you up on the Manx half, combined with a daughter visit 👍

    1st finisher at Ashington parkrun today. It was a small field and in truth my daughter's boyfriend let me pass him at the end. All the same 18:04 on trail is good going, especially after a heavy week. 
    Also bought some carbon dragonfly xc spikes for my race in Pescara. They are pretty funky 

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    DT19DT19 ✭✭✭
    The absolute bounders over at England athletics, oo. How dare they! The only logical explanation here is that they don't consider parkruns and perhaps when you applied you hadn't run races recently beyond that? They look at your general form including other distances, but guess prioritise 5k. 

    Excellent work on the parkrun victory snd destroying the v60 record. 

    Don't you need track spikes though?

    My expectations were muted today following the two recent 10ks and on waking at 5.50 to get to the far side of Nottingham for a 9am start , really wanted to just roll over and stay in bed. 

    Managed to get in a decent group early on and they unbeknowngly formed a loverly arrow formation around me like kiphoge had in breaking two. I couldn't believe my luck as much of the first few miles were into the headwind. I also knew that I had to stick with them as if not I'd be largely on my own early doors. We were sitting nicely in low 5.50s then about 5m in after the largest climb of the route it started to fragment.

    By this point I was settled and in a rhythm and felt the pace was sustainable. Kept ticking off the low to mid 5.50s with the odd 5.4x on a couple of downhill miles got me in for 1.17.20 averaging 5.54mm.

    That's my second fastest half and only 5s per mile off pb pace, so a big September's training for example. Interestingly in both the first and 2nd 10ks today I was faster than my recent 10k race. Perhaps I need to pretend I'm running a half next time at a 10k! 

    Fly to lanzarote Wednesday where its currently 30c with a feel like of 35c. I've got a loose training plan do I'm hoping some very warm weather running mixed with good rest will set me up nicely for the final 5-6 weeks towards Chester. 
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    There's obviously some sharp runners around in the m60 AG then OO if they picked others before you.

    DT - sounds like a well controlled run, good stuff. You are in good shape with time to get fitter yet.
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    DT19DT19 ✭✭✭
    I've just looked on rb and oo is 5th at 5k, but two ahead of him appear not to be English, so no idea how that choice was made. 

    There's a few half mara qualifiers to come including a lakes half.

    Tr, yes I surprised myself with that as those 10ks in July knocked me a bit, so all good I guess. 
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    If Lewis was training you for 10k then maybe you should feel knocked by those 10ks, but as he is training you for marathons then I guess you'd expect to sèe better performances at 1/2 and above. You're still on an upward curve, so keep at it.

    I have IoW HM next weekend which is usually hot (11am start), hilly and has a few miles of trail, so usually comes in around what mp turns out to be.
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    OO54OO54 ✭✭✭
    That sounds like a bloody good half to me DT. Fantastic to keep that pace up for 13 miles. Can't grasp why your 10ks aren't faster though I guess if you don't train for top speed then it's not going to improve massively.
    I already have track spikes 😉
    Good luck with the half TR. Will you taper, or normal mileage this week.
    I did a very slow 20 miler today- left leg very tired and sore but hung in there and reached 57 for the week, my highest of the Chicago campaign. I've got an easy week with no races- 4 weeks to GNR.
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    JoolskaJoolska ✭✭✭
    Nice work on the half, DT, and congrats on the parkrun 'win', OO.  Excellent mileage as always, TR.  A few trips to the gym to try and cross-trainer for me, and the knee doesn't seem to mind it.  It was nice to do some slightly more intensive cardio.
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    G-DawgG-Dawg ✭✭✭
    TR, OO, and DT knocking it out of the park at the mo. Absolute scenes!! Well done chaps, marvellous to see.

    Love those XC spikes, OO. I'm going to get some track spikes in the sales in preparation for the winter ice forming during the track sessions like last winter.

    Started the latest campaign this week, Valencia marathon is now under 16 weeks away. Still got the tendinopathy issues but tiny improvements continue.
    I'm nervous about doing lower volume and higher recovery but there will be more focus on pace. Seeing the physio again tonight. Last time he said I was banned from track sessions but could build up to 1k reps in road intervals and focus on just quicker than MP, we'll build on this as the campaign goes on. It makes sense but is different to my usual approach. As mentioned before, mindset is not to focus on a PB, just see where I am nearer the time.

    I've entered the Cabbage Patch 10 miler in October as a fitness marker event and to get some race prep training in.

    Recent sessions, I've made sure to get some MP or there abouts in nearly every session apart from LSRs, seeing a few sub-7 miles is a boost but I'm clearly unfit and half a stone too heavy right now.

    Healing still to complete and work to do but at least there's a plan.
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    We'll done on the 20m OO

    Great to see you moving into campaign mode Dawg, the 1k reps sounds good. I always include 3min reps off 30sec jog, so the pace isnt quick.
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    I had IoW 1/2 Today, and had the standard tired and slow day 4 wks out from a mara. IoW 1/2 is hilly, has 5 or 6m of trail and is hot with an 11 am start and I reckon comes out pretty close to mp. In 2019 1.27.4X converted to 2.55.1X as Abo 8 wks later, last year's 1.26.4X  put me In 2.54 shape for VLM, but i got ill. Today was 1.28.4X, was a tired affair, I boiled over in the sun on a big climb at 8m and eased off it a bit mentally (and physically) as no point thrashing myself in a slow hilly build up race. Maybe it will turn out to be mp after all, but I've run a lot of miles, hills and double days lately o kind of expected it......Top day out with an afternoon at the seaside, and it's a proper day out (8am to 6.30pm) when it has a train ride and ferry ride at each end of the day.
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    DT19DT19 ✭✭✭
    Morning all, apologies for the absence, work was mad pre holiday and I've tried to limit Internet time as far as possible whilst away so far. 

    Gdawg, good to see you enthused by things and back on the campaign trail. 

    Tr, I wouldn't unduly concern yourself with that outcome. As you say, you're miles have been high lately and I understand it was a 'nice' day Sunday. 

    Following newark I felt the best I can ever recall in the days Following a half. Monday I did 8m easy and spin, then Tuesday 5 x 6 mins at 5.50s off 3 min at 6.50s. 

    Wednesday was travel day, though on arriving at airport I had an e mail off Newark to ask for my bank details as there was a £30 prize for 2nd in AG.

    Did 10m easy Thursday, 8m Friday with 25 x 1 min alternating between easy and hmp, minute off and on, then 6m progression Saturday from easy to mara pace. Sunday rest day to watch footy then 8m easy yesterday. This morning 7m with 3 at mara pace. Was meant to be 2 x 3m but it was 30 plus degree at 9.30 and windy and I was just depleted so called it at 1 x 3m.

    Will probably do easy 10m tomorrow or Thursday and have a lie in the other day. Don't think I've done my fitness any damage this last week particularly with the effect of training in 30c temps. 

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