
Training for a shorter Tri



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    cake - I should sit down soon and decide which races I want to do as special ones next year and see what else will fit in as fun races. I know one of them is going to be wild boar, and I was thinking of dambuster as an oly distance. I am also going to do Sussex marathon in April. If I enjoy Rutland I might go for that again next year, but may depend on the date - it is on my son's birthday this year so I have had to make some promises to make up for leaving him at the grandparents for his birthday (he'll probably get more treats from them than he would from me anyway so maybe it is a good deal for him!)

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    It's just the water sloshing about I think, just don't like it. I've tried my belt thing to which also bounces unless I put a small bottle in. Best I've done is looping back home, I like the idea that Cat had of being dropped off 20 miles away image loops are tough and there and back are hard to. Could get wife to drive me then could hide bottles on route that I could pick up on way back? Or might take my son out with me he can carry all my food and drink in ruck sack while on his bike?
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    I'm doing Marafun before I look at any races for next year, will be starting IM outlaw training in Dec so Marafun then couple weeks rest then outlaw training. So my races will be based around training for outlaw. When is dambuster?
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    SteadyCJSteadyCJ ✭✭✭

    I have watched the Outlaw, got up and watched on Channel 4 +1 at 7.35. spotted myself in background of M Greene chap, also seen were Happychap and Toucs as spectators and Trogs at the finish, her grin was like mine when I came out of the swim.
    Did a swim on Saturday morning then loads of gardening. No run or bike as had to dash down to FiL on Sunday.
    Today I have had another headache and feeling sick, fed up with this,happended last week a couple of times. It has been suggested that it could be my hormones having a rampage as having the dreaded hot flushes as well. Hope a quick trip to the quack will get it sorted out so normal life can resume. Sorry ST if thats TMI for you, but its part of life for us girlies.

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    That's ok Steady but I have the same image so now panicingimage
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    SteadyCJSteadyCJ ✭✭✭

    ST your hot flushes will be when you have done some training,  image

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    steady - oh, hope the dr can sort it for you

    I think dambuster is in June

    bugger - we bought a bike carrier to go on the back of the car, just went to try it out and OH has managed to scratch the back on my car with a bike pedal. Wonderful. NUmber plate is obscured so can't use it tomorrow to take the kids out - we thought it would hold the bikes high enough to not obscure the number plate. damn damn damn

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    Steady no hot flushes are before training, when putting kit onimage
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    ST - to stop the sloshing about when you fill the camelbak turn it upside down and suck out all the air.

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    I mean when I'm running Mathschick.
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    yeah, if you do that it when you fill it up it doesn't slosh about when you run! maybe it was the way I wrote it

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    SteadyCJSteadyCJ ✭✭✭

    ST I know what you mean, putting on a wet suit is enough hard work before doing any swimming.

    I have a large dose of CBA but will attempt some pilates to see if that helps get me in a better mood. Hopefully Mr Steady will come home soon and want to go for a short bike ride.

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    I did it! 2k swim in under an hour and no puking!!   imageimageimage

    Dead chuffed with myself, although I'm not sure what I did differently today, other than try to think calm thoughts and had a couple of 30 sec breaks

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    brit - well doneimage hopefully there will be no more puking

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    Brit - woop woop, u must be chuffed! Corner turned hopefully.

    Morning Chilli...

    Maths - how frustrating, can you exchange the carrier?

    I'm not doing anything exciting, on a long stretch at work so fitting bits in when can. Been out properly on the bike with new pedals and didn't fall off! Swim lesson tomorrow and aiming for a 30 min run this morning before work. Hopefully the ankle will hold up. Still aiming for sprint at Bath at end of Sept but no off duty done yet! image

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    MrsD - should be able to. Annoyed about the scratch...

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    Yeah, didn't want to mention that.... 

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    MD - I've been led to believe that falling off is an essential part of the initiation ...!!

    Tried on my last bike and fell Off a few times so gave up, but this time around I've been ok so far - I'm sure my time will come, though ...
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    There are just two types of cyclist's those that have fallen off and those that will at some point. image I have some peppa pig plaster's for such instances.

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    I think I might be both types - I have fallen and still expect to fall at some other pointimage. Winnie the pooh plasters for me....

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    Lightning McQueen for meimage " Ka-chow " image
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    Cake wrote (see)

    There are just two types of cyclist's those that have fallen off and those that will at some point. image I have some peppa pig plaster's for such instances.

    Bloomin' 'eck, I venture in here for the first time, on the verge of buying my first road bike.........and I read this! image

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    Don’t worry if you ever fall off I will make sure you have something soft to land on. I’ll use my head. Welcome young’un Whats the word on the bike? Have you got something in mind and stuff? image

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    BookyBooky ✭✭✭
    Cake wrote (see)

    There are just two types of cyclist's those that have fallen off and those that will at some point. image I have some peppa pig plaster's for such instances.

    I'm one of the latter. It's only a matter of time... image

    *waves to Saffy*

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    *waves to Bookie*

    Cake, I shall hopefully be popping into a bike shop in the next couple of days to try out a few (I'll probably fall off one in the shop knowing me!). I have my eye on a rather cute little Felt that I've seen on Wiggle and the local shop has some in stock.

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    SteadyCJSteadyCJ ✭✭✭

    Hello Saffy, I am glad there are a group of us girlies on here that are novice level for cycling. I enjoy cycling, just not very quick yet.
     At OW swim this morning, I got talking and said that it was my first OW since the outlaw and told them of my time for the swim and run. The girl then said but I thought it was a tri, so admitted to them that I needed my neighbour to do the cycling for me.
    We got talking 'cos I had the embarrassment of getting cramp in my calf just as I tried to pull myself out of the water onto the pontoon and needed a hand to get fully out. It must have loooked a bizarre sight half in/half out of the water clinging on and cursing the cramp.

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    3 mile walk with OH this morning then a 2 mile run on the end, 10.55 min/mile avg for the run so it's going to take some time to get back to where I was. As the saying goes ,"time is a great healer".....image

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    Nice one Razor stick with it mate.

    I cancelled my rest day today and went for 10k hilly run, was raining a little as I left which I don't mind. Then 2 miles in came the hail stones, which I did mind. Couldn't see in front of me so just looked at my feet and hoped nothing coming other way. Still another run done bring on the next one lol plan now is one short one middle and one long run a week. Thought that was easyer to stick with image so that's my short one doneimage
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    Saffy Sweety Pea wrote (see)

    *waves to Bookie*

    Cake, I shall hopefully be popping into a bike shop in the next couple of days to try out a few (I'll probably fall off one in the shop knowing me!). I have my eye on a rather cute little Felt that I've seen on Wiggle and the local shop has some in stock.

    image If you need any help it's a good excuse for me and Sarah to invite ourselves round and talk carp and see you tother half as well. image

    ST are you still feeling it a bit on the long ones?

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