
Legs toning but weight not going

As some of you know I'm running to lose weight and stay fit, but the problem I'm having is my legs have toned up but my belly hasn't image
I run about 3/4 times a week, I've recently been doing a 5k training program but managed the 5k yesterday. I just want to know why my weight is going, I look at myself when I run passed windows and think OMG I loom awful ! Then I see the women runners, slender, good physiques etc and the clothing is size 8, 10, 12's etc and I'm a 16 !! I am curvy so I know there's nothing I can do to change that, I just want my belly gone........help !!!!


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    I think you need to look at what you're eating as well. I used an online/phone app called myfitnesspal, which allows you to set up a basic profile and decide what your goal is (I used 1/2 lb a week). It will then give you a calorie target for the day. Any exercise you do gets added on so you can either eat more and lose weight slowly, or eat less and lose weight faster.

    Takes a bit of effort at first, especially if you eat a lot of home cooked meals as you often have to enter the ingredients to make a recipe, then generate the calories per portion (other websites like Spark Recipes worked better for me doing this).

    The advantage of something like this is it lets you see the running in the context of your daily energy needs. I was shocked at first to see how much I was eating when I thought I was being 'healthy', but managed to adjust and lost about 2 stone in a few months. I rarely use it now as I know much better what the 'cost' of my food is,but every now and then I go back and check my days intake, or a particular mean etc.

    Good luck.
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    There are a number of factors to consider to lose weight.

    A pound of fat is 3500 calories, so to lose a pound of body weight, you need a deficit of 3500 calories. This can be through diet or exercise, but a combination of both works best. Running a mile burns approximately 100 calories, so to lose a pound a week just via running, you need to run around 35 miles, which as a beginner isn't recommended. So you need to look at your diet too.

    I'd recommend you work out your daily calorie needs. Google BMR (basal metabolic rate) calculation and from there your daily calorie needs, depending on how much exercise you do. Then eat 500 calories a day less than your daily calorie needs.You'll need to record everything you eat every day, there are lots of websites for this. I've found Daily Burn is very useful and free. My daily calorie intake is around 2100, so I aim to eat around 1500-1600 calories a day.

    Another thing to consider is the effect of muscle. Muscle is denser than fat, is takes up less space. A pound of fat weighs the same as a pound of fat, but it takes up less space, so you might find get smaller but your weight won't change. Muscle also burns more energy than fat, so building muscle will not only make you appear smaller, but it will boost your metabolism and burn more calories during the day. I'd suggest adding a weights session to your weekly routine, including core work and upper body.

    Weight loss can take a while. Some people, chaps particularly, find it just falls off them with a bit of exercise and watching their diet. For others, it's much more of a struggle.

    If after 6weeks - 2 months of running and eating a calorie deficit diet you haven't lost any weight, I'd suggest going to see your GP. Some hormonal contraceptives, especially the depo injection, can not only cause weight gain but make it impossible to lose the weight too.

    One other thing I'd say is don't get hung up on your weight, enjoy your running and relish in how good you're getting.

    Good luck
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    Thanks guys i will check those websites out.

    I have def started eating more fruit and taking more fluids, sometimes though (not using this as an excuse) but my work is on the go for 8hrs and then coming home to 2 kids i don't always get everything in my diet i need but o do try.  I normally have bowl of cereall at 6.30am then a slice of brown toast on my breakn at 10.30am,my dinner is 1 cob with a piece of fruit and a activia yoghurt and a pint of water, so i am trying, i guess as a novice i just expected to start running and expect to lose the baby weight  image 

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