
Paris Marathon 2014



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    DefenderKen - you don't work for Nissan by any chance do you? If correct, you'd be the second person on this thread who does.

    I've been invited to do a monster bike ride tmrw, 155km route including some fierce climbs around Namur in Belgium, with some very serious athletes. I...am..bricking it. Then 32kms on Sunday with TinkerBEL. I...am....lovin' it.

    Strange injury stuff (feel free to jump over the rest of this post if you are anatomically disinterested!). I've had a pain in my a5se since last August. Really tight Piriformis (muscle that goes sideways across your butt to stabilise the hip). Knotty, sore, tight, yuck. At my last check-up with The Shoe Whisperer, he saw on his slow-mo video that as my foot lifted off the ground that my heel did a sudden small twist inwards. He told us to look up 'Adductor Twist'.

    So TinkerBEL went off to do her research. She could easily have been a doctor/ physio in another life. Turns out my groin is tight and to compensate, my Piriformis in the butt is pulling back to try and balance a twist in my hips, like the muscles are at war with each other, both under tension. Because my Piriformis is tight, the Sciatic nerve which passes underneath it is occasionally trappd, sending shooting pains down my leg, which feels like I have pulled my hamstring and calf muscles at the same time.

    I've spent months and plenty of time at a physio to find this elusive pain in my hamstrings and calf but to no avail, and nothing got better,  so I've just been living with the pain. Well over the last two nights, TB has found the knots and the tightness and has put me through agony trying to release them up. Not quite there yet but I feel much looser across my hip and my leg can move back and forwards without twisting inwards. I almost can't believe how much better I feel, so quickly.

    I'm certain that a lot of the injury problems I have faced over the last two years are related to this, so it is with a profound sense of optimism and joy that i am looking forward to this running season. In case I haven't said it before, that TB is ruddy marvellous (sick making moment here) and I love her to bits


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    Young love ..... It's so pretty

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    Blushing furiously.


    The love may be pretty. The squeals of agony ain't.

    I don't like inflicting pain on TD. Honest. I don't. image

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    PC -PC - ✭✭✭

    FYI : On the Paris site the say that there will be 50 tonnes of fruit, 2600 kg of sugar, 144000 litres of water (33cl  bottles ?) and 35600 litres of Powerade.

    Per person that's roughly : 1 kg of fruit, 10 sugar cubes, 3L of water, 1L of Powerade.  

    Also I read that it takes 1h10 for the last runner to pass the starting line.  I wasn't at the back and it took me 52 minutes.


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    Les Champs a PC wrote (see)

    I read that it takes 1h10 for the last runner to pass the starting line.  I wasn't at the back and it took me 52 minutes.


    Really? Blimey! I'll have fallen back asleep again by then!


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    Thanx everyone. Yes I need to keep reminding myself its all part of a bigger plan, and stop listening to people that know nothing about me or my plan!image 

    uisgeJo - No plans to be down before Paris I am afraid. 

    Defender Ken - I started running long before postie job, otherwise I may never have! Days like today are hard- strong winds and torrential rain- but I do enjoy it.

    After last nighs blasting with BROD, and working on some points in my calves things feel a lot better today... Just need to keep it up! 

    Strength training tonight.....


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    image Nice one Kaz!

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    ATMATM ✭✭✭

    I'm having no luck with posting the actual photos rather than the link...

    +1, for the plan kaz.

    Hello, again, Defender Ken. Yes, thanks, I plan to run...although' run' might not be the best description. I did a long, very slow, run , yesterday, along the canal towpath  to


     ..and was mightily impressed.

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    Looking forward to my last 20 miler tomorrow.

    Well, I'm looking forward to finishing it, not doing it..

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    Good to hear from you again Defender Ken - nice work, get the carb loading in early.

    Well, we're here at the Athletes' apartment in Barcelona, all ready to hit the Expo tomorrow. Coiled springs we are, coiled springs.
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    benignmurmurring wrote (see)

    SmellyMelly - I'm scared for your bad knee on a 22 mile run image. Do you have a way of bailing out if things feel wrong? I had to take 5 weeks out of proper training to get my knee feeling properly recovered when I pushed things too hard this winter. I don't want to be negative but It sounds like a big risk at this stage image

    Yes it is a quandary, I just feel like if I can do the 22 miles then I've done all the hard work and I won't feel guilty resting during taper.  The knee doesn't bother me that much when I'm running it's after that it's sore. maybe I'll see how if feels tomorrow

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    yer majyer maj ✭✭✭

    Porridged up and ready to rock my last 20 miler.  Well, porridged up, anyway...

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    RS - good luck in Barcelona. Enjoy the last LSR everyone else image

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    Ready to rock here too.... just have to final nudge the bf out of bed as he is mtb backup/water man for the day, (feel a bit guilty on a Saturday morning)
    Excited to drive somewhere new to run- a disused railway line which has been made into a foot/bike/bridle path

    Hope everyone has fun!

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    Eggyh73Eggyh73 ✭✭✭

    I'm also porriged up. Will be glad to get these 22 miles done.

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    Well thats my first run of the day done. 11 miles on legs that feel like lead. All I could think about for the last two were my bottle of powerade I had forgotten to take. Now work, followed by 10 more miles later. 

    Good luck to anyone out there today. Take it easy on those LSR's - no point risking everything now! 

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    SmellyMelly - have you considered taping the knee with Kine-tape for your last LSR? Supporting the patella will help prevent aggravating any damage underneath. There are good demonstrations of how to tape here: https://www.kttape.com/instructions/

    Since TD is going to do an LSR with me tomorrow, I've got the morning off to stalk him on his monster ride.

    I have had enormous fun researching proper fuelling for long distance cycling and making him food to take that's real food and not junked-up, chemical-laden sweetness, but that he can access and eat quickly.

    I'm interested to see whether this makes a difference. Besides, cooking for somebody going on a monster bike ride is almost the same as actually doing the ride, right?

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    Convocation tick, medical certificate ticked though with a charge, but hey every cloud and all that placed some bets on Cheltenham races that came in which eventually meant it only cost ??18!!!

    Looking forward to getting the next couple of weeks out of the way!

    Happy running
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    StuchburyStuchbury ✭✭✭

    Just off for the second to last LSR... Got another 20 next weekend and a two week taper cos of the calf. Not sure of the distance today - I know where Team Stuchbury are meeting me and the water bottle exchange place. It will be between 20-22 I reckon. 

    Good luck everyone... Don't do anything silly, we're neatly there! 

    Good luck Barcalona runners!!

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    TD is at 70km of his monster bike ride. Average speed of 31.6 km/h! image

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    21 miles done at a nice steady pace. So that's it. No more LSRs. Yahoo.

    Bring it on....

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    Congrats MacPerks!

    TD has just passed the 150km mark. Still averaging around 30 km/h. WITH 1340km of elevation. 

    Oh boy!

    What do you think is the single nicest thing I could do to help him recover?

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    RoundmanRoundman ✭✭✭
    I'm there as well!! 20 miles complete - no more long runs!!

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    yer majyer maj ✭✭✭

    Take that, 21 miles.  Tapertapertapertapertapertapertaper......oh boy I have been waiting for this.

    Will I go mad?

    Shall I start packing?

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    You need a list first, darling. Jimbob's at least a week off making one. Don't upset his karma! image

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    TinkerBELysees wrote (see)

    Congrats MacPerks!

    TD has just passed the 150km mark. Still averaging around 30 km/h. WITH 1340km of elevation. 

    Oh boy!

    What do you think is the single nicest thing I could do to help him recover?

    I'd run him a freezing cold bathimage
    Well done TD and everyone else out there today

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    GavoGavo ✭✭✭

    Hi folks.  Sorry for asking a question that's been asked 100 times (at least) before but I've seen some of you post about your convocations.  Is that something that's on the website or do they email it to you or is there some other way to get it?

    Ta muchly!

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