
Alton Downlands 10k

I'm thinking of entering this multi terrain race, having run in the South Downs Half Marathon and Harting 10 mile Trail Race earlier in the year. Any feed back would be appreciated.


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    Not run it for a number of years but have done it several times in the past. 
    Well worth it I'd say, quite a testing course, even more so if there has been a bit of rain.
    Couple of hills similar to the South Downs - done the marathon a couple of times - but nothing too onerous.
    From memory its about 3-4 minutes slower than a road 10k, so add on about 8-10% to your road time.


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    Thanks Dustin. I like hills and did the SD Marathon last year. This years SD Half was nearly 15 miles, as the course was amended at the last minute, and we had to run up Butser Hill twice.

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