
Q&A with #asics262 physio Sarah Connors

On 18 March ASICS Target 26.2 physio Sarah Connors will be hosting a Q&A on tackling injury here on the forum.

Whether you've been stopped in your tracks by a full-blown injury or have a niggle that just won't go away, Sarah will be on hand to answer all your injury questions in the lead up to Spring marathon season.  

As a physio, Sarah has worked for GB athletics and the English Institute of Sport. She's worked at two Olympic Games, several World and European Championships and the Commonwealth Games. Running is a particular specialism, and today she runs her own clinic in Birmingham. If you're struggling with injury ahead of a marathon, she's the perfect person to help get you back on track.

Post your questions in advance for Sarah below or join in on the day between 1-2pm.



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    Hi Sarah


    I have a slight hamstring strain. It doesn't hurt but I can feel it when I run and when I walk. I stopped running for 2 weeks - rested it for a few days, started stretching, and went out for a jog this morning. After 1km I could feel it again.

    Do you have an advice? Should I use Deep Heat ice packs?

    Many thanks

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    Hi Sarah, am doing Paris mara in 4 wks, so ramping the miles up at the mo.

    My left hip seems to increasingly become misaligned over long mileage weeks and it's the right hip that moans and feels really tight. I've been to a physio a couple of times and she manipulates it back into position, which eases the tightness on right side, but it doesn't seem too last long. 

    Is there a strength exercise that might prevent the left hip from misaligning itself in the first place? Thanks.

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    Hi Sarah

    I haven't been able to run for the past nine months due to problems with my flexor hallucis brevis .Despite nhs physio giving my a couple of exercises to do which I did with out fail the pain and tenderness still persists. in fact the exercises seemed to make the the problem worse.

     I have had an xray and mri nothing showed up e.g stress fracture although and he could not elaborate there was some mechanical change. I thought in recent weeks things were slightly better but after short cycle ride  the next day I am hobbling round again. I'm desperate to get running again any suggestions would be  appreciated

    Many Thanks Valis

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    Hi Sarah, 

    I've had to pull out of the Manchester Marathon as I've literally got a right pain in the bum! If I run, I get a burning sensation in my left buttock which takes a day to die down. I also get frequent, prolonged twinges right at the top of my thigh where it joins the buttock.

    Nearly four months of piriformis stretches, pelvis stability exercises, shoulder bridges, squats and walking with my pelvis slightly tucked under (all advised by my physio) have seen a minor improvement but naturally, I'm getting a little impatient now.

    I'd welcome a second opinion. Is it normal for recovery to take this long and can you suggest any other courses of action?

    Many thanks, Andrea

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    Hi Sarah,

    I have 7 weeks left until my first marathon (London). I was due to do a half this weekend but am pulling out due to a pain in my left leg. My foot hurts when I run and the pain shoots up my left calf, knee and hip. I had a sports massage that helped but after a 2 mile run last night, the pain is still there. 

    Any advice if I should be on the roller, icing it or using ibuprofen gels?

    Many thanks, Emily 

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    I have a similar problem to kingslayer. I get dull pain in the lower hamstrings, but can be intermittent; usually. I tore a left hamstring just before Christmas which healed quite quickly. My road shoes are 4mm drop and my fell shoes are probably more than twice that. I am a midfoot runner only resorting to heel strike on the steepest descents. History of lumbar back pain.

    I feel aa though my distance is limited by this although I know I can run in excess of marathon distance, but as I'm training for Ultra's I really want to nip this in the bud.
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    Hi Sarah,

    I am training for Paris but the last few weeks training has been hampered by my IT Band causing discomfort around the knee.

    I rested for a couple of weeks and have now had some physio and I am doing some specific stretching and going on the foam roller as often as I can.

    The start of my runs are uncomfortable but the discomfort seems to ease after the first mile or so.

    Any other advice?



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    Hi Sarah,

    I'm training for London but I'm currently resting due to a mysterious pain deep in my left quads. My last run was a week ago, following which walking was painful for a few days. I've been icing, but I'm finding it hard to locate exactly where the problem is.

    I'm keeping fit by cycling in the gym which is going OK and I'm also doing lunges and squats - but single leg squats are seriously painful and I can't do more than a couple at a time.

    How long do you think I can substitute cycling and other exercise for running before I lose that fitness? And are there any good exercises you would recommend?


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    Hi Sarah

    About a year ago I started running to lose weight when I was 17 stone resulting in a tibial stress fracture. I cannot get this to heal I have left it at least 4 months at a time and as soon as I do an easy treadmill session its as bad as ever, its getting me down after such a long time , I just want to run please help
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    Hi Sarah,

    Looks like several people are having the same or similar issue. I am running London in 6 weeks and 3 weeks ago I had to stop running at 17 miles with pain right behind my knee (in the inward bit between the two large tendons). I've seen an osteopath several times, been stretching, icing etc. I did a gentle 5km a week ago and have done a couple since. Everything feels very awkward and tight. I'm really worried about being able to keep going for 26 miles. I can't not do it. I can't let the charity down I'm running for. They only have one place!!

    Other than any advice on how I might get through this, I'm wondering on your thoughts around having a cortizone injection to help get me through? Good idea? Ridiculous idea? And where would I go to get it done anyway?! My local GP is pretty hopeless. I'm happy to pay privately, but don't really know where to go!

    Any thoughts, suggestions etc would be really welcome!

    Thanks in advance


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    Hi Sarah,

    I started experiencing knee pain during my run 2 weeks ago and went to see a physio friend who suggested knee instability causing the patellar to rub on the bursae and causing inflammation. I am running London (first marathon) in 6 weeks and so am a bit nervous.

    I have been doing daily strengthening exercises, plus I have a patellar knee strap and ibuprofen for my runs, and ice packs for afterwards- is there anything else you can suggest?

    On top of that I have had a virus for the past week or so which has completely knocked me off my feet so I have missed the last 2 weekends running (should have been 16 miles last weekend and a half marathon yesterday). How do you recommend picking the training back up so I dont miss out on the vital miles over the final few weeks of training but without pushing myself too much for my knee and not quite being 100%?

    Thank you!


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    Hi Sarah,

    I had achilles issue last year which has died down after physio but left with a pain from inside right ankle bone up to half way up inside right leg to a bruise! Painful when walking too. Wondering if bruise is a sign of a tear explaining why pain lasting so long...nearly a year! Hoping to sign up for half marathon end if may but constant injury making me cautious. Grateful for any advice.

    Thank you

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    Hi Sarah

    having developed PF about 4weeks ago whilst training for a hm in early May, is it unrealistic to think I could take part. my weekly long mile was up to 9miles. Have done some cardio work at the gym eg. spin classes but no running. Pain in my foot almost completely gone. Now just doing stretching exercises. Would it be ok to start running again, for short distances

    Would appreciate your advice

    Thank you


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    Hi Sarah,

    thanks for taking the time to answer our questions. I've been told that I have "runners' knee". It's been bothering me for about 10 days now. At the moment I can't run at all because even walking hurts. What kind of cross-training would you recommend and when is it safe for me to start running again? 

    Thanks for your advice

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    Hello, I'm suffering with ischial tuberosity tendinopathy, I've had sports massage, exercises for stretching & strentghening via physio, but still  pain not resolved. I would be very grateful for your input.

    thanks Jo.

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    Hi Sarah,

    I'm training for my first marathon (London on the 26th) but have had to take 2 weeks out of training for peroneal tendinitis. I've seen a physio and had sports massage and it's now feeling good but I'm behind in training. My question now is, is it better to have a shorter taper of only 2 weeks and get up to 20 miles or stick to 3 weeks and do a max of 18 miles?

    Many thanks, Nicola
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    My calfs keep flaring up from what I'm told (by my physio ) is a neuro muscular issue. Hence why when I try to run after about 15 mins I get a sharp stabbing pain and the only way to resolve it is complete rest from running. This seem to be confirmed by Arthur lydiards training that I've started to read up on, in that I have been doing to much anaerobic exercise, leading to oxygen debt in the muscles and a resultant muscular breakdown.The annoying thing was that I'd actually realised this and started to train on Heart Rate zones doing 80% easy and 20% hard and found I also had less Achilles pain as a result of not pushing myself so hard. But as I did a HR max test to make sure my HR zones were right over a 5k route it just put me over the edge.

    My question being Ive not run for 3 weeks but have been cycling.  Is there a specified amount of time to wait before running again.  I am contemplating trying again in April.


    many thanks


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    Hi Sarah, thank you for taking the time to answer questions.

    I  suffered from ITB earlier this year, but after two weeks rest and lots of exercising, the problem seems to have gone away.  However, now I have a problem on the front of the same knee.  What exercises would you suggest?  A lot I have researched on the web seem the same as for ITB.

    I am running the Manchester Marathon 0n 19th April and  I have one more 20 miler this weekend before cutting my long mileage.  Should I lay off running completely for a while, or continue (if I can) and just do the exercises?

    Many thanks

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    I Sarah, hope you can help. I strained my right buttock whilst sprinting uphill 20 meters over a yr ago. But I'm still getting an ache where my right buttock joins my back. I'm also having trouble stretching that part. Any advice combating, strenghtening, stretching & healing be Great!


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    Hi Sarah,

    More of injury prevention this one. Would you recommend a light massage the day before the race to loosen the legs up prior to the race to avoid stiffness and possible injury during the race?

    Thank you in advance.
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    Hi sarah can you help?

    I woke up with a sore left foot two months ago during marathon training plan. I was up to 17 miles. Drs thought it was metarsalgia then mortons neroma but investigations showed it was neither. After two Months rest it feels better....I ran 8 miles on sunday and felt ok but got told off for running too far by friend who thinks this will hurt foot again. Am desperate to do a jalf marathon on april 19...am I able to?
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    Hi Sarah,

    Please could you suggest some good calve muscle stretches as i always seem to have issues with them.

    Also i tend to get a numb feeling down my right leg and foot during a run more than 5km. I have tried loosening my shoes and new shoes. Is there anything else i could try?

    Thanks Stuart

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    Hi Sarah ,  I have a on going problem with my Achilles , I have been having treatment for nearly two years now with only very slight improvement , I did some light hill work while on holiday ,when I got back I could feel the Achilles but carried on running on it , eventually I had to get professional advice for it .  ive been having ultrasound treatment on it amongst other work , but it is very stubborn and I'm not able to do any real distance running ,   any ideas ,   Thanks   Phil .



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    Hi Sarah

    I'm another London runner! I'm currently hampered slightly by a nerve issue in my right leg which two session of dry needling with a physio has helped significantly with. There is slight muscle wastage in my right calf as a result, although hill runs and calf raises are helping with. It came on 3hrs after my last long run of 16miles, during which and immediately after i felt fine. I've had my QL treated today which has helped with pain at the front of my ankle and I do feel like I'm getting stronger again, it's just taking time with it being a nerve inflammation issue. My question is whether to get another long run in before London on the 26th - I was hoping to do at least one 20miler before for confidence but don't want to risk injury - do I increase intensity/strength and conditioning and stay below 15miles on long runs or do at least one more long runs? My physio has said a long run to test it would be a good idea, but I'd just like a second opinion. I can weight bear on it, run on it, but it hurts in the morning or after sitting for a while, and is uncomfortable until I'm warmed up then it just feels weak with no pain.


    Any advice on what to do between now and the marathon on the 26th April would be much appreciated!


    Many thanks


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    Hi where about in the hamstring is it tight? You need to find the cause of the tightness, which is normally higher up in the lower back. Try some of the backstretches that are on the website and see if one side is tighter than the other. Alos do some glut stretches and again compare the sides. It’s also worth making sure both sides are working equally with some hamstring hacks, lying on back heels on a step lift one leg in the air then try and lift pelvis again look for equal strength on each side. Also try some foam rolling. Hope that helps


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    Sounds like your glut may be fatiguing as you do the longer distances. Try standing on one leg and bending the knee and see if you can keep the knee over the big toe. If the knee turns in then this is very likely. You need to build up the glut strength, start with some side lying clams, knees bent feet together and lift the top knee, progress to leg lifts again on the side lifting the leg up and down. Add some bridges and work on the one leg dip keeping good alignment. Hope that helps



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    Hi where about in the hamstring is it tight? You need to find the cause of the tightness, which is normally higher up in the lower back. Try some of the backstretches that are on the website and see if one side is tighter than the other. Alos do some glut stretches and again compare the sides. It’s also worth making sure both sides are working equally with some hamstring hacks, lying on back heels on a step lift one leg in the air then try and lift pelvis again look for equal strength on each side. Also try some foam rolling. Hope that helps


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    I wonder if the X-ray showed a problem with the sesmoid bones under the big toe. Is the pain under the foot? Have you had any manual therapy to loosen and realign the foot and release the tightness under the foot. It’s also worth addressing any tightness into the FHL which originates in the medial shin. You can do some self massage into the inside shin to help. Have you had your biomechanics addressed? You’ve not said how long you’ve been running or wether you’d changed your shoes or wear spikes all of these could have had an impact.


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    Andrea Hardy 74


    Hi Andrea, I get your frustration as they are all the things that I would do and initially try. I also target the lower back. I’ve recently had some success with some of my more chronic recurrent hamstring patients by looking at rib alignment and rotation and there is a large correlation between the thoracic spine and hamstring. I’ve really helped my hamstring issue by relaxing my trunk when I run and letting the rotation come from my upper body rather than my pelvis. Try some yoga rotation poses for the thorax to open up and see if one side is tighter than the other, you could then try and get this addressed.

    Hope that helps


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