
Appeal! 2008 London Marathon Finishers Medal

Sorry if this is against any forum rules, but I have an appeal to make...

Last year our house was burgled, and in the jewellery box they stole was my wife's 2008 London Marathon Medal. This was almost the only thing taken which was truly cherished, and for various reasons it will likely be the one and only time my wife could participate in the event.

I know it's only a 'thing' but it represents a lot to my wife and I have been trying to source a replacement since to no avail.

Contacting the organisers didn't yield a result (they did very kindly send a 'staff' medal though), and almost continuous searching for one for sale hasn't got me anywhere.

If there is anyone out there who has one, and doesn't necessarily cherish it the same way I would love to hear from you. I am of course happy to pay something for it, or alternatively make a donation to a charity of the provider's choice.

Once again, sorry if this is not the done thing, but I wanted to try everything I could.




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