
Behind with Marathon training?

Hi all

Wondering if any of you have been behind in marathon training at all due to whatever reason?

London is now weeks away and I am getting nervous, I am about 2 - 3 weeks behind in training plan guide due to a knee injury. All feels well now so need to get a couple of 20 milers in.

Anyone else been there?




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    Keith LKeith L ✭✭✭

    Personally I would forget getting a "couple" of twenty milers in. You have had an injury and you need to protect it to ensure you start. Easter weekend is probably last weekend that physically its worth getting a long run in anyway. So I would do one then and then taper. 

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    MillsyMillsy ✭✭✭
    I wouldnt try and play catch up. for most plans this is the last week before the taper. Get your 20 in this week and then just follow the taper.

    Trying to squeeze too much in may aggrivate the injury.

    Edit- Ha, Ha, cross post with Keith but both say the same.
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    thanks guys, well I had originally planned on getting 2 20s in, but think I will stick with getting one this weekend, then shorter tapers



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    Nose NowtNose Nowt ✭✭✭

    You don't say if you've only just returned from injury, or if it was a few weeks ago and just leaves you behind schedule. If you're sure your injury is behind you, then personally, I would happily throw in two more long runs...  but perhaps not 2x20.   Where have you actually got to in your training?  Have you done a 20 miler already? If you've done quite a lot of training, then the marginal benefits from doing two more long runs would not add very much, and  I would not fret...  just do one this weekend as Millsy and Keith have suggested.

    On the other hand, if you are quite some way behind and feel like you really are short of long runs (e.g. if you've just got one 14, one 16 and one 18miler in the bank, then (injury permitting) you could choose to be a bit more aggressive IMO... because there is more to gain.

    The taper is there to allow your body to adapt and recover.  If you already had 2 or 3 easy weeks due to injury, then some of that process is locked in already, so a 2-week taper should be enough.  I understand that your body won't get full benefit from a long run 2 weeks before race day... but it must get some. 

    If this later scenario is relevant, then I would do a 20 this weekend and then perhaps an 18 miler the following weekend. Maybe even 19.    I would also do the 20 miler on Good Friday rather than Easter Sunday if you have the option. 23 days pre-race has got to be better than 21!!  And also then do the 18 miler on Saturday 11th.

    I'm not strongly disagreeing with Millsy and Keith.  I'm just saying what I would do if (a) I was feeling a bit desperately short of training  (b) if I'd had 2 or 3 soft weeks so felt I needed a shorter taper and (c) I was sure I'd overcome the injury.   I have done this in the past, including a 20 miler 16 days pre-race, and believe that the benefits outweighed the risks.

    Never an easy decision though.  Good luck.


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    I feel desperate in a way for another long run. I only managed a 16 max, on my last run pre injury that was when I planned on an 18.

    I am going to go for the 18 hopefully this Friday. I think I am going to be in a shock on the day, but I am feeling positive image

    Injury has passed now, did a few miles last night as a tester. 


    good luck all!


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    Nose NowtNose Nowt ✭✭✭

    In that case, if the 18 goes alright on Friday (and don't do that if you're knee is giving you worries in the meantime), then personally, I would choose to do a slow 20 miler the following week. Preferably Thursday, Friday or Saturday. That's a bit of a risk but still gives you 15-17 days pre-race.

    But that is clearly a decision for you, based on your own body. And I do acknowldege that others would say it's not the right thing to do.

    For me, I would think that you would get some physiological benefit from doing another long run... and you would get big psycological benefits.   Alternatively, do another 18 miler to consolidate rather than extend what you've done... or alternatively, if you do decide to taper after this weekend, then have confidence that many people have run a marathon from training that tops out at 18 miles.

    Good luck and enjoy it.

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    Yes, i think the psychological benefit for me personally will be huge.

    Heres hoping the knee holds out! 

    thanks for the words image



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    Keith LKeith L ✭✭✭

    The psychological benefits are questionable image the physical impact of running 20 two weeks before a marathon when you are already undertrained in terms of impact and recovery are very real. As the Doctors say - first do no harm. Good luck.

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