
training camps

need a friend!!

is anyone going on the training camp to the algarve 18th-25th march?

anyone been on them before?
i've not been on these before so could do with some advise on what to expect.
anyone got any good or bad experiences of them or is planning on going along to this one.

thanks, nic


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    Hi nichola

    This is the first year I will not be going, having been a regular for the past 3 years (family commitments this time).

    The atmosphere is always really friendly and supportive. There are people of all abilities, so always someone to chat to on easy runs, and good-natured rivalry on the speedier sessions.

    Quite a few people go on their own, and the social arrangements include things like barbecues so it's easy to meet and mingle with everyone.

    Oh, and the clifftop runs are superb. I'll have to stop now 'cos I'm starting to feel really envious...

    Enjoy yourself !
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    Hi Nichola

    Three weeks on Thursday and we'll be there! Can't wait. Have been there for the last two years and desperate to get back. Was going on my own the first year and new nobody, for about the first day! Really friendly bunch and as Lynne says, a wide range of abilities. There are a few people I am still in touch with from last year who are going back but also a good few new people. I keep in contact with one of the guys who works for 209 and he syas there are over 120 people going and they seem to be a good mix.

    I won't get there until about 9 at night but will get Rob and his sister Judith to look out for you. They have been the two years I have been and are good company. Two years ago they had both literally started running and have really come on since then.

    I could go on all night so what types of things do you want to know and which accom. are you in? Alfa Mar or Falesia?

    Hope you have as good a time as most of us

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    hi robin

    thanks for the reassurance. all being well i will be there in three weeks too. i have a small injury at the moment, i have a tear in a knee ligament. my phyiso is keeping his fingers crossed and i have promised to rest as much as possible so with any luck it should repair itself. i contacted 2:09 and they say at this stage i stand to lose 70% of my money, rest, rest, and more rest is all i am planning until i get off the plane!
    i'll be in the Falesia accommodation sharing with another female i have yet to meet.
    i'm a bit nervous because i haven't travelled this far on my own before. but i'm sure it will be fine. i'm just looking forward to the break.

    i'll keep a look out for your friends and we are bound to bump into each other at some point, so see you in the algarve.
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    Hi all,

    I decided I should probably come onto RW and check to see what's being said about the camp this year.

    As my (my real name's Rob) mate Robin said, I've been for the last 2 years and have loved it, been dismayed, amazed and rewarded by it in various combinations! The more negative emotions probably came as a result of being a novice-ish runner and trying to do everything, I'd definitely advise against pushing yourself morning and afternoon unless you are used to it, or want to feel considerable pain.

    Having said that because of the setup of the camp you _can_ do a lot more than you would be able to do normally at home - warm-ish weather, cold pools and plenty of rest and food, even a physio or 2 on hand really makes a difference!

    I'm at alfa mar this year, but was in falesia 2 yrs ago - it's basic and was surprisingly cold in the flats for the first few days (a warm set of clothes is definitely advisable!). But I didn't really notice it once I'd settled in.

    I'd have to agree with Robin and LynneW about the other people - really, really nice and friendly ! but I think most runners are, specially whilst running on holiday!
    If you've got any questions about anything I have no doubt that anyone there will be pleased to help you out.

    I'm getting excited now, we'll be there in 48 hrs !!!
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    oh my god!!! 48 hours!! i am so nervous now its getting closer. i had another physio appointment this morning and he says to take it easy and i should be fine. the sciatica is still lingering but i'll be able to cope with that. i also have a 12 mile race on 28th when we get back, which i need to stay well for.
    but i haven't trained for a couple of weeks now due to the fear of hurting myself more.

    do the two groups, falesia and alfa mar ever meet or are they completely separate?

    well, i might see you there. i'll be the incredible shy one with the suitcase of bandages, pain killers and plaster casts!
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    There's 2 or 3 organised times when the 2 groups meet, apart from training runs, the bbq(/disco!), lecture/talk from someone experienced and clever - not sure who it is this year and the quiz night.

    I don't think there's any problem with visiting the other site really, but prob best to be invited.

    Where are you flying from, what time ?
    We're stansted about 8 or 9am ish I think.

    Contain your excitement, no running up and down the airport carpark etc !!!
    You might want to consider not being 100% when you get back home, people normally experience a bit of being rundown for a few days, but they reckon 10 or so days later you'll be in fighting fit, tip top shape !!
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    morning 2 legs,

    i'm flying from london luton at 16:25 so i'll arrive sometime on thursday night.
    i am going for a run tonight with the club as i'm getting a bit nervous now and worried my knee isn't up to the harsh running over the next week. it might put my mind at easy or bugger up my knee again - either way at least i'll know what i'm capable of!

    have a safe trip.
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    thanks lmg!
    I must admit I'm quite keen to run today as well, but really don't want to twist my ankle just before I go out there, like last time - I was running with my dog, in the dark down this quiet lane, we stopped to let a car go past and I trod on the stick my dog put down when I told him to sit down, not a happy event, had to call for the 'backup vehicle' to get me and Arnie home again !

    If you're in doubt about how recovered your knee is, a good time to test it out would be at the camp when you have Mike or Bob, etc to reassure you about it. If it is too injured to start back immediately there will be plenty of professional/extremely experienced people around to talk about it with.
    I've run with injuries that I should have let heal and it annoys me that I've probably lengthened my full recovery time as a result of not doing the 'right' thing at the time.

    Damn, I've got negative all of a sudden.
    Right ! I'm not running today, but I will take my dog out for a walk and enjoy the nice springtime countryside !

    Have to drive down to my sister's this afternoon, so should really finish my packing, find my passport, buy toothpaste, vasoline, etc, etc....

    Safe trip, take care of those legs !!
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    Hi LMG

    If you check this on Thursday, look out for me in Luton, we're on the same flight. I will have been there most of the day as I'm flying down from Edinburgh in the morning. So I will be the exhausted looking guy with the black LPG jacket on, or blue hooded top if I'm hot, don't be shy, come and say hello!

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