
Wednesday 1st March 2023 - I wanted to be with you alone


Hope Ale isn't too unwell today!

I wanted to be with you alone
And talk about the weather

Back in a bit...


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    DustinDustin ✭✭✭
    Agree Hazel - hoping Ale is feeling better - for the record, it wasn't me that you caught it from!
    What - easy recovery, Viccy Park or the Wharf
    Why - lead legs
    last rest - 12/10
    last hard - yesterday's LT set.
    lyric - hmm, possibly

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    Some work later..

    Mileage for me for Feb: 228m/366k, down on January due to shorter month and a cut-back week, no races.  4 full streak months now.

    Good luck for Sunday Emz!  

    Sorry to hear about the family's woes Wabo.  Look after yourself as well!

    Another solid month for you Chicksta well done.

    Hope you get in some decent sleep post night shift Pammie.

    No real advice not having had covid Ale - other than please be careful and if necessary lose the streak.  Can cricket really be exciting?  :D

    Great work on the LT monster Dustin.  You deserve a big pat on the shoulder for doing the full distance. 

    Didn't find any company yesterday unfortunately.  Probably a lack of motivation due to the minus temps and a nasty cold wind.

    What: 5 x 600 speedwork (around 8 miles altogether)
    Why: mid week speed stuff according to plan
    Last rest: 31.10.2022  
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭

    And hope you haven't caught it off me, Dustin!

    Yesterday's lyrics: What do you want to make those eyes at me for. Much covered for over a century!

    Don't know today's!

    What: Just back from 2k running with walk breaks, keeping the HR at 100 or below. Legs a bit wobbly and lower back tender. Just feels like I'm full of a cold. Early days though!

    Why: very mild exercise!
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    Good to hear Ale.

    I would not recommend doing the title when out running..
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    WaboWabo ✭✭✭
    alehouse sorry to hear about the covid! Just be gentle.
    baby 70 miles from me for Feb
    hazel sorry you didn't get company, well done in spite of it.  Nice session today!
    Dustin hope you are ok, enjoy viccy park or the wharf

    What: 2 miles d&d this morning
    why: Off to son's tonight to watch footy so had to squeeze it in
    Last hard: this morning
    last rest: 28/12

    Hoping the football doesn't increase my sons bp later (or  mine) 
    possunt quia posse videntur - we can because we know we can 
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    chickstachicksta ✭✭✭
    Oh buggeration, Ale. So sorry to hear that. 
    I would scrap all exercise for at least a week. If not 10 days. This virus is not to be messed with and it often affects the heart causing myocarditis. You don't want that. Screw the streak - they are overrated anyway.
    Especially as you had a fever running is a definite no-no. It'll just take you longer to recover. 
    Resting is never easy but this is all about the bigger picture. 

    I did all that and it still took a while for me to feel normal out running. 

    Covid is a beast and best treated with respect. 

    Hazel: have fun with the speedwork later. The 600s are the most doable of the lot, I think :) 

    Dustin: Great stuff getting that LT monster under the belt. The pace looks absolutely find to me. 

    Enjoy the footie, Wabo.

    Another MLR here - a bit shy of 13 miles. It makes such a difference when there's no wind :D 

    Hopefully Els and OH are OK. 
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