
Treadmills: Inclines -advice needed

Hey folks,

I began running a year ago and do so non competitively i.e. I'm not worried about times aor places, more so that I like to get round courses with a smile on my face!

I'm planning a long event in Mid June which has 3 major hills (well, major for me!) and another hill of note. I can't stand hills! But I have built them into my training nonetheless.

Trouble is where I live is hilly; to get to hilly areas will take too long out of my day. Luckily the gym at work has treadmills which can be set to 'inclines'. Ive used these for the past month or so, but what I would like to know is this;

The first major hill of the June event last for 1 mile and ascends 100m;

The second major hill lasts for 3miles ascending 40metres;

The third major hill lasts 1 miles ascending 40 meters;

(the other hill of note lasts 0.8 miles ascending 10 metres)

What do I set the treadmill to to reflect this? (the treadmill goes up in '%' which is why I'm confused.

Anyone help on this, or on hills in general would be most welcome. Like I say, I like to be able to run smiling; I don't want the hills to beat me!

Peace and squeezy gels, Nosh


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    It's very likely that x% is equivalent to an incline of x in 100. So the first hill is a 1 in 16=.0625 which corresponds to 6% on the treadmill. This is fairly tough but not excessive. The second and third hills are very mild and correspond to less than 1% incline. Shouldn't be anything to worry about from these last two.
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    Thank you SJ, for taining, I find treadmills much easier than land. Should i try and do higher inclines or for longer to compensate or is this too much?
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    "Trouble is where I live is hilly"

    ...did you mean "isn't" hilly? I'd say that you are better to combine road running and tready running in your prep. I'd do your long runs on the road and your shorter runs on the tready or vis versa if you wont to save yourself from a little of the wear and tear to start with. Get used to covering your "race" distance on the road so your legs wont be shocked by the change in conditions.
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    I meant 'isn't'

    doh. sorry new to computers and stuff.
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