
Oxygen Debt

How to ruin an event quickly - whether it's a swim, run or bike start the effort required 4 minutes in bears no relationship to the effort put in or the distance to go. The trouble is that once the HRM is up at too high a level it seems impossible to bring it down. What training is there to stop this?


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    Basically, none, I take it that you are wearing your monitor whilst racing. Try just using it for training & enjoy your races.
    When wearing a monitor training you must stop & walk if it becomes too high, else what is the point of wearing one?
    I am quite sure that everyone fees lousy just after the start of whatever event they do, just persevere; it won't feel any better but you will soon be able to realise what is happening & be able to cope.


    Max. ;-)

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    Thanks Max and yep you're right the only thing to do is to stop and walk although that is difficult if it's the swim leg of a tri. I've tried a POWERbreathe, long term training at lower heart rates even "burst" training at anaerobic rates all to no avail. Now I go looking for steep hills on the bike and use those. I take your point about the HRM in races but I use it as a guide - you know some days its hard on the legs but the CV system is only ticking over and v-v.
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