
Huge Muscles

Hi all,

I'm new to the running game and used to dance when i was younger. I had very big calf and thigh muscles. Now i've had a few years off the muscle size reduced but now starting up running my calf's are getting really big. Is there any way i can strengthen my legs without making my muscles look huge. I obviously like having muscley legs but don't want them to look out of proportion.



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    Hi Collett, I don't have any answers but good luck with the running.

    Unfortunately we are all born with bits and pieces of us that we would like to change but it may not be possible.

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    You might find that starting something like yoga will help your muscles become more "sleak" than chunky.-
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    Hi Collett,
    I have very large thighs and calves and am also trying to slim them down a bit. Apparently if you do lots of stretching after you run that helps. That's what I'm trying and it does seem to be lengthening my muscles out.
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    If it's in your physiology to build muscle, then stuff like running and cycling may well give you big legs apparently.

    l p is right though something like a yoga/pilates/body toning session with lots of stretchy things and no weights will help you.
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    MinksMinks ✭✭✭
    Does working out with weighte necessarily result in bigger muscles? I've just started having some sessions with a personal trainer with the aim of increasing strength and core stability. He's devised a programme of resistance work which I'll do twice a week alongside my running. I certainly need to tone up my upper body and would like stronger legs but the aim is to be leaner and stronger rather than put on muscle bulk. I have discussed this with the trainer who has said that as the weeks progress most people's concerns about this ease. I'll see how it goes and just monitor it as I go along. Last time I did a lot of resistance work I did get quite muscly, especially my upper arms, which I hated. I stopped doing weights and they lost bulk but stayed toned - now the tone has really gone and I want it back!
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    Just working out with weights wont ordinarily build muscle bulk unless you are training specifically for that or, as cougs says, if your body is predisposed to carrying/building muscle. Bodybuilders go to great pains to build muscle, if it was that easy then they wouldn't have to. Calves are notoriously hard to build as they are tough blighters that are used to carrying your entire body weight, in a manner of speaking. Very very tough to build calves. What you might think of as "huge"/"big" muscles are probably not that, they're probably just bigger than the stick insect type legs you see on untrained types. Most people suggest sticking to high rep low weight workouts.
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    What's huge?

    I have 16" calves and 23" thighs. Are they huge?
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    Depends on your height, sex, Dodge. I'm 5'2 so my calves look quite big (even though they are not).
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    Don't want to confuse you, i've changed my nickname. I mean huge in relation to the length of my legs. I'm not the tallest of people! Calfs stick out more than my knees
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    Yes, I know, that's the problem if you're short. I'd like my calves to be slimmer, but on the bright side they are very strong, and running does seem to slim my thigh spretty well.
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    thanks for all your help
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    long distance running will help you do look slim.
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    Lots of people when they start exercising e.g running, gym work, gym classes build up big legs first but this generally goes away after a few months. It only doesn't go away if you are genetically programmed to have big legs or you are using lots of leg heavey leg weights.

    If you are worried about having big legs aim & train to do marathons. ;)
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    my calf as 21 and 28 thight. do lots of weight trainning as well as running. ie.

    monday-chest and shoulders (15 min light jog)
    tuesday- 40 minute jog
    wednesday- arms and back (15 minutes light jog)
    thursday- 10 minute sprint session and circuit
    friday- legs
    saturday- nothing
    sunday- 1hr 15 minute run (i strech and work on muscle endurance every day)

    3 rules i found to muscle building(other than working out) is:-
    1. sleep 7-10hrs a day
    2. eat right diet (30%protien 20% fat and 50 from carbs)
    3. drink plenty of water to flush your system of impurities.

    i don't have the genetics of arnie but being 17 and 13 and half stone. reduce protien intake, do lots of toning exercises strech for 20 mins every other day, should reduce muscle mass and increase tone or so my p.e. book says.
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    21" calves!?! what sort of times do you run?
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    not fast do lots and lots of leg excerises using my calf plus it my genetic superpart that everyone has. (tip toe squats skipping and calf raises and shin intakes)
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    what sort of times do you run?
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    been running really for about 3 weeks but i have just been on a 3 mile (race pace run Timed) 17.30mins hr 150bpm which is okay i think. normally on a saturday long run for an hour i cover about 8-9 miles. use to do lots of arebic work at the gym though!
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    should say aerobic and 1hr30 for the long run
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    Good running MW, especially given your trunks of legs.

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    MW What weight do you squat?
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    1 rep max 220kg (440pounds PB gained last friday)
    1 rep max bp 120kg (240)
    1rep max leg extension 300kg
    if you want all my one reps maxs i cna put them on.

    but normally do 5 sets first warm up 100kg 2nd 120 (12 reps) 3rd 140 (10) 4th 160 (8) 5th 180 (6)

    calf normally calfe raiser 80 kg 3 sets on monday and friday
    wednesday do calf raises but only one set of 20 kg but do 50 where i hold for 5 secs on the way up then 2 on the way down proper kills
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    actually have a photo of the squat i was so proud
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    My best squat is 100kg, but then I am 47, diabetic, with a back injury, excuses, excuses etc

    PS 220kg is more than 440 pounds! More like 480 I think.
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    wow i only started squating last ear because my ham strings and calves were becoming to strong and my quads weren't supporting my knees proberly. the way i appoarch it was every week i needed to improve so i started on 80kg then each week i was determined to put at least an extra kilo on. each week for 5 weeks my weight went up 5kg so at week 5 i was doing a 105. also deadlifts are good for building legs plus if done correctly they help strenght your core and may make your back hurt less
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    goldbeetlegoldbeetle ✭✭✭
    I like the way this thread has turned from "I dont want huge muscles" into a guide on developing massive legs
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    see i always wanted to big as i was always picked on for being skinny. plus due to been tall muscle doesn't slow me down due to my long stride
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