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BB's kitchen



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    morning all,
    Well done on the job C.
    Beebs you would look good in, or out, of a hoodie.
    PS image on the grant, image on the task list.
    Well done runners
    enjoy your day Pink
    i am walking in to work again today.
    happy thursdays
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    coffee's on. The shortbread still needs finishing, so if anyone would care to save me from myself... image

    Had a very strange tea last night, finishing up bits and bobs left over from christmas. cold pork, saute potatoes, bubble & squeek (with potato & swede & sprouts) beans & a vege burger just to fill the plate. I like all the items individually, but I'm not sure it necessarily worked all on the one plate! Just the pate & stilton left now, so I'm on pate & salad sandwiches this week for work.

    Well done on the running and other assorted exercising going on. Jealous - still a crock. Had to ask H to help be out of my top last night, left shoulder isn't functioning properly. He then came to bed to find me smelling of deep heat, (mmm) and that's not at all romantic! image

    Nice work on the grant, but ooops that a lot of task list! Sounds like we'll know exactly who to blame when the nets get a ladder in them. image

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    Morning image

    HL - I've got quite enough biscuits of my own to get rid of thank you .............. and then there are the ones at work too!

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    Morning all. To compound the misery of going to the office it's raining.

    And our drain smells. Guess what I'll be doing at the weekend?

    <grabs a coffee and sulks out of the kitchen>
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    Telling Pink how to use a set of drain rods?image

    Fab news on C's job, Madge's licence and the grant

    Helen can you get that shoulder looked at?  I can recommend Tim the scrummy osteo, a long drive for you, but well worth it, trust me.  He's pretty good as an osteo too!

    Pink have a lovely day today.  You never know, Little W might get the hint and decide to come out and play with friends

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    BB ✭✭✭

    Morning, it's raining here too Mr W!

    I am working at home today so a later startimage

    Happy Thursdays everyone image

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    I popped into Mr Sainsbury's high street emporium on the way to work today and purchased some nutcrakers. Much easier on the hands today i think. image

    I am planning to go to my running club session on Saturday. First time in months. image

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    If you can crush walnuts with your bare hands remind me not to shake your hand the next time we meet image

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    Morning all

    pisshing down here too 

    Thanks for all the good wishes for C, its just a great start to 2011, there will be a full time post in August and I think once you have a job its easier to get a job. 

    No Christmas treats here but we do have Swedish treats, including cheeseimage

    Great news on the grant, PS, lol at you having 23 jobs on the list, hope your wrist is ok

    Progress on the health front, I only coughed for 5 minutes on the way back fom the loo and haven't needed any drugs yet image

    Have a lovely cuddly day, Pink

    HL its funny with the hoodie, I didn't feel I looked like me and I know that if I go out in my long velvet coat I get treated differently by people. We all make assumptions on what we perceive people to be based on how they look.

    I was an ok teen on the whole. 

    Happy Thursday

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    Mr W, it's not about strength but technique. Remind me to show you next time we meet. image

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    Cocoa Pop wrote (see)

    Mr W, it's not about strength but technique. Remind me to show you next time we meet. image

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    <Adds walnuts to the list of things to bring to the next kitchen gathering>


    I thought everyone owned at least one hoodie.  My favourite is a green and orange FF one. 

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    I have a zip up black Elle one that I wear to the gym but have never in my adult life owned an over the head one. Its not in the least flattering to my womanly figure, I think I look like a sack of potatoes but it is warm and snuggly image
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    I have an enormous, chavvy, brown velour zip-up hoody for enormous pregnant ladies. At least I thought it was enormous, now it seems to have acheived 'fitted'. It looks particularly chavvy with some brown tracky bottoms, but comfort comes first these days image

    Having said that, I'm sporting my lovely (also enormous) black dress and boots today for my coffee and lunch dates image

    Off out in the rain. I'm wondering how many of the NCT ladies will be bringing buggies and whether they'll all fit in Costa! 

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    Kirsti was wearing a very nice one on a Relocation, Relocation I watched yesterday.  It certainly flattered her womanly figure but it was fitted, rather than being a shapeless bloke's hoodie.


    I have a collection of warm jumpers and thanks to the lovely Pink I got a new one for Christmas image

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    BB ✭✭✭

    Have a lovely time Pink!

    I don;t think I have an over the head hoody...I have a fleece jacket with a hood...

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    HL can you lift your arm out and up above your shoulder to the side as if signalling to turn left. If not it sounds like you have a deltoid problem. image
    Mr W sounds like you have a leaf problem.image
    Beebs sounds like like you have ideas below your station, hoodies indeed image
    Remember to keep my nuts away from CP image
    Haven't read back but well done on other stuff image

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    Nicko image

    Pink soft and comfortable is good. 

    I shall investigate girl hoodies, Kirstie is a gorgeous woman, although I didn't it last night.

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    I think you're right, Nicko.  I didn't get the leaves cleared out of the cellar light well before winter set in so the drains are nicely clogged with rotting vegetation.  I'll get them cleared out at the weekend.

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    HL - welcome to my world! I have finally managed to do my own bra up this week but it has to be done slowly with very controlled movementsimage I had a front fastening bra for days when I was on my own......asking Smiffy to do my bra up usually means getting dressed can take a long time! imageimage

    Pink - enjoy your morning....I think Costa is fairly used to yummy mummies image

    Beebs - I have an over the head Billabong hoodie that has a low v-front, so shows cleavage too image

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    UC, sounds good, I shall do some googling image
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    Beebs - this is what mine's like...
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    That is pretty UC, I've looked and couldn't find any that really grabbed me, had a trawl on Joules and Boden too, am off to search for more.
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    Beebs - Joe Browns is normally good - they've got this one available at the mo but it is a lightweight one....they should have their new season stock in soon. I've got one similar to this but in grey with beads on the neck and pocket.....I've got the off the shoulder sweat too but thats almost sold out now
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    Just had a lovely trawl round White Stuff but have decided to stop looking and just borrow J's hoodie for now. Looking at the clothes has made me realise that I don't really know what I want my style to be, some things looked too much like I'd be a middle aged woman trying to be a chick others looked like I'd be ready to sign up for Saga holidays.
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    X post will go and look, UC
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    I can't make my mind up about that one, UC, I love the pattern colour but am less keen on the main colour, its also very outside my comfort zone and as I am  big  again at the moment a bit scary.

    Me neurotic, how dare you image

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    image They will have new stock in soon though....I wouldn't wear a white hoodie tbh as I couldn't relax in it. I put a white top on yesterday and spilt something down it within five mins image
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    I'd be the same image
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    You're not going to believe this.

    I got up to go to the loo in the middle of the night and walked into a wall, nose first. I know I haven't broken it, but I am developing two gorgeous black eyes and it's all swollen up and going black.

    Please tell me there's someone on earth more clumsy than me. PLEASE.

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