
pulled calf muscle

What a turkey I am. I pulled a muscle three weeks ago, rested for a couple of days then went out running and guess what...

Having rested properly now, iced it, etc etc, (although been working out on cross trainers more recently) I'm still a little bit concerned about going running again.

Is four weeks in total enough? My calf just doesn't 'feel' right. Though this could be just mental.

My particular concern is that if I do go out and injure it again it will really impact my preparations for the FLM (and as a beginner I need all the help I can get)

What I am considering doing is starting again very slowly, on treadmills for safety, and possibly going to a physio before anything happens to check it out.

Any other ideas?


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    Hi 3TL,
    This is a regular theme over the last few weeks. I did the same and kept trying to come back after 2 days. Eventually rested it for 5 days and came back gradually.
    Also had an aromatherapy massage, which helped a lot and did a PB 2 weeks later. So take it steady, but you'll be OK. Good luck
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    I would say that 3 weeks was enough time for the muscle to have healed itself from an average tear. Followed by a further 3 weeks of gentle jogging to strengthen it befor resuming full training. but even then you should build up your millage and insity of training slowly.
    Good luck.
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    3TL3TL ✭✭✭
    thanks JD and Pizzaman. Am going to have a massage, build up slowly, and stretch, stretch, stretch
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    new research shows that more muscle injuries are caused by incorrect stretching than are prevented. Don't over stretch and only stretch after excercse.
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    I managed to pull my calf muscle at the end of July, left it 2 weeks and tried to run with it and found that it made things worse and then tock 6 weeks to fully repair all seems to be OK now but still a little worried in the back of my mind. I started to use Goddards Embrocation in the morning and evening and now use it before every run, it seems to have helped me. Using the tradmill before going out again is avery good idea to gauge the feeling in the leg. Good luck and don't rush it.
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