
A big thank you.........

for all the help you gave me on the running virgin thread, I was actually bed ridden with flu when I posted that(just managing to get out of my sick bed to surt tinternet)dont know what I was thinking of entering races my temp must of been up or something but Ive done it now so theres no going back.
I went to sweatshop(ta evil pixie) yesterday and got kitted out the guy told me the trainers Ive been using in the gym would of done me some damage if Id road ran in them, he got this mat out and had me running round the shop(how stupid do you feel?) but no matter where I started from my left foot kept hitting the mat Iam going red thinking about it now anyway after about half a dozen samples of each foot he said I slightly over pronate? but nothing to worry about. He brought out about 8 different pairs trainers and had me trying them all on putting his fingers at the front side and back I felt like a 5yr old getting new school shoes anyway I ended up with a pair of new balance 854 which are very comfy. Ive aslo done a bit of running as well this week just round the estate where I live approx 2.5miles which I managed to do non stop in about 22min which I was fairly pleased with obviosly over xmas Ill not be out as much but hopefully come the new year Ill be out regulary and get a couple of races in before I attemp my main target of the great north run, so again thanks for help in getting me equipped and giving encouragment to someone who is starting to believe he can actually do it


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