
Triple u. Understanding,understaed, Underful people

Well, had to be said
have a good weekend
post when i can during MEGA SHIFT


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    Best of luck with it Benz :-)
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    Morning all,

    Been away for a few days so haven't posted but will endeavour to keep in touch more over the weekend, even though i know it's usually pretty quiet.

    Had a couple of good diet days following the excesses of the festivities, but am following previous advice and not jumping on scales every 5 minutes.

    Shin splint injury seems to be mended and I am gingerly running now for about 30 - 40 mins. I feel terribly out of shape though as I have just got over a nasty chestcold as well.

    Looking forward to a longer slow run tomorrow and will probably do a shortish run today.

    Cheers all.
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    Done my long run for the week. Think it was about 5 miles. Out for an hour anyway. Must do my accounts today. Always put it off because it's always bad news.

    Hope you pass an equable time Benzie!
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    Hope today is within your bounds of reason Benz, hugs :-)
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    RedheadRedhead ✭✭✭
    Morning all, didn't post yesterday because I was a bit weepy after my visit to the Specialist. Got the usual 10 day wait for results now so fingers crossed for a while yet. Did some serious comfort eating in the afternoon as I got stressed out by mum who was behaving even more strangely than usual.

    Benz, good luck with the long shift.

    Helen, welcome, I noticed you joined us. You didn't look like a porky when I saw you in Hyde Park! Good luck with whatever you want to achieve.

    Pix, I've been reading up on Firewalls and am now totally confused! Think I'll upgrade to OSX then I won't need to worry about it too much ;-)

    My hamstring feels heaps better after its poor showing on NYDay so I'm going to try a quick 6 miler this afternoon. Hope it snow.....we've actually had a few flakes this morning already.

    Have a great weekend everyone.

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    Hello Redhead (and all),

    I just wanted to offer you a hug for all the miserable anxiety I know you're going through waiting for your results. Last January I had a scare followed by test/wait/test/wait/test/wait etc all the way up until mid May. It was an absolute nightmare, and it took me much of the rest of the year to get over it. My scare was a false alarm, and I hope your test results will be good, but I know from experience that that's virtually no help when you're waiting. Just a tiny chance of having a major health problem is a very scarey business.

    So, here <<< HUG >>> You'll be in my mind, Redhead. Stay strong :-)

    WP xxx
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    Morning Chimp!

    It's piglet XC today in the park.

    <piglet trots off to xc>

    trot trot trot
    trot trot


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    Hope its not as snowy and cold where you are WP. I wouldnt fancy x-country today Brrr!!!!
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    Hi Redhead! I dont usually comment when forumites have genuine problems (unless I can help) because A) it can sound false and B) I'm never really sure what to say without sounding glib.

    But what the hell!! I sincerely hope that the news, when it comes, is good news.

    All the very best.

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    Ditto all of the above!

    Good luck Redhead!
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    Good luck Susie
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    Hi Redhead, my father in law is having to go through this as well, will be thinking of you. Lots of love (yet another) Dave.
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    Big hugs, Susie, and hope it's good news. Maybe your mum is picking up on your own anxiety and being unsettled by it. Hope that's all it is!

    I was all set to have an early night last night and an early morning walk. So off I went to bed at 10pm after a quick whirl around Tesco (ended up spending more than intended as Kevin came with me). By 10.30pm I was asleep, then Tinkerbell appeared and spent the next hour prodding me awake, then Angelmouse crept in and the two of them started scrapping over who got the prime bed spot next to Mummy, and the night passed in a melee of whining children and kneading cats. When I did get up, it was to discover that Angelmouse and Ivor had both reduced their bedrooms to total chaos and Mr V-rap had reduced the kitchen to a paper-strewn mess. So no walk yet, and Angelmouse has a friend coming to play this afternoon and I've promised to help them make biscuits (with many colours of icing) and set up the Playmobil pony farm. Maybe later...

    Also got some details through of a house we're interested in - same number of rooms as our present one, but detached, two storeys instead of three, and with enough land around it to build a separate house for each set of grandparents. It's further from the main road than where we are now, but nearer to Spaghetti Junction and further from the schools, church, and shops. Kevin and I are going to have a look tomorrow afternoon.
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    GlennGlenn ✭✭✭
    Morning everyone and happy new year. Special best wishes for Susie - hope everything turns out ok.

    Finally back at work on Monday so should post more often then - I'm just too busy when at home!

    Would they let you build on extra houses in that part of B'ham V-rap? Sounds like a cool idea if it works.
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    Mr V-rap and Kevin have both just told me that I've no business being on the RW forums when I haven't run properly for weeks. The sun is shining and no rain is falling. They can bloody well let me go out for a walk now if they're going to take that tack with me. See you all later!
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    run vrap , run
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    Glenn! Glad to see you! Happy New Year!

    In my part of Birmingham, everyone seems to be selling parts of their garden to have a housing estate built on it (land was cheap around here a century ago and all the houses from that era have gigantic gardens - including my current house, but there's no road access to the back garden) and I'm sure planning permission for a couple of granny-bungalows (or Ivor-bungalows for the future, since he's unlikely to be able to live totally independently) would be granted. There's already a large single-storey office building in the garden of the house we're going to look at.
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    Off now. No run. Walk. Run another day when legs and lungs ready for running again.
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    GlennGlenn ✭✭✭
    V-rap (when you get back) six weeks ago you were hugely fit and a great example for everyone. You *can't* have gone off the boil that much in the meantime.

    Other half and I went out for a last day of the holiday drink last night. For once judged things absolutely right and drank the absolute maximum number of cocktails that didn't leave either of us with a hangover!

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    shes planning to surprise us Glenn
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    Good news about BM benz!
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    GlennGlenn ✭✭✭
    Hi Benz. Lulling us into a false sense of security you think? After the Suicide Six I don't believe I could ever outpace V-rap.
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    Hi chimp
    Now all we need is a number
    (ive told my dad it will be a slow training run)

    Glenn, that vrap is scarily fit
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    I've asked Michelle on BM thread if she know when they're being sent out benz.

    Glenn, I'm off on a late Xmas blow-out tonight in Kendal and I shall drink exactly the maximum amount of Stella so I feel like sh*t tomorrow.

    Being good starts Monday!
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    GlennGlenn ✭✭✭
    What's BM? I'm off the pace here (as usual)...
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    Brass monkeys half marthon, in York
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    GlennGlenn ✭✭✭
    Sounds great Benz. I've foolishly commited myself to doing the Redcar 1/2, Pixie's talked me into doing the Vrynwy marathon and I'm already signed up for the GNR. It's going to be a busy year...
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    three halves ant three marathons so far for me
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    Are we waiting on new piccie Glenn?
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