
MODERATLEY ANNOYED, but not too annoyed thread



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    Somewhat damp here too WA. Quite comical given that upstairs neighbour left the standard lamp and extension lead out again last night - don't ask they really are numpties!!
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    Hmmmm, not clever then Kaz,

    Supposed to be doing speedwork tonight. Gonna get soaked I think.

    Fancy a brew ? I've got the kettle on and I have COIP running on my PC.
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    It is rather more than moderately wet here too! Started last night, just when I came back from my recovery run... and has not stopped since! Thankfully it is a rest day today, temporun tomorrow, so lets hope it will be dry by then!
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    Hello all. Thank you for all the get well wishes :)

    I'm back! on crutches, but back :)
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    Ohhhhhh, ((((((((((((((((((DUDE)))))))))))))))))))!

    Poor you! Did you get bitten on your leg? And what on earth by?

    Glad you are out and back in the land of the licng though :-)
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    licng???? LIVING I meant...
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    Welcome out, Dude :-)

    Good to know you are back in the kingdom of the moderate.

    Take care and make sure you recover properly x
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    Good to see you back Dude. Take it easy and make sure you get yourself full fit quickly!
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    Yo ! Dude ! Howdy ! Great to see you post mucker :-)
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    Hurumph ! Have over-eaten :-(

    More training tomorrow, that is the answer. Oh, and chocomilk.
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    15 miles in the bag already Alex?

    I am taking advantage of my lack of mobility to lose some weight. No constant grazing in the fridge. Regular meals and no snacks.

    A stone to go but have made some progress.
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    Good luck with that dude, it is hard when the fridge is 'just there'. I have put on a bit recently, and it is hard not to eat. Felling moderately fat this morning :-(

    Thing is I find when I up the miles I put on weight. Always happens.
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    Morning, miffeys.

    I put on weight because I am just plain greedy :-) But I have tried to be more sensible in the past month or so and am doing more regular running, which always helps me lose weight.

    Alex, are you building muscle when you increase the miles? That's heavier than fat isn't it?

    Dude, hope you're convalescing calmly :-)
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    Aye Alex when I was mara training I also put on the pounds.

    Extra fuelling and extra muscle I spose.
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    ST - yes and I didn't even have to look up that long word! Yay!

    I am improving but very very very slowly.

    'Bored as a pacifist's pistol' as the saying goes.
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    <hands Alex mug of fat free chocomilk>

    I am extremely hungry all the time when I up the mileage... been running and racing a lot the last few months and hence almost perpetually hungry!

    I never weigh myself though, so no idea if I put on weight. All I know is that when I first started running 2 years ago I got smaller but heavier, which I put donw to converting all my fat into muscle, and muscle is indeed heavier!
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    More than moderately annoyed with the abdominal cramps I am having, pared with lower back pain and a feeling of impending doom! I need chocomilk!

    This is not helped by the fact that one of our local-ish residents (next village) is sabotageing all our efforts to get our arts centre off the ground. We have now had a letter from the council about the fact that our 4 metre tall standing stone with our name on is advertising! We feel it falls in the category of sculpture and therefore complies with our planning permission! MOre aggro we can do without! :-(
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    <wheels in IV stand and hooks up large bag of chocomilk>

    Will this help?

    Some people have too much time on their hands and minds which are very small. Your complainer sounds like one of them.

    Set the boys on them!

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    I am VERY tempted to set the hounds on her actually, rip her apart!

    It is so so tedious!

    Chocomilk does help :-)
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    Setting the hounds on her might give you a momentary satisfaction, but you'd lose the moral high ground, so not worth it.

    We could always put a hex on her?
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    YESSSS! Let's do that :-)
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    By the pricking of my thumbs
    Something evil her way comes
    May her hair fall out her head
    May the legs collapse under her bed
    Let weevils burrow in her flour
    Let all the milk in the fridge turn sour
    Bad dreams torment her every night
    The bulbs blow when she turns on the light
    The toast land always buttered side down
    The water in her taps turn brown

    Will that do, do you think?
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    Hmmm, possibly add something like:

    The traffic outside her door
    will increase beyond restore
    and churchbells will ring on every day, see,
    to drive this lady completely crazy
    and those chruchbells ringing
    will be joined by pub-goers singing
    her life will be made a sufference
    for all her display of intolerance

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    That should do the trick!

    Now, you have to turn around three times while saying the hex and then end up facing in her direction, with your finger pointing towards her.

    Guaranteed to work :-)
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    I fill you in:
    This woman says 'incomers' should not be allowed!
    SHE moved here about 10 years ago and is therefore hardly local...

    She also bought a tiny cittage right on the road, opposite the church and the pub.

    Sunsequently she complains about:
    1) traffic coming past her door (a few cars a day)
    2) the churchbells ringing when there is a service (huge rural parish, service rotating in different churches so only once every 2/3 weeks)
    3) the noise and traffic caused by the tiny pub

    The woman is mad, I tell you!

    She was the only one objecting against our planning application, one of the reasons: the bridge in the village would collapse under the strain if the traffic coming down the lane to visit us!!!

    The other reason: what we did was of no benefit to HER!!! It actually is to a lot of people interested in art and culture around here, but not to her, so that was a reason to be against it! Selfish tart!
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    Done!!! Colleague was wondering what I was doing and slightly dizzy now :-)
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    Sit down and put your head between your legs, H!


    She sounds a totally unreasonable nightmare!! I thought Mad Rita was bad enough, but this one is in a different league!

    She probably doesn't have many friends.
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    ok so this thread sounds right for me here's my predicament:-

    Well its starts 27/7/07 I was riding my bike home from work when i got knocked off i ended up under a caravan. Nearly 4 weeks later a skin graft on my arm, stitches due out Monday. lots of pain in between. Loss of sleep i feel i have patient enough but just to rub salt in the wound so to speak i now have the big problem i have no bike ( as my local bike shop has told me its a right off )and being a cyclist no insurance to replace it no way to work and i work 7 miles away from my house. I now feel a little annoyed as i may have to make my self redundant life's shit i tell you i am no longer gonna smile in the face of trouble but kick the living sh*t out of it that's how i feel right now.

    I appologise for going but feel a bit better getting out of my head.
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    Oh rabbid runner, what a terrible story!


    If you got knocked off your bike, can't you claim some kind of compensation? The police must have been involved to make it official - can you try one of those no win - no fee companies or something?

    Or could your borrow money for a replacement bike? Or borrow one from a friend?

    I'm really sorry to read all that. And don't apologise - we're here to listen and try to help.
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    Cheers ST my head is a mess ill tell ya but a flirt with you will make it better later. ;)


    im goint to the runners arms see you in there.
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