
weight loss thread # zillion !



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    I don't think you go far wrong with just eating sensible. Three reasonably healthy meals a day and if get hungry in between no junk food have fruit or something alike and not to much process crap. And the best bit EXERCISE. Many years ago this is how a lost 2 stone.
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    Calories, Calories, Calories.

    diet is key to weight loss, not exercise
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    diet is the key to weight loss not exercise?
    a bold statement...
    how many calories do you think i, at 5' 7'' and just under 14 stone, should be eating a day in order to be back to 9 stone a s a p? just seeing as you know ... thnaks : )

    and does it amtter how those cals are spent or just it could be, for example, 4 mars bars as long as they contin right amount of cals???
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    "a bold statement"

    ...not really. If you eat more calories than you require, you put on weight. To lose weight vice versa.

    Without knowing more specifics, its hard to define you daily requirement, but i would out it at about 2100, so to lose weight in a controlled way, i would aim for about 1600.

    To get to 1600, you can either eat 2100 and burn 500 through exercise, or eat 1600. Simple really!. Thats why i say diet is the key

    4 mars bars would do it, but you would suffer in other ways. Nothing can compensate for a well balanced diet
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    Diet is the key.

    Planning is also the key.

    Decide today what you are going to eat tomorrow, and stick with the plan. And make sure the plan adds up to the number of calories you are allowing yourself, not more than that.

    Shopping intelligently is also the key. If you don't buy it, you won't have it in the house to tempt you. If you do buy it, the chances are you will end up eating it. So don't buy the sort of foods you shouldn't be eating. Be very careful what you allow yourself to buy, when you shop.

    And getting at least an hour's good exercise a day is a key.

    Lots of keys.

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    i said it was a bold statement and i stick to that idea, as most on here are saying to ditch any sort of diet and just exercise ones way back to thinness.

    i do realize that 'cals in and cals spent' is what it is abut i was argueing with what you refer to as the 'key' to weight loss. presumeably if you oculd convince the world of your theory, and proved it to be correct ( ? ) you would be a very rich and famous man?

    thank you for your input
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    Well I am working with these keys...

    Not to eat junk , nor to booze

    to hacve wholemeal toast for breakfast

    not to snack

    to have light lunch of salad or soup and roll

    no to have bickies with tea nor choccies

    to hve lots of fruit adn veg with my meat/fish/pasta for supper

    no prepackaged foods and lots of water

    that to me sound good with about half an hours exercise a day

    what is an hours 'good' exercise? i am totally sedenary apart frm when i exercise which is about 10 minutes running ands about 20 mins walking a day

    i am proud of myself for starting this program : )
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    Diet is key, Going For It.

    You'll find plenty of threads on this board where people have taken up running but, mysteriously, have failed to lose weight, and then they ask why. The reason why is that as they exercise more, they eat more, or they are eating far too much anyway, so the weight doesn't come off.

    If you want to lose weight (despite not being fat) you have to really attack the 'calories in' side of the equasion (ie what you eat). The weight won't necessarily just come off through running - especially if you start allowing yourself that little bit extra in food after you run.

    If someone runs five miles, maybe they will burn off 500 calories that way. But it's very easy to come home, head for the kitchen, have a couple of sandwiches (say) and then the 500 calories goes back on again, in about ten minutes and ten mouthfuls. That's why, even if people resort to exercise to force weight off, they still have to be very careful indeed not to put too many calories into their mouths. Running makes one hungry but if one is going to give in to the hunger pangs, one isn't going to lose weight.

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    Forgive me for saying this so openly,I didnt like your tone there nowhere...yes i want to lose weight, yes i am currently needing to lose some weight, having been severely underweight in my life too ...i still dont like being referred to as 'a fat person'...is that ok? I mean, that seems reasonable to me...I find the tone judgmental, and actually rather rude

    Do you think my dietery regime sounds good ,then? I explained it fairly thoroughly. Seems common sense to me : )
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    going for it - your plan sounds good to me too, but surely you cant be totally sedentary apart from 30 mins per day?!
    i guess as you run more, your exercise time/intensity will go up.
    as for me i plod every other day and then cycle 40 mins-ish on days in between, but on top of that i must spend on average at least hour walking to town /uni/ work and back. yes i live in york rather than somewhere like london, so most places are walkable, but i still choose to walk rather than bus, even tho it is often a 40 min stroll to where i am going.
    tis true i am but a slothful student, with nothing better to do with my time than walk. but then again i work (paid)30 hours a week on top of studying, so i probably have less time than most 40 hour week office workers. i just make time to walk.

    so maybe the easist thing you can do is just walk more often? probably doesnt count as 'good' exercise but it has to be better than sitting in a bus seat. and it's free! woop!
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    i dont mean you'll lose weight just by walking, but regardless of weight it doesnt sound healthy to be totally sedentary for 23.5 hours per day!
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    other than that thank you for your contraversial if common sense reply to my note, i appreciated it.

    paul mkenna says on is 'i can make you thin' tapes that exercise will not lose you any weight at all but it will make you feel better, i think that is half true.

    i think good diet of wholesome foods plus variety plus taking out junk and boozing less and less..plus exercise is good.

    i would like you to answer me regardng what 'good exercise 'is, you referred to an hours 'good' exercise a day. what is 'good' and what is 'bad'? i have been told , advised, on here to exercise only every other day but must admit to having only had ne day off in two weeks : )
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    I am an opera singer. So I dont move much. I rehearse I perform but I am not moving unless I am training and I think many people arent either, but I do live on the 4th floor so I do do stairs very very often!

    I walk aorund wiatrose occasionally and get out of the car...thats moving?
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    Yes well that is also partly why I am starting to get fit...opera singing is very physical..you have be to be fit, mentally and phsyically. Most of them are built like tower houses.I work about 8 hours a day and to have vocal stamina you have to be fit really too. I have noticed I am singing ever better since my exercise (apart frm the aches and pains )
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    I am rude and intolerant about fat people, going for it.

    Sorry, but I don't suffer fools gladly and I am known to be blunt.

    Fat people choose to be fat.

    Overweight people choose to be overweight.

    They come on here, week after week, wanting their egos to be pampered, wanting permission to continue overeating, wanting golden cures when only they have control over their mouths, starting threads when they know the answer already (eat less and exercise more), giving each other permission to overeat, knowing full well that tomorrow, and the next day and the next they are simply going to carry on overeating anyway.


    Is that clear enough?

    That clears that one up.

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    I am not a fool and you are rude. I am not tolerant of people who call people 'fat' as it is a known modern day insult. I put on weight becasue I had to take vast amounts of steroids for an illness. I had been badly underweight becasue of said illness.I had actually nearly lost my life over it at 32 years old. At 5' 7'' and 5 1/2 stone. You should watch your mouth on a forum.You think you are superior dont you, 'fat people eat too much'. Yes I am sure some over weight people do. But you know nothing about me and therefore may not insult me. Today I have had a piece of toast, a bowl of home made veg soup, a whoelmeal roll and a pice of lean chicken breast and salad with extra vrigin olive oil with fresh basil on it. total about 800 calories. is that ok or is it over eating ?
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    i dont think NWM has been particuarly rude to you. You come on a forum asking a question to which people have given helpful responses. How do you gauge 'tone' on an internet forum

    800 calories is not enough. you will slow your metabolism down. Ideally you want to be speeding your metabolism up.

    it is a fine balance between too much and too little.

    i would aim to spread 1400-1600 over 5-6 small meals a days.

    genuine question : How does taking steriods make you put on weight? maybe a medical peeps could answer
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    Ah, they want the empathy, do they, Hoose? Don't get them thin - give them love, and excuse their bad habits!

    Virtually any person of any intelligence, told that he/she has, say, 1500 calories (or whatever) for tomorrow, to play with, can make food choices adding up to 1500, work out an intelligent diet within that limit, and stick to it rigidly. If they are unwilling to stick to it, they are grown adults and not children, so please do not excuse their deliberate undisciplined behaviour by pretending that someone or something other than themselves is somehow forcing them to overeat, or to eat bad foods, or pay little attention to what goes into their mouths.

    Virtually any person of any intelligence can stop smoking, by saying 'I am no longer going to smoke', and sticking with that resolution, firmly and irrevocably. No one is forcing them to smoke.

    The same with drinking.

    Stop making excuses for people who choose to live bad lifestyles and won't be sufficiently disciplined about what they are doing wrong to put it right. You aren't helping them by doing that. You need to tell people they are responsible for their choices, that they have free will and can resist any temptations if they choose, and can live disciplined lives if they choose, and that it all down to choice, self-discipline and intelligent planning of how one leads one's life. Allowing people to claim that they somehow can't do what they can do isn't helping them.

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    nowhere, I became overweight thru my illness and medications ok, please dont refer to me undisciplined and choosing to lead a bad unhealhthy lifestyle...and especailly as unintelligent!!!

    You have your ideas, I have mine, but there is no room on a forum for such talk. Especailly 'en masse' insulting!No personal offence taken but it ws ana ffront to all overweight people.For whatever reason.

    The point is it has all been v interestng on here and I am really grateful for all of you replying at all : )

    i dont tolerate rudeness but I certainly have been grateful for your help and I am very intersted in the calories in calories out equation as I am losing weight just as I wanted to. I am also interested in doing some weights.

    I feel it's only my heart and my legs (and poor arthritic knees ...ouch!) that are getting the workout, not all of me!

    Love from GFI xx
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    I haven't said anywhere that you are fat.

    I haven't said anywhere that you are a fool.

    I haven't said anywhere that you are undisciplined.

    I haven't said anywhere that you are choosing to live a bad unhealthy lifestyle.

    I haven't said anywhere that you are unintelligent.

    Apparently I am not allowed to make general comments without you taking them as directed at your personally, Going For It. Being overweight isn't just about you.

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    (Further thoughts)

    I admire Harvey on Celebrity Fit Club.

    He's a no-nonsense guy who doesn't accept bullshit from people.

    He knows people are fat/overweight for one or both of the two obvious reasons - they put too much food in their faces, and/or, they don't do enough activity.

    There isn't much more to say about overweightness than that. Overweight people are choosing to be overweight. They can choose not to be overweight by being more disciplined: active rather than passive; careful about what they put in their mouths rather than careless. And most of them are already fully aware of it. So what is there to discuss, really?

    Why is there this whole huge industry around the subject of weight loss? And why are people still getting heavier despite that whole huge industry?

    Food is too cheap, is part of the problem.

    And food is too rubbishy, is another part of the problem.

    And people who say they want to be thin but aren't really willing to make the effort to do what they know that entails (fewer calories, more activity; less food in the shopping trolley), is another part of the problem.

    Anyone who wants to be thin can be thin.
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    We've had this conversation before, Hoose.

    You confuse (a) esteem/confidence issues (on the one hand) with (b) willpower and responsibility issues (on the other).

    Just because someone might not have esteem/confidence as you claim doesn't mean they can't at the same time exercise willpower and responsibility to deal with their bad habits. No one forces you to buy a packet of biscuits or a pizza or a cake and eat it in one sitting, or to have second helpings.

    I do attack people for being fat, yes, because most of them don't have any excuse for it, and they should stop pretending they do. If they had an excuse, then it would be different, and you like to pretend they have an excuse, but really they don't.

    Go to your local supermarket. Don't buy anything. Just study the amounts of food people take away with them. It's astonishing. And the biggest people also have the fullest shopping trolleys. And once it's bought, it will get eaten. That's one part of the problem. Too much bought.

    Then go to your local common or park and note how deserted it is. Where are all the people who could be getting exercise? At home, or in their cars, or sitting at their computers or desks, probably. The ones you see striding briskly through the park also happen mainly to be thin - funny, that. They know they need to exercise, so they get out and do it. The fat people are indoors, just burning 40 calories an hour, rather than going for a five or six mile walk every day.

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    Going for it - you go for it - if you want to join the thread in Begginners come along - what we do is this

    1. Admit we eat too much
    2. Make each other feel better when we have shit days
    3. Look at ways to fuel properly instead of eating "becasue" we run

    Nowhere man... must admit to being shocked by what you said and a bit hurt - but then being a big sissy I do take things personally!! Underneath that brash exterior and sledge hammer technique are some really good points.. but it's true that us girls like things a bit softer than that!!

    I have to make one comment

    If it was THAT easy then we'd never ever in our lives have seen a size 10 (let alone, 12, 14, 16)

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    LOL... re-reading and taking the "Ouch" out of your points they are actually spot on in a way - but I think we need to do some getting in touch with your feminine side work on you
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    Actually, as a (currently) overweight (160cm - 80kg - size 10 top, 14 bottoms) 21yr old female, I agree with NWM.

    I am overweight, but I choose to eat more than my body needs. Now, I also run twice a day, but I still eat more than what my body needs. I'm working on it, but I'm also willing to take responsibility for it - I can't stand the 'excuses' that some people come out with.

    I disagree with this:
    [quote=going for it]You have your ideas, I have mine, but there is no room on a forum for such talk.[/quote]
    [in case the quote thing doesn't work... 'You have your ideas, I have mine, but there is no room on a forum for such talk.' - going for it]

    Of course there is - that's what online message boards and forums are for! Check out some threads and you'll see plenty of debate and exchange of ideas.
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