
London 2007



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    Glad you found the website useful - I spend ages there too. Just got to do the running now. Two days off coz of ankle so 7 today, 5 tomorrow and just under 15 Sunday, taking in the Epsom Perch route (ankle permitting). Anyone else Perching on 21st? I lost a Thai meal to my mate last year in the Perch by 22 secs. Since then he hasn't got within 5 mins of me - but he won't have bet now !
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    hope alls well - can you send me the WEEK 3 schdule again if you have time, my work email still playing up.

    the alex lowe @ gmail . com

    no spaces.

    thx in advance.
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    Afternoon all

    Running in this wind adds extra challenges!

    Steadily got the mileage in, but a lot of it is slow jogging. Hopefully will have a quality speed session tomorrow. 6x800's on the treadmill - any help with what kph at should be doing? I normally start at 14.8kph at this time in training.

    Have a good weekend and best of luck to those racing.
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    Will Alex. They tend to get emailed out on a Sat/Sunday so will send over the weekend.

    Thats a good three days running to do RUSCR. Good luck. Hope the ankle holds out.

    AA - 14.8kph is 6:31m/m and thats quick. According to the RW programee, in two weeks we should be 6 x 800 at between 6:43 7:03 pace so you will be well ahead of the pack. Your plan sounds quick enough. Hope it goes well. Still envious that you have banked your long run already for the week. Hoping the weather will be better when I do mine on Sunday morning. Amazing how I am now a mind of "pace" info thanks to RUSCR's website tip!!!

    Staff delayed Xmas party tonight so hopefully I will still be good from my run in the morning!
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    Sorry Alex, also meant to say you can see them in advance on the RW website.
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    AA - Depends what time you are going for and what speed you have managed to do longer intervals. I'm sort of following the sub 3:15 so shall be attempting them at 16kph.

    Did the 1m warm up 2 miles in 13:50 1m cool down last night. Was worried about sustaining pace after speed session on Tuesday and then running too fast for my 6 miler on Wednesday as legs were heavy but went well. Did it on treadmill as cannot breathe in this wind when I'm running. Average pace of around 14km/h for those interested.

    Does anyone know that if running a few of the long runs at slower than the recommended pace will affect training? Some of the off road routes that I want to run involve a lot of hills and mud that it's difficult to sustain pace on.
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    Andy from Embsay - My 3:30 RW schedule says you should be capable of a 43 min 10K. Think you're a bit faster than that though?
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    Evening all - Been looking back at last couple od day's posts - Hills - I used to hate them, but now do a lot of my running on hilly routes and have become a lot stronger - Now they don't hurt as much - may be should be trying harder!!!

    HH Hobby - Re the ? - It was all your positive posts on XC and saying that its a "Giggle" that made me go out and invest in XC shoes and enter a couple of races - I suppose as with hills I need to do more of them before I can "Giggle"!!!

    Had a good week to date:
    Mon - Rest
    Tue - 8 miles @ 7:56mm
    Wed - Track 1500, 3000, 1500 with 3 mins recovery inbetween all at 6:40mm. Inc w-up & down 7m
    Thu - Hilly 10m @ 8:02mm
    Fri - Easy 4m - SLOWWWWWWWWWWWW - running slow aint easy!
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    Thanks Simon - was quite a bit faster a year ago, and have managed one 10k a little bit quicker than 43 that since my comeback in October, but struggled to a 44-something just before xmas!

    Still - getting trimmer by the day so will see how things go Sunday but first proper outing for this campaign will be Blackpool Half at the end of Feb - looking back in '05 I ran a personal worst 44:30 10k this weekend, and had managed a sub-1:30 half by the end of Feb, so hopefully as the belly goes down so will the speed!

    CG - I'm thinking of doing some fell runs instead of LSRs this time, but I'm also concerned that an average of about 11min/mile and walking up the steep bits won't be as good for me as a road run.
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    RFJRFJ ✭✭✭
    CG and Andy - I thinks its more about time on feet, and building strength and endurance, so would not be concerned about the slower times, coz you are getting the benifit from the hills and off road conditions....

    Boxing Trg today, to maintain my 5 day run week / 1 day X trg / 1 day rest.

    XC Race tomorrow followed by LSR on Sun.

    Take care
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    Don't worry about slower times, effort level is the same or more so training benefit will not suffer :)

    CT Phew good training times, 3:30 looking good...........
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    MinniMinni ✭✭✭
    Andy, My 10k pb is 47 mins but I can run a marathon in 3.31. I think a lot of it has to do with the endurance I build up running on the fells. I'm not fast over shorter distances but once I get into my pace I can run for hours.

    When marathon training I mostly do road running but I will fit in a couple of off road which will be around 15 miles in about 4 hours.

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    MinniMinni ✭✭✭
    Ha Ha re- your post on the 10th - was that session on the treadmill?

    What is your pb/aim for 2007?
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    MinniMinni ✭✭✭
    One other thing - I've had a bad couple of weeks running wise. I have a huge assessment for my degree course due in on Monday and I have been working till 2am, them starting work at 8am for the last 2 weeks. I will get this weekend out of the way then it will be focus, focus, focus. And I will try to get 10 miles in first thing in the morning.
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    Yep, Minni, I know it's not a real predictor (according to my half PB I have a sub-3 marathon in there somewhere!) but I can remember in 05 when I followed the sub-3:30 schedule we were all talking about a 10k and a half time.
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    Evening all. Am very much enjoying reading about everyone's different training schedules. This is all new to me.

    I ran my first hard session post Tadworth today. Was running with a guy who wants to run the FLM in sub-3. We did 10k at 6:50 pace and it felt pretty good. Scary thing is he has to do that for another 20 miles - nutter.

    Rest day tomorrow then must do a proper LSR on Sunday morning.
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    Staff night out, bed at 3am, up at 7am, running with partner at 7.30am. Forgot to turn my watch on but ran for 45 mins so we reckon on about 10k. Now very tired. Nice early night tonight ready for 11-12 miler tomorrow. Partner training to go sub 3 so no doubt it will be a quick one!
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    4 miles easy last night in around 32 mins and then 2 hours 40 off road this morning. I'm not sure about distance as I kept losing signal in the trees but it was at least 16 miles if not more. I feel as tired as I do after 20 miles on road. Some of those hills are killers! I'm also getting very good at mud skating.
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    good running all

    I'm having sat and sunday off as working 12 hour nights friday and saturday...need the rest to stay awake for them! Long run planned for monday.

    hmmm, work at 7pm, maybe time for a few more zzzzzz's!

    have a good weekend all
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    4 miles easy last night with very tired legs and 8 steady this morning. Weekly mileage was 40. I'm running a 15 miler tomorrow in Richmond park.
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    HH Hobby - You are doing well yourself - coming first in the Vets XC was a great result. Also your marathon time is 8 minutes faster than mine, so I bow you your greater achievement.

    11 miles this morning, warm up then 6 miles at 7:12 pace, 2 miles @ 8:00, then 6 x 200m strides (45 sec recovery) with 2m at 7:45 to finish - I think my training programme is designed to kill me!!!

    I am determined to break 3:30 this time (7th attempt) and have been training like a demon for the last 6 months (only 3 and a bit months left). My achilles heel in the past has always been maintaining pace over out the last 6 miles, so been building strength and will be doing more longer runs this year. The best thing for me has been my trainer - I do a track session with him every week and he has pushed me past limits which I didn't know existed, also he sets my programme.

    After 19 mile LSR scheduled for tomorrow this will have been a 57 mile week (a record for me).

    "Big stick" coming out now - Reading back there a a number of uninjured culprits who are already skipping runs and we are only just finishing week 2 of the RW programmes. - hope your excuses are good and and not of a recurring nature!

    Enjoy the LSR's tomorrow everyone.

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    Really didn't want to as it's blowing a hoolie here but dragged myself out on my bike this afternoon to replace yesterday's non-cycle to work. A steady 20 miles in about 1:15 so not quick, but racing tomorrow (or what passes for it in my blubbery state) so keeping the heart rate below 70% max the plan.
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    RFJRFJ ✭✭✭
    Will cut and paste from trg threaad for my day, its been really good.....

    Greetings all,

    Had a great day with RFJ Jnr,

    Off to Bushy Park Time Trial for his first event, so I jogged, no ran round with him, and ended up being a proud Dad as he did 24:15 for his first 5K (Dad 1 sec behind).

    He loved it.......

    Then it was off to Reading for the Hants XC lge (Round 4), aims to get higher pos than 162 and beat 42:07, my previous time on this course. (9K).

    With excellent support from RFJ jnr, I did both, with several battles on route on a testing muddy / squelchey course with 3 hills on each lap.

    Finished in 157th in 41:48, so a happy RFJ.

    Take care (Made even better with a 93 min leveller at West Ham.....)
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    Just done my first run with the 305 - what a great bit of kit ! Measured a 5 mile course on Google Earth as a reference and the Garmin came up spot on .... plus all the stats it worked out when I connected it to my laptop ... I'm hooked ! 15 slow miles tomorow to bring the week up to 35. Tried running the 5 miles at 9mins/mi but ended up doing 5 at 8:30mins/mi - must run more slowly (but it's not easy).
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    RUSCR - I've only had my Garmin since just before Christmas and love it also, havn't progressed from downloading onto my laptop each night after my run!

    Minni - Oh yes on treadmill, Then I know my pride won't let me touch the 'decrease' button! Heart rate is around 180 (max is 185) but when I do a long run (outside)its around 9 or 9:30 minute miling....... Tempo runs (outside) around 7:30 to 8:00 minute miling. So go on treadmill as really struggle with speed work and can't get down club as evening sessions start at 6:30 when I'm getting kids in bed......
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    Minni - sorry, aim for 2007 is to shave some off my PB 2006 3:28, but really don't know if I have it in me.

    LM 2003 4:09, 2004 3:44 2005 Deferred place Pregnant, 2006 3:28, so worried if I'll manage that target, but its something to go for. When you look at all the predictor stuff I shouldn't have got that time in 2006! :)
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    MinniMinni ✭✭✭
    I'm going to try your treadmill session. I've got one in the garage because like you, I struggle with a young family. But, I HATE the it and find it really hard. One of the children's birthdays tomorrow so won't get out running but I'll try your session in the morning and let you know how I get on.

    LM 2003 3:43; 2004 3:41; 2006 3:31.
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    MinniMinni ✭✭✭
    Last year AA, KatiS, Cat Girl and I met at the green start for a it of celeb spotting before the marathon. You'll have to join us this year.
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    That would be excellent, good luck with treadmill, play some good music! :)
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    Training has been going well since back running, early start Sunday morning for me then off Skydiving for the day.

    To all keep up the good training.
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