
Sub 3



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    nichs2nichs2 ✭✭✭
    all the very best for the weekend
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    nichs2nichs2 ✭✭✭
    you are moving from 5 days to 6 days and then to doubles. on the m.g. thread i'm sure i read that he recommends moving to 7 days before moving on to doubles.

    i've changed jobs for september and that will allow me a 4 mile run to work. this should allow me to do doubles at least three times a week; although like you i have not progressed to a 7 day a week schedule (yet!). when i get home from work on fridays i go straight to the pub and so a run is out of the question. from september i will be able to notch up 2x4miles on a friday and then go to the pub!

    this is my plan....10 days cyling to spain....2 week holiday including some daily jogging.....a nine week base milage build up with abingdon as a target. i will run abingdon as a heart rate 75% (140bpm)very long run (sub4!!!???)....one week to recover, then start a focused build up for london.

    i would love to do more hills and track work, but i am determined to avoid injury.

    the positive/honest approach of others on this thread over the last 12+ months has reminded me that when it comes to the crunch you have to get out there and put the time/miles in....i can tinker with elements of my training and running till the cows come home, but basically i've got to get the milage consistently high.........

    enjoy the weekend everyone
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    5000 / 1500 / 3000SC = 17:23 / 4:38 / 11:13 = cr@p / cr@p / more cr@p.

    Have a cold, sore back but scored good points for the club.

    Interesting start to the 5000, as I ran the first 1600m in 5 dead (~15:38 pace) and it felt hard but ok - I only dropped back because the guy ahead of me (in 2nd) was pulling away, and there were only 3 A stream runners, so it didn't matter how slowly I went from there, provided I stayed ahead of our B stream guy, who I lapped.
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    Trying to stalk CM's epic womble, but the site doesn't seem to tell me anything too meaningful.

    Hope the 2.68km/hr on the bike isn't right!
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    Don't worry the boy's done us proud. King of the IronWombles!! Well done CM.

    BTW Just read back and post of the week is DN's Desperate Housewives thread. lol - priceless - almost made me want to run again.

    Anyway hope you're all well (esp good to hear from TBSIARF) I'm off to Cycling World Forums for another week then I might give it a go again.
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    nichs2nichs2 ✭✭✭
    bon jour,
    et au revoir
    le premier jour de richmond a portsmouth.....

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    bon chance, n2
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    JH 1JH 1 ✭✭✭
    Well done CM. 10.47 respectable Ironman. Good bike and presume you had a sub 4hr run although no time shown. 14mins bike to run transition. What were you doing, shaving your legs?
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    JH1 - I read that as a 14 hour transition, but your version is more in line with his total time.

    Well done CM.
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    GobiGobi ✭✭✭
    14 mins

    time for tea and toast
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    JH 1JH 1 ✭✭✭
    CM, also heard that it was a non wetsuit swim so probably not so good for you and that the humidity on the run was very high so you must have had a good run.
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    Waiting for the legend that is Cartman to return and spill the beans on his
    Iron Man. A bit worried not to see a time for his marathon, but if his total time
    is to be believed he did extremely well. Neither of the Iron Men from our club,
    managed to crack 11 hours in Lanzorote earlier this year. However
    both went sub 4 for the bike to running transition.

    Not much to report from me. Covered 36 miles over the weekend. Just grinding out the miles. No races now til late Aug. 68 miles last week and rising.

    Best bit of news fof the weekend, was junior Dull taking 17 seconds off his 2k PB.
    Being beaten by girl runners has finally got to him, and he's got is ass in gear at long last.
    Just 13 secs to go and he's overtaken his elder sister.

    Could have a training partner for my recovery runs next year. Magic!
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    Dan ADan A ✭✭✭
    CM - fantastic effort; a mate of mine who's a 2.36 marathoner, doesn't have an Ironman PB (from 3 attempts) to match yours. Wear your t-shirt with pride, and let's hear the details.

    TBSIARF - think you've probably worked it out for yourself, but I found that the massive improvements at all distances (even marathon), came from:

    - minimum seven runs a week
    - long run (14 miles every Wednesday)
    - speed session every Tuesday
    - average week from 45 miles - 65 miles

    Am finding now that most runs under an hour, are done at close to 6 min/mile pace. Just seems easier when it's hot?!!

    Last four weeks have been 60, 70, 68 & 64 miles, but including a few longer slow runs with backpack on as the ultras get closer.

    JeJ - 140 mpw. Are you retiring from work?
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    Sample 140 mile week:

    M: 8.5M easy, 10M fast with club
    T: 8.5M easy, 2M w/u, 8M @ 85%maxHR, 1M w/d
    W: 13M steady, 8M easy
    T: 8.5M easy, 8 M steady with club
    F: 8.5M easy, 6M easy
    S: 5M easy, 2M w/u, 5M XC race or, 2M w/d (or 10M hills if no XC)
    S: 22M steady, 5M steady

    Total 135 - 140M, and would be achievable for me... A benefit of having no nagging wife / kids ;)
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    That's some week plan JEJ.
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    JH 1JH 1 ✭✭✭
    ‘Neither of the Iron Men from our club,
    managed to crack 11 hours in Lanzorote earlier this year’


    I think you'll find that Lanzarote is the hardest official Ironman in the world so whatever you do there you may be half hour faster somewhere else. Just need to look at the times from Lanza for the winner. A couple of guys from my club have done both Hawaii and Lanzarote and said Lanza is harder.
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    Dan A, Nichs2

    Thanks for your thoughts guys. I am steadily building back the mileage/sessions as you have both described. I've not yet managed to re-introduce the speed sessions as the heat is just too much to cope with. I have a local half marathon in early september so I will use that as a guide to progression/strength. Even though my mileage is now approaching 50 miles a week again I still dont feel the strength and confidence I had pre Halstead. I'm sure this is just a combination of factors; heat, attitude, recovery from last marathon etc.

    Well done to CM for his fantastic effort.

    Thanks to CRAB for his warm, welcoming words and JEJ that is some schedule. If you was married with kids you soon wouldn't be mate with that kind of committment. Believe me I know!

    Keep up the good work guys!

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    Great work CM - wouldn't know a good IM time from a bad, but judging by everyone else's reaction it sounds pretty special.

    Did just two gentle runs last week after the hospitalisation, but hoping to return to 40-45 mpw this week. Was slightly concerned when I weighed myself that during the two days of throwing up I managed to lose over half a stone and am now considerably lighter than I've ever been, even straight after FLM 05. I guess this will probably be good for marafun running but I'm getting a lot of negative comments (ie you still look very ill - I don't think you should be running) so I'm not quite sure what to do.

    For the record, I'm bang on 11 stone which I think is pretty light for someone who's 6ft 3
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    Oh by the way - results of that race are finally out and discovered I was actually 5th out of 160 odd which was nice! Winning time was 35.58 which suggests to me that it was a pretty slow 10k and that my 38.20 is probably worth a minute or so faster on a flat course.
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    GobiGobi ✭✭✭
    well run Nick

    Bloody hell you are light

    I'm 12st and 5ft 9
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    NM2 - I'm 6'2" and hovering around the 11 stone mark - in fact a couple of lbs over at the moment due to eating large quantities of crap and not putting in the miles.

    Assuming you're running well, I wouldn't worry about it too much - the weight will probably creep back up once carbs and fluids are gradually restocked.

    Meanwhile my timebomb goes off on 06/08. I fear I will drown in a murky East London dock. Just a case of enduring the bike & swim, then going out for a sub 34 10km... My 10M / 2M brick session time trails indicate that I can come off the bike and easily run at 5:30's, but I need 5:27's... and that's after the swim and an extra 15M bike :(
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    OuchOuchOuchOuch ✭✭✭
    Well Done CM, a great achievement....

    Our planned forward V running formation, with the largest, tallest and fastest runner at the point of the V is not going to be very effective in the Cardiff Marathon is it, if we are either a bunch of skinnies or midgets!!

    I am in the skinny camp, 6 ft with weight currently hovering between 10.10 and 10.13 depending on time of day and temperature.

    JEJ quote above "not putting in the miles"!!!!

    Looking at a 16 miler tonight, but up at 5 am this morning for a breakfast meeting (no sodding breakfast either!), so not feeling too much cop.
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    I'm currently an overweight midget.
    Half stone heavier than when I ran Vienna.
    Shame I cannot do a exchange deal with NM2 and help him get his weight back.

    Think some of it must be muscle, as my body fat percentage is still just 18%, when it was 17% for Vienna. Certainly running very well at the moment, so perhaps it's nothing to worry myself about.
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    GobiGobi ✭✭✭
    so basically I'm a fat bastard
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    Dan ADan A ✭✭✭
    JEJ - London tri course was very short on the 10k last year. Think it was near 9k than 10 judging by the times of some people I know who did it.

    I was merely a spectator, but I had done two off road marathons in the previous 48 hours; which I shall be doing again next weekend.

    5'10 and just under 11st. Not bad considering how much junk I scoff.
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    We got a 747 coming down in the night
    There's no power, there's no runway lights
    Radio operator try to get a message through
    Tell the flight deck New York has no lights
    There's no power, what do we do
    A 747 coming down in the night
    Try to get a message through

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    GobiGobi ✭✭✭
    what races Dan

    dates, locations links please :¬)
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    Dan - sssshhhhhh about the short course! Apparantly you more than make up the extra distance in transition. Being a championship course, it's all legit.
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    We were strangers in the night
    Both on separate flights
    Stangers in the night
    Going nowhere

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    Gold RushGold Rush ✭✭✭
    Afternoon all,

    C.M- Awesome achievement,well done......looking forward to the detailed report.

    D.N- Cant remember that song....Was it sixties:o))

    Jej- I bet you googled it

    Well, not much to report on the running front did a 12 miler Sunday but the knee was still giving me a bit of grief,having a light week this week but hope to get back into it shortly. Yateley is looking doubtful at the minute.

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