
Sub 3



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    PadamsPadams ✭✭✭
    TR - he did 55:xx in one of the other 3.8km races, compared to my 57:xx at IMA, so should be the strong favourite. Plus he swims in the sea all the time, I haven't for ages, and there is a bit of a swell forecast.
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    CharlieWCharlieW ✭✭✭

    I've fallen a bit behind (work crisis in progress), but fine racing Padams  and JH1 before I forget.

    Ran to work this morning which was uneventful except my Garmin reported satellite lock lost for maybe half a mile going through Chesterton (Cambridge), which has happened a couple of times before. I wasn't in an urban canyon or under trees or anything. There was an article in New Scientist a while back about GPS jammers -- maybe someone in that locale has one. Apparently some professional drivers who don't like their movements being logged by GPS-based devices sometimes use them (quite illegally of course). There was a US airport that lost GPS at the same time each day -- eventually traced to a particular rogue truck passing on the freeway that had such a thing.

    Bit of a calf niggle sustained by over-zealous pre-holiday stair training last Fri, but it's already mostly better. Getting ready for those mountains!

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    GobiGobi ✭✭✭
    indeed TR the plan allows for a number somewhere above 300 but if I start to tire and need a little more rest I will back it down again for a bit.

    Padams - is your dad also 7ft tall with big feet ? :¬)
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    JoolskaJoolska ✭✭✭
    Ah, Chesterton - happy memories.  Used to live on Chesterton Road overlooking the Cam and Jesus Green image
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    PadamsPadams ✭✭✭
    Gobi - actually, surprisingly he is about 5'11 with quite small feet (size 7 or 8). He does swim a lot though, probably about 20km a week.
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    GobiGobi ✭✭✭
    Not surprised he swims a lot but I am most surprised by his size :¬)
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    JoolskaJoolska ✭✭✭
    Ah, I love the relative heights of the Padams family.  Chez Joolska, 5'11" is GIANT size.
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    JH 1JH 1 ✭✭✭
    Some swimming family you have there Padams. What does your mum do?
    I'll be in Dorset this weekend doing Swanage tri. You might be familiar with Ballard Down which is the bitch of a climb we have to do in first mile or so on the run. Can see Bournemouth from there so I'll look out for you. ;o) Weather doesn't look great though.

    Any more TT's planned Gobi?
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    PadamsPadams ✭✭✭
    JH - Mum doesn't do much sport but is reasonably tall (about 5'9), so I guess the height comes from her. Yep, I know some of the Purbeck hills pretty well (last time I cycled there Crab towed me around for a few hours), I've heard Swanage is pretty tough. You might see me from the top of the climb - I'll be the one in a black wetsuit.
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    GobiGobi ✭✭✭
    Jason - plan is to keep doing the club TTs on a Wednesday and riding the training ride on a Sunday for as long as I can to keep my speed and keep giving my body a break from running.

    I have 3 brothers 5 11 and 6ft the other is about 5ft 7. Mum is 5ft 2 !!!!!

    We are not a tall household
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    TRTR ✭✭✭

    Padams - but he didnt have to ride 112M and run a mara after the 55 mins !

    JH1 - camping at Swanage ? Theres an ace campsite called Downshay - only open in peak months and doesnt advertise - so no riff raff ! they have a website.

    10x250/10sec rest bagged in the lido at lunch. That concludes todays aerobics !

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    JoolskaJoolska ✭✭✭
    There's nothing wrong with being 5'2", Gobi... 
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    JH 1JH 1 ✭✭✭
    TR - That's where I've stayed the last 2 times I've done it. On a hill with great view of Corfe Castle and a trainline above. This time my girlfriend is staying and her mum. She is brave as she is in the 1 man tent.
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    JH1 - thats the one, it was an ace place to camp. I hope to find somewhere a bit further West of there for spot of camping in a week or so (weather permitting).
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    PadamsPadams ✭✭✭

    TR - I was thinking maybe I should be quicker in a simple swimming race compared to an IM, but to be honest I don't think I could have gone much quicker in the IM swim if I hadn't had to do the rest of it. I've never understood the people who say you should take the swim steady, as you don't really use your upper body for the rest of the day.

    Track session last night - haven't been on the track for ages so calves are battered now (they always seem to get sore on the track for some reason). A few miles easy this morning - soon-to-be Mrs Padams was away so I had to walk the dog, so thought I might as well make it an easy run.

    Planning to swim at lunchtime and then do the club TT this evening.

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    TRTR ✭✭✭

    Padams - as against folks like me that take the swim steady cos they arnt sure how fast to push........I guess I need to find some middle ground. There's some bouys in the oggin off Southsea that I think I'm going to try and do some timed stuff around and see if different efforts give different paces. I need to transfer my lido paces/efforts to my wettie now.

    Hill reps on the bike bagged 

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    JoolskaJoolska ✭✭✭
    9M this morning including 10 x 400m. Legs were a bit sluggish this morning, so only 90-95s a rep, but at least it woke the fast twitch fibres up a bit!
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    GobiGobi ✭✭✭
    TR/Padams - my swim was always just as hard as my body would let me go. As you say my upper body gets a rest after the swim but also I was so shit I could not afford to go any slower :¬)

    Jools - 5ft 2 is fine my mum rocks

    20 x 400 off 60 at the track this morning. Started before 5.30 in the dark.
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    Jesus Gobi, that's dedication.

    Jools - Good early session.

    5 miles at 6am makes me sound somewhat of a wimp, at least I did 18 last night.
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    GobiGobi ✭✭✭
    SL - targets demand dedication

    I have a 10 mile TT on the bike this evening, just trying to keep a reasonable standard of performance up.
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    Hi all - I am trying my yearly comeback again, starting from a depressingly low base, again. Maybe I'll stick at it longer than I did last time - who knows, although I will try my best. Work and life always seem to get in the way, although that's no excuse really because lots on here seem to manage it. I am very impressed by the dedication of those on here who have been running year in year out since the thread started.

    I have just discovered the joys of Park Runs - I have done the Black Park one (Slough) a few times now and it's a great way to kick off the weekend. Can't recommend it highly enough.

    Anyway, good to be back for now at least, and I'll follow all of your exploits with interest.
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    PadamsPadams ✭✭✭

    Small PB for me last night in the 10M TT - 24:41 (rubbish course probably 1-2 minutes slower than a fast one). Fairly windy although it seemed to be a crosswind most of the way, but hopefully we'll get favourable conditions in one of the remaining few and I can beat it again. I was really on the limit last night, so can't squeeze any more time out through extra effort.

    Got the swim in at lunchtime as well, so bingo!

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    JH 1JH 1 ✭✭✭
    About time you found a faster course Padams to give yourself a boost although if you keep getting small pb's when you do a quick one you'll get a massive improvement. I ride a Thursday 10tt and last week a 19min guy turned up and only did 22:30 so that one is about 3mins slower than the fastest course I've done.
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    GobiGobi ✭✭✭
    Nice one Padams sure it is only a matter of time before you put down a FAST one, I did 23.05 last night in my 10. Stupidly windy but made it very fast coming back. You never quite get back what the wind takes away. Still hoping to just get one 10 miler in on a good day this year. When I got my 25 mile PB all my 10 mile splits were under 22.20 so I know I can go a lot faster on the right course in the right conditions. Oh Rach did 22.55.

    5.5 miles this morning at a steady pace.
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    PadamsPadams ✭✭✭

    JH1 - I've never done a proper TT, the whole entry process seems ludicrously difficult. Training for IMA I did some 10M efforts within some longer rides on flat smooth roads and was doing 24s, so I know I could do 23 at least on a decent course.

    Gobi - chicked again, embarrassing! Nice time though, not far off your PB I think?

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    GobiGobi ✭✭✭
    Get use to losing to Rach on the bike. She was 3 seconds from her PB and I was 8 seconds from mine. We both so need a fast course on a good night.
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    TRTR ✭✭✭

    Nice TTing folks - never done one myself but i bet its tough stuff.

    2hrs up, down and around Col Du Portsdown earlier for me.

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    More impressive cycling going on.

    17 miles done by 7.30am, a horrible route into work but it's done. Hopefully add another long'un on Sunday to get me 3 for the week.
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    JH 1JH 1 ✭✭✭
    There are loads of club nights Padams where you can rock up on the night rather than doing an open. This covers your area I think.

    Although an open gives you extra motivation as lots of quick riders there. Only been doing club night 10's this year as can't commit to opens.

    TR, come to Surrey as there are a few hills here.

    Anyone coming over at the weekend for the Surrey Cycle Classic? The route actually goes past my house near enough but I won't be there. Will be for the Olympics though unless Seb Coe will charge me for tickets to stand outside my house.
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    PadamsPadams ✭✭✭
    Cheers JH1, that's very useful info. Might try to get to one of the weekday evening 10M TTs before the end of the season. Mind you, the courses could be even slower than ours!
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