
Sub 3



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    I'll be at Bristol. Matt will, too, now that he's worked out when the race is image

    According to fetch there is going to a Bristol marathon in November - excellent training for my paltry attempt at an ultra!
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    PMJ -- I mean the Peterborough HM this time (but I have done the Bungay 20km, so I should have known to be more precise).

    DanA -- shoes look grippy but (in my lightness-obsessed little world) pretty heavy if that review is accurate, though maybe it doesn't matter much once they're sodden, and being kind to the feet must be paramount over such an epic. Hope you're enjoying the very much earned post-race recovery BTW!

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    Yay! I'm happy to declare my hamstring fit for racing. 12M including 6 x 4 mins. I decided to err on the side of caution and only do 6. Plan was to aim for HM pace but legs felt very zingy and over-cooked the first few: ended up more 6.15m/m than 6.30. But I was reduced to 6.25-6.30 for the last 2! I'll probably repeat the session on Wednesday before a mini-tapir for Bristol.
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    Bah! I was having an excellent run this morning, doing 6x(1M@6 min, 1M@7 min) and then a few more planned. But on the sixth fast mile (and quickest, as thing were going well) a nagging discomfort under my foot got abruptly worse... and the skin had ruptured! I didn't even know I had formed a blister. I had used some random work socks as other favourites were in the wash... and with new shoes I've hardly run in. Something similar happened in my new Adizeros in the Wymondham 10M last year in the last mile (but I had to finish because I was winning!), though they were fine after that. Today I fished a plastic bag out of my pocket and used it as an impromptu dressing beneath my sock, hobbling home the last 3.6M @ 9min/M. On the bright side, it wasn't even bleeding -- just the top layer. Not sure what I'll do about the planned race next Sun though. Still, 15.2M in the bag.
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    Ow, Charlie - sounds extremely painful!

    17M for me on extremely tired legs (yesterday's session was in the afternoon). Now slumped in front of the telly, hoping Mo has a good one!
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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭

    NIce run Jools and good to hear about the hammy.  Delighted for Mo!

    Stayed up to watch the mens mara last night.  The winner (Kirui) put in 5k splits of 14:43 & 14:18 mid race to break up the pack!  Won by over 2 1/2 mins.  Webb & Merrien had decent runs, picked up a lot of places in the 2nd half.  Details here.

    Ouch Charlie!

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    LS21LS21 ✭✭✭
    Sorry to hear about the foot Charlie. Hope it's not too serious.

    Nice LSR from joolska too.

    Quite impressive 5k splits in the Mara! Rather puts my 24'5x Park Run yesterday in the shade image

    The shoody Park Run time was due to a big session I had planned today. Just to prove I DID read my Xempo newsletter I did Marigold's recommended 26 miler at MP+60 secs/mile today (6 weeks out from Amsterdam). He made it sound far easier than it actually was, but I did do it Hans Solo. So, 26.25 miles banked at around 7'15 avg I think. I did it in 3'09'57 anyway, so even bagged a GFA time! image
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    DanA - Awesome achievement. Thoroughly enjoyed reading every word of your report and apart from agreeing with Jools that it should appear in RW magazine, I also look forward to the book!

    Have been checking in every now and again throughout the summer, in between school holidays and preparing for Berlin. This has been my lowest mileage prep for any race (around 50 a week!), but am enjoying the 2 day breaks before long runs. For some reason, the lower mileage does not seem to affect my endurance (so far). The only issue I have has so far happened today - was wearing my Nike Lunar Racers for the 3rd time on what was meant to be my last long run before tapering and developed this nasty blood blister at mile 16. I was gaining great momentum at this point, but actually did the sensible thing for a change, and decided to call it quits and get my self home to treat it ASAP. I prob will not attempt another 20 miler beforehand but feel fairly confident with my previous race experience (this will be my 11th Marathon). Just hope this blister can sort it self out quick - am trying the Spray on Plaster method, which seems to be recommended...Any other idea's CharlieW?

     Look forward to being on here more often...

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    Dan ADan A ✭✭✭
    LS21 - good to see you're paying attention. That is some session.
    Viggy and others - thanks; although if you'd have seen me at times last weekend, I can assure you that you wouldn't think you were witnessing any sort of special athletic performance.

    Went out for a six mile run earlier. Bit lethargic for some reason. Might need another week off.
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    Lev_Lev_ ✭✭✭
    Charlie that sounds nasty – hope it’s healing up well.

    LS21, that’s pretty damn impressive. What are you aiming for in Amsterdam?

    Joolska, glad the hamstring’s on the mend and Bristol preparations are going well.

    Viggy, hi (I’m pretty new to this and think it’s the first time you’ve posted since I appeared). Sorry to hear about the blister. I’m doing Berlin too (although it’s my first rather than eleventh…) What time are you shooting for?

    Final heavy week for me pre-taper, which I’ve been looking forward to for a while now! Grateful for any advice you have on how to keep myself distracted and avoid freaking out too much and getting too nervous…

    The programme (Pfitzinger/Douglas) seems quite heavy for a taper: week 1 has 55-56miles including a 10k tune-up (worth doing as a solo time trial again?) and a 17m LR; week 2 cuts back to 43m; then race week has 28m in the 6 days before the race. I’m minded to stick with it nevertheless as it has certainly served me well thus far but do any of you have experience with this particular taper plan?

    My training this week (comments on the Saturday long run follow – I’m aware that I’m a wilful idiot):

    Mon - 10m recovery

    Tue –11m w/ 5 x 1.2km reps in 4:04, 4:02, 3:56, 4:00 and 3:59 (albeit on a slightly downhill route)

    Wed –14m MLR w/ 4.3m @ 7:28 followed by 7m @ 6:36 and then a cool down for the rest)

    Thu – 8m @ 7:25

    Fri – day off

    Sat – final LR –23m w/ 10m @ 7:24, then 13.1m @ 6:36 (i.e. effectively 1:26:30 for a half, which is only 45 seconds slower than my only official race in Luxembourg which kicked all this off…)

    Sun – 5m recovery

    As for my long run yesterday, I confess to being inexperienced, foolish and stubborn in my desire to do so much MP work; I seem to have got away with it, but know that I need to work on self-control over the taper 3 weeks so that I don’t get too greedy and go out too quickly on the marathon day. As it turned out, I was feeling very rested, had eaten and slept well and the knee twinges I’d mentioned weren’t really there at all following the full day off on Friday. Alhough I’d anticipated just throwing in 2 or 3 miles at MP midway and 2 or 3 at the end, I felt pretty strong after 10m and so just continued. A huge confidence boost. I suspect that doing these runs indicates I could probably get away with shooting for a bit of a quicker MP, but I’m going to stick with a 2:55 pace and if that means that (as in my run this Saturday) I can pick it up over the last 10 (maybe 12?) kilometres, then great. Although I’m unlikely to be in such shape for a long time (I don’t think I’ll do another marathon till next autumn earliest, if at all), it would be such a shame to be overambitious and then blow up after 3 months of very hard training.

    Back to your hints and tips, tried Imodium beforehand, which helped I think – the gels didn’t sit so heavily in my stomach. Still not sure that I drink enough as I really don’t like running with a full bladder but wasn’t collapsing at the end. Do you generally try to force yourselves to drink at every stop or just as required? I don’t tend to sweat so much.

    Now the taper…
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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭

    Lev.. I tend to take a few sips every 2-3 miles and pour a bit over head/thighs if it's a warm day.  Last time I did Berlin however they were handing water out in cups which makes it a bit more difficult! 

    Viggy.. another one with a blister I see.  I blame DanA for saying he never gets any!  Good luck with the Berlin taper.

    Dan.. nice recovery run, did you take the trekking poles?  image

    LS21.. you can't just pinch Marigold's training sessions without taking on the rest of his methodology.  Spend 2 years as a postman, speed sessions wind assisted & downhill, not to mention a gallon of beer and a few cigars post marathon image.   Cracking training jog today BTW.

    10.2m for me today which brings up the heady heights of 4 runs and 34 miles this week.  Enjoying the steady recovery while it lasts.

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    LS21LS21 ✭✭✭
    Lev - some fantastic training there, but now really is the time to step back, let your body absorb what you've done and taper well. In my opinion the P+D tapers always seem a bit heavy on the week before the Mara. I don't do much at all in Mara week itself. Usually 6 or so Mon, 5 or 6 with 2 at MP on Wed and maybe 3 on Fri. Each to their own though I guess. I'm sure others will advise accordingly.

    Re drinking - I don't drink much at all when I race. A few others on here are the same. I personally think people drink too much in Marathons, so I wouldn't get too hung up on it. However, I do drink plenty of electrolyte stuff on the Fri and Sat BEFORE the Mara. I just use those High 5 tablets you dissolve in water. High 5 Zero I think they're called (zero calories, just electrolytes). Nuun tabs are just the same I think. By taking these I'm always starting off topped up so to speak, and I find they help.

    Re my Amsterdam target - not sure just yet. I ran 2'49 at VLM so would like to beat that. I'd love a sub-2'45 but that might be a case of eyes bigger than engine I fear. So I'd be delighted with 2'47ish I reckon, but got a couple more MP sessions yet so will know more after those.
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    TRTR ✭✭✭

    LS21 - i dont think that they'll ratify it as a GFA, good job you dont need it. I did similar with a 26.5 in 3:17 last March. Not sure I'll do it again in training, but I seemed to recover ok, and you run more miles than I do.

    Lev - 6:36s it is then. Drink often, even if its only a few sips. I'd carry a bottle with you from the start rather than relying on cups. I carried a bottle of Powerade on the whole of my run today, they are no bother.

    Wardi - nice to see you at it.

    I did the Swash Part 2 today (~1M/43M/11.5M tri), the current in the swim was (arguably) worse than the Swash 2010, and it rained so much that I think I got wetter on the bike and run than I did in the swim. Had a minor saddle issue in the last 40 mins of the bike, but I dont think it cost me too much time. It was a decent blow-out though, with a harder than expected out and back trail run that had a hill at both ends of each of the 3 laps.

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    LS21LS21 ✭✭✭
    x-post with wardi. Nice to see you're getting back on track image I'm also half thinking of doing a 10k over the other side of York on 2nd Oct. Easingwold RC organise it - Thornton and something or other 10k it is (Clayton maybe?) - ever done it? Just wondered, but it sounds quite nice.

    Also meant to say HTFU to Dan.

    And Viggy - Compeeds perhaps, plus a liberal coating of Vaseline on your feet before the Mara?
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    LS21 -- nice one on the full-distance training -- I always like to do some of that.

    Lev -- I just drink when I feel like it, no point in forcing it. (Ad libitum, as Noakes says.) The last thing you want is extra pit-stops from being over-hydrated. But I have got too thirsty in long races that just have annoying little plastic cups. The point of the Imodium isn't to make the gels more digestible, it's to prevent unwanted (longer) pit-stops! I'm also keen on cooling my head/chest with water (as Mo did in the 5000m today -- never seen a drinks table in that event before!).

    Viggy -- I was searching the web for blister answers myself today. Most people recommend leaving blood-blisters alone, but if it's painful I'd still be tempted to drain it, but be careful to use something sterile. I cut a small hole or two in the skin near the blister edge, using my Swiss Army knife scissors, to let a bit of air in (whereas a needle-prick just seals up again). At night I leave a blister uncovered to dry out, and otherwise use Tesco fabric dressing strip arranged so that it is loose over the blister itself (so air can get underneath), but also with a dab of antiseptic cream to keep things sterile. My medic Mum treated blisters on the Aldermarston marches with Germolene (antiseptic) and bits of foam for comfort under a plaster, and did the same for us as kids if we sustained blisters on long walks. I'm also trying a special transparent blister plaster (Tesco own brand again) as my current injury has an area with no protective skin over it.

    The problem is that all of these things work loose as soon as you get sweaty feet in training, even if they seem immovable on cool feet. I always get problems, if at all, in sustained fast running (training or races) -- shoes that are comfy for 20M at a slow pace may show problems in a 5 or 10k with the larger forces and different pattern of contact when running fast. Quite a few people daub Vaseline on trouble-spots to reduce friction -- I've used that underneath the non-sticky bit of a fabric plaster over a healing blister, to train on it whilst it is recovering. (But it still falls off after a few miles.) So I really don't have a perfect answer.

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    LS21LS21 ✭✭✭

    x-post with TR too. Nice work today fella image

    Another wet one for you I see.... image

    wardi - that 10k is 'Foston and Thornton-le-Clay 10k'. Like I say, just wondered if you'd done it really.

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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭

    LS21.. I've done the Tholthorpe 10k in that area but not the one you mention.  However details are here if you fancy a go.  Oct 2nd is my birthday as it happens so I will have a club 8m race race &  tucker to follow by way of celebration, candle blowing & bunting.

    Great stuff TR!

    CW.. before marathons I put a light coating of vaseline on my feet & toes, never had a problem post race with this approach.  Otherwise only do this in very long training runs though. 

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    Sounds like a tough day, TR: well done! Think your weather has travelled north-west to Bristol; it's peeing it down here.
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     I missed your swashtastic antics there TR, nice one!
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    TR - Sounds like a good day.

    Jools - some more detail on the Bristol marafun http://amarathonforbristol.wordpress.com/
    I'm other wise engaged that day (being chased by TR in the New forest)

    LS21 - Now THATS a training run, great work.

    Really pleased for Mo Farah, what a great run.
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    Thanks for that, Stuart.  There was a link on the fetch listings and so in a week's time I will be sat at my computer, trying to get a place!

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    Morning all, great to see Mo do the biz.

    excellent stuff TR, sounds like difficult conditions.

    Wardi, glad to see you are back at it.

    LS21 - some fine runs, looking good for the Dam.

    Jools, glad your hammie has cleared up.

    Padams, congrats on the nuptuals, sounds like a fine day and honeymoon.

    RS - yes he is a liability, didn't see any of the derby thankfully as was on the lash at the Oval, but Mrs said that we and Cattermole in particular seems more intent on kicking your lot that playing football.  Thugs out I say.

    CW, hope your blister clears up, I am running Grunty Fen this Sunday so will say hello if you make it.

    Did 21.5 miles on Sunday at mp+45 seconds which brought up another 65+ week for me. Its my 6th of the campaign and finally starting to feel like I am getting to the shelling peas stage

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    GobiGobi ✭✭✭
    Well done TR

    Did my 2nd 20 of the campaign at the weekend. Concerns that I am not enjoying the distance like I use to.

    Blog here www.gobi.wordpress.com
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    That doesn't seem to be your blog, Gobi, unless you are bilingual.
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    Good stuff TR. I notice from the results that the whole field was chicked except for one guy!

    Last club duathlon of the season for me last Saturday. Very pleasing result with a PB (and course record) by around 20 secs. The guy I had a close race with last time was also there - I managed to drop him slightly on the first run, then pulled out a big gap on the bike (my fastest ever bike split on that course).

    Then 45M on the bike yesterday with a clubmate.

    Anyone doing any of the Dunstable Downs runs on Sunday? Very good marathon training! I'll be doing the 20M version with some clubmates.

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    Jools - I think Gobi means here.
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    Jools, it's gobi70.wordpress.com.  I think that's his age added in there.
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    My new toys have arrived:
    1.  Yaktrax
    2.  Compression tights
    3.  Rucksack (to replace decrepit and frankly smelly old one)
    4.  Head torch.

    Should be all the extra gear I need for Running Home For Christmas. Hooray!

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    TRTR ✭✭✭

    Jools - how about a Santa (or elf) suit to run in ?

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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    Gobi-– I used to find 20s a chore and ended up running em too fast, now I just chug em out whilst I relax back in my 8 mm arm chair.
     SL – turns out I’ve already ran 13M this month to add to the approx 300M in total over the previous 4 months, so you had best get some miles in !!! ha ha !

    Padams – indeed, she’s beat me every NF race ! The run was taking me 24mins a lap, and I defo had the feeling that I was about  ½ to ¾ a lap behind where the action was. The current was menthol (trying to turn round the turn buoys rather go shooting past them !), I had a “ I don’t want to play anymore moment” cos I thought I was getting no where on the first lap (although my goggles were foggy so I couldnt see much), but it turns out I was nearly at the turn round so cracked on, as I was getting washed backwards as I stood to clear my goggles and get my bearings. I was out the water by 34 or 35ins and on the bike by 39 (inc the run up the hill) so much less faff in transition.
    I negative split the bike cos I decided after one lap that I really should be trying harder, but my saddle tilted up at about 30M and I wasted a bit of time wondering wether to stop and sort it before I decided to FIDO. I had to keep perching myself back up it as I kept sliding down. Also the roads were a bit treacherous at times cos of the rain and so I was a bit careful in places after crashing last time out. I think I could have taken another minute or 2 off my 2:04 for the 43M. I need to push harder still on the bike. The run was pretty tough but 72mins means I was averaging ~6:30s along the river path with 2 decent climbs each lap

    In 3 weeks the swim will suit me more as there’s no current in the lake, and the bike and run are longer and harder so suit me more. However that run is going to be hard given my recent run mileage.
    There were (apparantly) a good few folks making the step up from sprint/Olympic y’day and it surprised me that there were so many speedy folks there….or maybe I’m just getting too old !

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