
Sub 3



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    'CRAB - I LOL'd at that last post.'

    My work here is done.

    As you were.


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    GobiGobi ✭✭✭
    Lukestur - I am an imposter as there is no sub 3 in my plans
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    Was the pace differential between the 2 x 2m tempos deliberate postie?

    Nice trackwork Toro.

    And very nice roadwork Padams!

    A 2m test jog went ok. A little stiffness in the knee, but no pain, so fingers crossed, but it looks like I've been a very lucky boy. I'll continue with my rehab and also make sure I wear my headtorch from now on too, especially since the local council have taken to turning off half of the street lights to save money.

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    I've joined the Strava Club image Have only been uploading races recently but will start uploading it all again 

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    PadamsPadams ✭✭✭

    For some reason I can't upload to Strava now - think it might be the old browser I'm using. but I never used it for running anyway as the functionality on running seemed rubbish compared to cycling.

    Crab/LD - no getting all friendly please, I want 4 months of trash-talk and an adrenalin-fuelled smackdown on 12 April.

    PP - I'm sure you know that it will seem easier on the day than in training, so don't give up on 6:40 yet. And since when was LW sub-75kg? I always thought it was 72kg (70kg average in a boat), but I do vaguely recall that it's different for indoor rowing for no apparent reason.

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    Indeed it is CRAB - for a moment you made me forget how running has been raped and pillaged by all manner of shithouses.

    It almost made me forget how much you'll be whupped in April too... but then I looked at my training log for the week so far and realised how much I'm back in the base training phase and how excited that made me feel.

    I know it is folly to share my training plan with you, but mostly I shall be running slowly for a few weeks, then doing some hills and then some speedwork at the end. So, back to the 80s runner basics.

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    Padams - Given enough notice I could probably make sub-72kg and really sub-70 would be good for my running. No idea why it's 75 for indoors but them's the rules. I wouldn't get anywhere being a heavyweight though, that's for sure!

    I'll probably go for a calorie burning easy pace 7 miler this evening in my "warm clothing" - just a training idea I picked up from another thread.  image

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    PhilPub - I'm also right on the border line of being a lightweight rower (just inside) and am 6 foot 1 inch and, as you must know,  fucking great at everything I put my mind to.

    It's plainly obvious that my future lies in rowing. So, after April (once Crab is destroyed) I shall devote my life to this noble pursuit.

    Can hardly wait.

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    TRTR ✭✭✭

    Padams - nice one on the 800s I nearly did some myself this morning but only had an hour.

    PP - nice one on the pacing gig, I hope you take your responsibilities serioulsy and put your shorts on instead of those red hotpants. None meant but I wouldnt fancy running behind you for 26.2M with the last Turkey in the shop about to burst out of those hotpants.

    Dids - WAVA ? seriously ? Dids WAVA-ing ? Do they have WAVA up North, I thought it was for softies ?

    8M inc 30mins of 30sec/30sec this morning, folled by a bike commute. Must have been 1/2 asleep still as a few minute sin I went arse over tit running along the main road at the top of Pompey. Made my fall into a bit of a ninja roll over my shoulder and was straight back up on me feet to continue. The claret on the knee was a give away though, so was the swollen risk, but it cant be too bad as I was able to change a puncture on the ride home tonight.

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    ToroToro ✭✭✭

    Nice one Padams

    I did 8 with a non regulation 5:31 mile part of a sponsored 50 person/mile relay (don't tell coach).  I think I came 3rd or 4th which is okay given that my heart wasn't in it and i'd done that pace the night before.  

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    ToroToro ✭✭✭

    TR - epic! Hope they don't come in 3's! Well done on training.

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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭

    CRAB.. no paupers Christmas day in this part of the frozen north.  When family and guests are due we bring the outdoor lavatories indoors for their warmth, comfort, and errr, convenience.

    As fully paid up members of the Cleckheckmensidge branch of the Animal Rights Society, we spend the day thawing out a frozen Marks & Spencers turkey before releasing it back into the wild.  My family love lifting their spirits at Christmas, last year we lifted them from Sainsburys.

    As you Myrrh.

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    Padams - smashing 800s

    TR - go steady now

    aha - I've spotted my schoolboy error...

    there is another Strava group for Runner's World Sub-3 http://app.strava.com/clubs/17943

    I should have checked.

    I'll get me coatimage.

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    Come on TR, I may not have the media profile of a Marigold but my public expects hotpants! I've never once had a giblet escape.  A lot will depend on what I'm expected to wear on the top half, but I've got a choice of red or orange.  Must coordinate.

    ...and careful now!

    Dids - Isn't rowing a bit posh for you?  Or is that how common folk get around on t'canals up there?  Anyway, I'm always up for a lightweight smack-down.  image

    I did my run this evening, having completely avoided chocolate this afternoon, and I will have just ONE bowl of cereal tomorrow morning, even though the bowls at work are titchy.  That's dedication.

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    Glad to see a lot of you have similar feelings towards Crimbo as me. I'm doing the honours in the kitchen this year but will shove the blasted (ho ho) bird in the oven and go for a run, possibly also an extended one, and hope it doesn't burn.

    I spy some great reps. Padams super duper 800's there. TR good work.

    PP very glad to hear your cold has finally been shaken out the system.

    Al_P really hope your recovery goes ok and you're back soon. TT likewise.

    Think MM26 may have vanished but although there's lots of variation TR's response was pretty much exactly what I'd say about the conversion from HM to M.

    Busy busy busy. Teaching in Earlsfield and living in Guildford. Have managed to keep up the running so far though. Did the Cooper Test on Tuesday with the club. I still felt the weekend in the legs but managed to go from the back of the field to the front for my 3400 metres which was a lot of fun.

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    Sounds like the ninja roll saved you worse damage TR.

    Wardi - that gave me a much need laugh, cheers.

    2nd test jog of 3m went well too. Same as I posted yesterday for the 2m, a little stiffness but no pain. All put in context of course by a crap run of family stuff. It really has been a sh!tty couple of months.

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    Just seen something that made me LOL a lot on the Central Lancs Half Marathon forum. The organiser said they were giving out £900 in cash prizes, but then it transpires (after someone pointed out they couldn't give cash for some reason) that is wasn't actually cash but it was "better than cash".

    "better than cash" = vouchers for a family portrait to be taken. 



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    TT -- glad the leg seems to be coming back online OK.

    Gobi -- big miles!

    Well done on the 5k LukeStur.

    TR -- great session. Except for the flying bit that is.

    I got into trouble last Christmas. My family were all pretty much asleep initially, so I went off and did a 10M/70 min run from my sister's place... and came back to find them all somewhat impatient to get on with festivities, and not so impressed that I'd been spending the last hour wishing a Merry Xmas to strangers instead of my nearest and dearest. Oops.

    Latest update from Niggle Central: so I had a good 13M run on Sunday, but gave myself significant DOMS in the process. Except it was mainly my left calf only, which is a bit troubling. I jogged 3M home from work yesterday and came in a little quicker today, and while my calf is still a bit stiff, everything else was OK. So assuming it is just DOMS, I may be more or less out of trouble; will only find out when I return to full training though.

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    PadamsPadams ✭✭✭

    LD - haha, "better than cash"! And since when could cash prizes not be awarded? I've had some in the past, although not for the last few years.

    TR - nice session, and well done on the commando-style roll! When I trip I just end up face-first on the concrete.

    75 mins spinning last night including 1,2,3,4,5 min efforts. The bikes display power, but given the accuracy there's no point in reporting it. Either they're very generous or I should get in touch with the GB cycling team.

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    I think it's just that cash prizes are taxable earnings and so not all races like doing them.  I was certainly told (in a pretty snotty letter from what was then UKA) that my runbritain grand prix prize was taxable.

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    Pretty sure my clubmate picked up £600 cash for coming 2nd at the cabbage patch 10 this year. He was much happier with that than the few hundred quid's worth of Brooks vouchers he got for winning the Oxford half.

    Chiltern league on Saturday Padams?

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    The organiser of Central Lancs sayeth: "Not allowed to give cash under UKA Rules. If cash would have to be $. The prize is better than cash, first three men & women in race may also get the same prizes, talking to sponsor".

    So, there. Maybe he has a rule book from the 1960s?

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    I can just see BR and Hilly turning up to that one and winning two lots of family portraits.  I'm sure they'd be well chuffed!

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    PadamsPadams ✭✭✭

    ON7 - yep, I'll be there. Any idea what the course is like? I've heard it's not too hilly but not sure on mud.

    On the cash prize thing, I've always been of the opinion that you wouldn't need to pay tax as your expenses would be larger than the prize (unless you've won something fairly major - £600 might be hard to justify!), but could be wrong.

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    It was £300.  At Bath this year the team prize was £75 and at the Bupa 10000 is was about £150 each.  In both of those cases significantly higher than the entry fees and travel (I've assumed that the cost of kit wouldn't be tax deductible as, if a suit isn't on the basis I might wear it for other stuff, presumably trainers/running gear fall foul on the same basis).

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    Bloody hell Joolska, thought in your line of work you'd not be that honest.

    For gawds sake surely this is the one time that physios can be forgiven for their sins and put down as tax deductible? How about your water bills (surely every taxman can be shown research that shows if runners don't drink 100 gallons a day they are not going to be paying any form of tax).

    What about fees payable to your coach? Club fees? Beetroot juice......?

    In fact when you show them a copy of the entry form run off on your expensive inkjet printer via your new macbook which you need to keep your running log on you may be due a rebate.

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    Padams not done the course before but Campbell Park isn't that big, so I imagine a few laps of going up & down what hill there is

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    I've had a few cash prizes but as my record is £65, I hadn't troubled HMRC about it. But surely vouchers would be a benefit in kind or somesuch anyway? All very rum. Just made it back from work without sustaining any new niggles or getting blown away...

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    ToroToro ✭✭✭

    I find it disgusting especially as gambling winnings are untaxed in UK and my odds of winning a running race are longer! 

    Good stuff CW, Nice 5km Luke - I was doing so well on Sub 3 Strava group too!

    A nice wet and windy 16 x 200m @ 37-38s (5:00m/m) for a total of 8.  So this is what training is! Nothing like what I was doing before...

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