
Sub 3



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    Really sorry to hear that Mennania but if you can walk on it can you cycle? You can do quite a bit of good aerobic work if you have access to a gym bike or turbo.

    I may have to prevail upon Mrs Wardi to get some extra in for me - I'm rather partial to pickled beetroot though not before a race. The evidence base for the benefits of the nitrates is quite good I think but my delicate digestive system does not approve. Mind you it approves of increasingly less pre-race these days.

    Wasn't today CC2's Polish half marathon? I'm guessing she has no internet as I haven't seen anything from her since Sunday - hope it went well.

    I don't understand your rubbish recovery Charlie - maybe you should spend more time looking in to how to improve that? I get a bit concerned when I go down to over 8 mins/mile!
    If you think you can or you think you can't you're probably right.
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    Menn - ouch ! Do you have gym access up your mountain (i guess not?). Wattbike, turbo, swim ?

    LMH -  rarely go quicker than 8mm, it needs the odd 5m section in a thursday 10, some 3 min reps or a P and D stylie progressive long run. Some weeks i probably havnt seen anything starting with less than an 8.

    My usual Wednesday 13 to 15m mlr became a short easy run today, shame as its sunny and light after work at the mo.
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    It's not the right time to taper is it TR having battled through the worst of the winter weather. I'm going to be underemployed due to the Easter holidays for my two week taper - not good timing.
    If you think you can or you think you can't you're probably right.
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    saintjasonsaintjason ✭✭✭
    edited March 2019
    Rotten luck Mennania. Fingers crossed it's the lower end of the scale for recovery as you say.

    Wtgy - not used beetroot in any other form than its natural state (no beats shots or anything). Those sarnies Wardi mentioned sound yummy!

    Wardi - yes odd that you are picking it up again for the quick turnaround for London. It's another thing I haven't tried yet, two marathons on the spin. The training effect if judged correctly must be good, if decent recovery is taken into consideration.

    CW - your plods make me whince at times on Strava with your descriptions of feeling really bad etc. Fair play for toughing then out as they can't be much fun. Looking forward to the debrief post vlm and your reflections on this block of training.

    LMH - your fizz sounds very good indeed. I thought Speedy's half was tomorrow?

    TR - all that time back now the mlr has been replaced. Unfortunately for me and unlike you I have a big deadline for end of April so I'm stretched. The taper and imminent race is good timing.

    Sticking to the p&d taper schedule pretty closely so just 8 with strides last night and 5 jog on grass tonight. The 3x1mile @5k will be slower than 5k pace tomorrow that's for sure.
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    edited March 2019
    LMH - You'll have to do some painting and decorating then to keep yourself from running.
    Brighton timing isnt looking good now as my dad has had some bad news healthwise recently and following tests, biospsies etc is now having a major operation (in his 80s) Friday, so the next few weeks are bigger picture. I found out about the major surgery the day before fleet, and wasnt really up for fleet on the day. Hopefully he is out of danger and recovering by Brighton time. The sooner Friday comes and goes the better.
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    edited March 2019
    SJ - im paying more attention to P and D now to make sure i do the right amount of miles. I have 10 inc 5mp tomorrow, 17 saturday and a session of 3min reps next week sometime and thats about it.
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    Sorry to read that news about your dad TR. Hope Friday goes well. Bigger picture is everything.
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    The half is on Saturday. I'm dreading it. I don't seem to be very well. Lethargic, a bit light headed, heavy limbs. Last night's session was awful. My first rep was probably the slowest I've ever run, my second (I skipped one as well) wasn't much better. I've got nothing. 

    Menn, I'm currently reading Eat and Run by Scott Jurek. He ran (and won) the Spartathlon with a broken toe. 
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    I was talking with Goldrush after Fleet and you dont really think of your folks as old folks, but one day you realise that they are. However, my dad is fortunate to have been detected quickly, also much younger folks are affected by such disease, which is sad. Its a worrying time as the operation will be an ordeal for him. Fingers crossed.
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    MennaniaMennania ✭✭✭
    edited March 2019
    TR - Hope things fo well for your Father on Friday. I have a turbo bike at home from my last Injury - I hate it but needs must. Currently looking at Core routines on you tube.

    CC2 - Thanks for the recommendation. its being delivered on Friday! Hopefully when you pin the bib on you will be in full race mode.

    Picking up from a much earlier post mentioning WAVA - is it actually a reliable gauge/comparison?
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    JooliganJooligan ✭✭✭
    Sorry to hear that TR. Hope it all goes smoothly for him. At least with the training done you've plenty of time if you need to visit. Is he local?
    That's rotten luck Menn - sounds like you need to eat some of Scott Jurek's special foods ;) It's an odd book combining a fascinating autobiography with a recipe at the end of each chapter.
    I think WAVA is great.
    13.1M hilly off-road MLR for me today. Intended to do the cycle in/extended run back combo again but a puncture after 2 miles & a brand new inner tube which failed to hold air meant a 2 mile walk in socks instead. Had a much nicer run as a result though I really had to play some mental games to make it long enough. No danger of seeing a 7 at the front of any of the miles except for one long straight DH stretch.
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    Thanks for the good wishes, im just saying whats happening in case i go missing.

    CC - well you've either got the lurgy or taperchondria.

    Jools - yes, hospital is 15min walk. When i know he is ok and recovering, I'll relax a bit and get my mind on Brighton a bit more. Good to see you back to it. Hopefully getting over the crash, good job it didn't happen closer to raceday.
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    Sorry to hear your news TR - hope all goes well. Injury prevents painting and decorating I'm afraid, I shall have to take up knitting or something.

    When do you travel CC2? Hope it's just taper madness/post Ashby fatigue and you feel better soon. Maybe an extra rest day is called for?

    Good to see you back at it Jooligan. No idea if they have your size but Cotswold Outdoor have some good deals on Adidas Boston and Tempo with free postage.

    I've read Scott Jurek's book, err, interesting.

    Turbo it is then Mennania. You can do a fair bit of good on that.

    sj - my lovely physio also sponsored me yesterday (I'm raising money for CRUK at London). Unfortunately she's buggering off to visit her parents in SA just before London so I'm having to see a sports massage terrorist for my last pre-race going over.
    If you think you can or you think you can't you're probably right.
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    PadamsPadams ✭✭✭

    TR - sorry to hear about your dad, big picture as you say. Training-wise, you've done the hard work so as long as you can keep ticking over now you'll be fine. Best wishes to all the family.

    Menn - that's very annoying, but sounds like you should be back into it fairly soon if you're walking on it already. As others have said, if you can do any other aerobic exercise (turbo is good) you won't lose much.

    CW - if I was in that much pain following a particular type of training run, I'd probably stop doing that type of training, but you've got good results with the overdistance training so who knows. It just doesn't seem right that you're running at 9m/m (or slower?) after these runs - that seems more like how you would be the day after a flat-out marathon effort, not after a training run that you're doing once a week.

    CC2 - that sounds exactly how I feel in the week leading up to any race! Hopefully just taperchondria and not a real virus.

    Didn't run Tuesday (work), so did something a bit harder in the 45 min window I had between work and nursery pick-up - 7M getting about 10s quicker each mile from 7:02 down to 5:55.

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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭
    Best of luck to the old fella TR, always a bit of a worry at that age.
    CC2.. fingers crossed it all comes good on the day, chin up.
    Bad luck on the dodgy inner tube Jooligan.
    SJ.. the P&D taper schedules are sometimes said to be too heavy for some.  However by contrast the '7 weeks between marathons' schedule I'm following seems very cautious in the first 3 weeks to enable recovery.
    I fly to Zurich today, I had eyed Lake Zurich as a pleasant run loop until I discovered it's about 42m all the way round!

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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    edited March 2019
    Thanks for the wishes, he is in the best place, and whilst folks knock the NHS he has had a lot of their time in recent weeks. Im just making you aware of where ive gone if things dont go well or are worse than feared.

    LMH - best get some books in then.

    PAdams - top bombing, you started a paces i rarely hit.

    Wardi - ive been looking at those P and D multi marathon schedules as ive 8 weeks betwee brighton and yeovil, they seem really light at first.

    Did 9m with 5 av 6.44 today, easier with no mlr the night before, although my mind wasnt really on it today, so didnt have any eye of the tiger going on.

    17 or 18 saturday, and some 3 min rep next weds.
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    CharlieWCharlieW ✭✭✭
    Thanks for the tip, Wardi -- I recall Jessica Ennis was a big believer in ice baths, similarly, though the evidence doesn't necessarily support them.

    Beetroot -- in my sandwiches every day. I used to have the juice as well, now I only bother in the last week before a marathon (thanks for the reminder!). Top tip: gin & beetroot juice works surprisingly well. Unlike G&T, the flavour of the gin comes through even if it's not that strong...
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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭
    I even used the freeze spray stuff on my sore feet/toes post marathon Charlie and it did seem to help!
    Dead right about the NHS TR.  In the last 12-15 months two of my mates (in their 50's) have had to have their prostate removed, they are both ok now & running/cycling again.  My nephew (in his 30's) got a ruptured bowel out of the blue.  That was a nasty episode with post op infections etc but he's back on his feet & smiling again.
    A pleasant 6m in the sun this morning, nice to be in t-shirt & shorts again.
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    Enjoy your break Wardi.

    TR - I think the reverse taper approach works well if you need to freshen up again quickly post marathon which I imagine is similar to what P&D suggest however having said that I think last year I had a light week after Boston and was back on it again trying to improve for Yeovil. I did try to persuade mark that a weekend break would be nice as they have the half for him but he wasn't having any of it I'm afraid.

    Charlie - I tried ice baths but didn't find them beneficial and as you say the evidence is somewhat lacking, I think it's like most things, if you think it will help it probably will. I do use compression tights sometimes and always give my legs a good massage after a long run but refuelling is the thing I tend to focus on most and what seems to make the most difference to me. Even with back to back long runs I rarely lose more than 10 secs/mile.

    If you think you can or you think you can't you're probably right.
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    sorry to hear that TR 

    Ooh gin and beetroot! nice CW 

    CC2 - 
    surely thats textbook before a race? 

    At my new house I have a 24 hour gym 2 mins one way, and the council one 2 mins the the other way. I scoped out the 24hr one that my eldest goes to because they do some yoga / pilates classes. 
    Anyone else participate? 

    Anyways I jumped on a treadmill there and knocked out 4 x 1m @ 6mm with 2 min recovery. Nice little session. 

    Gorgeous weather up here today, turned my 7 miles with a mate into 20miles @ 7.30s 

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    Menn - that sucks. Hope the recovery period is in the shorter region. 

    TR - really sorry to hear that, Really hope the operation goes well - all the best.

    CC - good luck for the weekend, go out there and give it your best, that's all that matters.

    Wardi - Zurich is awesome, been there a couple of times. Lovely run around the lake, although like you say, might struggle to get all the way around! Pretty pricey place as well..

    I, like others, am interested to see the outcome of CW's ploddy plan. What works for some sounds like madness for others, might be fully justified when marathon day rolls around. 

    WTGY - great reps, and nicely backed up with the surprise 20. 

    After ghosting through the last couple of months without a real plan of such (apart from run lots), loosely designated this week as a recovery week with a duathlon race this Sunday. Still like the idea of the club tempo session tonight though (3 x 3 miles MP), so may well go along to that. 

    Then I reckon 2 x 100 mile weeks before a 2 week taper. If anyone thinks that sounds stupid, let me know, I may well listen.. (No promises though). 
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    Mennania - the faith one has in WAVA as an indicator of true running talent is directly proportional to one's age. :-)

    Bad luck with the injury BTW.

    JoeB - you're already in decent nick from your current training.  I don't know your current running mileage, but jumping up to 100m weeks simply as a target sounds like a recipe to a quick injury to me.  As long as you're prepared to back off at the first sign of anything rather than push on just to get to 100 then you might get away with it.  Personally I'd sacrifice a few of those miles to keep some quality there, but that's just me.

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    selbsselbs ✭✭✭

    hi all!  just popping in (still lurk) to say best wishes to TR and your dad for tomorrow - hope it all goes as well as it can.

    great to se all the usual amazing spring marathon training going on and looking forward to see how those of you with the early ones coming up (Brighton/Manchester)? get on.  Well done Wardi on your recent marathon as well.

    Been ticking over at my end training for London since mid January with plenty of 75-80 mile weeks - and some near zero (snowboarding week) and lower ones with races (the Big Half and a trail half in Sussex).

    I'm off to NZ though to visit family with my SPO and son next week so not sure my final 4 weeks will be ideal with huge amounts of travel and socializing down under, and I arrive back after around 35 hours of travel 2.5 days before the klaxon sounds at VLM!  will look out for people at GFA start.

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    CD - thanks for the note. Last 6 weeks have been;

    102-70 (half marathon)-87-100-86-96

    and body seems to be holding up pretty well. Definitely want to get some MP running in there somewhere but not too fussed about VO2 stuff.

    Have a great time in NZ selbs, incredibly jealous. If I were you, I'd just enjoy yourself without worrying about VLM too much and then have a fun day out in London. 
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    selbsselbs ✭✭✭
    edited March 2019

    i'll have a fun day out in London I hope JB although the last 4-6 miles never feel like that much fun to me!!  yeah I won't be too focused on training while down under, will just fit in what I can without it causing disruption to the main purpose of the visit (family and friends).  you sound like you are in fine form and might as well give London a big push now.

    Also, sounds like you are already accustomed to around the 100 mile weeks so a couple more now are probably good, although I'd think maybe just one at 100sh, then 1 at 80sh as you start to taper and get more of the quality in.

    CD - funny what you say about WAVA - I've just suddenly started getting interested in it as I head towards 50 ! although mine are still rubbish compared to most on here.

    5km hyde park race tomorrow before my longest long run (aim 23.5m) pre London on Saturday the plan next couple of days, just have to resist too many post work beers now.  Then as i finish work tomorrow i will do another long run i think on Monday, and hopefully back that up with an easy medium long on tuesday before flying out and not doing anything for next 3-5 days!!! (Travel + family wedding soon after land in NZ etc.).  That will be a lot for me within 5 days so hope the body copes.

    I've done more miles this year than ever before (not like the super mileage people here of course, but for me more) as I guess it's now the main way to hold what I used to have as I get older.. lets see, it will prob be 25C again anyway!

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    At least you'll be acclimatised if it is selbs!

    Joe - that's my current plan. Should top 100 this week all being well and will push for two more triple figure weeks before a two week taper - I'm not in your league though.
    If you think you can or you think you can't you're probably right.
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    MennaniaMennania ✭✭✭
    Looking forward to seeing how all the long mileage training translates on race day. I Hope it works well for you all. 

    Im V50 in June so WAVA is starting to become more and more seductive..

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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    Charlie- maybe you need to look at eating more esp protein after those long runs.

    WTG - i couldn't find a 20m 10 days out in my copy of P and D.

    LMH - i will have a few non running days, but then a reverse taper sounds good and gives me a few bigger weeks in the middle.  Shame re Yeovil, i might male more than 1/2 a lap at mp too. Im sure i can find someone else to keep me company though.

    Joe - you are smashing the times out, keep doing what you're doing. Although it probably gets too late in the campaign to have an effect at some time.

    Selbs - good to see you are going well, thats big mileage for you, good that your body is coping with it.

    Menn - you are smashing it, running the times you are at age 49. Must be all that mountain air and running.
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    OuchOuchOuchOuch ✭✭✭
    WTGY - Love beetroot its a regular - never had as a shot though (may not after your pals experience).
    Menn  - Unlucky.  Hope the prognosis is better than feared. 
    LMH - Agreed, mileage all relative. So impressed with the triple figure mileages, I think my body would fall to bits. 
    TR - Best wishes to your Dad. 
    WAVA - CD's right as the PB number diminishes the WAVA number becomes more important. Kind to the active veteran runners. 
    60m planned for the week, the main run being 15m on Saturday with the second half @ MP then tapering for Paris, where I will now be joined by all of the OO clan, some may even watch!
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    LMH - you're absolutely out of my league! What you're doing is incredible and extremely inspiring. Hopefully bump into you in London.

    OO - really nice that the family are coming along for the trip. Love Paris and the marathon there, really want to go back and do it again. My first one, a few years back. 3:29, and I remember swearing that I'd never do another one again, and that it would be absolutely impossible to run it any faster than that. 

    So, about that recovery week.. 3 x 3 miles @ MP tonight. Ran to effort/HR and miles came out just below 6mm, which was a surprise. Good little group to run with and another good session banked. Entire run ended up 16 miles @ 6:35. 

    Easier couple of days before Sundays duathlon. 
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