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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭
    edited September 2023
    TT.. I think the York Marathon course has come out in sympathy for you, this 'hole in the ground' incident in today's news is outside the Beeswing pub on Hull Rd.  The runners pass it about half a mile from the finish.  I can't resist the old joke 'the Police are looking into it'.


    I did have a chat with my club mate Shirley - she has just had a knee op and is getting back to walking ATM.  The frustrating thing is that even with that modest exercise she can sense the fibro more than when she was totally benched.  She did cut out most wheat, dairy & sugar which helped but like you describes fibro as a wretched and frustrating condition to have.  She's run loads of marathons but is unsure about any more given the time for knee recovery and the fibro.
    You did have a decent run at Manchester - were you doing anything different then or was it just a matter of winging it and all going well on the day?  Might be worth trying another race in the 'right' shoes and see if that helps.   

    TR.. well done to your friend, Saturday was stifling up here.

    Rest day apart from a 5m walk to get some air.  A very wet day here so didn't fancy the bike.  Tomorrow looks much better.
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    TT - how about trying to put together a string of half maras but run them at mp, in quick succession to see if the body holds up then?..........have a look at his p of 10, he is obsessed with trying to win races, which is why he pops up at all sorts of smaller races.

    A rainy 6m inc 2m a 6.58 this morning. The faster section was in a housing estate which is still under construction, possibly cos of substances spilled, I slipped a few times in the wet and have wrenched the back of my knee (possibly from the slips), so I'm icing it at times. Typical taper chondria.
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    OuchOuchOuchOuch ✭✭✭
    edited September 2023
    TR - She was very plucky to finish after all that  chapeau.  you can tell her the next one will be soo much easier. Go easy now, if your knee hurts tomorrow I would be tempted to rest up until raceday, nothing to gain now and lots to lose. 
    TT - After your recent experience- which i think is a good performance nonetheless, considering a training run and an imperfect lead-up - I can see why your thinking that. Hopefully a week or 2 will encourage you to reconsider, your too good a marathon runner.

    10m earlier with 5 @ 6.55 mm. My knee is a bit sore (what are we all like :smile:) so ran around a local field for the softer surface.

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    Wardi - that (police looking into it) elicited a groan. Oh dear! Lol
    Thank you (and your clubmate) for that; I really appreciate it! The answer to Manchester has overlaps with what your clubmate describes actually - I was eating primarily keto then. Training wise I was doing Lydiard stuff, but the 'further down the line' stuff, not the early base building stuff. That is what my body cannot handle at the moment, hence the decision to not 'whip myself into shape'. 

    TR - oh crap! Fingers crossed for your knee! How is it feeling this morning?
    As it happens we're thinking along similar lines, but rather than pay for race entries my plan is to start using Wednesday track to do large MP reps to train my body to get used to the effort. Ideally it will be something like 3 x 5km, 2 x 8km, or maybe 13km continuous initially. In a controlled environment it should be easier to work out if it's a problem in a specific body area, or if it's a general fibro reaction.
    And blimey, that is a lot of races!!!!

    OO - you're too kind, thank you. I've had enough of the pain/performance disparity, but at the same time I'm looking at things with a view to fixing them rather than throwing in the towel. Who knows, maybe this is what actually finally makes me train, and do the 'right things' consistently?
    Easy on that knee!

    I've taken 2 days with no running on the table to think about things. I'm frustratingly DOMS free because the back/hamstring problems prevented me from pushing, but took the track race in London off the table for tonight as I've not got the motivation for it after Sunday (lots of travelling for a late race with not much in the way of competition in the field - it looks like I'd get a category medal just for finishing).
    The HM I was supposed to be doing on the 24th is now a no-go also as I've been roped into working that weekend; what is the saying about the best laid of plans? Lol.

    Ultimately I think my approach has to be to try replicate the marathon in its various guises, so I'll have to modulate my days more - basically some bigger days (with some efforts in some) with smaller ones as recovery.
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    OO - we've all got old knees with plenty of miles on them !

    TT - I'd still consider a monthly 1/2 done at mp, as it brings in race day routines and pressures which training doesnt.

    Bike commute both ways today, there was no chance of being able to run today. Add it to the list of ways to hurt yourself in taper week, although i don't know what I've done, inside and rear of my knee isnt happy so I'm assuming ive twisted it somehow.
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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭
    Bad luck TR, the usual ice pack treatment might well help.

    TT.. if you still plan to come to York let me know and I'll recommend some local attractions.  I did investigate changing from the 26.2 to the 10m on the day but not possible after early August.

    Massage done today, the affected muscle was like a golf ball so needed freeing up.  Elbows and fingers were used, a bit painful at times.  However it has freed things up so progress made.  A bit sore ATM but will let it settle and see how it goes.
    32m on the bike this morning, pleasantly sunny unlike yesterday!
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    TR - I agree something like that is a good idea; I'll probably pick some at late notice so I'm not committing money up front. I'd imagine there's a good chance what you're describing is the popliteus muscle/tendon. I've done it a few times. Typically it's caused by hyper-extending/locking out your knee when you plant, easily done if you slip and try to fight it (normal reaction). It usually comes around quite quickly (in my experience) if I alternate ice and heat on the back of my knee.

    Wardi - yes please. Dog friendly places would be great. Thank you :) I hadn't realised there was a 10 miler. Good news on the massage. Hopefully not too much longer for you to be back at it.

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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭
    edited September 2023
    TT.. I'll look into dog friendly venues, pubs etc.  If you fancy a Parkrun on Saturday morning my regular racecourse run is off due to a race meeting.  Nearby Heslington has plenty of grassy areas for dogs, the course is 5 x 1k laps of a tarmac loop.  

    A decent morning so added a few loops on to log 40m on the bike.  The hamstring does feel more loose and comfortable now so I might well do a test run soon.
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    OuchOuchOuchOuch ✭✭✭
    edited September 2023
    Wardi - Good that the physio pummelling seems to be working. Nice 40m on the bike. 
    TR - Your spot on there,  hope the knee is starting to recover? 
    TT - certainly a few things to think about going forward. Good there's no DOMs, another positive sign I'd say. 

    Ran 6m on the field last night and aiming for the same tonight but a few hours in the car and a day sitting uncomfortably in a work conference took care of that  and made/ kept my knee sore so thought a rest would be better than a tired run on it. Will try a 4m fast tomorrow. 🤞 
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    Al_PAl_P ✭✭✭
    Morning All, random nosy drop in for me. Not doing much at the mo, c.55M/w and no racing apart from parkruns, next target is London in the spring. Great to read that TT has been racing in the New Forest. Sorry it turned out to be a tough day in the office. The guy won it knocks out fast races far too easily! I've not done the 'new' full marathon course, partly out of mild protest of the race being taken over by a professional race organiser from the New Milton Lions who use to run it as a charity event and switched it from a mostly road course to majority trail and more hilly. Incidentally I won the last 'Road' NF marathon in 2013, the same year TT won the HM....
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    I tweaked the medial ligaments in my right knee years ago and there was associated top of calf damage.......having a poke about i found similar in my sore right knee tuesday the inside of it was sore as well as behind my knee......2 days off, then abandoned a test run after 2 mins today, no running for a while.....Friday night frothies are back on.
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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭
    edited September 2023
    Sorry to hear that TR, pity considering it was just a slip or two on wet ground.  Enjoy the beers, I'm walking down to my old village pub tonight for a couple.  The local brewery do a pleasant lager for a mere £2.40 a pint so a cheap night out!

    Good to see you dropping in Al P, best of luck with the London build up when it starts.  The course record went at York Parkrun last weekend, it had stood for about 7 years.  A lad about 20 years old from the City of York club clocked an impressive 14.34.

    31m on the bike today, decent weather again.  I'm tempted to try a test run this weekend, it will be my first run in 4 weeks so might be a rusty affair!
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    Hope the beer and test run both go well Wardi, Not really sure what I've done, I was aware of slipping in the wet on Tuesdays run, but could have been due to something else...the slight worry is its a degenerative thing, we'll see how it goes. I'm hoping it's a tweak that will recover quickish......shame as i was in good shape, but there's always another race.... there's no more knees to run on.
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    OuchOuchOuchOuch ✭✭✭
    edited September 2023
    That's really bad luck TR and chapeau for your response and attitude to the injury, especially as you've got yourself in good shape. I hope you were able to enjoy your Friday frothies, I partook myself (Proper Job and a few IPAs from another local  Harbour Brewery). As you say plenty of races out there. Recover quickly and well.

    Good luck on your running return Wardi. £2.40!! Bargain. 

    How are you feeling now TT? 

    The 4 fast became 8m with 3 @ mp. Still a slightly sore knee but didn't feel it on the run.  Decided not to enter the Boston marathon after all, just too far to run a race, and there's lots in the UK and Europe (Rome & Athens foremost) I want to tick off on my ever increasing marathon wishlist. 15m on the bike earlier maybe a 4m after the 🏉.  
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    TR - that's crap; I was just popping in to wish you good luck. December instead or just reset for spring? 

    OO - doms never showed up. Some muscular fatigue, but nothing major.  Take it easy with that knee. 

    Will read back and comment properly on Monday - took this week as my down week and resetting to start a full Lydiard schedule/principles from Monday. Did run 10/3 yesterday, and 10 this morning, but have put my time towards finishing my coaching certification paperwork and getting the last of the trees down. Both should be done by tomorrow. 
    Have a good weekend all.
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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭
    OO.. hope you manage to shake off that knee niggle.  The travelling time & hassle has always put me off American marathons- and the entry fees!

    TT. . excellent work with the tree surgery and managing to squeeze a couple of decent runs in.

    The run test wasn't a total success.  Better than 2-3 weeks ago but still not comfortable so will have to stick to the cycling for a while.  Frustrating but cant be rushed.  So 4m run + 21m on the bike today.

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    OuchOuchOuchOuch ✭✭✭
    edited September 2023
    TT - That's a very productive few days. Some nice runs and congratulations in advance for the tree felling and the coaching certification. Now do you have a log burner for the wood? 

    Wardi - Some progress. Good its better than a few weeks ago. 

    TR - How's the knee today? 

    I jacked in yesterday evenings tun after a few hundred metres has the knee and the ball of my right foot were aching too much. So slightly apprehensive approaching today's run which needed to be a tempo run of a decent mileage.

    Pleased to say after a bit of knee pain in the warmup put it to the back of my mind and after the 2m warmup, rattled off in the driving rain 11.5m @ 6.35 mm with a reasonably low HR compated to other runs to bring up 40m for the week bit lower than ideal but some ok runs completed. Quite relieved so will keep on icing my knee and foot, a few easy runs on a neighbouring field and a 5m tempo next weekend. Then race week. 
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    OO - I'm in the process of building a temporary pit at the end of the garden to burn it in; lol. We've filled 2 8yd skips with what has come down and still have lots left. That's a tasty 11.5m! Well done, and sounding positive on the knee front too.

    Wardi - sorry to read the test run was unsuccessful, but at least there has been improvement so that's something!

    Al_P - good to see you popping in. There was definitely a more professional setup to the race, but very much an 'in it for the money' vibe - I was particularly disappointed to see that not even the top 3 got a prize presentation on the day. Apparently all prizes (undeclared what they actually are) are sent out later. Like you I preferred the old setup (and only entered as I naively assumed it was still the same race).

    TR - shame it didn't work out for you yesterday as it looked like you'd have had some company.
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    A relief to read recent test results are pointing to good news Joolska. Also great to see you back running again pain-free. 

    Blimey, hope Mrs TR has gotten over what sounded a nasty fall TR. IoW its usual tough outing then. You did right easing off.  Impressive recent set of faster paces combined with the S&C should pay dividends further down the road. Arrgghhh caught up to read you have a knee niggle. Bugger. Annoying that it was a seemingly an innocuous slip! 'Always another race' is a good attitude although I appreciate the mental investment you will have made so fingers crossed for you that you can get over the niggle swiftly. 

    Sorry to read of your recent(ish) state of mind LS21. As someone who has also struggled in recent years with mental health issues I can certainly appreciate the strength required to even type on a keyboard and talk about such things. If you're reading this mate, keep the faith. Running isn't everything lets never forget but it can help lead us out of the gloom. 

    Interesting stuff reading about the initiatives to motivate us as we get older OO. Trouble is there are so many older runners performing superbly that chances of some glory just by sticking around is going to be difficult (for me at least). Glad to read of improving knee niggle. 

    Sorry to read of the ongoing hamstring issue Wardi. Great attitude and commitment to the cross training via the bike. Frustrating as you say. 

    Fair effort at NF marathon TT given the very different terrain from what I remember back in my debut marathon. You did well sticking with it and judging the final stages well. I can feel your frustrations with the fibro and the toll that takes. I hope recovery is easing matters short term and longer term you get some answers from somewhere.   

    Long read back due to the summer flashing by so fast. Ticking along here and still on course for Amsterdam. A solid 8 weeks of consistency followed by two recent easier weeks due to two races (20 miler and a half) on consecutive Sunday's. Half came out at 83 mid on that hot Sunday a week back. 2 mins down on last year but given the temps and the state of a lot of runners at the end (people falling over/passing out) I was happy with the effort. Dialled it down in the last 4km as I was too hot. 

    The 20 was a more controlled and steady race with 10 steady and 10 MRP effort. That was actually 2 mins faster than last year so in decent-ish shape I think.

    Back to a full weeks' training last week culminating in a 20 mile long run yesterday run progressively. However, it proved one Sunday too many as I was flagging by the end. Lesson learned. It should have been a box ticker yesterday as there was no need to throw in some faster stuff given the recent races already ticking those boxes. A gentle reminder I think that just because it seems to be going well, still a place for executing the training correctly and not taking the pi$$.  
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    OuchOuchOuchOuch ✭✭✭
    edited September 2023
    TT - Cheers and thats a lot of wood!

    Chapeau for reading back SJ - good brain training for the marathoner! Chapeau too as those are very impressive times for the half and for the 20 race and your running of these seems spot on too.  As you've time to recover, the body can cope with the odd kamikaze run.  I'd be interested on your thoughts of the Amsterdam marathon as its on my long list. 

    Despite last week being a bite light on miles, 17 of those 40 miles were 6.50 mm or better, so perhaps not such a bad week after all.  Aching all over today mind. 
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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭
    SJ.. good to see you are seemingly on target training and racing wise for Amsterdam.   I guess we have all been to the well once too often in the past, hope you recovered well from that slightly over enthusiastic 20m yesterday, 

    OO.. some good quality miles in last week's mileage, those aches are well deserved. 🙂
    BTW there's a few of my club's fast crew who are off to Valencia in early Dec, they are badgering me for race and local info!

    TT.. our next door neighbour has a wood burning stove and takes all our waste wood.  Our old hall floor, wood glazing frames, doors, etc.  Better than taking it to the tip I suppose.

    Almost beat the rain on the bike this morning.  Showers/rain were forecast by lunchtime so I set off in the sun and just got a bit of a wetting in the last 3m.  Quite windy too, total distance covered was a poetic 26.2m.

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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    SJ - good to see you, you sound in good shape. I find the progressive long runs tough at times so no surprised you felt tired after 3 tough Sundays. Well controlled in the HM.

    OO - you sound like you are creaking. I had only been thinking how good my body was in general (due to the s  and c etc ?)..........

    TT - NF is more of an events company now, with the camping and music etc they gave me a free entry for the next year as an AG winner of the HM.

    Wardi - shame the test run was more positive, 4 weeks is going to take some returning from.

    Was on the turbo at the weekend which was fine. Test run today after a week off, some stiffness and soreness but mostly soft tissue/tendons. Hopefully some icing, exercises and massage gun will allow me to ease back into it.
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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭
    TR.  better news on your injury, hope the return to proper training is niggle free.

    I have been self massaging and stretching the affected muscle in the last few days. It's the outside hamstring muscle just above the back of the knee.
    I did hop on the treadmill today (very wet and windy out there).  4.2m done, much less bothersome than Saturday so hopefully on the mend.  I will keep it short and steady for now.
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    edited September 2023
    Mine is sore in similar place (amongst others) but on the inside of the hamstring behind knee.....your treadie will help you ease back, no chance of twisting and softer ride.
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    sj - good to see you popping in. Sounds like you're in good shape, and a timely reminder not to overdo things too. 
    Like you I've had/have my black dog days. And like you say it's important to talk, even if it's not easy. I like the Irish phrasing for it - Tá brón orm - it translates as 'sadness is on me', which sounds much better than 'I am sad'. It basically reminds you that it's only temporary and not who you are (it's on you, not who you are).

    LS21 - on that note, if you're lurking, I hope things are continuing to pick up for you (and if they're not then I'm sending hugs).

    Wardi - no need for dog friendly venues (or venues at all now), but thank you. It turns out we could still get a refund so we're taking ourselves off for some Cornish seaside for a few days instead. A wood burning stove would be useful right now - high energy prices and a huge stockpile of wood!

    TR - take your time. Better an extra day or two than coming back too soon.

    OO - that's a good proportion of quicker stuff in there.

    I see Richmond made the news. Not much to report here. Started back to it yesterday (the less said about Monday the better) looking towards Seville. 8 weeks of basic conditioning. 8 easy/4 jog yesterday. Plus 10 minutes of yoga for my back and hamstrings (I finally done something; lol).
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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭
    TT.. good to hear you were eligible for a refund, the seaside sounds like a fun outing if the weather is decent.
    A couple of years ago Jet2 cancelled our flight from Leeds to Barca.  They offered a Manchester departure & return on the same dates but this didn't appeal.  They did refund us without any fuss.

    I did manage another 4m run today, I will now rest the running legs for a while. A return to the bike beckons tomorrow now the worst of the weather seems to have blown over.
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    Wardi - how was the 4m; any reaction? It's nice when there's no fuss about these things. Most airlines try to wiggle out of things if they can.

    Track last night. Almost more like a swim than a run as it was biblical. My plan for track during base is to do long reps at Mara effort. I figure it will give me an indication if the remedial work on my back and hamstrings is having an effect, whilst getting in a lighter (in terms of speed) workout that will just make me stronger.

    I'd ideally wanted 2 x 5km last night as a starter, but at the start of the second lap on the second rep that all too familiar feeling hit my back/hamstrings again. I could feel the power instantly drain from my legs. Kept going until 3km as I figure part of getting past it is to just keep going to try prod a reaction/adaptation.
    End results were 19:14 and 11:30 for the reps, and a target of 5.4km to beat next week before things go pop.
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    OuchOuchOuchOuch ✭✭✭
    edited September 2023
    TR - Yes, lots of minor aches the latest being a suspected toe stress fracture - I think my body is telling me it wants some proper time off.  It will have but not until after the Gran Canaria marathon in mid November.  Sounds like your on the up which must be a relief after the bad luck with your injury.  

    Wardi - Pleased to read the latest 4m runs are going OK. 

    TT - That's a very decent first 5K but was the second 5K your body telling you its too soon for that session after the NF marathon?  If you want rain, Cornwall is the right place to be headed, though the weather markedly improves from this weekend.  

    Have done a few varied pace 5m runs this weekend, all rather boringly around an adjacent field of around 700 metres principally as its soft and the grass recently cut. In other news, decided not to do the Pisa marathon now in December as logistically too difficult - but seeing as it was my daughters and her partners HM debut - will run the Alicante HM with them in February and fortunately one of the 2 overseas airports you can get to from Newquay! Good news for the Barnstaple marathon in 10 days turn, a mate is also running it and as he ran 2.51 @ London in April should be able to run around with him for most/ all of it, though disturbingly he has got faster of late.  
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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭
    OO.. Alicante should be an enjoyable half, particularly if you run with company.  Hope you get settled weather for Barnstaple too.

    TT..  as OO said maybe a bit too soon after NF for that session but you did get through most of it.  I do hope your back & hamstring problems improve.

    My right lower hamstring seems to have come out in sympathy with the left one now!  Running is manageable but not entirely comfortable and pace is slower than pre injury.  I'll keep up the massage, stretching etc and see how it goes.  I returned to the bike today as the sun was out, 31m done.

    I've just seen the new Barca marathon course for 2024 - quite a dramatic re-route.  The start is now near Placa de Catalunya and finishes near the Arc de Triomphe.  It is described as hugging the centre more closely and flatter/ faster.

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    OuchOuchOuchOuch ✭✭✭
    edited September 2023
    Wardi - That is a better course, no flattish climb to Camp Nou & no killer last km, I remember TT came up with the elevation stat which was it was 3X that of London.  Tempting, and might draw upon the goodwill engendered as have booked to run the Verbier Marathon in the Swiss Alps next July and taking Mrs OO for the weekend.  Bugger with the right hamstring! 

    TR - I am looking at all marginal gains to reduce the impact on my body of the training and just ordered a pair of Nike Invincible 3 ZoomX, a mere £87.50 on Pro-Direct if you order the grey colourway, £175 for anyother colour!  Buy via the App and you get free postage and you might get 10% off first order.  

    5m yesterday with 3m tempo @ 6.23 so that was encouraging, especially as running on a wet slippy grassy field with plenty of turns and twists. 4m easy run this morning with the pooch, along the coastal path from Polzeath to Daymer Bay and back, glorious, sunny, blue skies, big waves/ surf.
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