
Sub 3



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    LS21LS21 ✭✭✭
    Completely as an aside - saintjason, if you're reading. A few of us doing Trimpell and then going for food after at the pub where me, you and Rich went last time. I'm going to book it cos it's Mother's Day, and I reckon we'll struggle otherwise. If you fancy it let me know asap and I'll add you. Me, Rich, Caz, Kelv and another Barnsley Harrier going. Cheers chap
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    OuchOuchOuchOuch ✭✭✭
    Wardi - 32 hours & 100 miles, both of those numbers make me shiver.  Incredible endurance and mental strength, they are a different breed.  Amazingly, my club mate was at last nights speed session. 
    Joe - Was in the centre of the Kop when I went with my L'pool supporting brother and mate, though I was supporting Cardiff.  I had to join in the totemic songs as a one-off experience. Massive congrats on the win and the record, and the rapid time.
    TT - I nearly binned it, but thought JFDI, and it was absolutely fine then.  Nice runs today, glad the dog behaved itself!
    TR - 7 under 7 mm is on the money, good stuff/ good session.

    Rest yesterday.  2 easy 5 milers today, lunchtime and at sundown, spectacular sunset.  
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    OO - I noted your 3pm 20m, forgot to comment earlier, fair play, I wouldn't be out at that time on a weekend.

    LS - p and D works, but needs a lot of time. Do it on the treadie if it gets it done........I used to be able to do 2 he runs after work only a year or two back, but my limit is 10ish now, I can get 11 or 12 done in the morning some days, but can't really face the weekday 15 or 16 milers now, although ive done 10 and 5 doubles a lot, not as good as a single 15 though.
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    JooliganJooligan ✭✭✭
    Don’t blame you LS21 I’ve done several 26.2K runs on the treadie. Just avoid the temptation to start getting too progressive too soon 😂

    Seem to have gotten away with my increased volume. Carded a zero for recovery yesterday but felt strong enough for some Fartlek along the canal at lunch. Pace was poor but sub 7 minute miling on the efforts at least. 4.4M@7:45
    Really need to stretch these lunch runs back up towards 40+ minutes but at least they’re getting longer.
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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭
    LS21.  Good luck with the weather tomorrow, it looks to be winder the further north you go.  Merely 'quite windy' here. 

    TR.. I usually get treatment privately as it gets done more quickly.  

    Jooligan.. good fartlek session, sensible to ramp it up gradually.

    OO.. my clubmate was quite surprised/horrified by the ascent in the ultra so pleased to get it done.  He was down the club tonight running with the bimblers group!  :)
    Nice double today, pleasant conditions up here today too.

    Took advantage of light winds and sunny intervals to log 10.5m.  Our bridge was shut again this morning due to the all day rain yesterday.  It did reopen in the afternoon.
    Good win for the Toon tonight, didn't see that one coming.
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    TippTopTippTop ✭✭✭
    Cheers LS21. I take it your brother is also a handsome devil? Lol. And no, I didn't actually know that about the shuttle - you sent me down a rabbit hole looking up what else happened  :D
    Nice training too. I hope the 15m went well?

    TR - nice steady section. Sounds like your knee has been a bit worse over the last few weeks? Might it have been aggravated by the cold weather? Combo of the dog and the anaemia has left me feeling quite beat up, yes. It'll get there.

    OO - I need a bit of JFDI at the moment.

    Jooligan - don't worry about paces at the moment - they will come back. I've been caught out by getting too progressive too soon on the treadmill! Once in particular sticks out where I had to do a 20m+ on there and opted at the end of the first mile to go up 0.1mph every mile, without thinking that through or acknowledging that I'd started at a reasonable speed!

    Wardi - nice one on the 10.5m.

    A very easy 12m for me yesterday. Felt horrible throughout - no energy and like running through knee deep mud. Sensibly opted to put my feet up instead of getting a second run done later.
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    LS21LS21 ✭✭✭
    Jooligan - nicely done on the fartlek. As others have said, don't worry too much about the pace for now, it'll definitely come back. Just keep doing the right things and be consistent and you'll be in a good place for Newport.

    wardi - well done on the double digit run. Hope you make some progress with the hammy soon.

    TT - ha, yes my bro definitely got the looks in our family! Well done on grinding out the 12 - sounded tough!

    I did manage to do my 15 this morning, and opted for the treddy in the end. I'll file it as 'got it done, move on' as it was quite hard work tbh. 315 for the month, so doing ok.
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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭
    LS21.. congrats on grinding out 15m on the treadie, we didn't get the strong winds until the afternoon here.

    TT.. sorry that 12m was a bit of an ordeal. Sounds like a 'bank it and move on' type of run that we all get occasionally.  Hope the next run is more enjoyable.

    7.5m mostly around the racecourse this morning.  A bit chilly but 14-15mph winds were tolerable at that time.  4m on the treadie later as it did get wet and very windy late afternoon.
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    Great news Jools, hopefully the beginning of the recovery.

    Wardi - hopefully you can get the injection done soonish then

    LS - good man, banked and move on.

    TT - you don't need a second run if you've done a 12 already

    Weights this morning and 5m home tonight. 285m for January, so kept to the 70mpw limit, I'd usually be on 320 to 330m........been doing weights 3 times per week though. Not sure what i weighed when i started hitting the weights heavier in Sept, i rarely weight myself as its usually low 160s consistently, today was 171. I could feel that I've reinflated some dormant muscle. Don't think it'll hurt over shorter distances but might do over a marathon. But I'm committed to the weights at the moment.
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    LS21 - Definitely would like another first finisher a bit sooner. Trawling through results to confirm this "record" did show me how quickly 5k pace can disappear as you age. Bad luck on the conditions. LT run followed by 15 miler sounds grim. But I guess this is how you get fit! I'd need some good entertainment to get through 15 miles on the treadmill.
    TR - You have to accept a bit of weight gain I suppose. Instinctively seems tough to be more robust without taking that hit. A good mileage month nonetheless.
    Wardi - Nice double and good dodge of that wind. Was chalk and cheese between yesterday morning and afternoon, at least in the Midlands.
    TT -  Good work on the 12. On to the next one!
    OO - Some good sunset and sunrises recently. Probably even more spectacular down your way. A couple of easy 5 milers is the only way I can double, at least for the moment.
    Jooligan - If the canal paths are anything like the ones near me then that's a contributor to a slower pace? Good job nonetheless.

    9 days of running in a row comes to an end today as I'm down in London today and out for some drinks later. Having to plan my rest days around these long work days which doesn't always work that well but i'm getting by. Nothing much to write home about but I did do 3x3km (off 4 mins) on Monday with the average paces coming in at 3:48, 3:47, 3:46. A little bit harder work than it needs to be but a good session to bank after work.

    167 miles in January with 5 days off for a cold represents my biggest month since October 21. I did get injured right around that time but (famous last words) it is all feeling much more in control at the moment. One more long run and session to go before Wrexham half.
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    TippTopTippTop ✭✭✭
    TR said:
    TT - you don't need a second run if you've done a 12 already
    TR - old habits die hard - when I was coached a 12-15m would always be done after a 4-6m morning jog (every run bar the long run was the same). Nice volume for January. 

    LS - well done on getting the 15 done and excellent volume.

    Wardi - I've not used our treadie yet. I kinda want an indicator of what shape I'm in before playing with it so I don't overdo it!

    rjr - nice 3 x 3km.

    268 for January. Was on target for more until the dog ran into me!
    Had a CNBA yesterday. Back out for 7m earlier. 
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    JooliganJooligan ✭✭✭
    edited February 1
    Well done on the TM 15 LS21
    I had a knowing chortle at that ambitious treadie tale TT. Hope you get on top of the anaemia asap. Running through treacle is demoralising.
    Tidy session that rjr must be a good confidence booster ahead of Wrexham.
    Fortunately the stretch of canal path I run on is pretty good tbh. It’s a decent width & was resurfaced a few years ago to promote its ability to withstand cycle traffic.
    Good January mileage totals chaps. I’m reasonably happy with my 138 even if it is less than half my normal. I’ve also managed 300M on the bike, mostly thanks to the daily commute, so that’s gotta help with the aerobic fitness.
    Kicked off February with 4M including 5x400m hard off 400m easy on the track at work.
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    Joe - I need km subtitles but that looks approx 6mm to me which is sub 80?

    TT - no need of that nowadays though. I still think you should set a limit per week which can become a target on your better weeks e.g. 60 or 70m. Consistency is going to be needed the closer we get to April. Not sure if would  help with your health issues, who knows? 

    Jools - 300m on a bike on January needs a pat on the back. You are defo on the up if you are doing hard 400s. Great stuff.

    8m inc 6x3min and 4m for me, means I can run in and cycle home tomorrow.
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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭
    TR.. nice double with a bit of quality in the earlier run.  Good planning too.

    TT.. a few years ago I ran the Barca marathon with anemia without knowing it.  From 10m I got slower and slower - it was certainly a non progressive run!  

    Joe.. good consistent pace in the 3k sections.  Hope the runs up to Wrexham go well.

    Jooligan.. That's very decent bike miles for Jan, sadly I can't touch the bike in winter due to Raynauds.  Good luck with your continuing rehab.

    10m today, steady stuff but I'm happy enough for now.  I've made some enquiries about treatment for my niggle so I'll wait and see what is possible.  272m for Jan

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    TippTopTippTop ✭✭✭
    Jooligan - it (running through treacle) certainly is demoralising. It reminded me of the first set of medication they put me on for fibro. I was over a year on it before I realised that was what was the cause of feeling like I was glued to the ground every step of every run.
    Good to see you doing some reps. How did they feel?

    TR - re: rjr, 3:44/km is 6m/m (near as). We're kinda on the same page on a mileage limit. I'm not intending to try for the 100m+ weeks I used to do. I'd like to try knock out consistently in the 80-90 range, but if that's proving too challenging I'll drop it slightly. The anaemia was most likely triggered by the successive bouts of covid and flu (everything viral triggers IBS/malabsorption issues for me), but yes, boom and bust will not equal good health. Rough plan is 20m (with some stuff in there potentially), a solid MLR, 2 workouts (1 a smaller one), and general running to make up the rest of it. Nothing fancy.
    Nice doubling from you.

    Wardi - it's a horrible feeling, isn't it! Good volume, especially considering your niggles!

    9m easy this morning feeling a bit stiff and sore again. Something else later.
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    OuchOuchOuchOuch ✭✭✭
    edited February 2
    I don't normally top the forums monthly mileage charts (has a look at LS21 post) and.... I don't again this month.  Well done LS onfire! Real eye of the tiger stuff and great to see.  297 for me, good for January! 
    It looks like most of us are getting good volume despite our aches, niggles, the bloody awful January weather & seasonal blues, which is great. Good to see Joe & Jooligan on the upward curve too.   

    15m in the sun (yes the sun) to Padstow yesterday on the trail including 5m on the adjacent sand dunes and the beach - twas heavenly, though back to earth with 5m in mizzle today.  Hopefully 5m later and then off to Wales to see family and Swansea vs Plymouth over the weekend.  Hopefully will be able to get out a few times. 
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    Wardi - big miles considering the injury, if you can get freed up, you'll be good to go.

    TT - 80 to 90 would be too high as a starter esp if you want a rest day in there. Take the pressure off and start lower, you still have to run regularly to get 70mpw done. Maybe keep to singles for a while too. I think itd help to meet a weekly target zone than chase one?

    OO - 15m on a Thursday is top notch. Enjoy the trip.

    Minimal 5m inc a few strides today.
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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭
    OO.. 15m on a sunny day sounds good!  Shame about the return of the damp, dry here but blowing a hooley all day.

    TR. cheers, yes the idea is to tick over as much as is sensible and bearable until a solution is found.

    TT.. hope you get rid of that stiffness and soreness.  Runs do feel like a chore when something makes them feel a bit uncomfortable.

    Just a single 5.2m on the treadie today.  The wind was very strong so I gave the outdoors a miss.
    Dewsbury 10k up here on Sunday, usually a fast field.  A few of our club lads are going for a smack down.
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    Chichester 10k today which is a big race and included the masters champs today. Unspectacular 38.2X for me, defo had no zip today, and I ran twice as far at around that pace in December, but the wind was howling today. Knee was about as good as i could hope for, I'd spent a lot of time trying to free it up this week, it was only the medial damage (from sept) that ached a bit today. Indicator of sub3 capability, time to build up a bit now. Will look for a HM in March.
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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭
    Shame your race was blighted by the winds again TR but I guess you're used to it by now!  I hope you can get rid of the lingering knee niggle.  A solid run in the conditions though.

    I checked with clubmates re. the Dewsbury 10k weather today, apparently nuisance value winds around 13-14mph.. It is an out and back course so some assistance one way at least. Our young lad who broke 70 mins at the Brass Monkey had another breakthrough with 5th place and a first time sub 32 clocking with 31.55.

    10.6m for me yesterday, skipped the Parkrun as it did seem a bit uncomfortable at pace last week.  Decent day for a run.  Short double of 5.5m + 4.5m today.  The wind had cranked up to 20mph by this afternoon!
    62m for the week.
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    OuchOuchOuchOuch ✭✭✭
    edited February 4
    TR - That's a solid run and time, given conditions and as you felt you had no zip. You will certainly come on for the run. Well fone. 
    Wardi - Another good week d&d. Barcelona still on?

    Great day at the footie, Argyles first away victory on a Saturday for over a year and saw the game from hospitality, an enjoyable one off experience. 14m today, some with the chap who came 2nd in last week's 50m Arc of Attrition, he is aiming for his first sub 3 @ Milan marathon. Only downside, have a sore achilles/ ankle, so icing and will kerp an eye on it. 58m for the week. 
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    To be fair, I havnt run a short race since June, and just wanted to see how my  knee was, I had little desire to smack it esp when i went from 6.0X to 6.2X per mile in the slower miles.

    Noted that win for Plymouth OO.
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    saintjasonsaintjason ✭✭✭
    edited February 4
    Hope you are fully recovered from the suspected food poisoning LS21. Good luck with the P&D plan. I did love their approach but struggled with the mileage, especially midweek. Good stuff at Helsby too. A good early marker. Noted the 9min/mile easy run. Nice. I don't mind those at all these days. Sorry didn't reply re food after Trimpell. I would be up for that but appreciate I'm late letting you know so no probs if fully booked up. 

    Encouraging faster miles recently RJR. Funny how ignoring the watch makes a difference sometimes. I found the switch from miles to km meant I could tick along at a much faster pace for some reason in km. Something about not actually knowing the pace. 

    Fair play TR with keeping up with the S&C. You're giving it some serious commitment which is inspiring. I just can't get into it beyond some token calf raises and sporadic bodyweight stuff. Decent blowout today in the wind. A good marker for later in the spring.

    Hopefully by now things have eased TT off the back of the chiropractor visit. Belated birthday wishes. 

    Fantastic to read you got out for a longer run Joolska. Great to see. Enjoying your running again, pain free, albeit with some DOMS ! 

    Good progress Jooligan and hopefully heading in the right direction now. I did chuckle at the running past the car to get to 16 miles. I'm sure we're all guilty of that at some point in our running journeys.

    Hope the Achilles/ankle niggle settles down OO. A long time coming that away win for Argyle. Sounded a memorable day. The Championship is way better than the Premier league haha. 

    Some fast guys at your club Wardi. Sounds like they have a decent training group working well together. Nice weekly total. 

    A decent week this week after a terrible previous week. I picked up a nasty sickness virus which stopped me in my tracks. I had to cancel my birthday 50k as I was too weak from not eating for several days. I might do something later in the year as wanted to get back into the swing of things for London. 

    Back at it this week with 53 miles total, mostly easy once more with the exception of 5x5 mins off 90 secs yesterday and 20 miles today. Today's run was tough going in the wind. I really had to concentrate in the last few miles. 

    Finally got the logistics sorted for London. Decided to travel down on the Saturday and stay in a YHA south of the river overnight. Train back up Sunday afternoon. 

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    TR - That's a decent time nonetheless. I was thinking yesterday that I really wouldn't want to have to race in that wind, it was deceptively strong. Yes need 3:47s for a 1:20 clocking which is going to be tough.
    OO - Hope you made good use of the hospitality. Hopefully the achilles pain is temporary. Would have though 2nd in a 50 miler should make for a fairly comfortable sub 3 unless he's just very good at grinding it out at a consistent but slower pace.
    Wardi - Couldn't trust yourself to go to parkrun and slow the pace down? If so I know that feeling. Sounds like your clubmate is going to get plenty of PBs this year.
    TT - Really hoping your body feels itself again sometime soon. 
    Jools - you have a track at work? That's handy and a very tidy sesh there.

    A 19:14 buggy parkrun on Saturday which was a real hard effort in part due to the fact that all three tyres are pretty flat, as someone pointed out to me on the start line. 14 miles yesterday and the intention was to run the last 3 miles at HMP. Was confident of doing that as I ran round as I felt good but when I turned into the last 3 miles I felt the full force of the wind. In the end I managed 3k at around 3:55/km pace (6:19/mile). Annoying as I haven't been able to hit HMPs towards the end of runs which maybe shows i'm a bit off but i'm hoping the taper, extra energy and bouncy shoes helps me a bit.
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    JooliganJooligan ✭✭✭
    edited February 5
    Sorry to hear you were too ill to celebrate the big 5-0 SJ. Wise not to try shoehorning it in before London now though.
    Good buggy running rjr & a decent enough LR. I’m lucky enough to have access to the local athletics club track as our school own the land.
    Unfortunately I’ve felt totally flat since Tuesday’s run. Hoped the reps would get the legs turning but they wouldn’t play ball so pretty useless. Saturday’s parkrun was a big step backwards 24:10 albeit on a tricky course: muddy, lumpy, grass on a hill with very tight turns. Road shoes didn’t help 🤦🏻😂
    Salvaged my week (or ruined myself further) with a repeat of last Sunday’s 16. 10s a mile quicker & HR was 1bpm lower.
    Still stiff now but I have had to bike commute the full 13M each way in a gale today as I dropped the car at the garage yesterday evening post LR. Had to bike 7M back in the dark feeling less than tip top too.
    Hoping I wake with fresher legs tomorrow & for less wind. Not getting the car back before tomorrow evening now.
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    SJ - good job you never tried to do the 50km then, good weekend double there though.

    Joe - those runs are too long to be able to hit hmp at the end. You need to do hmp as short tempos to be able to hit the pace......don't worry though I ran a strong HM in December (low 1.22) with no fast running in the build up due to knee issue.

    Jools - sounds like you are on the up agsin now though, very windy again today, I copped a bearing running home tonight.

    Morning weights and bike commute, 10m home this evening, legs were good, havnt set my knee back which is pleasing, and all I was really racing to find out.
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    OO - I bought some Vomero 16 begore Christmas as a heavy duty Peg alternative, they are better than Pegs and £65 again on sports direct. Pegs are cheap and robust, these are a much better shoe, time will tell if they are as robust.
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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭
    SJ.. shame about the lurgy, sounds nasty.  Hope it didn't completely spoil your birthday. That's an encouraging week though after your recovery.

    RJR.. good effort with the buggy pushing at Parkrun, there's a few quick buggy runners at my local!  I tend to use Parkrun as a brisk workout so would have to offer a lesser pacing job to persuade me to slow down.
    Nice work on the 14m, shame about the wind - seems particularly wretched weather this winter.

    TR.. a bike commute and 10m run home shows decent recovery from the 10k.  Sounds like a good shoe discovery.

    OO.. pleasing result at the footie then.  A decent 14m done but hope you can get on top of the ankle pain.  Re. Barcelona, probably not as things stand, I've kept the miles ticking over but haven't been able to do long runs.  Me & the Mrs will still fly over for a mini break.

    Jooligan.. often difficult to gauge a return to running post-injury. I am guilty of being too enthusiastic in past years.  Still, if you can get through another 16m the fitness is building up well.

    A single 5.2m run this morning.  It's been blowing a hooley all day but still quite mild.

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    Wardi - yes it feels like it's been windy pretty much all year. Has me concerned for the half.
    TR - Interesting angle. You're going against P&D here as these runs are pretty much straight out of their faster road racing HM plan. They have 12 & 13 mile runs with last 3 miles @ LT so even quicker than HMP. Good news on the knee and good to be straight back on the strength work.
    Jools - that's a good setup then. Can't beat yourself up too much about a tough parkrun if it's a little like XC. Good to bank another long run even if it hurts.
    SJ - Our posts must have crossed. Shame about the illness, there's a lot of it about. Hopefully you make up for it post London. Sounds like a quick turnaround post marathon. I've done similar for Cork, booking an afternoon flight. Hopefully the need to do a bit of moving about is good for our legs. Nice session and long run.

    Rest yesterday and 7 miles easy this morning. Cardio feels good but a bit of soreness in my right calf. Everything should be easy up to race day so hopefully not an issue. PT session this afternoon so will see what alterations I can make.
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    TippTopTippTop ✭✭✭
    OO - good volume for last month. Fingers crossed the achilles/ankle pain abates.

    TR - tough break on Chichester but positive news on the knee front! 

    Wardi - good week. It's proper blowy down here too. Tasty 10km from your clubmate.

    sj - a belated happy birthday, and sorry to hear you were ill for it. Nice one on getting sorted for London.

    rjr - a 19:14 buggy parkrun with 3 flat tires is pretty good going; well done!

    Jooligan - sorry to read you're still struggling - I'd hoped the reps would've popped the seal on that front for you, though from the 16m maybe they did and it'll just take some time to work through fully.

    Been a sad few days here. My wife's Grandad passed in his sleep on Sunday afternoon. 93 years old, and what a life he had! He lived about 100m from us, and Sunday evenings having a cuppa at her parents' (about 100m from us in the other direction) and catching up with him was a tradition.

    Running wise, 50m last week. Finished with a 7.5m jog on Saturday that was absolutely horrible. I was 'running' 9:20 pace for the last half mile. I feel better since then, so hopefully that run performed the same job as Jool's reps and popped the seal on things. Certainly yesterday and today it feels like my iron/B levels have started to come back up, and I'm also back over 70% of what I should be on my peak flow meter, so fingers crossed. 

    Got out yesterday after a day of trying to sort out stuff for a strong 7m (brisk to steady). Today's going to be a bit messy as got a plumber in fixing a problem left by a previous plumber, but I'll get something easy in.
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