
Half marathon schedule

I am about to start a 16wk build up to my second half marathon (aim is to duck under 1.30) and would appreciate any comments on my proposed training schedule. This is basically split in 4 blocks of 4 weeks with a 10 mile race at the end of each block. The week before each 10 mile race is an easy week and the first three weeks in each block are braodly along the following lines:

M Weights
T Speedwork (alternating hills, pyramids, shorter intervals) Aim: to increase VO2 max
W Easy run (3m)
T Tempo work (alternating 5m tempo run, long reps - 3x1.5m-2m, medium reps - 5-6x1m) Aim: to increase lactate threshold)
F Steady run (6m, building up to 9m)
S Rest
S Long run (10m, building up to 16m)

Is this realistic or I am overdoing it on the faster work. If I were to cut back on one session a week would I be better to drop the Friday steady run or one of the Tuesday/Thursday faster sessions? Any advice appreciated.

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