
restless legs, a cure

After suffering for years with this annoying sensation/condition, ie a weird sort of moving feeling in legs when trying to relax and legs sort of jump or move on their own. I have at last found a cure that works...well for me anyway.

I have tried everything, cutting out caffine, less running , more running, elevating legs etc etc, all to no avail.

This works, run feezing cold water onto feet for a few minutes then water as hot as you can bear, then cold again,and hey presto !!!! relaxed legs and a peaceful nights sleep.

Wish I had discovered it years ago.



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    Wow... I could come and kiss you!

    My fella suffers this.. he calls it "walking feet" - it is awful... when he's got walking feet everyone's got it!

    I'll show him this and get him to try it out!

    Top news!!

    (Plus I thought he was making it up!)
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    Sorry - this is going to be one of those unhelpful posts! But I read about this in a sunday paper 2 weeks ago - and they said that more people should go to see their doctors about it - there are drugs - it's more common than people realise.

    My Nana had it bad, and I get it if I have been trraining hard and then have 2 days off. Comes on in the evening. really annoying, but I know it'll go when I have a run.
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    limper not tried the asprin thanks,

    Egglett, hope this works it is very uncomfortable, and like you many dont know what the hell we are on about.
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    Blackers the running never helped me,tried running more and less.
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    Yeah, I don't think I'm normally a sufferer, but I so know that a break in running can bring it on. So I'm not really in the same boat as you, but from the few times I've had it I know how utterly annoying it can be.

    Im going to remember your tip in case it gets worse when I'm older
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    Ha, you saying I am old Blackers!!
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    Well this is all just good news for me and Mr.. so thanks!
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    Aspirin, paracetamol, and, oddly enough, low dose of amitriptylene.
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    I've had something similar for years and my GP puts it down side effects of some meds I've been on.....it's a pain in the neck because I can't sit still!
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    I thought it was related to anaemia sometimes??
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    For me, I think after a hard long run it's lack of glycogen in the muscles - a good feed usually fixes it.
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    SezzSezz ✭✭✭
    My Mum suffers from this and she was recommended to take magnesium supplements. Apparently its a lack of potassium, calcium and magnesium that can make the muscles irritable. I'll find out if it's helped her or not.
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    Sezz that sounds interesting might try that better than having to get out of bed and running water over feet, will give it a go, at least I got my method of it doesnt work.
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    I get twitchy legs usually in the evenings. Sezzle I've been taking magnesium supplements for the last year and it's made no difference to me. Weirdly, it eases when I go to bed, so whether it happens more because I'm tired?

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    i get it when i'm tired i hate it so i'll read this thread with interest and try all the ideas out!
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    I have heard that 1 in 10 people suffer, so there should be plenty of people with advice out there.

    A friend suffers and now has medication from the doctor. She has been on it a while, but it is not working as well anymore so the doctor has increased the dose. She is concerned that either she is becoming addicted (although i don't think addiction is a recognised side effect) or that the drug will need to be taken in such high doses soon that she will be taking dangerous quantities!

    If a non-drug cure works for you, I think it might be the best option.
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    After months of this getting worse for me and my own remedy no longer working..I decided to take Blackers advice and see the doc....after she was really good and very understanding!! and didnt look at me as if I was nuts..its is now a recognised condition..and I was prescrbed Gabapetin..strong painkiller..not one for taking pills I was a little dubious ..and Carmen Scales I would think your friend was prescribed the same..I was told you have to take it ..befroe you would expect the symptoms...ie for me when I try and relax late eveing...so I take them about 9 oclock..they dont seem to work if you take them one the symptoms have started ! Also apparently it only works for 50% of sufferers..

    I have been taking it for about 4 weeks now...and it seems to work...I used to spend hours walking around trying to relieve the symptoms..sometimes having to get out of bed and walk around on cold concrete...sounds mad doesnt it ? but it is a real problem for many people !! dont be affraid to see the doc !
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    Hi Night Nurse,

    There is a new medication for it. My hubby works in this field. 2 drug companies (Glaxo Smithkline and Boeringher) released them a short time ago.

    You can google Glaxo Smithkline restless leg syndrome and find out the name. I knew but forgot it.

    Once you have the name you can talk to your GP about them. They really work and they are made especially for RLS.

    They may have the same med but with a different name from the american version.

    Good luck everyone.
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    Mrs Clyde suffers from legs that look like Mick McManus's, too.
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    .......wait a minute -that is "wrestlers legs" -sorry.

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    Hi Ulra Caz...you are probably talking about "requip" my son also works for GSK..and mentioned it to me..it is a drug prescribed to sufferers of parkinsons which is a neurological disorder..and yes they have also found it helps in restless legs !....gabapentin..is prescbed for neurological pain...and like requip..they have discovered it also aids restless legs YIPPEEE!!!

    Clyde..thats mean !! I am sure she has lovely legs !!
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    lol -she does NN -mind Mick McManus's aint too bad-lol:O)
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    seriously-it aint nice to suffer from. I had it a lot when I smoked - awfully aggravating.
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    I have had it for years and just tolerated it..as one of those things and tried all sorts from cutting out coffee to raising the foot of my bed ...I just ended up with a red face and headache LOL !!

    It has got worse the older I have got..it is worse in my lowers legs and feet the feel like they are walking on their own !!

    I think requip is also known as Ropinirole
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    yes, NN. You are right. It's Requip.

    They advertise it here on TV as RLS especial new med.

    I just talked to my hubby and he said that the drug can be used for different types of illness but it's being used as "THE" RLS treatment as it works really well for it.
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    NN, be aware of the side effects.

    Have you thought about talking to your GP about it?
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    Ulta Spud..yes I have been to the doc...and as I said in an earlier post she prescribed gabapentin..which seems ...so far to be working !...only used in really bad cases though..and the side effects...drowsiness..is more than welcome ! and obiously as I only take them at night...this isnt a problem..
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    OK NN,

    I read your earlier post but I thought you were looking for some more info on treatments.

    good luck :o)
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    I have just seen the advert for another RLS med. It's called MIRAPEX and it's by Boehringer.
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