
Dublin Marathon - 29th October 2007



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    uhoh.... have clearly lost control of fingers and keyboard. best have 75 pints of water and go to sleep. was a day i could drink most men unfer the table but this running lsark has turned me into a total lightweight.


    g'night all



    any czke left?


    ah b*llocks...

    not as an alternative to cake mind.....metaphorical b*llocks...

    will shut up now.

    sleep well.
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    Please all sign the petition for the liverpool 2008 marathon.

    I will have a very big party and you are all invited ....

    Liverpool 08 Mara petition

    Throws down a very large stack of Jaffa cakes, Hob Nobs and Belgian chocolates as bait.
    (Then scarpers to hide behind his enormous in tray.)

    I 've run at total of 15 miles in the last 4 weeks but I am running a half marathon on Sunday! Madness!

    I'm also going to Twickenhamon Saturday and have had a T Shirt made - " I was there for Andy Robinsons's last match"
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    DTB...you eejit!! That gave me a laugh first thing this morning!! Hope the head is ok!

    NRG2...I would have run a mile....how creepy! Best put him out of your head...at least you had the sense to clear off. Many others wouldn't have...yeuchhhh!

    MrH...I'll sign your petition...bribery goes a LONG way!

    Eye has settled down today, just a mild pinky colour which disappears with make up.
    I forgot how rough it can be in the pool with up to 5/6 in a lane!
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    Wednesday went to gym

    Put my belongings down - keys etc......Started running machine 1 ..... speed was in KmH

    Stopped and went on another machine - this one in MpH - Success!

    Realised that I had left my phone on machine 1 - stepped off to retrieve phone.

    Saw that I'd got an SMS message on my phone. Retreived message and returned to machine No2.

    Stepped back onto machine 2 but forgot that I'd left it on at 7 Mph. I was ejected from the machine at 7mph and was extremely lucky not to break anything.

    I have some huge bruises and it looks like someone has been at me with an iron bar! :)

    It went a bit like this!

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    MrH...thats mental! I'm always afraid of falling off the tready (I saw my mum do it once...tee hee!!)

    Petition signed!
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    hmmm....head a little hurty today, but not too bad - went to Body Pump at the gym, that sorted it out! Repaired running top with Fray Stop and a guide to darning from the net, am quite pleased! :-)

    Hungry now, off to feed!
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    Take those Jaffa cakes away.

    Thanks all for signing the petition. Please pass the info on - if we can get thousands not hundreds of signatures then the Council will have to do something.

    Its gone very quiet in here - Shhhh I don't mean to wake anyone.
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    Mr Happy,

    Glad I could be of help ref. the Liverpool (or will it be Mersey) Marathon.
    Hope you are O.K. I loved the video. Having run a lot on a treadmill I can really appreciate that.
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    DTB hope the dress turned out ok!

    Been working all day (I know, I know...most of you all spend every day working but I don't!!)...my new class is good fun, 10 guys and 2 girls...OMG!!

    The weather looks real bad for tomorrow so I'm not going to venture out on my first bike ride in a gale force wind so the plan is a 5 mile run and a swim.

    I can't believe Eaton Road are out and that Ray stays in...he's so bad!

    Have a good weekend all!!
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    Yet to this one, need to get my act toghether!

    I'm not sure just how much I will be able to keep up with all these threads...

    ...my grand plan for 2007 is to do the Six Nations: Rome, Paris, London, Edinburgh, Cardiff (assuming it runs in 2007!) and Dublin. - Lot of threads to keep up with!!

    Good luck everyone:))
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    morning all. Busy two weeks ahead for me as I work two full tme jobs a day (usual one and one that is normally part time is full time for next 2)... Schedule says 2 hr 30 run today... maybe if I don't sleep at all :-)
    Oh well.

    I went to my first ever rugby match yesterday and it was lots of fun. I think i grasp the main objectives of the game though I still cant figure out why they spend s much time just standing around.

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    Oh, and there was a traffic jam on the Quays in Dublin at 5:30 this morning. It's insane the traffic around here. It used to be that people talked about the weather but global warming means we only have one season now so we talk about the traffic now.
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    I can't imagine a traffic jam at that time of the day (having said that if I see that time on my alarm clock I say...goody 1 1/2 more hours of snuggle time!!)

    I don't go to ball games...I have a "ball magnet" in my head and I tend to end up with some sort of concussion...picture Old Trafford...60oddK of people and I get smacked in the side of the head with a football...true!!
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    Is it just me, or has the entry fee for this marathon gone up?? 60 euros - or am I being thick?? ;)
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    GFB the dress turned out better than I expected, thankks for asking, and I got lots of compliments :-)

    lots of people suggested I make more and sell them!
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    SL think the standing around is so that you can spend quality time looking at their bottoms. (generally in better shape than their faces / ears).

    Grew up in Hong Kong, and the Hong Kong Sevens was particularly popular with the girls at my school......swooon....!
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    Did a cross country on sunday in the thunder and rain which made the conditions a bit more tricky.

    I have order my christmas present and i-magic from www.tacx.com , its a turbo trainer that plugs in to your pc. Not that techie for me then a USB Tubro Trainer.
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    I'm afraid I'm being a complete weather wimp at the minute and basically training indoors!!

    You'll love the tacx AATTB...we have a computrainer and, altough no substitute for the real thing, is pretty darn good!

    MrGFB used to be physio for the Ulster rugby squad (more the B team but he did work with the A team too) and got to meet the Sprinboks and so on...it was no hardship to go to those matches!!

    (Although I did get hit on the head with a rugby ball also at one match!!...told you...ball magnet!!)
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    SL thanks so much for the physio ref. I just need to work out where Portobello is (typical blow-in!). Hope the manic double-moonlighting is ok.

    Mr H - can't believe you even bothered to go to Twickenham. Why doesn't he just go?!!

    DTB - have you seen the All-Blacks? having said that I think our own boys in green are pretty cool!

    Anyone any bright ideas how to fix a mobile that's been dropped and the screen has gone all bright/blurry/illegible? it's the 2nd mobile in 6 months that I've dropped. So annoying. Everything else seems to be fine except I just can't read texts, numbers etc - in other words it's useless apart from incoming calls!

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    lol you should have heard the giggling the day some of the All-Blacks came to give a talk at the school.....

    spin class this morning - they work you hard eh?

    planning a run this sunday - first since the marathon, probably 6 miles. Foot still swollen, but not hurting so might give it a go and see how it goes. undecided about a 10k on the 17th.... will be first 10k in 14 months, so in theory I might PB even with dodgy limbs
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    More online shopping today...mostly DVD's and books..no rocks!

    Poor you DTB and NRG2, still being injured after the marathon.

    I've got weight training tonight and then an early night I hope...we're doing the "freezer diet" this week!

    I did an inventory of my freezer this morning after realising that I couldn't get one more item in there (and it is a pretty hefty freezer!!)

    So list of contents is stuck to the front of the freezer...family pick what they want and it get defrosted for tea!

    I'm not food shopping for at least a week!!
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    will someone send a few oranges around the GFB's before they all get rickets.... only teasing, some of the things you've mentioned on here have sounded wonderful... We're defrosting our freezer today. Found a bottle of vodka everyone had forgotten about.
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    Evening:) Not that I am nosey (I am, it's true), or that I am really sad enough to have read back to the beginning of this thread (again, it's true - I did skim through)...

    ...I give up!

    DTB, which marathon have you just done that has hurt your foot so??

    As for running on swollen feet - not normally the best of ideas; you have inflammation for a reason. Then again, could be localised oedema post marathon (how long ago was it?). How's about non-weight bearing exercise like cycling to elevate your circulation and help clear the oedema?? - just a thought:)

    Oh, just so as you know... Yes, I have run for a wee while and had my share of injuries, Yes I am a boffin - but no, I am not medically trained so feel free to ignore any and all advice!! ;))

    Oh, the thought of using public transport and actually working out where planes, trains, buses etc start and stop is making my tiny brain ache!! ;)
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    Amadeus, Are you still on for a quick (or slow but short) rrun saturday evening?
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    Morning all...SL...smartarse!!

    I'm really enjoying the weight training (well it's actually "resistance training"...no that doesn't mean me and MrGFB are fighting!!) I can't believe how much my strength has come up in the space of just a couple of weeks...don't worry I'll not be goin for Ms Olympia just yet!!

    Just a query...is anyone here from Newcastle man?
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    No one about? I think that MrH has absconded to the Liverpool 08 thread!

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    yup, must just be the echo!! ;))
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    Liverpool 08? I thought the campaign was for a Liverpool 07 marathon - or did I not read teh petition properly before I signed it!!! :0
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    Howdo:) Seems there are only the two of us around...

    ...and I am off home now!!

    - must get some running in sometime!! :0
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