
ASICS Reading Half-Marathon



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    Hi Snapstinget - nice to meet you on the way round (in matching Fetch tees!) and also Mick n Phil - tried to hitch a lift, but you were off shouting "easy easy easy"!! before i could hop on!

    I did really enjoy my first half although my knee went at about mile 11, i found enough to sprint to the finish once in the stadium - paid for it afterwards though!
    Well done to one and all and to those i met around the course who were so friendly, and giving encouragement and sharing jokes. I have to say that my idea of a good race is more the atmosphere than my time (although both would be good!) as i run for the enjoyment.

    I will be back next year.

    BACK ROW PLODDER - we were not so far off our times now were we? (2:22:46 for me!)
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    Well done to everyone. For the first timers disappointed with your finish times - don't be, you've done fab and its difficult to pace yourself on your first HM not knowing how you'll feel at the end. So celebrate your acheivement as you've already done more than most people can do.

    A great event and can't wait for next year. My only regret is not managing to get right to the back of the start line where I like it best due to the amount of congestion and getting side-tracked chatting to people and Superman being asked for photos etc. But before you all start moaning it still took me 12 minutes to cross start and I didnt hold up any of you faster ones (gosh I'm getting paranoid now!)

    2:26 confirmed as my official time so a pb by 1 minute, which isnt much but it still felt good. Anyway, I'm going on record now to train hard and finish next year in 2:20.

    Thanks to the organisers and people of Reading. See you all next time.
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    This was my first half marathon (and only my fourth race) and loved every minute of it - even after almost making a right rickets at the start. Saw the queues for the baggage drop and decided to go back to the car - misjudged it completely and then had to run to the start, had only a few seconds before the gun went! (will put it down to experience!)

    Chip time of 1:36:53

    Will be back next year (but hoping not to have to run further than the official race distance!) and now aiming for an Autumn marathon.

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    abingdon Crumbs??????????
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    Possibly, it is my local one, but also contemplating Amsterdam. Trying to talk a mate into doing it with me. (But it will be one or the other).

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    TippTopTippTop ✭✭✭
    Ooh. Abingdon. I'm aiming for that this year. Had booked in for it last year, and then got a stress fracture so had to pull out.....
    Really looking forward to it this year. Hopefully I'll get to meet some of the forumites this time too. I went in the direction Gatton suggested on Sunday, but think I probably walked past ye all. With my sense of direction I'm lucky to make it around the course without getting lost! :-)
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    Richard Frost 5

    My daughter and her friend ran the Green Park fun run and crossed the finish line together. However, my daughter had a chip time 30 seconds less than her clock time, (which was correct as they started near the back). Whereas her friend had her chip time listed the same as her clock time. Not sure what happened as the detectors picked her up crossing the finish line at the same clock time! And before anyone asks they started together.....(girl thing I guess)
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    Hi TippTop,

    I'm not confused just inarticulate...

    I may have got this all wrong but -
    My point was that looking at the results there appeared to be a number of people who had race times similar to mine (1.55ish) but their chip times were also 1.55ish. Whereas my chip time was 1.49.

    Therefore by my befuddled logic they must have crossed the start line very soon after the race started and not been near the under 2 hour marker. If any forumite was in that position I wondered if they could explain their logic for a newbie like me.

    All in all though it is of little concern as I can't get this damn grin off my face at my time. Plus, apart from the guy who nearly decapitated me at the water station with his flailing arm and dive to the right and the odd body swerve, I got into my pace early on and had little problems with overtaking slower runners and don't think I got in the way of others.
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    I enjoyed the race. I really did. Maybe looking to do another one.....maybe!
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    Hope you had a great run

    For those we passed, i apologise, but this is what we do you see ..race i mean !!

    we just live to run

    it takes years of dedicated training, and a love of what you do...

    And of course, when you attain that fitness both physically and mentally, you can just do what you turn your mind to

    Wishing you all luck for future races

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    This was my first ever race, so let me bring my fresh and perhaps naive opinions on this event.
    1. People starting at the wrong point: Despite this being my first ever race I quickly discovered, much to my annoyance that a lot of people over-estimate their ability. I was aiming to finish in under 2 hours, so naturally I started in the sub-2 hour zone. It took me a good 7 minutes to cross the start line, but what surprised me was how slow the pace was of those around - and more annoyingly - those IN FRONT of me! I spent the next 10 miles(!!) having to pass people who quite plainly were never going to finish at the time they had hoped to. I have been contemplating this all day today - why do people start in the wrong place? I have theorised that this might be because a lot of people train for these events on treadmills and are not accustomed to listening/knowing their own running speed when a machine will do it for you. Secondly road running is different from treadmills. For example I was quite surprised to see large numbers of people having difficulty with the very modest hills on this course - both going up and going down. I therefore came to the conclusion that this comes down to people's inexperience of road running! I flew past people going up and going down these miniscule gradients and finished my first ever race in 1 hour 47. If it wasn't for those pesky kids...perhaps 1.45 might have been a possibility. Still, there's always next year...
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    Maybe solitude???????????


    do a smaller race
    you wont have these issues then
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    My first half marathon and I loved it. Great course, great finish in the stadium with the crowds etc! 1hr 54mins, well under my 2hr goal.

    Training now for the Brussels 20k on 27 May then NYC Marathon in November!
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    First congratulations

    i wish you many , many more successes

    I can answer some of your queries, some you are right about

    Do you want me too

    I've got 5 years running with Phillip in me

    and in grand total 33 yeras of running in me

    Would you wish to hear me out
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    Plodding Hippo.
    yes, I think that's the solution as I did find the event to be a little crowded. However, I don't want to sound down about my experience. I loved the atmosphere and the spirit of everyone; I was rubbish at working out how far I'd ran so relied on those around me to tell me how far I had to go. And you have to hand it to the course designer who puts in that 1 mile loop at the end! Even though I knew to expect that turn, seeing the stadium and then having to turn right and run down the long hairpin (and desperately looking for where it turns back) is a big psychological blow - the course designer must have a sense of humour, albeit a sadistic one!
    Plodding hippo: as I'm new to this game perhaps you can recommend a quieter race? Somewhere in the South East pehaps? Around August time?
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    With all the comments what can i say, i love running enjoy it when i can and being amongst fellow runners. Reading was fantastic but how can myself and anyone else explain cutting off 30 minutes from fleet when i run every week. Once my right foot starts playing up i am in trouble and if anyone else is like me this may explain why people thing they start in the wrong place.My races can vary so much from 1.45 to over 2.30 because of problems, until i get out there i have no idea how i can run on the day.Thankyou everyone for the support you give at these big races
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    XT4 - There is a nice half marathon in Pewsey (Wilts) in August, also one in Burnham (Bucks)
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    Sir Mick n Phil, pray do! give me some of that wisdom..
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    Feeling a bit sore in the left calf today and probably more sulky today than yesterday as the dissapointment of the foot injury hits home .With ref to the runners in wrong pens etc I can't say it really affects me too much ,with a run the size of Reading you're never going to get a stride going from the off , personally I started at 1.50 with a PB of 1.54 ,so perhaps I'm guilty as charged . As for the 1.30 pacer ,for the record I know the guy and he came in in 1.29.31.I wouldn't know about his tactics as I can only dream of running at that pace but that suggests to me he did a decent job - maybe I'm wrong .Asthma 10k for me next Easter Saturday ( injury permitting) anybody else?
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    I would be happy to recommend another haff

    Sure you dont want a marathon
    he he he

    I love reading, yes, i overtook ALL the way round but i think this is agreat race and i will be back nest year
    bit l;ike FLM

    i do prefer the quieter fields really

    i am a social hippo, so enter the crowded ones too

    ok, so if we are tlaking halves, what would you like

    ive only done 25 of em tho

    done more maras-can advise on those---------

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    I really do wish you well

    But there are somethings you CANNOT change

    if you keep reading these posts i'll tell you

    if you e mail me... it'll help cos you've no mail address...

    And if you leave RHM thread you'll miss this , as i am tired now, very tired

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    TMW-when is that pewsey one?????????
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    Too Much Water
    I'll have to check them out. Thanks for that.
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    Can you still buy those souvenir t-shirts?
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    I dunno
    but i think there wer blue ones, and i am annoyed cos i bought before , and only white ones
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    Runnig is a super sport

    i should know, look what i've reaped from it, and it's there for anyone to gain...

    Supreme physical fitness, supreme mental strength

    does'nt just help with running, helps you cope with this sad boring life, that some of us have... not always fault of our own

    But it's also very odd

    You'd be very suprised

    Front runners running, sub 65 mins at front

    then anyone wishing to get in sub 1.45 ish... i would suggest should not be that far back ... meaning not at back !

    At the start we looked like packed sardines, after a mile or two spread out

    you've got no chance

    Where ever you put time boards people will surge forward

    Some have no idea of time or distance, they are just in a cranival atmosphere

    Some will never run again

    some will run very little

    HIPPS, is real right about a smaller race

    of course chasing down time weaving in and out, can place great tired ness in later stages of race

    Having a little break or may see u tomorrow

    Either way

    take care and stay positive

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    My two-penneth: I think it is a lovely event that caters for the serious front-runners, and the carnival atmosphere at the back.

    Yes, it requires some responsible decision making. But people being what they are, there will always be some that don't make the right start time choice either through ignorance or selfishness. However (whilst worthwhile alerting the organisers), I think it's a shame to dwell on such matters.

    Something for everyone.

    Feel the love! X
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    well that wasn't meant to happen!! but it works anyway . .

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    yes.. briefly cos tired now

    MISS MINX is very right as well !!
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