
Chi Running

Yes Yes I know this has been discussed before over and over again but looking through the threads it seems the last time was in 2012 so lets talk about it again please.

Like many of us who have suffered long enduring injuries now that after a couple of years I have been able to run recently although not far I amlooking for something that we prevent me getting as badly injured again.

Having been aware of Chi Running for some years now I went onto Youtube and found out the basic principles and so last night I went out and gave it a try.

As I set off I basically found myself shuffling along rather than striding outand I tried as I run along to remember to try and feel like I was falling and catching up with myself.

I also to make sure that I did not stride out imagined that I was roller skating rather than running so shuffled along.

It felt strange but at 35 minutes its the longest run I have managed for some timeand my calf and Pf felt ok after it.

Ok shuffling along did feel weird and I probably looked odd but being as I am an old boy I have got a good enough excuse to be doing it.

So all of you that have tried or do Chi Running does my experience reflect yours.And is it worth buying the book.


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