
Increasing mileage to 70mpw

I've taken a step up in training from 50mpw to 70 mpw. Should this increase be more easy running or would you add another quality session in? Any ideas or guidance would be gratefully received.

I'm a V40 and my training currently consists of mostly 75% running with a 16mile LSR, a tempo run at 90% and intervals. I take a rest day every 10 days or so.


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    Three quality workouts a week is going to be fine, but you can increase the volume of miles you are running in your workout sessions once you are comfortable handling the extra mileage.

    Ideas includeoccasionally replacing a tempo run with cruise intervals, so instead of a standard 20-30min tempo run of 3-5 miles you increase the volume by doing 3x2 miles or 3/2/1 miles with a couple of minutes recovery inbetween.

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    Cheers Ross. The cruise intervals sound like a good idea. I find that I often repeat the same workout sessions week on week and use the results as a gauge in improvements. 

    I've been on this mileage increase for four weeks now and do find I'm fatigure a fair bit. Hoping that I become better adjusted soon. 

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