
What to wear?

Hi, got my first ever tri coming up in September after having lost 50lb following the decision to get off my backside. I'm 42 and absolutely dreading it! I'm advised to at least wear tri shorts to save a lot of hassle in transitions. There are 100's of options and choices and its overwhelming. Any advice on attire for a nervous, apprehensive first timer gratefully received. Thankyou. 


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    Tri shorts are basically cycling shorts with a much thinner pad, so you can swim, ride and run in them.  Assuming that your tri isn't something silly like Ironman Wales, a cheap pair will be fine but you want to try riding and running in them first, as they'll feel a bit different to what you normally wear.  I believe Aldi sell them now & again, people who've tried them say they're good value.  Tri shorts and a cycling top under your wetsuit (if it's an outdoor swim) or pulled on once you're out of the pool (if indoors) is common.

    The alternative is a trisuit, which is shorts and top in a one-piece arrangement.  More expensive and not really necessary to be honest.

    Having said all that, for a short triathlon some just cycle in their running shorts, which is fine providing you've tried it first - it's your backside after all.

    Good luck!

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    Thanks for advice. It's a pool swim so the tri shorts and cycle top sounds good. 


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    And just to clarify, tri shorts worn during the swim, it's the top which can be put on afterwards. 

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    fat buddhafat buddha ✭✭✭

    Matt - I did my 1st tri in a pair of lycra running shorts (no padding whatsoever) and then pulled a running vest on in T1 for the bike and run

    but yes - get some tri shorts as the padding does take the sting out of the bike leg.  and train in them so you get used to the feel.

    as CD says, places like Aldi and Lidl have them from time to time but it's a bit hit and miss as to when.  best go to a tri shop and try a few pairs on to see how they fit for you - thay all seem to be slightly different in fit.

    personally I like 2XU tri shorts but there are many brands so try a few.  don't buy off the interweb until you know what fits for you in size and fit etc.   loose fitting will just have a tendency to slip down in the swim - so get the fit right!!

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