
Sub 3



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    TRTR ✭✭✭

    Toro - Fleet 1/2 is an option, but a pain in the bum to get to from here, 4 weeks out I'd like to do a 23M longest long run too. Good one on the Coach, hope it works out.

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    It's called confirmation bias and that's almost as bad a case as that tw@t with the knotted hankie theory who used to make ridiculous claims about how fast he was gonna run and often partook in diets that would make Bobby Sands turn in his faeces smeared grave. No not pug the other Northern tosser.  Presumably he's fckd off to Racereporter's World where he'll fit in better.

    Oh and for the avoidance of doubt I don't think I've ever run a negative split when going 'nads akimbo. I've been very close (and unsurprisingly closest in my two best bang for buck fitness wise efforts) and suspect that anywhere between 90seconds positive or negative is about optimal. If you're looking to be anymore accurate than that then you're probably related to Al_P or summat and definitely over-complicating things.

    As you were.

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    PadamsPadams ✭✭✭

    Quiet here today.

    Just spotted Marders had a "reasonable" run on Sunday. Not sure if he'll be pleased with it, but I understand he's had a few issues in the build-up so seemed like a good result to me.

    An hour on the turbo last night. Was going to do some 15 min efforts again, but decided it would be less effort to just do one longer one than several short ones, so just did one 30 min effort in the end - mostly 290W but ramped it up for the last 5 mins to 320W or so, which felt hard but not silly. So I definitely wasn't trying hard enough on my 15 min efforts last time!

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    Padams: I think it is outside the England CG standard, so not what he was hoping for, but I think VLM will count as a qualifier if he can improve his time there.  I saw him in Frankfurt and he hadn't had the best few weeks going into the race.

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    Ah but NZ is a member of the Commonwealth too -- might be a possibility for Marders?

    With my legs feeling fresh and joyous sunshine along the river I got a bit carried away this morning and did 8M @ 7:10/M en route to work when I only intended to do 5 or so. Just the odd minor pang from the iffy foot in the last mile (I was being greedy) but hopefully I got away with it. Most of the hot melt glue remained on my shoe, which was a pleasant surprise. I'll get a few more miles in on the way home before an enforced completed rest day tomorrow (off to a conference before hurrying back to pick up the annual marathon trophy from my club AGM :- ).

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    CRAB - perfect timing.... after 9 days of legs totally trashed and piling the weight back on, I have just been pondering what my target for London is going to be.

    This year it's NOT going to be a time based target.

    Nope siree, there's just one target and that's YOU. Here's my A, B and C targets:

    A - 3 pints drunk in the Red Lion before CRAB arrives like the crying baby I know I will reduce him to

    B - Race report and Selfie posted from Horse Guards Parade to this forum ridiculing the useless CRAB before he's even finished

    C - sprinting past CRAB up the Mall.

    I shall be training for sub 2:35 of course, so that Overall will once again be destroyed.


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    CW: pretty sure he's pinned his colours to the mast in terms of which flag he wishes to run under...

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    Ah. a classic smackdown: the ever reliable and consistent CRAB vs the mercurial Dids.  I think I know who my money's on.

    But Dids, old chap, aren't you a bit, well, old to be using words like 'selfie'?  In folks of our generation it smacks of something more gratifying than merely taking a picture of oneself, and while that may be your preferred marathon celebration it's likely to be frowned upon in Horseguards Parade.

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    OK, CD,  (with little black book at the ready) who's your money on?


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    Just RAN across the road to Tesco (to buy 4xTwirl Bar) and felt a bit of energy surging back into the old legs already.

    Wonder what sort of sit-down-do-nothing lunchtime my noisy crustacean neighbour is having?

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    Hahaa!  Clash of the Titans.  It's looking increasingly likely I'll be in the country all of next April so count me in for some, er, friendly banter at the Red Lion.  (I might even be running but watch this space...)

    Took my cue from Padams and went for a hard tempo effort indoors at lunchtime.  Hardly textbook behaviour the day after an interval session and I might regret it tomorrow but I felt pretty fresh so decided to go for a 10k TT on the rower.  A shiny new PB (not difficult, only done the distance once before), 36:27.3 (pace 1:49.4, 267.6W)  Really wish this race next week was over a longer distance!

    *edit*  Kinell... I'm not sure how many proper rower types do this sort of thing (probably too busy rowing on proper water and stuff) but that would put me 10th on the Lightweight World rankings for the year, two spots behind Hywel the Towel!  image

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    PadamsPadams ✭✭✭

    PP - even more impressive than your 5k last week. Just a bit of speedwork before the champs and you'll be good. It's worth practising some starts (a few short strokes, get the rating up) and then settling into a rhythm, as you can easily lose/gain a couple of seconds in the first 10 strokes.

    Just got the XC results from the weekend and the guy who passed me near the finish ran 15:01, 32:02 and a 2:25 marathon in the summer/autumn, so I shouldn't be disappointed to be beaten by him!

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    Padams - Good shout.  I've only recently been starting my intervals from a standing rather than flying start.  Could definitely use the practise, given my top-end power is a bit pants. I've been watching youtube vids to get some tips. 

    Great work on the XC.  Do you think you're in that sort of form over the road, or are you stronger over XC with your lolloping stride? (That's a compliment BTW.)  image

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    PP - I don't understand. I could be on page 23 or thereabout of the world rankings without any training (I could do 1000m about 3:50). How does one sign up to become a global rowing superstar? Do you take a piccie of the display and send it to them?

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    I don't know much about it Dids.  Something to do with an online log book, so if you've got your own machine I guess you can upload sessions a la Strava and such like.  Are you now considering conquering the world of online training rankings in two different sports?

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    DachsDachs ✭✭✭

    Nice racing over the weekend Padams and HR (and anyone else).

    Can't see why anyone would aim for a deliberate positive split in a marathon unless they're racing for position.  It'll probably happen anyway without doing it on purpose.

    Nothing of note from me, gradually coming back to full training.  Was in Barcelona at the weekend, and on the last day managed to stumble across the finish of a big 10K.  Race had pretty much finished, but hung around to watch the kids' races, and who should wander past but Dids' old chum Scott Overall.  He had clearly run the race (6th apparently) and was presumably sticking around to get some tips from the 8 year olds who were running at the time. 

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    PadamsPadams ✭✭✭

    PP - I've always thought I'm worse at XC than the road. No way am I in low 32 shape though - maybe around 33.

    I'm sure you've worked this out already, but the first stroke should be starting with only a little knee bend, very quick hands, next one a bit longer but still nowhere near full length, and then start to lengthen out. You should be rating 40+ for the first 10 strokes or so - from then on you just hang on really....

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    Well seeing as you asked I was actually giving both my loverly smashers a full airing which is extremely coincidental as I reckon I run about once a month at lunchtime.  Its' a sign I tell you! I was meant to be starting easy but it started too fast (I think one had sneaked out by the time I was out of the car park), got progressively faster and then kind of turned into some sort of TT type effort with nads all over the parish and obligatory PP style gurnage but hopefully without the curly kale in me teeth and without the inaPPropriate (

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    // Fck knows why it did that and the edit feature taking you to page one when you click the button marked SAVE CHANGES is pure genius...esp as it doesn't.  Bunch of @rse, mate.


    SWIDT) shorts. I would imagine there are more apt words to describe it than pretty and for that I apologise.  I daren't post the pace or 'not pug the other one' will probably do one of his disappearing acts again.  Will be great to take him down with a training run when he's got all his pathetic little eggs lined up in his pathetic threadbare little basket marked VLM.  Oh it'll be like 2011 all over again.

    As we were?

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    XC sounds like it's going well Padams, particularly if you think you get quicker on the road. All those rowing sessions sound rather painful PP - tried a 1k once and remember it getting pretty awful towards the end. At least with running you actually go somewhere for all the effort - I'm sure the race will go well though.

    Calf seems to have sorted itself out, decent runs past two days and a pretty good session today - probably one of the quickest I've done. 5x1mile with 90s recovery, averaged 4:55 pace (first one a bit quick but the rest pretty consistent, was working quite hard keeping it sub 5 towards the end). Nice session just under 2 weeks from the race, and hopefully can keep it going well until then.

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    ToroToro ✭✭✭

    Padams - Nice work.  

    I did a 5x 800m (2:52 ave getting faster with each rep) today on the track and with some sprints at the end.  New coaching ideas thrashed out and now under guidance of a coach.  We'll see how it goes.  

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    TRTR ✭✭✭

    Padams - good stuff on the turbo, I did 1 min efforts myself today.

    PP - you had best get yourself a bigger trophy cabinet by the indoor rowing champs.

    lunchtime running for me too, thought I had best stick with the 30sec reps. The 5M total meant I smashed through the 100M barrier for the month too.

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    PP -- what's the race -- and is it on an ergo (presumably), or in a real boat? Again I'm struck by how rowing speed and running speed is pretty similar, with your 10k in 36 mins. I've noticed when running alongside rowers that fit young men in an 8 go at about the same speed as a fit old man on the towpath, etc.

    bufo -- great form. Don't do anything risky now though!

    5M on the way home at a sedate 8min/M, so 13M for the day. A touch creaky at times, and then landed on a stone in the dark (despite head torch) with my dicky foot, making me yelp. Hopefully no harm done, and a day off tomorrow with no exercise at all driving to a conference in the Midlands -- which should also tell me if the back-of-thigh sciatica is all gone (I think it is).

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    bufo - Crikey, nice pace.  I think the last time I ran a complete mile at that pace was, er, in a mile relay race!

    CW - Oof, careful now.  You seem to be finding ever more ways to damage yourself!  It's been a while since I rowed in a real boat, and there's no way my technique would let me get anywhere near aerobic capacity. Just a nice simple 2k ergo next week. No idea how fast I've got up to in a real boat; significantly slower than a Thames Clipper!

    I can feel an easy day coming on tomorrow.  Did another steady 45 minutes row after work to bring up about 23km for the day.

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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭

    Some hard rowing & turbo work in evidence and some decent trackwork too.

    Looking forward to the VLM smackdown and some good banter along the way.

    First and only time I did a neg split was my first assault on 3:15 (2002, them were t' days)  97+95.  Fastest mile was 23 through Blackfriars tunnel.  Much more fun chasing folks down than shuffling & gurning through the last few miles (I've done that as well).

    Charlie.. if you're having accidents in the dark already you're going to be a right mess by the New Year!  Hope the recovery continues.

    4.1m early then 7.5m with the club tonight.  Felt a bit heavy legged so it will be either a steady bimble tomorrow or nothing at all.

    TR.. out of interest how many 30 sec reps do you do?

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    I'm afraid it's not looking good for the South of England's most toilet troubled big mouth.

    Lord D - world's best runner as recently as May, destroyed UK's no 1 marathon runner in a head to head in April, was in 2:35 shape in September.

    CRAB - once had his photo taken with JLS.
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    Correction. JLS once had his picture taken with me.



    Aston you were. 

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    2am? Losing sleep already Crab?.... Come on man, even Overall didn't get this rattled so early.
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    bufo - stonking session. You're a man on the move!

    TR/CW - how long more do you get out of a pair of trainers by using Shoe Goo (or alternate) on them? My wear pattern is very pronounced and it seems a shame to bin trainers when the rest of the sole is otherwise fine.

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    PadamsPadams ✭✭✭

    bufo - that's an awesome pace on the mile reps, much faster than I've ever managed. And reasonably short recoveries too.

    Looking forward to the LD/Crab smackdown - I'll be hungover after a mate's wedding, but will be following online!

    Reps on a grass loop for me last night. We set up a course on the banking outside the track and did 2x1 lap, 2x2 laps, 2x1 lap - each lap was around 2:30, so probably equivalent to 2x800, 2x1M, 2x800, but with some steep hills. Good fun, and felt like I was running well for the first time in a while.

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