
Sub 3



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    Please someone fill me in on the whole Dids/Crab Smackdown - i feel like the sort of person who is laughng along at a joke but don't really understand why. (nothing new there then)

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    TRTR ✭✭✭

    I'm not sure that I can take ~130 days of Dids declaring how he's going to make crab cakes on the Mall.

    Wardi - 20mins of 30sec/30sec in a 5M or 25mins in a 6M. Feels a bit like strides really. My legs have got used to turning over a bit quicker now though.

    TT - if you were to repair teh shoe goo often enough (weekly ?) then you coudl wear them until the rest of them was worn-out. The model I currently use develops holes in the uppers before the cushioning goes, and eventually the hole snags my foot. The pair that I binned after Gosport had done my since before VLM - but I dont do you sort of mileage.

    Padams - you must have been shifting if you felt like you were running well.

    6M run early doors, bike commute and 2k in the lido at lunch. I prfer bike commutint to run commuting (and it keeps my bike volume up a bit), but I'm gointo have to do some run commutes to get the VLM miles in. Although I dodnt fancy having to run home again after the Tues BAC session as a morning commute.


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    TRTR ✭✭✭

    Good job they found my Gosport finish on the race video as today I recieved a £50 voucher in the post for 1st V45. Thought that they might have V45 prizes seeing as it was a 2000 entries race.

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    Jimbob - it's simple really.

    CRAB, as you must be aware from his bitter and antagonistic rant, is a southern jessie consumed by jealousy by a noble northern godlike athlete (me) who is currently setting the world alight in a way he can only dream of.

    In every way he is beaten. The most famous person he has met was me. The most famous person I have met.... Take your pick from Don Revie, Morrissey or Richard Neureker (who I played football with in the street as a child).

    I suffer from appallng piles, but at least I don't shit my pants every time I run.

    I know I could probably choose a more fitting opponent, but Ali destroyed Richard Dunn, Arbroath put 36 past Bon Accord and so shall CRAB be similarly humiliated.
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    Ahhh, that explains a lot. And your mentionings of Overall? What's he got to do with all this? 

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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭

    TR.. ta for the info & congrats on the overdue prize booty.  BTW I reckon my VLM club place is on the blue start.  I've done all three starts already so nothing new!

    Jimbob.. it's the pile afflicted Lord Mayor of Didsbury versus the Champion beach hut soiler of the South Coast.  Who needs Strictly!

    Padams.. good session on the grass.

    Felt better after 8 1/2 hours sleep last night so did 5m with a few strides tonight.

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    Been back in my default 'Lurker' mode for the last couple of weeks.

    LD/CRAB - Good fighting talk already. Makes me want to train hard enough to be able to get a seat in the front row of the stalls (or should that be stools? - boom boom image )

    TR - Nice Triathlon training sessions today. I'm the opposite to you, much preferring run commuting than on the bike (mine is about 6M as well). Good news on the 50 smackers - not be be sniffed at.

    Padams - sounds like a very good session

    budo - those mile reps are lightning fast - faster than my 1m PB.

    Had my second highest milage week of the year last week - 65m. Tough club track session last night 6x1k (off 2mins) progressive pace. Was down to 3m12 by the last one.

    Toro - 3 10k in 6 wks is going some! Good effort.

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    Dan ADan A ✭✭✭

    All this smackdown talk has echoes of that thread on General Running where some student is confident claiming to become a GB athlete despite only having run one race and a few training runs. 

    Last I saw, he was calling out a poster called Jonny Davies saying how he was better than him etc. Unfortunately JD just won the UK XC champs U23's and is on the cover of this week's Athletics Weekly. The student therefore looks something of a twat. 

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    Al_PAl_P ✭✭✭

    Morning all, I've been benched since lat Thursday with a very sore right Tib. Ant tendon. My fault for doing too much last week with a run commute double followed by 5M Easy/4M track tempo run the following day, right leg felt ok doing the tempo but then went downhill during the cool down image It's gradually recovering and a trip to the phizz this morning confirmed the diagnosis and reckoned that it should be good to return to running after the weekend. Which might mean an inverse taper into the Chirstchurch Christmas 10k a week on Sunday....

    Great 10M race at the weekend and a nice little write up HR, looking forward to the Dids/Crab smackdown coming to the boil and then simmering along throughout the spring image and well done on banking the very decent prize at Gosport TR. Lev it sounds like you've got into the swing of the water-running well, it's not been an option for me with the current injury as it's hard to do without flexing the ankle (and hence pulling on the afflicted tendon), lots of good speedy stuff form others going on this week too!


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    Cheers TR. I'll get some and give it a go. Very nice with the prize! image

    Nice repping by the sounds of it Padams.

    That is funny Dan. It will be interesting to see how JD progresses and how far he can go. He is obviously very talented!

    Bad luck Al_P. Take your time.

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    'CRAB, as you must be aware from his bitter and antagonistic rant, is a southern jessie consumed by jealousy by a noble northern godlike athlete (me) who is currently setting the world alight in a way he can only dream of.'

    Yes smashing the 3hour barrier by nearly a full half a minute is indeed something I only ever dream of and then I wake up and fortunately I'm not that sh!te.

    As you were.

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    TT -- it's only the second time I've tried the hot melt glue (from Maplin). First time was to try and put studs back on some XTalons (dismal failure -- fell off again). But this time it has stuck, but immediately looks a bit worn. So the jury is still out. But like you, I get just one place where the soles get badly worn, and it seems wasteful to bin the whole shoe just for that. I'm copying my dear departed eccentric mother -- worryingly I do so more and more with time, it seems...

    TR -- nice one on the prize voucher.

    Bit of a relapse I fear. I was feeling quite cocky about my week off having sorted me out, and running was fine really on Tues until I trod hard on a stone right near the end. But yesterday I noticed a tight piriformis again in about 5 hours of driving, and my foot started twinging a bit in the night. Did a minimal run to work this morning but it's definitely dodgy again. I don't know whether to try some more days off or what. I suspect there may be some connection between my piriformis, back of thigh and sore foot (all on the sciatic nerve), though the annoying foot thing is localised to a specific spot.

    Went to my club AGM yesterday -- they get some attendance for the more dreary parts of the proceedings by giving out annual trophies at the end, and I was there to pick up the marathon one this year. But there was a nice little interview of a young lad who's had GB appearances.

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    TR - top prize-bagging.  I haven't won that much since April!  image

    CW - That all sounds annoyingly frustrating. At least you've got a nice trophy to buff.

    A mixed bag here. I'm usually over a cold well before ten days but this one's still working its way through different stages.  Don't feel too bad but have started coughing up minor gunk, so I've binned the rowing session today.  Yesterday I managed an easy double (if that's not an oxymoron) of a 45 mins steady row and a 7 mile evening run, during which my legs felt very strong (only the second run in over a week) and my foot felt better than it has done for weeks. 

    In between these sessions I saw the fizz again, who was pleased with the foot progress - my fatty pads haven't magically grown back but the rest has done the heel some good and my stretching/massage has loosened things up nicely.  ("Ah yes, you're the guy with the massive calves...") image  So he's happy for me to start increasing the intensity, and has specifically booked me in to see again after a XC race in two weeks (Southern counties Vets) to see how my foot likes the country.

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    TRTR ✭✭✭

    Wardi - thought it would be blue, when I was on there, there were lots of club places there too.

    Al_P - that was a quick recovery

    CW - either 1) stop again 2) something like 4M every day, day after day to see if it injury proofs you or 3) go and get a proper diagnosis and rehab plan instead of googling whats wrong...............3 sounds best.

    PP - did you win a VLM AG prize then ?

    60min turbo and a 5M run for me today

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    Thinking of going to York on Saturday and taking on Wardi. More news as it happens.
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    TR - AG?  Nah, did you miss the bit about me being a national champion?  Kent AC, first team, me third scorer behind a couple of 2:17 runners!  £233.33 each.  Ch-ching!




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    TRTR ✭✭✭

    PP - ah yes, I remember now, I thought you won an AG prize for a while there.

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    Would definitely be a nice aim for future VLMs.  8th V40 this year and hopefully haven't peaked yet!

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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭

    Nice one PP!  ..& best of luck with the cold cure & the continued foot recovery.

    Cripes Charlie, you seem to get more niggles during downtime than when you're in full bore training!  I had piriformis trouble on and off a couple of years ago but it gradually disappeared in it's own.

    Good mixed doubles from  TR & PP.

    Bad luck Al P, hope you can get back to it soonish.

    Blimey Dids, if you're thinking of coming all the way to York to take on this even older codger CRAB must have you quaking in your Lawrence Ripples already!  You're on fella, after all I know the course better than you do!

    10m today inc 7 x 1k @ av 6:18 pace with 500m recoveries.

    Just booked my VLM room, Premier Inn at Southwark Borough Market.  Close to London Bridge station so handy for a ride to the start. 

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    ??50 on the CRAB/Leslie Phillips double please Mr Ladbroke. (Even at 8-1 on - given it's a given.)

    As you were.
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    Wardi - this is all depending on Er Indoors ability and desire to get out of bed early on saturday. At the moment, she's not keen - but maybe if you send me a good photograph of you in your smoking jacket?

    Otherwise, it'll be a midday arrival there, in the company of my daughter blathering on about the wonder of bloody rowing, before going on a wild night out with the "lads" in .....yes.....the epicentre of cool and excitement.....Harrogate. Woopydoopydah!

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    Also Wardi, we stayed there once (well, a few times actually) in that Travel Inn, but this time the air-con had bust and it was so hot in the room that my dairy milk completely melted.

    Lenny Henry would not have looked so smug in that room I can tell you.

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    Not impressed with my amazing feat of running 10 miles with legs more useless than Stephen Hawking's and still breaking 3 hours then Crab?

    Oh well, maybe, I should have bottled out like your fellow southern soft ballet dancers? 

    Read my lips - I will not be limping in around 3 hours in April mate, I will be fucking leaving Kenyans in my wake. I won't be leaving you in my wake, cos you won't ever be in my wake. In fact, if my wake had a wake you wouldn't even be in that.

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    PhilPub - that ribbon will go nicely with your shots.

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    Joolska wrote (see)

    Padams:  I saw him in Frankfurt and he hadn't had the best few weeks going into the race.

    Gorgeously restrained of you Joolsimage One tough Kiwi.

    Wardi long time no chat. Nice reps there. And well done on the hotel. I'll be in Guildford so I might train in from there (40 mins to Waterloo) on the grounds that my own bed is better. Not sure. You will have the fabulous Borough Market for some serious post-race nosh if you fancy it.

    TR that's superb re. the 1st prize. Thoroughly deserved. Damned brilliant: well done buddy.

    Luke - nice work. Good mileage and speed combinations.

    Dachs - your Barcelona anecdote makes it sound as if Mr Overall might be back in a bit of form?

    Bufo and Toro - nice reps. TR too on yours.

    Padams - another doing great rep sessions.

    Al_P Oh no. At least you've got a diagnosis and you seem to be on the way to recovery.

    CW I always had you down as an injury-free runner but as PP says, well done on the trophy. I'm with you on the +ve split issue. The feeling of merely hanging on after mile 20 isn't pleasant.

    PP sounds like a bad cold and maybe the ease back has done you good by the sounds of the stronger run. LD will be pleased you returned to the fizz to make sure. That's awesome from UKAA. 8th V40: top work. My big aim from Feb is to try and get into top 10 V50. Probably unlikely.

    I'm in the midst of a house move this week but am still doing tomorrow's 10k @ Battersea. Scaled back the training yesterday and today so will see what happens. Not feeling confident of getting anywhere close to the 36' right now.


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    Simply abiding by netiquette - Marders doesn't really post on the thread any more so it's not my information to share.

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    PP -- v. impressive letter and medal there. They'd definitely go on the wall in my downstairs loo trophy grotto if I could only match your success!

    Wardi/TR -- last night I had a touch of gripes on the outside of my lower leg too. And it got worse after a day of driving and sitting on conference chairs. So I think it could well not really be a running problem per se at all, though maybe running prolongs it. With my geeky science background, I take some pleasure in perhaps finding a grand unified explanation -- looking back, the foot trouble appeared simultaneously with piriformis tightness/back of thigh troub. My sis (GP) also said sciatica tends to just go slowly with time. Anyway, day off today (though it's feeling better already).

    And I'm posting uncharacteristically before work because I just had to share this gem with anyone who's done or thought about doing the Bob Graham Round, from the fell runner's forum -- "if Hitler did the BGR..." -- and I'm guilty of several charges it levels:


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    Al_PAl_P ✭✭✭

    CW - Haha, great Hilter clip

    Wardi - Nice set of 'k reps, the proprietor (my brother) of my usual digs for the VLM weekend has moved, but thankfully he's even closer to the tube in Ealing now image shame they did want a place a bit nearer to Blackheath, but not moaning for the price image....

    26M on the bike this morning to work, found a much better route across the Forest which involves no roads routinely used by heavy goods vehicles, so it was a much more pleasant ride than previous commutes! Also I've finally finished a Frankfurt highlights vid, a link to it can be found on my blog, not the most riveting thing to watch, but I think it gives a nice impression of the race for those here planning to go for the first time next year.

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    selbsselbs ✭✭✭

    I read a bit on twitter about Marders "situation" and was surprised he even bothered trying to run in Frankfurt...fair effort that, and then to do the time he did a few weeks later was v impressive.  But come on HR you can't go handing out plaudits like that willy nilly, especially now he is not even a kiwi anymoreimage.  It's hardly in the realms of Dids amazing feat of running 10 miles with legs more useless than Stephen Hawking's and still breaking 3 hours, (especially now he is not even a kiwi anymoreimage).

    Nor is it quite up there with this tough kiwi.

    "Shelford made his Test debut for the All Blacks later that year against France in a 19–7 victory in Toulouse, and then was a notable victim of the infamous "Battle of Nantes" in the second Test. Roughly 20 minutes into the match, he was caught at the bottom of a rather aggressive ruck, and an errant French boot found its way into Shelford's groin, somehow ripping his scrotum and leaving one testicle hanging free. He also lost four teeth in the process. Incredibly, after discovering the injury to his scrotum, he calmly asked the physio to stitch up the tear and returned to the field before a blow to his head left him concussed.

    So is the Dids v CRAB smackdown going to be WAVA rated, surely someones got a bit of an age advantage judging by the bands CRAB likes/hangs out with?

    still suffering at this end with niggly injuries (opposite (Posterior tendon) one to Al_P, caused i think by trying to run more on my mid foot/toes to prectect my dicky knee and then upping the miles too soon i guess).  But my slipped disc and nerve damage is slowly coming right (prob a bit like the sciatica comment from your doc CW).  Starting to think i might be able to run a bit next year, here's hoping.  Just need a patient build up again....so i'm on the day on day off 20 min jogs again for a while until i can do more.  Vague thoughts of Edinburgh, if only because if i leave it any later, i won't make London marathon again until 2016!!  Can't bring myself to actualyl enter it though given my track record of DNS.  e.g.

    So another 10km entered and not raced is about to pass this weekend, and then probably another one in 2 weeks.

    Nice training from lots of the usual folks. Congrats on the prize TRPadams will be nice to se what you can do if you have another proper crack at a fast road marathon.  Good luck weekend racers.

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    Bloody hell Selbs image I feel ill from reading that. Are all Kiwis made like that? You're right, just seen his transition to Brit is complete. Hadn't realised until now that he has tweeted all about his injury from the cycling collision, so it's in the public domain. Fantastic 2:18 comeback at Florence.

    p.s. Did you choose the phrase 'willy nilly' deliberately, or was that one of those delightful brain tricks?! image

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