
Sub 3



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    Padams - Will have a go at breaking 32 at Eastleigh, though main aim is sub 70 at Reading then London. Will see how the marathon goes and after a bit of a break (which coincides with exams) probably going to focus on shorter stuff for a while.

    Steve6/Yasunaga - Haven't raced on the road since summer so hard to tell exactly after improving quite a lot recently but would hope to do something similar to the last 2mile rep pace, so around 5:05-5:10. By runner's standards don't think I'm particularly light - not sure exactly now but ~64kg and 1.73m - fastest people at uni are taller and

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    The weathers a bit dismal out there, unfortunatley I got caught in it for the last hour of my MLR!

    Nice double Wardi, if I could get on with the treadmill I might contemplate using one given the extended awful weather!

    Big miles session there Jools.

    Lots of very very fast reps being done! Great session mardersbufo, Padams.

    Long reps there Yasunaga. Nice session.

    Hope the calfs ok for your MLR CW.

    I'm amazed at how much shoe prices seem to have increased over recent years. I used to think a pair at £80-90 was expensive, but now for the latest model your looking £100+++! I never buy this seasons shoes though, and wait until they're discounted. Quite loyal though as found what seems to work well for me. Stick to Mizuno Wave Riders for my day to day mileage, Asics Speedstar for quicker training and DS Racers for race day.

    Doubled up today with a slow 5 miles recovery run early this morning in really nice weather, then...... got the other extreme in my 14 miles this lunchtime, it was pretty foul.

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    Good to hear you're on the mind TR. Loads of time to bag a 2:4x still.

    Nice progressions postie.

    Dachs - if you're looking for a cheap, light, workhorse shoe I refer you to my previous post about the more mile shoes then.

    marders - yep there was some concern, mainly because my Dad has had angina and there's a history of structural defects on my Mum's side of the family, combined with some symptoms. It looks like the symptoms were cause by heavy anaemia though, but I still need to have some more tests as I apparently have an enlarged left ventricle which pumps very slowly (most likely athletes heart, but the cardiologist said she doesn't want me doing a Fabrice Muamba). I can train away so they can't be too concernedimage Is Brighton your main spring target?

    Nice repping A.W, Jools, Padams, bufo, Yasunaga, Pi Man and anybody else I missed.

    Plan today was a chunk of running at (what I term) 80% effort (i.e. it usually comes out at in the range of current MP + 20-30s). Surprised that, despite the weather (which was, frankly, taking the piss) I still bagged 19 @ 6:13 feeling aerobically brilliant. As I always run to effort rather than pace, and I'd expected 6:09-6:19, I reckon the weather must mean I'm a bit ahead of that (so the iron/vit-b must be definitely kicking in).

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    That should have read 19 with 14 @ 6:13 image
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    JH 1JH 1 ✭✭✭
    Most I spend on shoes is ??40-50 unless I have vouchers and may go up to ??60. Bought 3 pairs of Manas last year for ??95 (inc postage).

    Bufo - Great reps and Padams

    Contemplating doing 9m on treadmill in a min as weather is proper crap. Better switch the brain off.
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    TRTR ✭✭✭

    I find that keeping a version or 2 behind the current model of the trainers I use keeps the price down.

    TT - big miles for a Wednesday !

    Marders - I was intending to run Chichester but at ~35:30ish i wouldnt be anyhwere near fast enough to be your windbreak, you have a job finding someone wide-ish that can run your 10k pace. Nippers are doing ok thanks, they play cricket year round, as they play in an indoor 6-A side league. Eldest has been taken under the wing of a few of the club old guard and will play adult 2nd team cricket this summer, so I hope to spend my Saturday afternoons following him round Hampshire sitting in the sun at various cricket clubs having a beer whilst he hopefully troubles the scorers. The youngest plays a few times a week year round due to various club/academy/squad sessions, he could be good (if he keeps going at the same rate of improvement), he is a lot further round the curve at age 12, and plays a lot more than the elder one did at that age.


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    Interesting to hear talk of mizuno wave inspires as they have been my weapon of choice for last couple of years, before which I ran in pain for almost two years. The shoes aren't the only thing that helped but I am sure they contributed. I see no reason to consider changing, except that they keep fecking changing them with each upgrade, which I don't really understand. I buy them in UK by mail order, having them sent somewhere when I visit as the starting price for running shoes here in Switzerland is around CHF250 (130 of your pounds).

    These days I am mostly running slow 10k doubles with some fast treadmill sessions thrown in. Feel great but a bit worried I will break. When do I officially get too old for this?  HR has just raised the stakes. 

    marders, you didn't explain what you are worried will contaminate your running gear. 

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    AW where do you get your sdpeedstars from as i'm having trouble finding as pair.

    I too have been on the quest for lighter shoes but am wandering if 50g a shoe really makes that much difference? Having said that I' all be trying a few pairs on at expo to suss out what to buy next.

    15ish MWLR into work in surprisingly warm dry weather unlike work which was wet, windy and down right cold.

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    Sorry postie that was a big typo, meant to type one thing and while thinking of something different!

    I use the sky speeds which have also been discontinued and cant get anymore! I have one new pair waiting then don't know what I'll do.

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    Oh, I see I started a shoe price debate by posting that link. I've purchased 2 pairs of shoes in the last 18 months...one pair of Adizero XT (got 1,700 miles out of the last pair) and one pair Adios (1,000 miles each out of last two pairs). To be honest I can't get over excited about shoe prices, cheaper the better, but finding a shoe you like is worth far more....I look at the money cyclists are willing to spend (or the price of a physio appointment)...running is quite a cheap hobby, especially as for most on here it is something done far more often than just at the weekends. Paying £2,600 a year for my 30 min train journey into London is something I can get more exercised about (especially when it doesn't work!). 

    Niggle here (teach me to double my mileage) so a few days off.

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    Dan ADan A ✭✭✭

    TT out-mileaging everyone as usual. Superb form. 

    6 & 18 for me today. No rain and nothing more than a stiff breeze. Don't know what all the fuss is about. Although I did step in a big puddle. 

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    Sorry for not posting earlier. As LS21 said 24miles last Sunday at, as ordered by club coach, 7.45min mile ave. 17miles into an headwind. the distance felt fine but a annoyingly slow. Still miles banked. 

    I have/ am considering running Blackpool marathon in my adidas hagio 2s, 7oz of shoe. Now I weigh 11st 9lb so get a lot of raised eyebrows. I might consider wearing my adidas adizero ace but think they have caused the inflamed tendon sheaf I am currently having to ice. I hate overly cushioned shoes and when adidas sent me the boost to try I didn't particularly get on with them. I am going to do the 20-22 miler  on Sunday in the hagio`s to see how much my legs fatigue.

    Definitely wont be trying these.    http://www.adidas.com/us/content/springblade





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    please excuse the intrusion of slower runner but while you're talking about nice, light, cheap shoes: bleeming kinvara 3s have new chafe device at back so after wearing out 4 pairs of kinvaras I am looking for something .. the same but different.  Suggestions?

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    runningowl -- on the springblades -- wow! I've got to admire them for actually trying to do something different. Good long run by the way, that's a decent pace into the wind.

    coro -- so have you tried the Boost flavour, and if so are you convinced? Bad luck on the niggle BTW.

    MLR combo for me this morning. I did a 0.25M... 0.5M... 1.0... 0.25M pyramid of 7 reps (paces from 5:10 to 6:19/M... I thought I was quite fit until I turned around into the wind and realised it was actually quite strong), with 0.5M light recoveries, then 5M @ 6:40/M tempo effort (pace there a bit disappointing), all with my 2kg rucksack. Total 13.6M @ 6:44/M average. Not great, but looking back, not too bad either, given the wind.

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    CW - they probably caused the niggleimage 


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    CW - I've been using the Adios Boost for a few months now (only ever in races though).  Having used them, I wouldnt use anything else, the "spring back" which Adidas claim the shoe has is actually brilliant and they feel like a super lightweight version of a higher mileage cushioned shoe.    They are certainly worth a try...

    On an entirely different note, does anyone know whether there is likely to be a 2:45 pacer in London? Official or Unofficial. 

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    TT, pretty nice mid week effort there. CW, any midweek session around 14 miles with a rucksack and with this wind is pretty healthy!

    Coronium, loads of miles in those shoes. No issues with shins or achilles or anything?

    7x1000 for me this morning @ 5'33"/M and an easy 5 miler planned for this evening. 10 more days of hard work before taper begins!

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    Bainspj, I don't know if the shoes are doing what adidas claim that they do, but I can't tell that there's any difference between them and my usual ones.  I don't think they have any unique properties but if they work for you then go for it.

    As for pacers, I don't think there's anything official, but ask around at the start (I'm guessing you're on FGFA if that's your target?) and you'll find a few going for the same - maybe set up your own ad hoc unofficial pacer group?

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    Hi all, been lurking for a while and silently clocking up ~70mpw's. Next test for me is a 10 miler coming up, hoping to go @ 58 mins there.

    Whilst on the subject of racing shoes, a pertinent question which is on my mind is the ideal racing weight for VLM.

    Any recommendations on ideal BMI / body fat % etc ?

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    Nice run there TT.

    Likewise CW's combo effort.

    Good k reps Yasunaga, all the hard work nearly done now and can start looking forard to taper time!

    Nice 10 miler target Spirun. Not sure on racing weight as its going to be so different person to person depending on body type. For me I naturally rest at about 71-72kg, but getting nearer to race day look to be around 66-67kg - I'm a bit early and about there now!

    9 miles with a progressive first 6 miles for me this morning. Finishing the progressive section at 5.45m/m. Fairly tired today after a hard run of 7 days. Will head out for another 4 easy miles in a bit and then a good rest day to look forward to tomorrow.

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    Spirun. Lighter is probably better than heavier all else being equal but in my opinion if you are knocking out 58min 10 milers you are probably in reasonable shape. Some here favour starvation diets but it seems mad to me as the biggest likelihood is illness. (for the record I am 73kilos and 5 11). 

    DanA looks like a good prospect as a 2 45 pacer? I think he usually has a good run in London. 

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    Wotcha folks.  BMI, pacers and shoe weight?  Is there a marathon coming up??  Bainspj - Definitely no official 2:45 pacer this year (not from RW anyway), so best ask around on the start as CD suggests.

    On the shoe front I'm hoping to get a nice freebie pair of Adios 2 from the sponsors for my pacing efforts, although whether I actually wear them for the race probably depends on whether I get a chance to try them out first.  Given that I'm being asked to run just a little quicker than normal training pace and I've got a dodgy foot, I might end up doing it in the good old Nike Zoom Elite.

    Injury update: slow progress, but encouraging signs.  The latest podiatrist assessment is plantar fasciitis, which I'm now treating with some more aggressive stretches which seem to be working.  I'm happy running up to 16 miles at an easy pace (foot a little tender afterwards but not hobbling as I was) and as of today, I'm trying out treadmill tempo running to test the water.  6:00m/m for 20 minutes today, satisfyingly comfortable from a cardio point of view, and the foot feels OK.  So I'll start building this up again slowly and see how it goes.  With half an eye already on Berlin (September) I want to be extra cautious, and still don't know when I'll be back to racing again but at least my pacing duties shouldn't be an issue.

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    DachsDachs ✭✭✭

    Can't believe we've been talking about shoes for about 3 pages yet Al_P still hasn't popped up to consult his spreadsheet.

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    RS78RS78 ✭✭✭

    AW - you're rasking up some great training. Are you doing a spring marathon?

    TT/CW - usual quality mileage

    PP - youre pacing at London right? Are they still making pacers wear those ridiculous packs? :-/ I saw Dan running with one on last year and it looked the most cumbersome, uncomfortable thing possible. Good to see you running again thou after injury.

    On trainers, I never spend more than £80 and most of the time it's around £50-60. Start fitness up here do some good deals and adidas seem to be cheaper than other brands. Like TR I usually wait for the new colour to come out and buy the old colour Much cheaper. I've got a pair of the old green adios stashed under the bed I got for £40 when they were selling out when the current pair wear out. I recently nabbed a couple of pairs of Talon 212 fell shoes for just over £40 each in the old colour (cost up to £95 in some shops still). Guess it's just buying smart. 

    Some sort of cold/bug has managed run me down this week with body ache but thankfully it seems to be clearing today. No running since Sunday but aiming for an easy run tomorrow then I have relays sat If I'm sorted. 6 man teams who all do a 2 mile leg around a lake. First fell race of the year looming next weekend, 9 miler on the edge if Cumbria to test the legs, can't wait. 

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    RS - yeah, they look more cumbersome than they are.  The only hazard I've encountered wearing one is low-lying tree branches (d'oh!) but that should be less of a problem on the streets of London than running through Hyde Park, hopefully. I'm just hoping they'll have me wearing something that will match red shorts and fluoro-lime trainers. Or I could go orange on the shorts, they've not had an airing for a while.

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    Dan ADan A ✭✭✭
    OS wrote (see)

    DanA looks like a good prospect as a 2 45 pacer? I think he usually has a good run in London. 

    The last time I ran 2.45, I ran at London 5 weeks later and finished in.....3.18!!

    I'm planning the same double this year, although hope to revise the VLM part down to about 2.59 pace.  About time I broke 3 hours at London; it's my 13th time there. The first mara though will be following an official 2.45 pacer.

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    For the ideal race weight, check out the Stillman calculator.


    Odds on that not many people are in the 'long distance' range!

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    TmothTmoth ✭✭✭

    i've been dropping 1lb a week since starting p&d...at 6ft dead need to lose another 20lb down to 149lb!! Jeepers....HOW?!

    Any clues how much weight costs then in time? 


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    Good luck in the relays RS. Yes, running London this year courtesy of my GFA from Paris last year. 

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