
Sub 3



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    Dan - Sorry to hear about the persistent injury.

    Jools - Well done on the podium finish.

    CW - you are bonkers, I get this feeling you'll run through the VLM finish line and carry on running to the red lion.

    Great runs from the Eastleigh massive, Bufo, TT (that's a tight conversion) Al-P, AW(great PB) and Dachs.

    HR - I couldn't be happier seeing your result, massive Pb congrats.

    Nice to see Lev ditching the Garmin and running to feel  ;-)

    LD - chin up old boy.

    Top work from Wardi.

    Padams - Congrats on qualifying for the worlds.

    Postie - Well done on the long run.

    Sorry to those I've missed.

    I was meant to do a long run with some MP work, decided to sack that off threw the backpack on and ran 25 miles on the Mendips, 3.30 with 5500ft of ascent. Lovely stuff.


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    selbsselbs ✭✭✭

    wow what a read back/weekend things really ramping up!

    TR - think we all understand why you are taking this approach and it's fair enough I think.  Similar CW has his reasons even if most (well it used to be most.. actually he has a fair few followers now i think!) think it's a bit bonkers!  Tell you what neither of you coudl eb critised for not putting the work/effort in anyway.

    Likewise o n the effort/work - great to see a just reward for al the miles and following of a plan HR.  Very nice one.  FWIW that is a faster half marathon PB than mine, and i converted to sub 2:45 so I think you're looking pretty good for it.

    SL, that sounds like much more fun - if running for 3 hours 30 can be considered fun...  on that note - i have leaped up to a 20 mile run myself, first in over 2 years. In fact if I look back - they were comparable pace (around 2 hours 40 on 14 Jan 2012 - week after running my 10km pb).  only difference was this one was totally flat, and extremely hard work, whereas in 2012 it was v easy and included 2 laps of hampstead heath so a fair amout of hills.  I had the HR monitor on back then and averaged 125, i couldnt face wearing it today, but expect it was more like 145. All up prob about 1minute 30 secs per mile "unfit" if that makes any sense. Still first of hopefully 6 or 7 20 milers to fit in prior to edinburgh in the mission to get around in one piece.  I've come up quite sore today though and achilles is still a worry, but hopefully i can kick on.

    Padams - congratulations, sounds perfectly executed race and good luck in the worlds.  Looking forward to seeing what you can do (since can relate to it more) when you come back to give the marathon one more blast.

    Ode - why final attempt? Best of luck with smashing my PB.  The little fulla is well again thank goodness, seemed to be sick forever, but we just had a great weekend with him.

    Nice work at Easleigh all those who raced, sounds like most got a good day out of it.

    LD - you have years of endurance training under your belt, I woudln't be surprised, with a nice focused last 3 weeks, and a reasonable taper, turnign up as niggle free as possible and with game face on, those HM paces end up being MP, good luck.

    nice improvement in the half jools.

    And very fine long (and very long) runs the rest of you!

    I get the impression there will be more sub 2:45 and sub 2:40 runs from the thread than "just" sub 3 maybe in the next month. Seems to be a lot of v fast shorter runs, and quality long runs going in.  Best of luck though to those trying for the sub 3 for the first time!

    Quick edidt - DanA - really sorry to hear you're still suffering badly, I know what a nightmare it is, but especially for you with all the overseas trips you generally have planned coming up.  Hope you can get back to it sooner than you think.  Is there any specific treatment, or do you need some more diagnosis to get to the bottom of it all?

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    Al_PAl_P ✭✭✭

    HR - Bloody massive well done, that's a great time which you can be rightly very proud of image

    Padams - Nicely done getting the worlds qualification

    Dan - Poo news, Fingers crossed some manipulation of your back can help clear out the toaster....

    CW - Hope we're not getting into full/over-distance training run one-upmanship now are weimage The 28M was good going, especially with the 1st 10M a bit more steady than easy. how are the legs this morning?

    SL - You must have built some strength in your legs with all the long hill runs you do, London should be a breeze!

    Jools - Good spot of HMing there over the (Irish) pond

    Dachs/TT/AW/Bufo - Great times from all of you guys at Eastleigh yesterday.

    Great long runs from CC, Postie, CD, PP, Sweedo, Bedders, TR, Lev and especially the come-back 20M from selbs!

    Some lingering soreness in my left inner quad (residual from my 26.2M run the previous Sunday, beware the full/over distance run if you're not conditioned to it!) meant I took Friday very easy with 10M@8:09/M and thankfully suffered no ill effects. Saturday was a day off running, just some light(!) ground works in the garden instead... My quad felt pretty much fine warming up for Eastleigh on Sunday and I only got a little stiffness towards the end of the race, so hopefully that has resolved itself now. My 10k was fairly rubbish, reflecting the zero amount of speed work I've done recently. A fastish first mile ~5:30 pace and it went downhill from there. Just before London is not a good time to race a fast 10k when your training hasn't been going well (or at all!), as I watched a fair number of people pass me image I just struggled to maintain a decent 10k effort most of the way round, finishing in 35:40 (107th place). Anyway at least it was a half decent LT training run. 5M v easy warm up/cool down made 16M total for the day. Great to have the company of TT, Dachs and AW for the easy miles and nice to say hi to Bufo on the start line too.

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    Dachs/TT - I did ask slightly tongue in cheek because I know that TT converts well, to put it mildly.  But it goes to show what might be possible one day.

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    TmothTmoth ✭✭✭

    Two things:

    Thing one: Very impressive running,  LR ing,  10k ing, HM ing, Taper ing (standout – HR, Padams loads of you actually – congrats!)

    Thing two: equally impressive hamsters for reading back and remembering who did what at what distance, where and on what day. Sharp running – sharp hamsters. Kowtow.

    I flew to the ‘pool sat 7am (in full training gear – short shorts – not quite PP style – but enough to get plenty odd looks!) Disembarked and legged it with luggage from airport up the Mersey to central Liverpool – 12m. Stag stuff. Then 3hour stroll round town on Sunday up to Anfeild to touch it. Then back into running gear and a hungover stumble back down the Mersey to airport – 9m.

    Makes for an 84m week - an all time record.

    Re: over / full distance training – have always done just about the full distance in previous (3) mara campaigns just as a menthol boost. I agree with CW on the negation of the fear of the wall / distance.

    Re: race nutrition and practice, I have done all LRs (barring last weeks 26 wherein I had 2 gels) dry – no water no gels nada. What is the generally accepted method for nutrition on race day – gel consumption / water consumption etc? Also pre- race breakfast and timing thereof?

    Any advice / bricks gratefully accepted!

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    Bit of a read-back at work.

    Very good LSR’s TR, CD, Postie postie, PP (with sharpener at the end),, CC2 (and great mileage), taper MSR Le Jimbob. Le Jimbob haha – that’s cool! He was a really nice guy: had a quick chat at the end.

    Mind-blowing long run Charlie. Maybe we could start calling these over-distance (25m+) runs USR’s to distinguish ultra from long? I still don’t know what to think really but they work for you. I also maintain that time on feet, not distance, is the key because you’re not trying to replicate the race moment when pace and endurance coalesce.

    Another huge and fast USR from Sweedo. Good grief. 26.2 @7mm!

    SL superb hilly USR from you too. That’s my idea of a blissful run.

     LD you may be in shape come the day.

    Joolska – congrats on the HM. Maybe not quite the time you wanted but as good as in blustery conditions too.

    TT superb 10k and extra mileage. Shifting!!

    Dachs fantastic at Eastleigh too for a pb. Superb.

    A.W. likewise. Fantastic pb by a minute. That’s a huge confidence booster in the middle of training and great LSR on top.

    Bufo – wow. 32:16 in those conditions is smokin’ hot. Fantastic run. What position did that give?

    Al_p looks like you are coming back though and that’s the main thing: nice one

    Wardi well done on the Sports Relief run on top of the LSR from the week. Great 2nd place!. Looking good there.

    Tmoth great training and mileage. Love the hamster comment!

    Thanks for the kind comments everyone: I'm still smiling. Gentle 6m y'day and 7m this morning will be backed by a 5m later. No ill effects at all. Those lunaracers are incredible.

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    PhilPubPhilPub ✭✭✭

    Tmoth - Without having had any disasters, I've still not worked out my optimal race fuel strategy yet.  I fancied the idea of not carrying anything last time, so went with water + Lucozade Sport en route, but developed a minor stitch at 22 miles, which may or may not have been caused by the sugar intake.  I'm tempted to get by on just water next time, or go back to using SIS gels, which haven't previously caused me any problems.

    Either way, I think it's important not to get into thinking that if you're getting through LRs without anything at all, then any extra fuel you take on for the race (if any) can only be a good thing; whatever you try, you should try it out before hand, and after my stitch I'm inclined to think that this should be executed in similar circumstances in training, e.g. physically carrying a gel in a gel belt and trying to unwrap and ingest the darn thing whilst running at 10mph... etc.  Basically, don't do anything new on marathon day!!

    selbs - Good LSR bagging, but take it easy fella!

    Padams - I've just started considering a Billy-no-mates solo outing to Mallorca after the Berlin marathon for a week of cycling in October.  Might tap you up for some hints at some point.  Ibiza was fun but Mallorca looks bigger and more hilly.  image

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    Tmoth - Scrambled eggs on brown toast 4 hours before the event, water and maybe a bit of energy drink during the race.  Shit loads of beer afterwards.

    Hr - If you ever find yourself in Somerset (carrot crunching is optional) you would be welcome to join me.

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    I'd love that SL. Beautiful area. Will let you know.

    White bagel and peanut butter has become my race day breakfast after a lot of trial and error, mostly the latter. I flogged on with porridge or weatabix for years until realising it's too heavy for me.

    Oh by the way, no HRM on Saturday. Was lovely not to have it.

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    PhilPubPhilPub ✭✭✭

    Of course, the full fuel strategy usually includes steak, mash, red wine and profiteroles the evening before, although I've recently been getting into Waitrose venison and pork sausages (about a third of the fat of normal porkies!) so I'll have to play that by ear...




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    PP - do it (the Mallorca trip).  Great cycling, and you could always throw in the Mallorca marathon on 19th October at the end (I think they do a half & 10k as well).

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    CharlieWCharlieW ✭✭✭

    Dachs -- congrats on the PB; that's a very classy race for 33:15 to only put you 40th. And you're right, it _is_ time for me to stop my massive runs now, but doing one yesterday was fine I think.

    SL -- bet the hill run was glorious.

    selbs -- you're going from strength to strength; good luck with the achilles.

    Al -- your legs sound about as tuned up for speed as mine right now! Good day in total there, anyway. My legs are a bit creaky today but no acute DOMS; I wanted a rest anyway, but could have jogged to work OK. Actually cycled 10M instead. I have got a peculiar bruise on top of my right foot again, something wrong with how it's landing, and the Lunaracers are a tad snug which may not help.

    Tmoth -- snap on the record training week at 84M. I had my first gel of the year yesterday (as PP says, I wanted to try in advance). But in the race I'll probably have about 4 caffeinated gels, and some water after each one to wash it down. I normally end up feeling like my stomach is half full of undigested sugar, but at least some of it should have helped. Breakfast-wise, I'll just have some sports drink about 3-4 hours before I think, maybe a white bread jam sandwich.

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    Pi ManPi Man ✭✭✭

    it's all happening now ...

    HR that's an excellent race, well run and well deserved and great shape for London. Perhaps keeping pace with the leader helped compensate for the lack of runners around you, but it is really impressive to smash out a three minute PB when effectively on your own.

    Dan - that is bad news, hope you can keep in shape whilst you recover fully and hopefully quicker than expected; so annoying to get a setback after putting so much hard work (although that is when they tend to strike I guess).

    More great performances from Padams, Dachs, AW and others. Some great LRs as well, none more so that TR rolling the dice, let's for a good payoff. And mind-blowing by Charlie & Sweedo.

    I thought everyone one here did very long runs and very high mileage - shocked to see that Phil stops at 22, and that 84 miles is a weekly record for Charlie!

    I'm happy with my endurance (avg 60 mile weeks, up to 27m long run) and speed work, but not the combination, little MP/LT ....... for Abingdon I'll focus on that more than miles. Have been trying to recently but picking up injures (PF & glute-med at present) puts the mockers on it eg. first 15 at 7:30 pace Saturday,  but then PF/glute taking their toll and last 5 averaged 8:25. Glute seems to be clearing up, but not the PF, hopefully taper will sort out. 

    PS Last three weeks' mileage an unbalanced looking 79 / 31 / 79


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    Pi ManPi Man ✭✭✭

    Gels - what do they offer that you won't get from Lucozade Sport?

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    bainspjbainspj ✭✭✭

    Wow – the training paces are ramping up and the mileage is rocketing ... as are the number of posts per day.  Its hard to keep up.


    HR - great run and really pleased for you.  Especially given that you described less than ideal racing conditions it looks like you’re in great shape.

    Padams – corking work on getting to the Worlds.   Assume thats the “A” goal for the year now.  I’m a little confused about what event it is you do (Duathlon?).  Can you enlighten?

    CW – I love reading up on your weekly escapades.  Some of those ULRs are mind-blowing.

    SL – you’re making me jealous... sounds a hell of a lot better than the Manchester to Rochdale canal loop I ran on Saturday.

    Bufo – impressive running, as always. 

    Jules – well done on the 3rd place.  I think it’s always good to get a high placing (even if the time wasn’t what you were hoping for).

    Also well done to the Eastleigh gang – some really solid times coming from there.  Must have been a good course (especially as it sounds like the weather wasn’t ideal).  I feel like I am missing out on these sub-3 parties being from t’ north.

    LD – must say I am intrigued by your posts.  Listening to what you say is like a conversation with my internal gremlins... one minute smashing out LSRs, the next it has all gone to pot.  Fingers crossed it all turns out well.   (Remember, one great run does not make you a great athlete and one bad run does not make you a bad athlete).

    On top of that lot, a quick word to those currently inching their way away from the treatment table.  Be careful and take your time. 

    DanA – Really sorry to hear of your ongoing trials and tribulations.  Keep up the good work towards pain-free running.   Everyone is rooting for you.   



    Steady 24miler (last long run) for me on Saturday.  Averaged 6:48 pace and it felt rather easy.  I did have a couple of gels on my way which I think perked me up a tad (maybe balancing out against the hailstorm at mile 22!).   Then 7 at MP on Sunday to test the pace on tired legs – surprisingly ok and bang-on the 6:18 target pace.  81 mile week complete – longest ever and yet legs don’t feel too wragged. Happy days.

    The hay is in the barn. 


    My plan for the taper is to continue as normal this week but cut down the MLR by a few miles and the LSR by about 7-8 miles, and then to ease back the other sessions in week 2 and 3 of the taper to arrive at the start line feeling dandy.


    How many on here are at London? What targets? And which start?

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    bainspjbainspj ✭✭✭

    Apologies to anyone I missed... as I said, it is genuinely hard to keep up.

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    PhilPubPhilPub ✭✭✭

    CD - Think I'll be marathoned out by then!  I can flog myself half to death getting fit for Berlin knowing I've got a nice non-running break to look forward to.  Have you been?  I'm at early stages of research but thinking of basing myself up North, Alcudia way maybe. I'm thinking 7 full days, 6 days' cycling with a rest day in the middle should do the trick.

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    Tmoth - I've only recently found a combination that works for me after quite a bit of chopping and changing things about. Pre race breakie is scrambled egg on wholemeal toast, a bowl of porridge with honey, glass of orange juice and a coffee or two - between 3-4 hours before the race for me. Half a bottle of Powerade over the next hour or two and maybe a banana within an hour before race if I feel like it.

    4-5 x SIS gels during race at 5-6 mile intervals and water, not much usually though.

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    Mr BoatMr Boat ✭✭✭

    Haven't posted for a while but thought I'd report in seeing as a few of us will be meeting up soon. Serioulsy good racing and training going on from just about everyone. Really sorry to hear about those injured, especially Dan; must be at your wits end. Keep going TR and LD. I'm sure you'll be be toeing the line in some kind of sub 3 state of fitness. Have messaged HR already but, again, great running on a less than perfect day; training's going better than you thought.

    I've been following P&D again but I've been trying to stick to the longer '100 mile' plan as closely as work will allow. This means I've run a lot more doubles resulting in mainly weeks of 90+ and reaching 100 mile once. I'm feeling good for it and have picked up a couple of PBs. I got a 17:02 park-run and was 4 seconds slower than HR for HM at Bath with a 77:17 which really surprised me as I was feeling lethargic and possibly a bit over-trained in the preceeding few days.

    Look foward to seeing everyone either at the start or the Red Lion after....just stay safe through the taper; plenty of time to still get something in the old toaster!


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    Bainspj - I think ONE great run DOES make you a great athlete....you just need some sign to say things are OK - but shit runs don't really count for anything. I'm just finding it all massively frustrating at the moment.

    six-seven months ago I note I was so angry when I did a 1:20:30 half because I was easily knocking out 24x 400m at 1:17min reps and had never felt sharper. OK, since then I had an horrific marathon and a couple of 3 week injuries ..... but in between training has been fine ...... well, except that i now have three halfs in the last four weeks at 1:31, 1:27: 1:25:30 and a trail of appalling 19 min 5Ks in the winter. That's shite.

    I know there is still hope. Just going to get two long uns in, 3 speed sessions, lose 6 more lbs and lots of rest at the end.

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    PP - yes, I've been a few times and we're booked again in August. 

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    LD, didn't you say about Scott Overall that one great run DOESN'T make you a great athlete?

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    Pi ManPi Man ✭✭✭

    great haymaking Bainspj

    bainspj wrote (see)

    How many on here are at London? What targets? And which start?

    don't think this is a listophiliac thread, never mind ... 3:01 last year, target was 2:55 this year, but now revised due to slowness of long runs:

    2:58, red start 

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    PhilPubPhilPub ✭✭✭
    Pi Man wrote (see)

    don't think this is a listophiliac thread,

    **falls off chair**  Hahahaa!!  image

    PhilPub, 2:59, green
    Pi Man, 2:58, red

    (alphabetical innit...)

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    selbsselbs ✭✭✭

    MrBoat - v nice, another one bang in sub 2:45 form.  Not surprised with all those miles though, wow.

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    DachsDachs ✭✭✭
    PhilPub wrote (see)

    (alphabetical innit...)

    In which case, I'm taking my brief opportunity to go to the top of the list

    Dachs, 2:37 (A) / 2:39:59 (B), blue (Champs)
    PhilPub, 2:59, green
    Pi Man, 2:58, red

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    Dachs, 2:37 (A) / 2:39:59 (B), blue (Champs)
    PhilPub, 2:59, green
    Pi Man, 2:58, red
    Yasunaga, 2:43, red (FGFA)

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    Dachs, 2:37 (A) / 2:39:59 (B), blue (Champs)
    PhilPub, 2:59, green
    Pi Man, 2:58, red

    Le Jimbob 2:59 Rouge (Paris)


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    Pi ManPi Man ✭✭✭

    ah yes you're pacing, if I get in trouble you can pull me along.

    I was green start last year, nice and quiet except they had slower people at the front few rows for some reason, so you have to barge through a little, just for the first ten yards.

    Good training MrBoat.

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    JoolskaJoolska ✭✭✭

    Oh, this thread loves lists image  Put your race numbers in, if you know them, so that I can cyber-stalk on race day when I'm supposed to be concentrating in my rehearsal!

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