
Sub 3



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    fitbit advert for me at present... must be your android dreams ES!

    Like last week I found this morning that while my legs were still fatigued from the half, they didn't object to surprisingly swift hill work (must be different muscles). What's more I turned it into another physics practical, by alternately running my hill descent/ascent a) normally or b) with a long, loping cadence downhill and fast cadence uphill ("changing gears" as in The Art of Running Faster). Preliminary results are that I got a big gain (4.5%) loping downhill, and maybe a small gain (1.7%) changing down to climb. This is based on 24 reps. Very interesting for Snowdonia...

    I had to bin one ascent and start it again after an old geezer, I'm sure, made a point of wandering into my path so we collided!

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    So.. its been a while. How is everyone? 

    Having fallen out with running, ex wives, ex partners and (out of) plenty of bars over the last few years, I'm plotting a return to full fitness and perhaps a marathon or two next year. What better way to do that than to enter an offered 20 something mile event in the dales whilst a (ahem) few pounds over fighting weight. image

    I shall be dieting and getting some reasonable mileage in over the next 8 weeks or so to the event, and if I can offer any support to anyone, and indeed take any on offer that would be grand

    ^see everything changes, but in the end nothing really does image

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    PS, DAN A go for the beers at twickenham image

    PPS LS21 - I didn't know you were from rotherham, that explains a lot image

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    PPPS - TR I remember your lads being a bit good at sports how are they doing with that? Thought cricket was strongest? 

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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    Wtg -I often wonder about you, nice to see you. Plenty of spring marathon options nowadys. Nippers are still smashing it esp at cricket, although the eldest is 18 now.
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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭

    WTGY!  Good to see you even in vast bloater shape!  How is Beverley these days? (your home town not your girl on the side).  All the best with the comeback, keep us informed of progress and before & after photos.

    Shin niggle here since Friday so no running until I'm sure it's ok.  It has improved from very niggly to a mild ache so hope to make the start line of a race this week.  I have taken my frustration out on the bike (48m on Sunday) and daily rides but dying to go for a run already.  Harumph!

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    image wtgy - Blast from the past!  How long's it been?! (I'm still on the same washing machine - Philips - so there's a recommendation.) Good to see you back and good luck with the come-back.  Easy does it!

    Wardi - Oof! Healing vibes. (())

    An easy 7 miles yesterday, and the Tuesday track session is getting cut back now, so no MP pre-session this evening, just 9.8M inc. 5 x 1k, which were completed in somewhere between 10k and (shiny new) 5k pace, feeling more comfortable as the session went on. No real signs of taper madness yet, more fidgety than anything, so I kept myself busy yesterday printing off a custom-designed 5k pace band with large font. My eyes get even worse when the brain starts fogging up late in the race!  image

    *edit* Jogging home, I realised I won't be running into double figure mileage again till I get to Kreuzberg on Sunday week.  Which is nice.

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    LS21, DanA - That's a really useful bit of advice on the pacing cheers.

    5am this morning 6 x 800 . Track was shut obviously but fortunately my block is 800m around. 

    Didn't want to risk doing the full 10 Yassoo on the shin. Felt great though and quit with more in the tank

    reps were 2:42//2:39//2:43//2:45//2:44//2:45. Lovely little confidence boost. 

    10 days out I'm allowed to start talking about weather right?? 17C 20% chance of rain 7mph wind...looks good 

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    WTGY - Great to see you again, good luck on the comeback.

    Jools - sorry it didn't quite go to plan but good to see the bigger picture.

    Lev - you are in fine shape, run sensibly at Berlin and you'll have a great day.

    Wardi - Hope the shin clears up.

    I've missed loads but my brain hurts.

    In short the Medoc marathon was a mix of the bizarre and amazing and involved far, far to much red wine.  We started drinking on Thursday afternoon and finished on Monday evening.  The marathon itself was 6 hours of trotting through vineyards, drinking, dancing and eating. 


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    Good morning and thanks for the welcome back.

    Mr ward I've been doing quite a bit of cycling I'm hoping a few of the extra pounds are muscle haha. I did see a lass called Beverley from Beverley many many years ago!

    Tr that's good about the sports still. Where are you at fitness wise? Still doing a bit?

    PP I was thinking that cycling home last night. My first run was after paternity leave with my daughter who is 8 1/2 now. So mid April 07. I did Shakespeare marathon April 08 and you had pointed me in this direction between those times.

    As for disappearing I went self employed may 12 thinking I'd do loads of running. Didn't quite work out! The last time I pinned a number on (tie wrapped a few to the stead) will have been Coniston marathon when Murray won Wimbledon. (Watched the game in the village whilst rehydrating!)

    I've been doing some runs in the interim but mainly cycling.

    Going for a womble at 'dinner time' TR - that'll be your lunchimage

    I'll try and highlight names when I'm not using the phone

    Nice to be back
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    So only just managed to get on here following the Brizzle half. Well done to all those that competed and some fairly storming weekend runs in general. Think StuL has found the answer to all those in-race nutrition based questions probably isn't red wine after all. Worth a shot anyway!

    Managed a 1:22:54 at Bristol myself with a strong negative split and storming 5:51 final mile. Was a big PB but left with the feeling that I should have perhaps gone out a bit harder. Still pretty chuffed though. Wonder how you lot felt that left me in terms of my 2:59:59 target for Bournemouth on October 4th? Feel like with a good taper that I should probably get there with a bit of room to spare (although slightly slower course). In two minds about pacing it a big faster at around 6:40pm or sticking to my original of 6:50s which doesn't leave masses of room for error on the day.

    Will be bloody pleased when this sub-3 monkey is off my back to be honest and I can start legitimately posting in here!

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    I'm sure we used to be able to edit posts, apologies for the non highlighting above 


    Hi Stu - Sounds good fun! 


    RJ 1.23 used to be the aim as a good indicator for sub 3 


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    wtgy - You can only edit a post before the next person has posted on the thread.  You're obviously a bit rusty at all this... where's yer avatar??  image

    SL - ruddy marvellous!  *hic!*

    Muss - Very encouraging reps considering recent build up.  You're allowed to talk about the weather if it stays like that!  (I know wind is a little unpredictable this far out, but if we were due a heatwave next week we'd probably know about it, right?)

    Rob - Sub-1:23 feeling like you could've gone quicker is a very good pointer for a sub-3. Regarding pacing strategy, if sub-3 is your main goal it's worth being sensible regarding time-in-the-bank.  On an even paced course I wouldn't aim to get to halfway any quicker than about 1:28.  So maybe aim for the 6:45 - 6:50 window depending on course profile? 


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    Dan ADan A ✭✭✭

    SL - Bit of a different vibe to your last marathon then image.  Saw that the winner did 2.26; hope he stopped for a few snifters en route too.

    Muss - is it Berlin for you too?  Need to make sure I'm looking out for all the right names

    Rob - I think that a fast course like Bristol in 1h23 v a tougher course like Bournemouth (a few twists and hills) will leave you pretty close to 3 hours, though you could probably do with a helping hand from the conditions.  Worth noting that you'll probably be running more on your own (last year there were fewer than 40 sub 3s at B'mouth, half of them in the 2.55-2.59 range), whereas you'd have been in a decent crowd at Bristol I guess.  As Phil says, 1h28-1h29 in the first half should give you the best shot.  GL.

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    It has been a few days and loads to catch up on - hectic few days here!

    wtgy - good to see you back at it. Good luck for the comeback.

    RS - great pb!

    Lev_ - amazing stuff and great target. Looking good!

    Nice reps Muss.

    RJ2 - I'd go with PP's assertion. Congrats on the pb and strong finish.

    Took it cautiously last week with the foot, knocking in about 70-odd km for the week. Opted for no sessions, but did include some (very) light/short tempos in a few runs.

    Decided to try running without the gel pad this week and play it by ear. Still a bit tender at times, but I seem to be ok without the pad. 16km progressive on Monday, and 25km as my 'long' run (with the last 5km @ 3:38) yesterday. After a very light 3 weeks (possibly less than 200km total for the 3 weeks since the sickness/landing on the stone) I've lost a good chunk of my condition, but from this week I've got 9 weeks to Valencia, which is my standard 'stop faffing about' period, so I'll be good to go image

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    Thanks TT - also thanks for making me do a little bit of arithmetic with the Km to M converting image 

    Had a lunchtime womble down the river combination of cows and horses sent me on a different route, ended up on a road I used to do my final MP run in the week before a marathon. Brought back some memories (as I was blowing at about 8mm pace) of running 6.50s then 6.15s and even flat 6s over the years. Something to aim for once I'm lighter! 

    Ive also managed to get a b'stard blister, need to get these trotters toughened up again

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    RJ2 - sensible pacing is the key as others have said. I can give you the benefit of my recent HM to Mar conversion though. I ran the Shakespeare Half (fast, flat) in 1:23:20 six weeks out from VMLM. Like you I felt I could have gone faster (5:50 final mile!). That converted to 2:54:47 at London, with pretty much even 6:40 pacing. As they say though, your mileage may vary but I think you are in with a very good shout of sub3.

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    Thanks guys. The advice is really valuable. Do a lot of reading around the subject but nothing like hearing the opinions of those that have gone and done it.
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    Wardi - Hope the shin niggle gets better soon.

    Muss/PhilP - Weather forecasts and no more double digit runs - it's getting close now

    SL - Sounds great.

    TT - Are you sticking with the idea to be pacemaker for PhilP to 30k?

    RJ2 - Conversion from HM to M is variable depending on your strengths and weaknesses. I think that you're definitely on for a sub 3 from 1:23. Going out at 6:40's might be ok but I'd urge a touch of caution - if you're only in shape for a 2:58/9 then going out at 2:55 pace may result in losing the sub 3, which seems to be the main goal. I did almost exactly this in my first marathon - went out in 1:27 and came back in 1:38! Good luck.

    Very easy 8 and 6+8 double for the two days after Bristol. 3 x 2m at MP on the treadmill today - felt aerobically easy but the legs probably weren't quite ready. A few easy days now before a local 10k at the end of a long run on Sunday.
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    TRTR ✭✭✭

    WTG - I should point out that your "kick it hard and dont be shit", has been adopted by many folks and threads now, esp as Marigold publicised it.....I was no doubt having my dinner when you were having your tea today then........my own fitness is a bit lower than normal due to recent cricket/work/life pressures and even though my juggling is decent I had to get my priorities in the right order and lose a bit of me time....the sub3 streak is now up to 8 VLMs in a row (all 2:51 to 2:55) though, so consistent fitness usually.

    RJ - I'm with ES, a strong (untapered ?) 1/2 is probably worth 2:54 ish if you have done the work in training. 3M every 20mins. If you want to play safe then aim 1:28:30ish for 1/2 way.

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    wtgy - a lot of people have been so 'pleased' I've switched to training in km for that reasonimage

    RS - yeah, ideally I'll go up to 30km with PP & co and then cruise in (though keeping PP company would be more accurate than describing me as a pacemaker - he needs a pacemaker about as much as I need to step on another stone as he is going to crush it).

    First bit of quick running since getting the ok to run on the foot. I had no real session plan in mind other than longer reps totalling about 8km, and keeping the pace to around (estimated) 10m race pace (~80s laps). Because I couldn't be ar$ed doing my usual longer recoveries due to the rain I also kept the recoveries much shorter. Ended up doing 2k (6:38 - 200m rec), 1200m (3:56 - 400m rec), 2km (6:39 - 200m rec), 2km (6:52 - massive stitch - stretch and 400m rec), 1200m (3:58).

    So a total of 8.4km in 28:03, which is pretty much 80s laps, despite the stitch which kicked in after a couple of laps of the 2km and saw me pretty much jog across the line. I've lost a bit of condition over the foot issues (which was fine tonight - not even a peep from it image), but I reckon I'm slightly in pb shape at the moment, which, at 8.5 weeks to Valencia is peachy image

    2 lessons learned from today - I need to make better lunch choices if I'm doing some quality work, and the new pair of bricks I wore this evening soak up more water than a sponge!

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    RJ: My first sub-3 was 2:57 off a 1:21 half two months before. It depends how much you had left in the tank and whether your half was untapered or not . I think 1:23 is on for sub-3, but not necessarily with lots to spare. I agree with Ryan, setting off at 2:55 pace is risky if you are aiming for sub-3 as the main goal.

    Wtg: good to see you back

    SL: hic!

    A heavy-legged 18:40 parkrun on Saturday, and then cutting back this week to give it full beans next week. Massage on Monday did all kinds of things to my calves. 10 with 5 at 6:28mm today, decent session without taking it to the limit.
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    TT - although that works if on a track and makes sense with that session. Its coming back to me roughly speaking 90sec lap is 6m/m 80sec lap or just under is a good 10k target pace. 

    TR good stuff, still swimming and cycling? Have you done an IM yet? Good VLM streak. I did have a little foresight and popped my name into the ballot for 2016. 

    Oh Kick it hard and dont be shit, I do use it, but unfortunately its not mine. I can't remember who it came from, but I remember the poster was somebody very funny (kind of in LS21 style) and disappeared? 

    Good sign this morning, - thought I didn't have enough kit to run at 'lunch' and was a bit gutted. however yesterdays socks are hanging outside my office window. Ive enough other clean kit to get out still!image

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    TT - That's a very encouraging pace. I guess stitch won't be an issue in Berlin if you have your usual (non-)breakfast, but go easy on the sauerkraut on Saturday night.  image

    I decided to have my final weigh-in before Berlin this morning. 68.5kg = 10st 10 in old money. I think that's 5/6 pounds lighter than this time last year. (I don't weigh myself that often but it can't be more than a pound or so either way.)  Other than an essential beer & curry night early next week, I'm being very conscientious about this at the moment, as I'm recognising the familiar quandary of the taper: burning fewer calories, but appetite remaining where it is, and having more time on my hands to think about eating everything in sight.  Think I'm doing pretty well, all things considered.

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    LS21LS21 ✭✭✭

    Not read back (yet) but wtgy is back!! Nice to see you Roberto image

    Oh and I notice your new avatar pic is in landscape. I didn't realise you'd put that much timber on, son. Fair play fella, fair play.

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    Great news on the weight front PP. And yes, I was quite pleased with how the pace felt. I had thought I'd have lost more, but then realized that some of the time off I'd had was before the long run and track session that indicated I was in probably the wrong side of 2:25 shape.
    I'll save the sauerkraut until Sunday image Though I remembered this morning I've had this with the stitch before whilst wearing a wet, cold top that just sticks to me, so may not have been solely the food.

    WayToGoYet wrote (see)

    TT - 80sec lap or just under is a good 10k target pace. 

    aka pretty much my pb pace image

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    Thats an old pic too image



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    Oh TT Ive just done the maths, its nowhere near my old PB or my old target time or anything else I'm likely to get near, but I did do a 5k time trial and that was the target lap pace!


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    LS21LS21 ✭✭✭

    Have now read back!

    wtgy - joking aside it's great to see you posting in here again mate. I know we still keep in touch a bit on FB etc, but I often wondered if you'd ever get back running properly. You're a class runner mate - just be patient, do the right things and it will come back in time. Fingers crossed you get in via the ballot and we can have a few beers outside the Red Lion!

    wardi - hope the shin is ok. Are you doing Vale of York Half on Sun? Full on race effort, or is it see how it feels re the shin issue? Good luck anyway.

    muss - cracking set of 800s there, especially if you felt you still had a bit more in the tank. Bodes well mate, and you've maybe not lost as much fitness as you thought. Again, good luck!

    SL - hahaha! Sounds awesome! 

    RJ2 - nicely done at Bristol. A few opinions already I see. I'd be tempted to go with PP's advice - 6'45-6'50s and see how you feel. It's not a certainty obviously, but you've got a great chance!

    Ryan S - nice session after Bristol, and good luck in the 10k

    pisc - an equally good session. You seem to be in decent nick. Sorry to ask if you've already said, but have you got a target race? 

    PP - superb fella. A lean, mean, obscene short wearing machine. Lovely.

    TT - good stuff re the foot, and nice session. Fingers crossed all goes ok between now and Valencia


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    LS21LS21 ✭✭✭

    So things continue to progress ok for me. I had another good week mileage-wise last week although I had to postpone my long run until Monday, as I spent about 7 hours on my hands and knees on Sunday ripping up the old floor in the shop. So Monday I got out for just over 20 miles around Ennerdale Water, and up to Black Sail YHA and back (Black Sail is the most remote hostel in the UK I think, and only accessible by foot). A lovely run but pretty tough in places. Still, it's all good for the fitness.

    I then did a bit of speed stuff on Tue. I've not done any hard, short, fast reps for months and months, so I did a few 400s on a stretch of road (bit of a lay-by type thing) adjacent to the A66 near Keswick. 16 x 400 in just under 78 secs (average) off the same recovery. I was quite pleased with that, as I was hoping to be under 80 secs if poss, and all 16 reps were. I was proper eyeballs out though, but it was good to get the old legs turning over a bit quicker.

    An easy 9 last night, and I'll do about 7 or 8 steady later on. Undecided whether to run tomorrow yet, but if I do it will be short with a few strides. Hoping to do ok at the 6 Stage on Sat. My first outing for the new club. I'm only in the B team and we won't qualify, but I'd just like to do ok really so fingers crossed.

    Oh and I've entered the Great Cumbrian Run (i.e. - Carlisle Half) on 4th October, so we'll see how that goes. I was also hoping to do Derwentwater 10 on 1st Nov but I've no chance now re the shop's official 'opening weekend' stuff, but I have got a pass out for Brampton to Carlisle (10 miler) a couple of weeks later. That's a much quicker course actually, so it's become my target race I guess. It would be nice to get back under 60 mins for the 10 miler if poss, so that's the focus.

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