
Moraghan Training - Stevie G



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    The BusThe Bus ✭✭✭

    A few dry days will be most welcome!

    No run today - ran out of time AND inclination!! Probably just as well, as the legs feel like lead.  Hoping for a 10 tomorrow, but will see - have to be up at 2.45am to drop my daughter off at school for a flight to New York! They don't do school trips like in my day, that's for sure image

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    Matt - no 400s I see but some faster stuff via Strava, I was aiming to type earlier and say but it'll take 2-3 weeks just to get the legs turning and finding some speed, you obviously have speed and huge strength but be weary! Hoping the niggles all ok!

    SC - as per Twitter. Nice reps and I matched today with 8 X 1km off 90s coming in 3:13/3:14 AV..

    Dachs - superb 10m tempo
    Pain is weakness leaving the body
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    Mrs out of hospital last Tuesday; all good. I'm still playing at chief cook, bottle washer, taxi driver and employee at the moment, but managing to still do a good 8 hours a week.

    Rode with Maidenhead cycling club on Sunday and had my legs ripped off in the Chilterns. Running speed coming back nicely.

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    RicFRicF ✭✭✭

    That's good news IC.

    Went out on the bike today and lasted about a minute. Too cold.

    It's the wind chill (on a bike), If I dress enough to combat it, I can't move. Ok to run in. Which may have a bearing on quitting the ride.

    Earlier I went out and ran five miles averaging 7:30's. I ran a loop I last covered about a year ago, assuming I ran 7's on it. I say that because at the time I weighed 124lb's.

    Now I weigh 137lb's so bound to be slower, but no. The Garmin revealed back then, I never went faster than 8's. I must have been really dossing about.



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    Easy 7.5 at lunch to take me up to 36.4. Means anything decent on Sunday will take me over 50 miles and that will be the first time that has happened since late March last year.

    Interesting van incident at lunchtime. Guy with a panel sided van stacked high with boxes of wine accelerated away and the load stayed where it was, so dozens of boxes of wine spilled out onto the road behind him. A few anti-social motorists honked and attracted his attention when the social thing to do would be to tidy up the wine he left behind and share it out amongst the helpers.

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    Thanks Ric.

    I haven't ridden outside since Sunday. I knew the temps were dropping so when I saw it as wet at silly-o-clock the other morning I decided to use the rollers, rather than have 2 broken adults in the house. Tuesday was bike intervals so a turbo session.
    Tomorrow will be a later start though I am concerned about Sunday's club ride especially as Tue & Wed's runs were a little slippery underfoot in the morning.

    Clothes-wise I know it will be cold for the first 20-30 minutes and dress for the rest of the ride with some consideration for the min temps.

    Wine Galore! Phil. Was it red or white? I have run almost 19km this week so will be at the heady heights of 23km by the time the week is out. image

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    DachsDachs ✭✭✭

    Excellent news re Mrs IC.

    Sounds like there'll be a lot of pissed up urban foxes tonight round your way PMJ.

    Hope the early start went OK Bus.  That is some school trip, what on earth is this school?

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    The BusThe Bus ✭✭✭

    Surely that was a vin incident Philip?

    Good news on Mrs IC, IC!

    Certainly was a bit slippery in places on the bike this morning at 7am - it caught me out, as there was no ice at 3am!

    Ran out of time for a 10 at lunch, so had to squeeze in an 8 (to put 50 in Reach as per Philip) at a faster pace than intended! Basically a 1M warm up with 6 at MP effort to give 8 at 6:39 pace avg.  Leaves a 15 for Sunday - can't decide on road or off-road as I have a new pair of shoes at home for each image


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    DeanR7DeanR7 ✭✭✭
    The Bus wrote (see)

    Surely that was a vin incident Philip?



    Well played, sir!  Well played

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    The BusThe Bus ✭✭✭

    I'm here all week ....

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    Change of plan meant I did a lazy 14 this morning to see up the 50. Had a few friends doing the Country to Capital 45 mile ultra so I parked at Denham and ran 8 miles against the flow of runners to see them and then 6 miles back (they walked up hills so I turned the Garmin off for those bits). Interesting to see the variation in tactics from the fast guys up front to the social runners at the back of the pack.

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    Small read back, Iron, must have missed what happened with Mrs IC, but sounds things are going the right direction now, good news! Can be a mission getting your own stuff done sometimes, so top work doing the real life stuff with kids etc on top.

    Phil, ultras always strike me as a little odd as a concept. Marathons sound a crazy distance, plenty to ruin most people, but 45milers, 50milers, 100milers, sound mad. Just a war of attrition that you don't even pretend you'll be working at anywhere beyond trot pace at fastest. Maybe just an excuse for some sight seeing?

    MRI was Wednesday, pretty early, 30miles away. For those who haven't had one, a quite odd experience of lying on a bed, with some apparatus on your chest, and then gently being "conveyor belted" into the machine, where you have about 5cm to the ceiling of it.
    Headfones playing radio at a volume that is barely audible, and a pulsing beat of the machine!

    And then breathing in, out, holding it, and carrying on, about 100 times!

    I can still hear the nurse in my head now, "breeeaaatheee eeeen, breathhhhe owwwwwt, and stop breeeeeeveeeeeng.  ......... breeeve norm-alleeee."  x100

    So erm, now we wait.

    If tomorrow is the standard 13, a 62.5miler.

    3 weeks time is the awkward one to get the runs in, driving to Manchester on the Tuesday, then being up there until Thursday afternoon, and driving back 4-5pm, meaning the Friday won't exactly be gorgeously fresh either. So might have to be filed under "cut back". Although i'll take the gear and see if something is doing on the Wed.

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    Good news IC. I've been out on the bike to work and I've enjoyed the cold weather.I have really got it right with the clothing so it's been fun.

    I've had a really disrupted week with a bad back, 9 miles on Tuesday and then nothing until 18 miles today. Back is still bad but didn't hurt that much whilst running. Hope for a 4-5 recovery tomorrow assuming I can still walk/run.

    I have a vague recollection of an MRI about 20 years ago, it was just my knee and I seem to remember being disappointed not being fully inserted.

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    You crack me up AG, why on earth would you go straight in for an 18 if something's been bad enough to stop you running for 3 days image


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    A good question, several weeks of frustration with injury and illness, I needed to release it.

    I have never claimed to be sensible.

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    Fair play for being able to do such a colossal run of the bat like that!

    Over the course of this thread, I've had all sorts of bits and pieces, and a locked back was one for a short time. I remember doing a 16 with it (had done my full week of training ok, so not quite in your boat!), and every so often I'd get a shimmer of ache across it and would have to shout something out!

    What didn't help, was driving 40mins after which was probably the worst idea possible, but was for a 2nd date, and early dates aren;t a good idea to bail on. I got out of the car pretty much bent in two, and looked a ridiculous sight staggering along, and taking 10mins to sit down and get back up!

    I got a fine for driving in a bus lane by accident as I was trying to see where the heck I was going, and also remember parking being about £12 for 3 hours.

    Great day. Didn't put her off though amazingly,

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    The BusThe Bus ✭✭✭

    They like a lost cause SG image

    AG, you remind me of me - no sense whatsoever!!!!

    I see Sam won the 45M race today - in a new record time and having only trained up to 14M (allegedly!). Last week, after winning the Cliveden race, her and Alex did the entire course as a warm-down. There's bonkers and then there's bonkers!


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    I saw Sam and Alex at about 16 miles into 45 and she did not look to be in the best of form. It was a cold day and there was an overnight frost and that made ruts hard, roads super slippery. I saw a Range Rover get taken out when a car came over the brow of a hill from the sunny side into the shady, icy side and when he hit the brakes he just glided gently where gravity decided to take him. The surface was wonderful to run on if you had no time pressure but she ran the 45 at 7:30 pace so I am hardly surprised she hurt her Achilles. 

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    The BusThe Bus ✭✭✭

    Like I say - bonkers image (that's Sam and the Range Rover driver too!)

    15M of mud, hills and snow this morning to make just over 50 for the week. Should have gone out a bit earlier while it was still frozen! Pretty slow pace unsurprisingly. Tried some great new winter shoes - Asics Gel Fuji Runnegade. Superb grip, comfortable and with a built in gaiter to keep all the crud out that actually works. They only weigh 260g as well. I also got them for just £50 - bargain!


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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    Nice run Bus. I got my 13 in, but from waking to 10miles I was certain I'd do a shortened version.

    However, on realising the conditions weren't really anything to worry about, I knew I couldn't really condone not doing the full length.

    I guess the fun begins the next few days as all the water freezes. Can't see a tempo being sensible Tuesday, but we will see nearer the time!


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    Nice looking trainers Bus and they seem to have some grip on them. A steal at £50.

    I minced around parkrun with my daughter yesterday as she has decided she wants her 50 t-shirt by the year end. Then I had a very easy bike ride around the back rounds; the sporadic crackle of ice under tyres was interesting. Followed up with a 4km steady brick run. By that point most of the ice had melted or evaporated.
    Today's club ride was cancelled due to weather so hit Swinley forest for 3hrs of MTBing. What time did you go out SG? When I left here it was interesting but by the time I emerged from the forest all was OK.

    Good runs both of you.

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    always early on a Sunday Iron, 7am.

    Saw some of the XC race photos, I don't really have any desire to do any of those for the foreseeable to be honest, and I've missed the best part of 2 series now, and all the summer relays. So I'm sort of thinking this might be the time to not renew for Sandhurst. It is 40miles away after all, and if I'm not doing anything connected to them, is there a point?

    Can always sign up for a club again if/when I get the all clear.

    Although I do have a slightly mad idea of signing for a club whose membership makes what Bus pays for the "hill boys" or whatever they're called sound steep!

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    Good to see we are all trying to get out in this weather, had a nice 15 miler up the A5 and through the Brickhills, not too bad and. Nicer snow up there as its a bit higher, more crunchy and easier to run on.

    Had a decent run yesterday at the Surrey league XC at MItcham common. It's a quickish 3 lapper, each lap having about 3 little hills but steep little rises to each one. Ground wasn't too bad, few sticky patches but not too excessive. Managed to get 28th, although my mate and great V50 man Dave Taylor came past me on the last lap- and still had enough breath to tell me how far we had to go!!

    Pretty good standard field yesterday, so happy with my performance
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    The BusThe Bus ✭✭✭

    Nice work Simon!

    SG - I find when it gets icy, off-road is always the better option as it's always that patch of black ice on a road or pavement that will catch you out! I remember doing intervals on the pavement a few years back just before Wokingham in the dark when I hit a patch of ice and came crashing down on my hip. Painful, but luckily nothing broken!

    Iron - even more touch and go on two wheels, especially if you get off the gritted routes. Funnily enough though, I love MTBing in proper snow.

    Can't say I'm hugely looking forward to the bike ride to the station tomorrow after rain tonight, melted snow and freezing conditions....


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    DachsDachs ✭✭✭

    Looks like SG had a nice lie in then image. I was up by 6 for a 15 miler. Started snowing about halfway round, pavements got slippy pretty quickly, but melted by the end. Of course, I did it purely to one-up SG, nothing to do with having to take the kids to rugby at 9:30.

    Yesterday was the Hampshire League cross country at Reading, one of the frequent Hampshire League fixtures not actually in Hampshire. A home one for us meant a really good turnout, with a few new faces including one of Simon's HHH clubmates who has joined us second claim.

    I want a top 20 finish, but can't keep up with the stampede at the start through the gloopy mud, and have to pick my way through the field as per usual. More mud, then an absolute scrotum of a hill, on which I am briefly overtaken by two clubmates I wouldn't expect to be close, so wonder what's going on, but they fall away quickly and I am just behind Steve Way (clearly not running at full tilt), so it can't too far wrong.

    Out of the woods, down a slippy hill, and I'm in a battle with a clubmate who has beaten me in the last two XCs (but never before) and our new HHH chap. It's flat now, but the mud here is the worst kind for me, thick and sticky, but eventually there's a dry bit and I get some relief albeit briefly.

    Then onto the second of 2 laps, and it's much the same as the first, but my clubmate who has this recent hoodoo over me has pulled out a gap. I also notice that Sandhurst's Graham is just ahead of me, masquerading as a Bournemouth runner. Dig in to not lose them. HHH chap comes past now, and I try to follow him but he pulls away. I'm making up ground on Graham though, and I pull alongside him with 300m to go, but he responds and moves away again. Try to follow, and my clubmate is suddenly within striking distance. It's a team game so it doesn't matter what order we finish in, and he doesn't know I'm there, so it would be cheeky to outkick him now, wouldn't it? Yep. F*** it though. I kick. He sees me and responds. We're matched stride for stride now, but I gain half a metre and dip for the line. I don't win many sprint finishes, so that's one for the scrapbook, but shame it hadn't been someone from a different club.

    So 22nd, not what I hoped for, but three places better than last year, and I found the course tough. Good placings for the team, so a decent day. Onwards and upwards.

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    DachsDachs ✭✭✭

    Quality XCing there Simon, sounds like my kind of course. Are you doing the Southerns?

    15s the order of the day then. Sounds like nifty shoes Bus.

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    The BusThe Bus ✭✭✭

    I am a bit of a shoe geek Dachs, especially for off-road ones image. Rather embarrassingly I was caught on hands and knees under my locker at work sorting out my almost-dead-but-not-quite-retired collection on Friday morning.  I couldn't seem to squeeze the latest pair under the locker for some reason and on closer examination, it seems I have ten pairs at work alone squashed under there!  Don't even want to count how many I have at home image

    Good result at Hampshire League and an even better report! Almost felt I was there with you! Very Dean-esque...

    Nicely done on the early 15 too - respect for getting up so early!

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    Yes Dachs, good report, my race was a bit less exciting and I find it a pain typing on the IPad!! Yes doing the Soutberns, just cleaned the spikes this afternoon so I can get the 15's in. It's not going to be nice, but you do need to earn your post race beer! This is the 3rd pair of Puma Haraka and Easily the best spikes I have ever had.

    Good race at Hampsire league too, decent result there, wondering who the HHH lad was,will have a look at the ressies.
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    Boss result at Hampshire Dachs, tough field!

    Good XC by you SC

    IC - good weekend training and very nice 3hrs MTB

    AG - be bloody careful!

    SG - early man to rise, makes him rich, healthy and wise. Good running

    Order of the day 15s all round I can see, the IOW was icy yesterday but nothing to what all you had, my long run is Saturday though. 12 is my max right now but been increasing the pace at the end. This week was 7 easy with 5 steady. To HR. Steady came out 6:0x m/m very pleasing and 8m today with some hill efforts

    Wish I could have done HANTs XC and the southerns but just not possible

    Stubbington 10km top end looked a little thin, Joe wade winning 31:55 obviously quick but expected more 31/32:xx Very pleased for him, caught up a few times on the IOW and he's battled with injury etc so that's promising
    Pain is weakness leaving the body
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    DeanR7DeanR7 ✭✭✭

    good xc racing dachs and simon.  much more productive than mine.

    i had birmingham league and for the 3rd yr in a row i had a stinker in coventry.  the course is perfect for me (when its dry) but i suffered badly.  was down in the 100's behind people i beat by over a minute last week.  Ralied on the last lap and pulled some places back to get 62nd.  about 40 secs behind people who havent got within 30 secs of me this season.  so a real stinker.  i suffer badly in the gloopy ankle deep mud.  only positive was in the last 800m there was a 3.48 1500m on my shoulder and his team mates gave a shout out that we were lined up perfectly to destroy with a sprint finish.  i remember thinking good luck with that.  i might be crap for 5 miles but the last 200m i will find a pulse.  i beat him by 3 secs with my sprint finish image  trying my best to retire this xc season now and focus on track stuff.

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