
Moraghan Training - Stevie G



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    Good XC SC & Dachs.

    Your clubmate has certainly come on this year, Dachs, I bet you are pleased to reassert yourself in that battle?

    Nice long run. Scott, can we call 12 miles a long run?

    Surprisingly I had a bit of a reaction to my 18 miler, did a recovery run yesterday, very easy 4 miles and felt some soreness. Hopefully I can get through this as I was pretty pleased with the long run.

    Next week's long run is 18 with 10 at MP and there's no way I will be attempting that.

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    Salvaged some of the disaster then Dean but just write it off as a good strength building session, bigger fish in the summer right image

    AG - Anything over about 6m when it gets boring is long right image I'm just classing it as "long run" being the longest run of the week, although I actually did half a mile more on the mid week "threshold/steady" type run :/ soreness is ok but pain is when you should back off!

    5 X 1m (90s) this morning producing some flattering numbers, then 50mins strength work in the gym,
    Pain is weakness leaving the body
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    That's always a big session Scotty, a peaking session, which along with the 8x1km variant usually gave me a good indication of what was likely in the next 10k race. I know it's a little different for some of you guys who do more reps, or absolutely rampage the sessions, but always a good confidence job.

    FREEZING cold today, but got an excellent MP job in. Very similar route to last week, so I knew to lift it a little in the first mile and half with the inclines, so instead of a couple of 6.11s got a 6.04 and 6.10, and then the last 4 miles smoked out 6.01,6.00,6.00, 5.56

    This was probably the first MP in the last few months where instead of holding on, mentally if not physically, I could easily have ramped it up in mile 6, or done a couple more miles. 

    Hopefully, with positive results shortly, could be the start of properly getting things back on track. Although we'll see!

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    The BusThe Bus ✭✭✭

    Good work SG - sounds promising. Were you still topless? image

    Lovely crisp 7.5M off-road this morning. Solid mud for once!

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    SG - Yes bloody cold! I am still playing around with sessions and paces, and I am still finding I am improving so sometimes I do a sessions and comes out as a surprise, others I struggle with and know I should have gone slower or changed the recoveries or whatever, this is what I miss with groups and a coach. I still think it's not enough though, as to race the 10km I am missing out on volume.. I have planned out sessions that seem ok on paper but not to run them

    I am really intrigued by what your HR would be though on a run like that, you've clearly got a solid base and I wonder if it's ever something you should explore. 

    11m "steady state"  to HR this morning + mile and a bit easing off

    Thursday 20 x 400m (60s) 


    Pain is weakness leaving the body
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    Nice session SG. 

    Cycle was a bit cold this morning, my red legs on arrival at work indicating that it probably isn't shorts weather.

    9 with 5 @ LT tonight, not sure whether to do the quality or not, I will probably do a progression to ease into it. Back strain is easing a little but still enough pain to wake me up at night.

    I am looking forward to some pain/illness free running at some point in the future.


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    Don't do the quality, Andrew.

    It is definitely not shorts cycling weather where I live. It is tights with extra trousers over the top and neoprene overshoes cycling weather.

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    The BusThe Bus ✭✭✭
    Ditto that-asking for trouble doing speedwork with a dodgy back.
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    Yep AG, that's a pretty severe session if you do it to your right pace, so not one to try when not feeling right!

    Usually find shorts are pretty much fine in all but the coldest conditions, find gloves and a thermal top much more important. Was probably the coldest run i've done for ages though, kept the stretching to a minimum after, in preference of a hot shower!

    Scott, HR might be interesting. Would your gut feel be I'd probably be working at top high a level? Remember in my classic Moz build up the MP sessions would be at the start of the progression, it'd ramp up to include HMP, or would start at MP and end at Tempo/10k etc. And would eventually become outright HMP/faster.

    I'd say the MPs i've done over the last couple of months, never felt too fast pace wise, just on the breathing. That's the whole odddness with this last 4-5months. I can tell i'm very fit, but am being limited in terms of top end/progression/racing, but not to a level where it's ruining the week to week big mileage.

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    Stevie G wrote (see)

    Usually find shorts are pretty much fine in all but the coldest conditions.

    You don't cycle though. I am still running in shorts but I am certainly not cycling in them!

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    Indeed, I've yet to discover a weather so cold I can't run in shorts.

    The wind chill on the bike makes a big difference however, I tihnk 

    Good advice re the back, will I take heed?  image

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    Andrew G wrote (see)
    Good advice re the back, will I take heed?  image

    I suppose it depends whether you actually want to run the marathon or not.

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    I have had to resort to normal socks under mt running ones to protect my Achilles skin. The Achilles is fine, but the skin just cracks all the way down in the winter, looks horrible.

    Seems to be getting there now - once its healed up I can put cream on it a couple of times a week.

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    Yep AG, running is notorious for kicking you with unexpected blows when you don't expect it, but if you're doing reckless stuff you'll guarantee you won't hit what you could have been capable of.

    I almost got teased back into a game of footy with the work lot. They have this intriguing game of "olds v youngs", and although i don't quite qualify for the olds, i'd have been signed up for them. Quite fancied the premise, but luckily it's on a day I can't make anyway, so dodging the bullet.

    I'm so much a runner these days, it's actually worrying how much going back to football can seize you up and make you ache for days.

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    ps Bus, no shirt would have guaranteed dying I think. image

    I even worse a hat at lunch. Although that's largely for posing sake, as it's a ridiculous luminous colour. I even wear it in a stupid manner for effect too

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    DachsDachs ✭✭✭

    Dean, sorry to hear you had a crappy race, just one of those you have to write off.  I've come to the conclusion that when November and XC season rolls around I just have to swallow my pride and prepare to lose a bunch of head to heads and see it as a strength-building period.

    Saw your numbers on FB Scott, very tasty indeed.

    Handy MP session SG.

    AG, don't push it too hard.  Frankly, I am always delighted to have an excuse not to do a LT session.

    13 this morning, decided to make it more fun by starting at 8mm and taking off 10 seconds per mile to finish at 6mm.  Still only averaging 7mm, so not exactly pushing anything.  Blasted the last mile in 5:29.  Seemed rude not to.

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    Naughty progression Dachs nice one ! Good numbers yes but need a race. Original plan was parkrun Saturday. Might ninja one this weekend on Sunday as work have given me the clear to sneak off for a few hours. Won't be tapering but will be a marker ahead of Chichester

    No SG, my gut feeling is that you aren't actually working hard enough or perhaps running the easy day to day stuff "too hard" and then this type of fun at the lower end. Also I think the HR would massively help when you get back to sessions

    After injury etc last year I seeked an alternative route for training and getting strong again building miles. I did a base period of just over 3 months where I ran to HR. 75% of my Max nothing else. I ran the 10m in Brighton and PBd before introducing sessions November basically. Gradually. The beauty of the HR was I ignored pace for a while, in fact up until December really.

    It was all about effort. Obviously I had some rough time goals based on the date 10m pace

    My zones are

    Easy - 70-80

    Steady - 80-85

    Tempo - 90- 95 (I've done a HM on about 92% so intervals should be pushing high

    Generally I ran all easy or just sessions this has since changed 3 weeks ago when I started to run "steady" at the end of a long run and last week doing a steady state run, which I did again today..

    Just my take but I think you might benefit ignoring the pace and working on actual effort. You can't just pluck marathon HR I know but running at an actual "effort" seems better than numbers..

    Also when you start doing sessions again, pace won't matter as such, you know should just be getting the HR up

    Probably not a decent explanation on my thoughts actually :/

    An additional comparison might help (Based on same route)

    4 m tempo @X:XX goal pace then repeat. You wonder why you run much faster or slower this time...With no other data it's hard to compare IMO

    With HR info -

    4m tempo @x:xx HR = Y % then repeat.

    Offers a direct comparison on pace vs effort
    Pain is weakness leaving the body
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    The BusThe Bus ✭✭✭

    Good work Dachs image

    As for shorts - definitely too cold for them on bike!  I actually wore tights this morning - not because shorts would have ben a problem running, but the hanging about at the station at either end of the run when it's freezing is almost as bad as the staring my bare legs tend to elicit in this weather in public image. It does have to be bloody cold before I can stand having my legs covered when running though.

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    Did you wear skirt and heels aswell Bus?
    Pain is weakness leaving the body
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    The BusThe Bus ✭✭✭

    Of course Scott - helps me blend in image

    Funnily enough, my back in the 70's, before the days of thermals and "Under Armour" my Brother in Law was a para and had to take his turn on guard duty on freezing nights. His tip was to wear ladies tights under his uniform to keep warm - I didn't dare take the piss image.

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    The Bus wrote (see)

    Of course Scott - helps me blend in image

    Funnily enough, my back in the 70's, before the days of thermals and "Under Armour" my Brother in Law was a para and had to take his turn on guard duty on freezing nights. His tip was to wear ladies tights under his uniform to keep warm - I didn't dare take the piss image.

    I thought paras and marines always had a red dress in their kit somewhere?

    Fecking cold tonight, even on the turbo in the garage.

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    Did my 9 with 5 LT but didn't push it too hard. Ran to HR and never looked at pace. Came out at 6:!3 average and the last was 6:04. 89% on the MHR. 

    I'd like to see this sub 6 really. No new injuries to report.

    Nice run, Dachs. 

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    Very abstemious of you AG. Dachs I missed your session; looks like a good one. Pretty simple too.

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    DachsDachs ✭✭✭

    Not really a session, just a bog standard medium long run with a gimmick to make it more interesting.

    Still a good session AG, especially since you're bound to have been at least subconsciously backing off.  Not over-convinced of the wisdom of it, but we shall see,

    Re wearing shorts in all weathers, Julian Goater says he almost always trained in long trousers etc, and only ever really wore shorts to race.  I haven't got his book in front of me, but I think it was to keep muscles warmer and therefore less susceptible to injury.  I've certainly been in tights the last couple of days, which makes a change from the usual stockings and suspenders.

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    Dachs wrote (see)

    Not really a session, just a bog standard medium long run with a gimmick to make it more interesting.

    Still a good session AG, especially since you're bound to have been at least subconsciously backing off.  Not over-convinced of the wisdom of it, but we shall see,

    Re wearing shorts in all weathers, Julian Goater says he almost always trained in long trousers etc, and only ever really wore shorts to race.  I haven't got his book in front of me, but I think it was to keep muscles warmer and therefore less susceptible to injury.  I've certainly been in tights the last couple of days, which makes a change from the usual stockings and suspenders.

    oo-er missus.

    I used to run in shorts no matter what, and t-shirts or vests. Of course the slower easy stuff early in the winter mornings often needs a long sleeved windproof top.

    Similar to above, one of the physios on one of the coaching courses kept hammering home that cold muscles don't work. So tights it is too.

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    The BusThe Bus ✭✭✭

    Do you wear shorts over your tights? Always an interesting look image

    I was looking forward to my lunchtime run in the Sun today, but just as I am about to set off, a band of freezing fog has set in image

    REALLY cold this morning - despite thick gloves I couldn't feel my fingers by the time I'd rode to the station!

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    DachsDachs ✭✭✭

    Incidentally, I would like to offer a big slow hand clap to all those towering intellects who decided that yesterday, the coldest day of winter, would be the perfect day to wash their car, thus creating a spillage of water that immediately turned to a patch of treacherous ice.  I counted three on my run yesterday.

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    I don't think I could ever bring myself to run in tights, I don't wear dresses for the same reason image

    Ran back to work this morning on the trails and over a couple of hills. 12 miles pretty slow and I tripped over some frozen mud and grazed my thigh and cut my knee. It was so cold it felt like the muscles in my legs had stopped working and I couldn't regain my balance.

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    I always find it a bit better to use the term 'leggings' - eases any confusion image. I tend to wear them for steady runs, just find it harder to wear them for sessions. The bands at the bottom don't help the skin on the Achilles either.

    Not nice AG, managed to stay upright so far this winter! Great Tempo Dachs, love running in this weather, I think my body just craves the cold crisp air.

    So it was shorts, vest and gloves last night at Luton on the grass for 6 x 1200 (90 secs). (Well a long sleeve for the first 2 reps). Grass was quite long and a bit crusty on top, as there are football pitches marked out I tried to run on the touchlines when I could. Can't remember the times that well, think I got the last one down to about 3.45, must have been up about 3.55 ish for the first one. Coach was happy, so thats ok with me.


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    The Bus wrote (see)

    Do you wear shorts over your tights? Always an interesting look image

    In these temperatures there is nothing to hide. Though the wife insisted that I wear shorts over the top at parkrun. So I wore the most lairy baggy pair of swimming shorts I owned image

    Easy 10km with some XC. Not as slippery as I thought. Some good times SC, beware the hidden rut!

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