
Training in gale conditions

I live in a very windy place, especially this winter, and trying to build up the Sunday long runs is proving difficult on days with 40mph plus (sometimes a lot plus!). Last week was much calmer and 10 miles was grand but tomorrow looks gusty and wet and wondering if I can get away with fewer miles given the extra effort it feels like?!


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    It depends what you are training for, but probably not, to be honest. If it's mainly about time on feet then maybe, but you're not going to be THAT much slower to knock off a few miles!

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    I live near the coast and this winter seems to have been particularly windy.  Every single sodding day.  I did a January half marathon in a non-windy place and it was so much easier and I got a much better time than I expected. 

    So no, not enough to enable you to run less for the same training effect.  However, do cut yourself some slack on the pace, and enjoy the feeling when it is finally easier on a non-windy day.  I guess it's a bit like training in hot weather or hilly terrain - makes a cooler flatter run seem brilliant. 

    But what you can do for sure, is feel much more smug when you have finished image

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    This is where training programmes that go by time, rather than distance  probably make more sense, as long as you make some attempt to keep vaguely to the right pace, going out for the correct time rather than distance might be the answer.

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